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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. There is peace on earth, Earth is now a tranquil, beautiful place where animals live without the threat of extinction, where pollution is just something that happened in the past. No guns, no war, no arguments and no crime. Alas there are also no longer any people!

    I wish I owned a 'bar beer' in Pattaya!

    (uncorruptable!! what could ever go wrong?):o

  2. you win your armwrestle with Godm whereupon he hands over the reigns to all the suffering of the world to you, and ... you can guess...

    I wish I had a really really fast computer with all the extra's imaginable.

    You have but all that incessant porn surfing infects it with a virus you can never ever get rid off!

    I wish the world was peaceful

  3. Thank god he didn't get the record. Record stays with IVA Richards - a true genius of the game. Not some agricultural cow lasher that conned the world he is sporting by cynically walking in the world cup final and since milking his new found honest status (an honest Aussie did people really believe this!!!) by appealing for everything - making gullible umpires believe 'yeah that must be out - Gillie only appeals if its out'. Disgraceful! How different this series may have been if Strauss wasn't cheated out three times?

    One only has to watch podgy Warnes antics to realise cricket is poorer by this cheating bunch of convicts reclaiming the ashes!

    Australia may get the ashes but England can at least feel we played the game in the correct spirit of the game!

    And that as we all know deep down, is the most important thing!


    Notice it is the same two umpires who stuffed up so many decisions 18 months ago?

    In my opinion the two worst on the roster.

    One is deaf as a post and doesn't hear snicks and the other has a sight problem with LBWs and throws his finger up indiscriminately.

    England have certainly been on the wrong end of a few crap decisions this test!

    Agree with the pudgy Warne comment, he seems to have started Xmas early!

    Still, he managed to bowl all day yesterday, albeit without much luck.

    Keep up those spirits mate, it's a bit gloomy here this morning, you never know, we might get some rain! Or perhaps the captain will find form and belt a quick 150!

    i'll take the rain!

  4. Nothing to do with his politics (which i'm unaware of) I hate Robin Williams with a passion - I try to avoid every film he has ever starred in and will openly curse his name if ever brought up in conversation. There are many reasons why - such as the toe curling performane in Goodmorning Vietnam, films like Jack and Flubber - but i suppose the final scene in Dead poets society is the clincher - i defy anyone to watch that without hurling something heavy at the TV screen!

  5. Thank god he didn't get the record. Record stays with IVA Richards - a true genius of the game. Not some agricultural cow lasher that conned the world he is sporting by cynically walking in the world cup final and since milking his new found honest status (an honest Aussie did people really believe this!!!) by appealing for everything - making gullible umpires believe 'yeah that must be out - Gillie only appeals if its out'. Disgraceful! How different this series may have been if Strauss wasn't cheated out three times?

    One only has to watch podgy Warnes antics to realise cricket is poorer by this cheating bunch of convicts reclaiming the ashes!

    Australia may get the ashes but England can at least feel we played the game in the correct spirit of the game!

    And that as we all know deep down, is the most important thing!


  6. Must be terrible being a Pommy cricket supporter. :D

    You don't know whether to gloat, or cut your throat, from one day to the next. :o

    Believe me OC, aprt from a little blip 18 months ago, this is just back to our default status. nothing new to us. The gloating over the this time was fun and very enjoyable, but alas it will now come to an end!

    We have been completely outplayed - which the management has a lot to answer for - specifically for making Flintoff the captain when Strauss was the obvious choice, and bizaare selections involving Giles, Jones and Anderson. The other mistake was not bothering with any real meaningful warm up games (why weren't Flintoff, Collingwood and Bell playing in warm-up game at the WACA last week?)

    The annoying thing is that only Ponting and Hussey are on the top of their game for theAussies - the rest, although still decent players, are on the downward spiral -

    Oh well!


  7. Mr Robski, I'm beginning to feel sorry for you! You really are a glass 1/2 empty rather than glass half full type of bloke!

    Perhaps if you had a greater grasp of the facts then you wouldn't feel so bad! For example -

    "The mass influx of Europeans from newly joined EEC countries are able to claim government benefits here and some do so readily"

    is simply not true - they are not allowed to claim anything for a set time (i think a year) so they would hardly come here for any other purpose other than to work!

    You really do have a pessimistic view of the UK if you think we will end up in civil war like Lebanon - all to do with the immigration policy!! Well i have far more faith in people than you and thus know that this is impossible. But I suppose internal strife might occur if we had a policy insisting former African residents be denied life saving medicine to make bitter and twisted residents feel better about their country!

    On second thoughts i don't feel sorry for you at all!

  8. But Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch UK said

    "We now face by far the largest wave of immigration since 1066, even allowing for those who emigrate. This is putting enormous strain on our infrastructure, public services and on social cohesion."

    Who left in 2004?.......

    40% professional/managerial

    25.3% manual/clerical

    17.5% retired/carers

    9.3% children

    7.9% students

    And this is my reply.

    There you go again with the insults I've already told you my problem is with government policy and the way it is spun, so how is that xenophobic? as for ranting well your previous posts have been quite animated, poorly composed and full of predjudicial language, which if you knew anything about literature or debating speak volumes about you the author.

    Anyway fair enough you have found an opinion that would back up your view, but opinion is not fact. What do you know about the group that commissioned the study? are they impartial or independant? the people they are canvassing represent employers.

    I will say once again that my original point is that the original report is bias and even this report that you have found would seem to show that there is some spin in the what the original report said, that the Brits leaving are being replaced by highly skilled workers.

    And one last time I am not xenophobic, I am a citizen of the world I am very much anti-racist, I believe in social democratic government for all and on an individual basis to be left to do my own thing, sadly these are all ideas that a going the way of the dinosaurs.

    I will ask you kindly to please stop trying to pick an argument just for the sake of it.

    I'm not picking an argument for the sake of it, I feel strongly about this issue and believe some of the posts on here shouldn't go unchallenged - this is after all a forum - a place for debate! If you feel annoyed or insulted that someone has challenged your opinion than i suggest you don't post on forum such as this!

    I do however apologise if you find my writing style poor, i've never pretended it to be anything else. Alas we cannot all be blessed with literary genius.

    The report I quoted is an independent report by the institute for employment studies. It's findings were not only used by the home office, but also heavily quoted and analysed by all sides of the written media - included the right leaning Telegraph - which didn't dispute its findings. 'Migration Watch' which you have (quite legitametly) used as a counter argument is a well known far right pressure group.

    In a previous post you claim that your views seemed to be in the majority on this thread, i suggest you re-read the whole thing and make a tally chart! Maybe then you will reassess the popularity of your opinion.

  9. Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

    It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

    "Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

    You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

    It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

    If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

    You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

    Is there a sound argument to suggest monotheistic religions and ritual magic are not just superstitions?

  10. It is a fact that migrants coming into the UK are mainly far more motivated and appreciate the opportunities handed to them in the UK than the white underclass. (!?)

    Facts, (or claims) as you and GH fondly like to tell me, need substantiating, can you substantiate this claim?

    I doubt very much if you can.

    perhaps Robski and others could attempt to properly explain what their point actually is other than - "4.4 million Brits living else where must be coz Britain is going to dogs" and "its all them immigrants and third worlders taking our jobs and claiming benefit" which might do for the letters pages of the Sun newspaper but after any kind of analysis doesn't stand up at all!

    Choosing to ignore peoples opinions because they don't suit you is your right, but it doesn't give you grounds to be derogatory towards those people because of their opinion. you may notice a pattern emerging here where you feel it is ok to insult people , but cry foul when you are insulted yourself, twisting what people have said to suit your own ego is not really something to be admired.

    I have an opinion and you seem to have a problem with that. I would say the balance of opinion is against you, I'm not saying that's a fact, but I think I could prove it to be true, now then put your money where your mouth is and prove this fact that you have stated.

    oh and for the record I am quite happy with my country, that being my family friends, where I work and where I live, I just don't really agree with government policies, is that a crime?

    Now then about that fact of yours, in the words of your buddy GH I wait with baited breath for your reply.

    Ok I'll try! Read last paragraph in particular-

    Employers interviewed in this research reported relying to a considerable extent on migrant workers, particularly in the low-skill sectors. Employers across all sectors agreed numbers had increased over the past five years. Migrant workers have become an important source of labour, sometimes preferred over domestic (UK) workers, particularly in the agricultural, hotels and catering and low-skill parts of the administration, business and management sectors. Employers believed that businesses would suffer or could not survive without migrant labour. In the high-skill sectors studied – particularly administration, business and management, and finance – migrant workers were less crucial to business than in the low-skill sectors.

    Employers of low-skilled workers reported that labour shortages were a primary reason for recruiting foreign workers. They had tried hard initially (through Jobcentres, local adverts etc.) to attract domestic workers but they were unwilling to take these posts, as often the conditions, pay, hours or nature of the work were unfavourable to them and migrants were more amenable to these conditions. Recruitment difficulties amongst domestic workers were less widespread in the high-skill finance and accountancy sector and were due to specific skills shortages, rather than labour shortages.

    Employers cited advantages of migrant workers in terms of their general attitude and work ethic. They tended to be more motivated, reliable and committed than domestic workers. For example, migrants were said to be more likely to: demonstrate lower turnover and absenteeism; be prepared to work longer and flexible hours; be satisfied with their duties and hours of work; and work harder in terms of productivity and speed. In the view of some employers, the more favourable work ethic of migrant workers encouraged domestic workers to work harder. Migrants had also widened the horizons of domestic workers by helping them understand more about other cultures. Migrant workers’ greater commitment was a result of their motivations: they wanted to learn English or send money to families at home. Employers also suggested that migrant labour assisted economic growth and meant an overall increase in job vacancies.


    Give me time and i'll find more. My point against your argument is (and you don't seem to be getting this!) is that you are not supporting it with any thing! I'm not ignoring your opinion, i'm just trying to argue against because i firmly believe its wrong. You have made no real attempt to substantiate it with anything other than highly generalised xenophobic rants!

  11. It is a fact that migrants coming into the UK are mainly far more motivated and appreciate the opportunities handed to them in the UK than the white underclass. This is not surprising considering their respective backgrounds. To actually make a huge decision and come and live in a strange and foreign country for the betterment of their family takes guts and should be applauded. Those 'indigenous' Brits living in deprived areas tend to come from generations of underachievement, where there are fewer role models of success, where there are no aspirations to do better than the previous generation. This section of society has always historically blamed immigration for their ills- from the Huguenots arriving in East London in large numbers from 1670 onwards, Russian Jews in the late 19th century to the post war immigration of South Asians and Caribbean to Eastern Europeans today. The fact is however social mobility although difficult from the bottom of the pile is easier (and thus happens more) today than it ever was.

    And those blaming immigration for the rise in taxes to cover social security costs are simply wrong. The recent increase in immigration from Poland, Slovakia etc has boosted the economy, filled the jobs nobody wanted (agriculture, cleaners) as well as provided much needed semi-skilled and skilled work in other areas. Also, please note - immigrants from Eastern Europe are not entitled to any benefits for at least a year - so they are obviously coming here to work!

    No one is suggesting the UK is a perfect country, and certainly some policies can be improved. But people running the country down on this thread should really take a proper look around them. Yes maybe things are better for you in Thailand - but that's because in economic terms you've moved somewhere from the middle to the upper end of society. And instead of abuse and criticising comments from GH and others - and using the odd anecdote to condemn a nation of 60 million people - perhaps Robski and others could attempt to properly explain what their point actually is other than - "4.4 million Brits living else where must be coz Britain is going to dogs" and "its all them immigrants and third worlders taking our jobs and claiming benefit" which might do for the letters pages of the Sun newspaper but after any kind of analysis doesn't stand up at all!

  12. Well Terry, the UK has given me some great things and i will always love it. :D

    chill out mate,

    im just having fun with the little horrible gremlin. :D

    Oh please please Terry please dont call me the horrible little gremlin, please stop it, please please!

    If you do i promise i wont call you a pig ignorant lying thick pathetic insecure Muppet again!

    Honest! :o

  13. this little horrible gremlin hides way down the bottom in bedlam contributing to the incredible thread (ABOUT NOTHING) :D:D

    I know you have a terrible record of telling the truth and have been known to makeup things up about other posters - and here is another example - simply not true - and if you can find any evidence to the contrary please show it!

    he only comes out when mommy lets him and cricky he gets in trouble as i always kick his little arse. :o


    Its the politest word i could think of!

    anyway fellas,

    we got to keep on topic ok.

    so i would like to say that the little gremlin should stay in his little hole in blighty and bedlam and all the poms who want to stay in los or the great aussie can stay there. :bah:

    easy really. :bah:

    cheers to all my pommy mates once again. :D

  14. look guesthouse,

    you frigging amaze me for all the wrong reasons.

    your a pommy bleeder at heart, filthy rich business man with a thai wife, kids and some thai workers under you and live in rome eating spaghetti.

    your plan is to return to los and start a guest house.

    the thing is, ive never read from you, a good work about thailand and now we have you crying out loud how frigging fantastic the old blighty is.

    your always sitting on the fence guesthouse and have not made a commitment yet.

    why dont you just return to the old blighty and stay there forever living happily ever after in that mighty country of yours.

    how about stepping up for once and make it perfectly clear where you stand on this issue.

    where do you really want to be guesthouse. ?

    at least im out there on the edge letting everybody know how i feel about things and will always stand up and be counted.

    the little gremlin likes to slam me but he's a nothing to me. :D

    you guesthouse are a very confusing lad and talk in circles.

    its only an observation guesthouse so please dont start crying on me.

    jes--us mate,

    your a bit touchy and as chopper reid always says,

    toughen the <deleted>> up. :D

    cheers mate :o

    Can anyone who speaks this strange language offer a translation of what this Muppet is actually trying to say?

  15. Mittheimp,

    Fiar enough, I'm not going to argue with a History teacher as you obviously know the syllabus more than I do. And I didn't say that the lack of teaching of the world wars was the reason for antisocial behaviour, I merely said it contributed to it.

    I can honestly say I can't remember being taught much World War stuff at all.

    Another thing about the UK, compared to (this hurts me to say) Aussie we just aren't anywhere near as patriotic as we should be, I'll probably be flamed for saying this, maybe the reason for this is because our British Identity is being diluted by the huge number of immigrants.

    We are not as patriotic as the Aussies - but I'm not sure that is a negative! When i lived in Oz the constant 'made in Australia' and 'buy aussie' advertising really began to grate - as did the constant flag waving and listening to advance 'Australia fair'. But i think this is to do with Australia being a new country - and remember Australia is a nation of which 99% are immigrants in the last 200 years! Things are changing in the UK, as the connotations of the far right with the Union flag is becoming less so - The St Georges cross and the Union flag was displayed everywhere in London during the recent world cup - noticeably as much by recent immigrants than everyone else!

  16. As everyone has discussed and knows, there are loads of reasons why people are moving abroad from the UK. I believe one of the reasons why the UK is slowly going down the pan is the younger generations lack of respect. I know this sounds old fashioned but I feel really strongly about this.

    While I was at secondary school (93-98) studying 'History' I struggle to remember being taught about WWI & WWII. Now I can understand why the government may be concerned about promoting tension toward Germany, even though Today's Germany and Nazi Germany are a million miles apart.

    But what I'm trying to say is, I believe one of the main reasons why today's kids don't have respect for their elders and country is partly down to not being taught about the wars. I can't imagine how upset and angry a war veteran is seeing the current state of the country that they laid and gave their lives for. Looking at the current state of the majority if the younger generation with all the ASBOs being handed out that its only going to get worse with each generation until they are taught about valuing their country and being proud of it.

    So how on earth is our country going to get better when its left in the hands of people who don't respect it in the first place.

    Sorry to disappoint you but you couldn't be more wrong! As someone who has been teaching history in London secondary schools over the last two years I can tell you that the History syllabus is completely weighed down by both world wars - in fact from year 9 onwards kids tend to study it to the exclusion of everything else (although in year 11 there is a little bit of Russian revolution and cold war to cover).

    So I don't think this is the reason for anti-social behaviour!

    On another note - i went to my wife's citizenship ceremony yesterday. Now I was sceptical about the need and purpose of everything she had to do - but now I am a little less so. The ceremony may be a little over important but the whole process gave becoming part of British society some relevant meaning - and listening to the speech by the local dignitary prior to ceremony about the qualities of the UK -tolerance, freedom of speech, government participation and opportunity and then hearing of the list of former nationals becoming British - people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Albania, Zimbabwe - these words in the speech that normally sound like meaningless platitudes actually held some real meaning to the majority of people there.

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