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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. Just play the video linked from the original source and you can decide your self.
  2. Do you happen to have a good word/s in Thai that I can use to search for? I used Scorecards tip "สัญชาติ" when I found people that has applied.
  3. I used Safari and translated yesterday, and i found a few documents, it seams like they announce people what want to become Thai and separate Females and Males in different documents, Very many foreign ladys married to a Thai man has asked for it. It also seams like most applicants is Chinese, Indian or Lao. I so far only found 2 document where the King has granted approval, https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/138D177S0000000001600.pdf https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/138D176S0000000001300.pdf
  4. Oh really. I thought the names had to be published to the public.
  5. How you easy can check the Thai ID number?
  6. I would buy a Tuk-Tuk and overcharge Tourists in Sukhumvit area because we can communicate in English.
  7. He don't want to show it to me or anybody else, thats why I believe he is not totally truth ful.
  8. I didn't ask you to go through them, more a question how to find them, there might be a list with links somewhere.
  9. And own your own Company.
  10. No Im not in the list. It's a guy I know that claims he got Thai Citizenship already, but I believe he is not really truth ful. I wanted to verify if I can make sure he does not lie to me by finding his and or his brothers name there.
  11. I was trying to understand the content on that page but since all is in Thai, and translate is very hard and time consuming I did not find what I was looking for. Is the past 3-4 last years list there somewhere?
  12. Is there a way to see the Names if people that has become Thai citizens for the past 3-4 years? I believe the names is aways published in the Royal gazette, but where to see those? Cheers
  13. LK The Empress, Soi 12, good breakfast buffet for 300 baht for people not staying in the Hotel.
  14. Nothing to declare, I bought them so cheap from a nice guy by the street that had to many and apparently just wanted to get rid of them. He also had forgot his receipt book at home. I also thought they were broken none of them show the same correct date. A few net even correct time.
  15. Should of cause let him go ahead with his plans. At 38 she probably is out of the bar business anyway, and they might live happily together for the rest of their lives.
  16. This is a fun book to read and many take it for being a true story (the guy who introduced is one who believe every word s true), but it is not, it is a novel, fiction. Some don't believe it but just read the copy right notice by the end. It is also a free book in digital form and you can share it as much as you want as long as you have not altered it. If you want a printed copy of cause you need to pay or lend from some one who has.
  17. I have so many times stopped at a zebra line to let the person or persons standing there looking like they wanna cross, but they don't. It's like they standing there waiting for a Taxi, Mc taxi or minibus.
  18. We tried that last 2 times also, but they refuse, and was not interested even tho we offered to pay for the service.
  19. My old style WorkPermit has wrong address for work since the office has moved, and my living address i changed 3 years ago, and every year I try to have them to update with new information but they refuse and say they do not update any longer.
  20. When I read the headline I thought is was the noodles that almost killed them. Not a car.
  21. How many points for driving without a Driving License?
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_nobody_knows_you're_a_dog
  23. I just noticed this forum here on Aseannow.: "A closed forum for women only. A safe place to share ideas, and information with other women about all aspects of life in Southeast Asia." Where is the closed safe place for men only?
  24. Im not sure why what type of VISA he has matters? But I would guess a Business (Work) Visa, and maybe he is working at the Toyota factory, so the car might not even be his. Who knows?
  25. He was not a suspect, and this is not a criminal case. He didn't ever hurt anyone else but him self and his new car.
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