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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. Seems like a bit of a silly Topic to start in the first place:

    You could end up getting warned as well this goes on record and immigration could be informed and thats your visits to LOS knocked on the head.

    As stated earlier sounds like you cant hold your pop or you are very insecure about your self. You take on one Thai man you take on all his mate normally and possible the family.

    Advice leave your Judo in the Ludo box and keep your nose clean

    intelligent advice for the OP... and for the posters who've been watching too many movies!!!

    if forced - then self defence is a natural instinct but some posters on here talking themselves up about "street fightin" ....pur-lease... :o i bet you're from the same ilk as the guys that get half way drunk and insist on offering people an arm-wrestle.... sad :D

  2. thanks chaps - youre right the mrs hasnt been to hong kong and although would like to go, is more interested in staying with the family in her village - gorging herself on all the cheap papaya etc... they work out about 350 baht each here... :o

    she will have been in the UK for 2.5yrs by the time we go back.

    her village is about 2 hours west of nongkhai town and 3 hours north of udon... spose i could use it as a starting point but to go where??? not really interested in going back to vientianne, although could then go back to vang vieng for some river tubing.. suay mak!

    ahh well thanks for your input - ill give it some more thought - the river kwai cruise sounds good - ive already done the "death valley railway trip + museum + nam tok" trip... but this sounds a bit different!

  3. Hi everyone - My wife and I will be coming back to Thailand next March for a month, this will be our first trip back since my wife moved to UK.

    Its likely that she will end up wanting to spend more time back in the village with her family than we had previously planned - so i am therefore giving some thought to what i might do, instead of just sitting on a beach waiting for her - - and "no" patters aint really an option, maybe before we were married but not now :o

    anyone got any ideas for a 4 or 5 day trip - my criteria as follows:

    . ive seen quite a bit but obviously not all of thailand, travelled in laos, cambodia and vietnam and enjoyed all

    . dont want to spend lots of time travelling / flying i.e. not too far from my starting point BKK

    so stay in thailand and go somewhere new?

    a quick trip to Hong Kong?

    a quick trip to Pennang?

    revisit some places of interest i.e. angkor wat / ho chi mihn city etc?

  4. you can see loads of these photos "aircraft landing next to the beach" at airliners.net - along with hundreds of other aviation related photos... strangely enough!!!

    anyways - its a place called St. Maarten in the Carribean - see weblink for source


    "St. Maarten is the smallest Island in the world to be shared by two sovereign governments-namely the Dutch and French. The Dutch side, with Philipsburg as its capital occupies the southern 17 square miles of this 37-square-mile island; St. Martin, a French dependency, occupies the northern half. The dual nationality adds variety to this most unique of island gems in the Caribbean Sea. Both Dutch St. Maarten and French St. Martin have maintained a peaceful coexistence for over 350 years, the longest of any two bordering nations. The two territories have enjoyed harmonious relations through their history and have shared the prosperity of many years without dispute. The Treaty of Concordia executed on March 23rd 1648 established this coexistence and has the unique distinction of being the oldest Treaty still in force today.

    As part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Dutch St. Maarten has been both politically and economically stable. The territory is not only a safe and pleasant place to do business, but also to establish roots and raise a family. The total population has grown from 13,156 in 1980 to nearly 39,000 in year 2000. It is estimated that the population of St. Maarten consists of 77 different nationalities. The native languages are English and Dutch."

  5. Maxwell - I can only assume that as a travelling, high earner in the Tech field, it should be fair to assume that you have a reasonable level of common sense, level headedness and are generally "well travelled, and therefore should be, somewhat worldly-wise"

    In which case I would invite you to re-read your post from an observers viewpoint, an outsider looking in, and rethink..

  6. theres also the issue of the in-game ads spyware...

    this has caused EA some bother, and alot of gamers forums are sticking with BF2 till an anti spyware patch has been released.

    just do a search for bf2142 spyware for more information

  7. To me, this thread is about sharing pictures of yourself while having fun in BKK, doing something special in BKK, etc etc etc!

    I think you will find that is what the Members Photo Album was created for... duh!!!

    Nah, it's not a look at me thread, but if you want to look at it that way, then that's your opinion.

    Its most peoples opinion...

    Heres how its supposed to work Scampy

    Photo Album for your Pics / Blog for your stories / Forum for your comments & questions na.

  8. Well done matey

    I know how you feel sorting all visa applications,

    I'm just glad it's nearly all over for me,

    Wife will have UK passport soon.


    This seems like a fantastic ball ache to me... however Im talking out of ignorance as I havent looked into it at all.

    Can you give me the brief... and the reasons why you did it... etc


  9. Congratulations! :o Did you write a covering letter in the end?

    I "did" write a covering letter, just the standard stuff

    but "did not" mention any of the date issues surrounding my original question

    they obvioulsy either didnt notice or chose to ignore it - either way my wife and I are both overjoyed.

    thanks again

  10. apart from all the above mentioned stuff - particularly banks - alot will only accept IE

    but for me - the single best thing that FF has over IE is its "tabbed browsing", this alone makes it a clear winner for me - its so handy

    of course Opera8 browser has has this facility too.. but that wasnt the question :o

  11. Question:

    We (my wife and I) have been invited to a wedding in Belfast in mid October.


    We've just sent both our passports off to the lovely IND as part of our ILR application, fingers crossed we'll get the ILR and our passports back in time, realistically i think not though...

    and no doubt even if i do not, my wife will be expected to produce her passport at the airport... domestic flight or not!

    any ideas ?

  12. you ok mate... :D

    jolly friendly posts - you sound in a good mood!

    are you on the promise... :D

    yes my top new friend 666,

    i am on a promise from the lovely gracefull fawn,

    you want to see her mate, jes--us, she is one lovely piece of work and get's my man feeling cranked up to 10 on the richter scale. :D

    we are on for a top drink on rambuttri st and she's buying the first round. :D


    no bloody wonder im mad happy :D

    any way 666,

    you sound like a top bloke, so you can come to the piss up. :D

    cheers friend :o

    id love too mate - but alas im in the UK...

    but dont worry ill be back with the wife next songkran - so will have a beer then

    all the best with your new tiirak

    sorry crocket - dragging your thread off topic


  13. yes,

    good on bloody you mate,

    little ripper, lets party and generally have a bleeding cracking good time. :D

    ok back to business fella,

    it is a long held tradition that all forum newbies have to put on the lager my friend. :D

    so what about it then ? :D

    boys are getting thirsty mate.

    cheers friend :o

    you ok mate... :D

    jolly friendly posts - you sound in a good mood!

    making me feel quite nauseous mate

    are you on the promise or something... :D

  14. I have now reached 2000 posts, never thought I would make it.

    I remember when I first came here, people were wagering that I wouldnt make 300 posts :D

    2000 fellas and i havent been given a holiday in my last 1000 posts.

    I also had doubts about making 2000 but I guess the mods are starting to like me

    i joined 6 months before you.. and ive yet to reach 900.. so not sure how you've managed it

    however this saying springs to mind..

    ” It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts”

    congrats anyway :D

    hey there 666,

    i think your having a crack at donzzy arnt you ?

    hes playing soccer at the moment but he'll be back soon :D

    cheers satin. :o

    merely an observation... :D

  15. to save me typing and you reading a whole load of "what ifs" and "maybes"

    go download yourself a copy of sisoft sandra, have a read - install - and run the "burn-in computer"

    its pretty intensive and will get to the bottom of the problems very quickly.


    another program worth a go is Prime95 - again its a number cruncher that utilizes your cpu to breaking point, it also tests memory


  16. I have now reached 2000 posts, never thought I would make it.

    I remember when I first came here, people were wagering that I wouldnt make 300 posts :D

    2000 fellas and i havent been given a holiday in my last 1000 posts.

    I also had doubts about making 2000 but I guess the mods are starting to like me

    i joined 6 months before you.. and ive yet to reach 900.. so not sure how you've managed it

    however this saying springs to mind..

    ” It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts”

    congrats anyway :o

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