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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. As I understand there were no Attack, Russia shot down a drone and the bits and pieces of it killed 3 people. The drone might just have been there trying to gather information and figure out Russia's next step. If so Russian caused the killing of their own people. Most drones are not equipped with weapons.
  2. You do not pay with money, you pay with your privacy.
  3. Too bad you did not get a Thai Driving license when your British had not expired. If you have a valid DL you could just simply got a Thai by watching some videos and at take the physical tests, with a 100 baht medical certificate from a local clinic. If you do not have a valid license you much go through driving and theoretical test. There is driving schools that has a license to do all, so you only need to go to DLT for make your license and physical test, everything is done at the driving school. My son recently took this route.
  4. Sterilize them all. Make the animal much more calm and they can not create litter.
  5. I was at a sports bar yesterday and they show from True Sports, I told a friend of mine the result in a chat just to notice his tubitv.com was one hour delayed. So I spoiled it for him. I told him "Incredible Saudis could win 1-2" His reply "Wft they just scored 0-1" Sorry my friend ????
  6. 200$ ? its more like 335,000$ US And rule #1 if you win a lot of money. Do not tell any one, Not even your own family. I just create jealousy and all want a part of it.
  7. Because they can smoke Pot. And eat Gummies, Brownies and cookies...
  8. 15 years in Thailand have never seen any farang been beaten up provoked or not. But 3 times farangs has tried to pick fight with me and my friend for no obvious reason. Two from UK or USA I believe and one Indian guy. I was sitting down at soi 4 waiting for a guy polish my shoes, Farang come and started to provoke me and said I could not sit there in the stairs, funny he didn't complain to the other sitting in the middle of the stair but to me sitting as far to the side possible. I told him I was just sitting waiting to have my shoes cleaned, and he started to accuse me of being a drug dealer and he said he knew where I had my stash and factory. I tried to explain I'm against all kind of illegal drugs, even cigarettes. He just seamed to be more upset started to poke my shoulder and he told me I would not live longer than a week in Bangkok. I told him been living here 5 years already and I asked how long he have staid in Thailand, he got even more angry, and I just got my shoes back. Then I stood up on the first step of the stairs so I became like 2dm longer than him so I looked down on him. He looked up, said "What the <Deleted>" and walked away. Another time I have been mention in a post about a year ago when my friend try to have a begging girl stop annoying after he bought some packs up gum for a 100 baht, He said he had no more cash and tried to waive her away but she refused, push him in he back with the candy bucket and drag his t-shirt so to try to tell her he don't have more cash showed her his Credit card and asked can you take 100 baht from this. A farang saw it and started to make a mess screaming give her 20 baht, we tried to tell him that he gave 100 already, he was out of control and refused to listen to any of us in many minutes, he didn't listen to the guards that arrived also. He made even a bigger mess and screamed if you don't give her I do and he gave the girl another 100 baht. I wonder what she learned from that episode. Ok its not nice to show a Credit card to a 10 year old begging girl but I wouldn't call it a reason to pick a fight. The Indian guy I bumped into a little bit on the BTS when train suddenly breaked a little bit more than usual, and I said "Katord Krap" and he started ta make a fuzz over I bumped into him and that I tried to say sorry in Thai. He seamed very angry I tried to speak Thai to him. I probably would have even if he looked like Viking.
  9. Because she had no Driving License, probably the insurance cover the damage done to the house and they will probably claim that money from the driver of the Merc, or the owner of the car. They will not spend a baht to fix or replace the car even if fully insured. A friend of mine had a head on collision with a un insured van where the driver had fallen a sleep. My friends insurance company payed all damages to his car, they even offer him a rental car, and he asked who pay for that, and the insurance company say they will claim all damages and costs from the un insured driver. My friend felt sorry for him and declined having a rental during the time of repair.
  10. Number of flights reported in the article is definitive wrong. 13 November 759 planes landed on Suvarnabhumi according to this statistical page: https://www.aerothai.co.th/en/home I have not found a way to check 11/11
  11. Why bother about AirBnB? Many hotels has about the same nightly rate, and staff that take care of you. Some years ago I helped a couple renting a AirBnB in the condo I lived in because they could not get in contact with the condo owner they have rented it from since their phones did not work. The guard refused to help since condo administrators had forbid him to help since Short time tenants caused a lot of problem and was usually very loud and had parties by the pool. I asked how much they payed and they payed 1,500 baht/night for a studio. By that time my dad was staying in Vic 3 in Ari and payed 980 baht/night. So I asked why pay so much for a AirBnB rather than a cheap hotel. It had never crossed their mind to check for hotels because they assumed that AirBnB would be much cheaper. Ok, this was 5 years ago, and maybe things has changed.
  12. That you can not even read and quote my post correctly tells us exactly how 100% accurate and truthful all your 20 something posts in this forum might be.???? ????
  13. There is always two sides of the coin, the few that wines they should have never taken the Vaccine to the many that wish they did. You can also develop heart conditions with out vaccine. Hypertension is the number one reason why people in their 50th and up develop heart problems. PS. I do not know the ratio between people wish they didn't or did, but for me I have 0 friends that regret the vaccine shot and 3 friends that regret it and one had to pay the price with his life.
  14. They are probably right that it's not vaccine related, most cancers take several years to develop. I don't believe any form of cancer can occur in less than a year. What I have heard and more believe in is that because more people are going to hospitals for check up's when they believe they have Covid they find cancer cases they probably would not have found yet otherwise. And if so it's very good that people get treated in an earlier stage. The sooner the better. Most cancers is treatable if find soon enough. Unfortunate too many is found too late.
  15. If he didn't have and vaccine he probably would have been dead now like 2 friends I have mentioned in early posts one just over 20 years old.
  16. I can agree to that, Me and my wife has 3 shots, we both got covid, very mild only felt slightly sick for two days, We got Covid a second time a few weeks later and that time no symptoms or feeling sick at all, first I just tested positive when enter a venue, and a few days later my Wife tested positive at home when just was curious if she might have got it from me somehow. Our friends that did not take any vaccines got heavy sick, high fever, and was on the edge to call for an ambulance, and they were both knocked out for over a week. First the husband, and his wife followed a week later. I also hear another unvaccinated friend that got covid, and his case was pretty mild, just high fever, cough and bedridden for 2 days. So I guess it hits different people in different ways depending on level of virus exposure, personal immune defence's etc... I will probably not go for a 4th vaccine shot knowing that I have been infected twice (at least), Virus is here and we will be exposed to it over and over and every time we will get a natural booster that imho is far more effective that the fabricated ones. Maybe if you live in a rural place and do not meet many people boosters can be a good idea.
  17. My wife sometimes shows me videos of people eating crazy tings, or crazy amount of things in front of their own camera. I have just to say what stupid people, do anything for a click. Find something intelligent to show instead.
  18. At least Ozzy thought the bat thrown on the stage was a toy. His own words: “I thought it was a rubber bat,” Osbourne said. “I picked it up, put it in my mouth, crunched down, bit into it, being the clown that I am.”
  19. https://www.nineweb.co.th
  20. When I bought a new car the Dealer clearly told me "Do not drive with red plates at Night" I think it was after 9PM and also if I wanted to go to another district i had to write that down in red plate driving journal BEFORE I left. I see nothing wrong with that when driving on temporary licens plates.
  21. It only cost money if you are in another district than you have your main branch or you deposit into an account in another bank than has the CDM. It also cost money if you do it manually and go in to the bank.
  22. RIP. It look like wet weather conditions, maybe he had worn out front wheel so it look like MotoGP slick tire. Worn out front tires is very dangerous and just a little water on the road can have the tire lose its traction and the bike "fall" I have seen a few bikes just flip over when they drive in rain. and I see many many bikes with worn out tires being used.
  23. Maybe the owner of the car was aged, I have a friend over 70 years old owning a Lamborghini. I saw a very very old man in a Maserati not long ago, OK he had a driver, but if you are old and have problem to walk and you have a driver, can you use or not?
  24. If you ask me they should never identify the killer in any media, No picture, no name, no age, just say a mentally ill person committed this crime. Now some times it almost look like they are glorified, and excuses found for them. Other on this limit might see what happen se he get very famous by the end, and why don't I do the same..
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