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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. ohhhh yeeaaahhhh!

    it REALLY hurt. no anaesthetic. my friends in the shop kept on telling me to get it done. i got sickof them pestering me and said to them 'do it now or i will never let you touch me again'.

    so they did it.

    took about 40 mins in total, about 10 of this being actual needle work.

    my eyes were puffy for about 3 days, and i looked like a cheap woman whose mascara had run when i first looked in the mirror.

    they gave me antibiotic ointment to ward off any potential infection and after 3 days my eyes looked great.

    ouch - what was the other 30mins for then - prep work eh... jeeez that does make me cringe thinking about that -

    i take it thats your eye in the pic - well whoevers eye it is - i particularly like the standing buddha on your window ledge :D

    although someone could have tidied the place up a bit before taking the photo :o

  2. Spots/acne/carbunhcles call them what you will are not diet related. Check out any reputable website if you doh't believe me. :: :D

    I suspect as someone else has already pointed out that it is change of climate and probably stress. New environment etc. If I were her, I would cut down the amount of products she is using, switch to soap and water and an oil free moisuriser.

    Alternatively it could be the pill as somene else suggested. Has she changed brands at all?

    Good luck.

    same same pill for the past few years

    i think you may be onto something with cutting down on the multitude of cleansers, washes and moisturisers she uses though.

    not sure its stress - shes happy in her job - happy at home - happy with how the family are back home and she's been here 18months so is as settled as she's gonna be really.

    thing that concerns me most is her lack of variety in diet - its always som tam with a few variations... prawns and noodles seem to be fairly consistent - as does the occassional fish... and i do mean occassional -

    back home she obviously ate much more fresh fish, chicken broths, pork and bugs for protein - here the fish arent "sep" enough :o

    im sure this has something to do with it

  3. As I cruise about in BKK and Pattaya, I notice not only large #s of farangs and TGs with tattoos but also a massive amount of tattoo shops. I'm trying to get a feel for how popular they are in Thailand percentage wise. Thanks Q4F

    I think you may have answered your own question here... :D

    both arms above my elbows are tattooed, i also have a fairly large tattoo of the buddha on my back... I refuse to get into an argument about tattoos -

    I happen to like mine - and have no regrets since having them done

    as for anyone elses - frankly my dear, i couldnt give a shit

    the reasons that someone may have for tattooing themselves, whether a full suit or just a small symbol on their shoulder is something personal to that person - no matter how trivial

    yes i know there are loads of backpackers and the like in thailand and everywhere else that just want to be inked up to fit the bill.. but for others there could be great meaning to why they took that decission, and i dont think its particularly fair to assume otherwise.

    people, however, will always remain separated on this - and for that reason im shutting up

    just my 2 satangs worth :o

  4. Not in any order:

    1 - Davina "Im a fking annoying tw@t who thinks she's really funny" McCall

    2 - Those guys that stand in shopping centres preaching at the top of their lungs to all the damned who walk past them

    3 - "Office Drinks" totally agree with game4shame here!

    4 - Indian tailor touts... :D

    5 - Hayfever - the season is almost upon us in the UK - I can feel it in the air :D

    oh and how i forgot this one i dont know

    those fcukers that travel miles up and down the country just to march on a protest rally they have nothing to do with - just because its a protest....

    in England there was one recently where a bunch of these chaps climbed up trees coz Tesco's was building on some scrub land.. the developers were planting replacement trees to compensate and even the local residents were pi$$ed off as none of the protesters were local - they'd come from here and far just to be green....

    666 :D - jai yen yen :D - jai yen yen :o - jai yen yen :D

  5. Page 6...

    <deleted> - did i miss something here - whats so interesting... so the guy is off home after having a nightmare hellish time in thailand


    im having trouble identifying if you guys actually give a <deleted> or are just killing time on the net till something better happens...


  6. thanx folks...I'll investigate your recomendations. However as I have said I am an IT wuss and would prefer to hand over the machine to a competent service provider for them to clean up the registry and for me to have the optio

    trust me on this

    download and install the Easy Cleaner Program ive pointed you too

    once installed run the program

    when you get to the front screen - top left of the grid is registry

    click on it and then click on Find at the bottom

    give it a few minutes to search the registy

    when finished hit delete

    this should have got rid of any hangers on from previously uninstalled programs

    when done - if youre feeling confident try a few of the other options on offer

    PS if youre really feeling uneasy about messing with the registy just create a restore point before doing anything

    Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Restore

  7. Not in any order:

    1 - Davina "Im a fking annoying tw@t who thinks she's really funny" McCall

    2 - Those guys that stand in shopping centres preaching at the top of their lungs to all the damned who walk past them

    3 - "Office Drinks" totally agree with game4shame here!

    4 - Indian tailor touts... :o

    5 - Hayfever - the season is almost upon us in the UK - I can feel it in the air :D

  8. dont think anyone has mentioned Mr Jeab of Jeab Tattoo - Suk Soi 8 the soi opposite the Ambassador

    ive let him loose on me twice now - once with an 8 hour piece on my back using bamboo and electric

    the second time last year - just electric

    hes very good. clean and has a genuine reputation - ive seen the guy mentioned on these sort of threads before.

    i would highly recommend taking a visit to his shop - if not more than for just a look around.

  9. i would take a trip over to ukvisas.gov.uk

    this site should answer most questions - if he reads through this he will know if or not he / they can make the application

    i was always under the impression that it was preferable if you could prove the relationship was more than 6 months but that could just be an old wives tale

    id love to give you a definative answer but youll either have to wait for the gurus or search the forum


  10. i guess it depends why your mate wants to get her to the UK

    you say "After they marry he wants to take her to the UK ..."

    does he want her to settle with him in the UK or just come test the water????

    that should answer your question - either holiday or settlement -

    as for compilling a visa application and evidence - ukvisas.gov.uk will give you all the particulars otherwise scouse or gu22 will best advise

  11. happy birthday boo

    and have a great day and thanks for the reminder redrus

    why is it that more english people can tell you when st.patricks day is than st.georges?

    and no theres no punchline - its a fact - although i cant actually prove it to the anally retentive of you that may ask

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