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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. at the risk of repeating previous posts...

    if you are still having problems - verify your connection as follows

    ipconfig /all

    take note of the information displayed particularly your IP, DNS and your Default Gateway, then force an address release:

    ipconfig /release

    you should get for each field, IP address, Default Gateway, DNS etc, then:

    ipconfig /renew

    you are now forcing a new DHCP request to your ISPs DHCP server, and you should see the new information displayed - dont be suprised if your IP is the same as before, but check if your DNS address is the same.

    further problems particularly DNS are often solved as mentioned in previous threads, it sounds as though your Network Config is getting out of sink with your ISPs - forcing a flushdns is just a way for resetting and resyncing this. Dont forget that there are more than just 1 DNS server, they should be in-sync but arent always - dynamic DNS entries are being created and deleted constantly but this usually way up the line and out of users control.

    should you feel the need to check the dns cache the following will display

    ipconfig /displaydns

  2. ver 1.5.09 firefox

    been having this problem for a couple of weeks now but didnt think much about it

    when going into the gallery - the "last added photos" and everything in "members gallery" is not displayed, i am shown the name of the pic but no thumbnail.

    strangely though i am able to see the thumbnails for "random images"

    anyone got any ideas - ive not changed any of my browser settings nor changed anything in "My Controls"


  3. A very sad waste of life.. RIP

    speaking of which - Vespa, you said in your other trolling thread that "you were riding the wave about issan women", i dont think its in good taste to bring it into every other thread you choose to post in - especially this one.

  4. 2) The Gentleman Scamp

    I haven't seen him here lately... (Anyone know why or is it just me?)

    scampy was banned some time ago now -

    although what his current guise is now is subject to debate.... :o

    there are a few members under different nics that have had the finger of doubt pointed in their direction... :D

  5. Donz is a tw@t - and regular readers will be well aware of his overwhelming <deleted> posts... to date i cant think of a sensible post that would serve to any use in a single given situation.

    however, on the whole, the guy is not mallicious, controversial sometimes but never downright nasty... so he oversteps the mark now and then - in fact he spends most of his online life "over the mark" and for that is constantly being shot down in flames by us lot and given regular "time to reflect" by the mods too.

    i say let him stay - ive actually quiet warmed to his posts.. and would, dare i say it, almost, slightly miss him if he were terminated...

    although would probably get over it :o

    Long Live the Donz!!!!! :D

  6. Vespa - did you ever think that what "floats your boat" doesnt necessarily "float" mine or eveyone elses..

    i happen to favour the issan look over the chinese mix - but i am biased - you see my wife is issan, and despite this fact, she is indeed beautiful...

    so hows about we all agree that everyone has a preference on colour/race/gender etc and leave it at that >>>

  7. There have been a number of reports lately about marriages between Issan women and farangs bringing prosperity to parts of Issan and the women becoming farang in their eating habits. Successly relationships they seem to be generally

    I am 2 years now seperated and live alone but would like to meet and possibly reside in Issan. Where do you meet prospective wives? The bars are really risky and agencies are just money making machines so it must be personal introduction friend of a friend I guess any advice on this. I don't live in Pattaya but down in Sattahip

    Constructive advice only please


    Isaan women tend to be ugly , there are many available Thai women mixed with Chinese blood that are very attractive and unlike Issan women they do not all look alike.

    Why not set your goals a little bit higher ?

    i was gonna write to inform you of how passionately i disapprove with your generalisation, half-assed and somewhat arguably racist post.... but i see nearly everyone else has already done so

  8. when looking at the task manager at the CPU usage when doing nothing it is on 99 %

    Not using any virus checker at the moment while trying to eliminate this . Checked for virus - none found

    and the cpu is doing nothin when it freezes ?

    even when the machine freezes you can still tab through and use the task manager or does that lock up too ?

  9. hey spuds... it could be a number of things to be honest

    i would say its most likely to be a system process starting and maxing out the cpu usage to 100%

    next time it happens press CTRL, ALT + DEL to bring up task manager

    click the processes tab and sort by cpu - a healthy system when idling should have a system idle process of aroud 98%... sorting this list by cpu will show you what process is hogging all that cpu use

    when youve found it report back here - otherwise google the process name and find out what it is

  10. ChrisP is still around - he has been on today and was posting yesterday...

    Anyways - I have been posting here for about 18 months now i think, and ive certainly noticed a downturn from regular posters... why that is i dont know - but since ive been a member ive also noticed the influx of new members that post, post, post then disappear again - this trend seems to happen every other month...

    wussies - got no backbone - no damned staying power........

    rio666uk (still here, still bad, still posting) :o

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