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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. I found this from a search:


    The guy who had this similar malware, got rid of it following these instructions.


    Looks like ive cracked it! Well at least im not hijacked when going to any websites anymore! The link from friend2 was the one that seem to be the important one, followed by lots of scanning in safemode.

    Thanks very very much for all the advice - extremely useful when you know as little about computers (when thet go wrong) as i do. Now i need to keep a closer eye on what my wife is doing on the PC!!

  2. Bad news :o

    This particular exploit installs a rootkit into the kernal of your operating system. Spybot and Ad-Aware will NOT permanently remove this, even in safe mode as the rootkit will re-install it.

    The only decent program to deal with it is Backlight. Use it to get rid of the rootkit, then scan (in safe mode) with one or more antispyware programs to look for the leftovers.

    Be prepared to reinstall Windows if it doesn't work.

    With a rootkit the main brain of your OS has been compromised. You can't trust system restore or removal programs until the rootkit is gone.

    An explanation of rootkits:


    For future safety:

    Ad-Aware and Spybot are great but I'd advise having something that scans in real time as your first line of defense. Windows Defender is IMO the best along with the paid variant of Ad-Aware. The others will only tell you you have an infection, not block it's installation.

    Even good antiviruses are at best marginal in detecting hijacks. Anti-spyware programs listed above do a better job.

    Don't use Internet Explorer. Get Firefox. If you must use IE, run it at medium or high security and add sites to your trusted zone individually.

    If you want to surf "naughty" sites (not saying you did..just sayin' in case) install Linux on partition on your hard drive and boot to the Linux before surfing or downloading.

    just ran this programme and it didn't find anything!

    help! If i have to reinstall windows what does that mean exactly?

  3. Sincere thanks to everyone for advice and suggestions - not tried everything yet but should have some time today.

    Kayo why the presumtion that this was caused by looking at porn sites? That certainly is not the case with me :o but can't necessarily vouch for my wife!

    Ill let you know how i get on!


  4. Can't get into certain sites like google, bbc, etc as its hijacked by a dodgy search engine. Tried scanning with various spyware programmes and half of them crash before they finish the others claim to have found and quarantined 'downloader.agent.uj' but it doesnt solve the problem and it appears again next time i scan.

    Any (non jargon simply explained) help much appreciated -

    at least i can still get into TV though!

  5. People often talk mysteriously about the flame wars and old friends that are no longer with us - (sounds like something from lord of the rings!!) what exactly happened? Can anyone find good links to these infamous threads of the past?

    Are you the kind of person who drives really slowly past car accidents or watches F1 hoping for a smash?

    Forums (forae??) evolve.

    Periodically they have purges or whatever. A forum is what it is today. If you are too lazy to search for yourself then head over to Fark.com or freerepublic.com or somethingawful.com, plenty of flamewars there daily if you really want to watch cyber-carnage. :o

    I don't watch F1 at all because its the most boring sport in the whole world, and i also don't drive slowly past accidents as this is likely to cause another.

    However i am interested in the flame wars of the past! Is that so wrong? Bet i'm not the only one either! and why u so touchy are you one of the banned members under a new pseudonym trying to behave?

  6. People often talk mysteriously about the flame wars and old friends that are no longer with us - (sounds like something from lord of the rings!!) what exactly happened? Can anyone find good links to these infamous threads of the past?

  7. Swedes/Fins/Icelandic/Germans/Norse :D

    Yep, they'd be in the other category!

    Drink like fish and well this causes problems for others!!! :o

    Well after taking this representative sample of four (good enough for the BKK post!) we can conclude that its all the 'others' (namely Swedes/Fins/Icelandic/Germans) that cause the trouble. I think visa regulations should be changed accordingly!

  8. There seems to have been a lot of debate on this message board about the 'type' of farang in Thailand from certain nationalities - yobs or not? violent aggressive or not? and which nationalities are the worst. There are also a number of posts showboating there worth in streetfights! OK so here is a very scientific poll to find out - No doubt the results will be presented in the Bangkok post as unequivocal evidence that farangs in Thailand are out of control.

    (sorry for grouping Australia and NZ together but got bored of typing)

  9. got into a tumble with a yank around sukhumwit in the early hours. we were both drunk. i was with my close girl partner and i went into 7/11. i come out he is talking to her. the guy mustve been 50 years old. i tell him bugger off. he tells me give him one second he knows her. i shove him and tell him bugger off. he doesnt, so i clock him one. he hit the ground. i got on top and i think i probably busted his nose. we got into a taxi. i dont know if he find out who i am from all this through her.


    You need to calm down mate! You got into a fight for what? This kind of aggressive violent nonsense is not what we need! Get a life and grow up!

  10. The most surprsing one is Norwich as the suport seems to be over three times the population of the city. Most peole will support a football team when asked the question but this is different from being a 'proper supporter' - hence Leeds get a high rating but when push comes to shove and the team aren't winning they get pittyfully low attendences. I believe te two teams that get the highest support proportionally to the population of the town are Norwich and Burnley - these two way above any others.

  11. I don't understand why when people read stories like this they immediately presume it is a troll - these things happen and have probably happened more often than we wish to acknowledge. The OP keeps on going back to his gf coz he is in love with her and thus deluded that it will 'be all right now'. He is not pathetic and not a loser but just needs to get over her by doing the very difficult thing of shutting her out of his life, then, and only then will he be able to move on. Eventually this will happen but it is a lot easier said than done!

  12. I think Guesthouse slightly overplays the importance of class in British culture. Class is certainly significant but has become less so in the last two decades. This is largely to do with class identity becoming less important - 30 years ago people knew what they were because of their occupation and their union membership - now white collar jobs such as call centre work have taken over from the factory and coal mine - but people have less loyalty and identity to these positions. As a result class based voting has almost entirely disappeared too (is this the cause or the result of the three main parties having no clear water between their policies?). The yobs who run amok down English high streets are as just as likely to be students or decently paid lads in their mid 20's than those stuck in a culture of state dependence. (Yes I do agree that the archaic drinking laws have only helped to create this situation).

  13. A few comments on this thread have alluded to an increasing disillusionment of the UK in the last 10 years. Now the UK or the Labour government is far from perfect but compared to other places around the world it doesn't do badly. What exactly are the reasons people feel this way - or is it people just like to have a general moan about how things aren't the way they used to be?

    One thing I think England suffers at by comparison to the rest of Europe is the drinking fuelled yobbish violent city high streets at the weekend. There seems to be more of an aggressive sub-culture in the UK than other places. As for the eastern European immigrants - at least i can get a plumber now that turns up on time, doesn't charge the earth and knows what they are doing.

  14. Now While I do imagine this would be quite the erotic fantasy for some of the sweeter members *Cough* LAO PO*Cough cough* of our good forum. I was not at all amused.

    I griped up the guy who grabbed me and lifted him to eye level with me, about 10-12 inches, and yelled at him extremely loud, US Marine Drill Sergeant Style, "DO-YOU-SMOKE-CRACK!?!? <deleted> is wrong with you??? you don't just walk down the street grabbin dicks!!! Did your momma teach you how to grab dicks?!?! MF' you don't ever touch me!!" All the while walking around with him shaking him like a lil ragg doll as he waied frantically for dear life and his eyes got as big as a bar girls with a 10 baht chain waving in front of her face. At this point I felt a lil sympathy for the guy and I looked around to find that his boys had ran as fast as their lil platformed sneakers could carry them and more and more people had come out into the street to see what was going on.

    At this point I came back to my senses (I was almost shocked how quickly that raised my ire. Obviously any man who has had a physical has had a guy touch him there. I mean no big deal. But I think the insinuation that I was so soft, as to let some one just run up on me in the street like a bitch, is what really pissed me off.... First time in my life for something like that, never thought I looked the type :D

    Little did I know I was about to experience another first. When I looked around the people that came out were laughing and seemingly bemused at the gay boy's horrified demeanor. And by this point I had to say I had to snicker at him too he looked like he was about one shock short of pissing himself. So I decided to test the theory and jump at him like I was going to hit him, but not. You know that pseudo-flex that almost looks like an attack but isn't? When I did he leaped back and stumbled over himself and landed in a NASTY oily black street puddle of stagnant water and just totally trashed his clothes.

    At that some of the people who had gathered, notably some bar girls started cackling at him and laughing it up. By this time his boys had came back. But surprisingly, kept their distance. Had they been where I'm from I'm sure I would have been rolled on and got my ass kicked. But lucky me they weren’t and I didn't (Yay!)

    What did happen was that boy, now horribly mortified having been thoroughly punked before his freinds and the girls beckoned to me as I walked away. "Hey..Hey You!" he barked. I turned around to find him with a small folding pocket knife out waving it at me. Growing up most of my life in West Philly, going to schools were, crack selling(no not for me before anyone asks), and the related violence was a everyday thing, Being married twice, and working in Iraq with Iraqi's outside of the green zone or military bases, I NEVER had a knife pulled on me until that day!

    That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

    Fortunately, for my crazy ass, he put the knife back and power walked away and I turned and did the same as the crowd started to grow.

    Gotta Love Thailand, I don't think I would have had that kind of luck anywhere else.

    Oh Cpt Money Shot, wow! You sound so brave. I'm really impressed, I wish i could be like you. And you have managed to retell the story in such a modest fashion, I'm sure you were even braver than you made it sound! I know everyone else reading this wouldn't have been able to handle this situation as well as you! Well done!

    My hero


  15. I want to do something diff on this forum during this holiday besides all the usual stuffs/questions that needing advices and answers.

    In spirit of the holiday,… Do you have a story to tell or want to share? – that not require advices and answers, but simply just want to share

    It could be a story of…

    -What is your very first memory of Thailand? Can you recall the details?

    -Words or quotes that inspire you

    -A story that helped you realizes how special your life really is

    -To express all your inner thoughts and feelings and dreams

    -To understand who you are and who you want to be in life

    -About your insights, your breakthroughs, your inner most secrets

    -About Discovering yourself

    -What do you love about yourself? What do you hate? Be honest

    -family expectations

    -What makes you feel good?

    -How do you feel about yourself right now? What's holding you back?

    -Who do you admire or dislike?


    -Do you see yourself in those people(think of someone)? If it is true that we are mirrors for one another, then the qualities you most like in others are reflected in yourself...and the qualities you least like in others are those you probably don't like in yourself.


    -What would you do if you have only one day to live?


    Whatever....think of something!

    Everyone has a compelling story to tell. I hope you have one

    Have a happy holiday :D

    Oh for goodness sake!


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