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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. Oh dear!

    Harmison well under cooked and a crazy selection of Panesar over Giles - my worst fears realised. Giles bowled pretty well - bounce and a little turn- but everyone knows Panesar is the much better bowler! Warne will be lethal on this track day 4/5.

    Oh dear!

  2. I think this thread is quite funny really. Funny really to see the reactions of people aghast that a Thai girl could do such a thing in front of parents. Funny also that it is completely made up, as trolls go its not a bad one at all.

    Guesthouse is still probably shaking his head at how disrespectful she was - probably made him smash the rice cooker!

  3. 52 hours to go - time for people to give us there real predictions - forget the bravardo!

    OK i predict 0:5 :o:D:D

    In all seriousness England are up against it - for England to compete they need both Flintoff and Harmison bowling well - this at the moment looks unlikely - but fingers crossed! My concern is that Panasar is going to play with too much pressure as Fletcher is well keen on Giles being in the team - Monty needs time to find his feet in the series and then he will bowl well (he is by far and away Englands best spinner). I also don't like the inclusion of Jones over Read - Fletcher has his favourites and that is no way to pick an international cricket team.

    Less concerned with the batting - i think both strouse and bell will have a good series.

    Aussie batting will again depend on Ponting perhaps too much but Martyn will probably do alright as he can't have the same run of bad luck that he did last time. Mcgrath is past it so its only Lee and Warne that we have to worry about! Just checked the ages of the Aussie team, going to be injuries and lots of them for a team this old! (No youngsters coming through then?)

    Final prediction -

    England all the way (honest!)

    you forgot Tait

    Didn't forget - just glossed over as not worth a mention - stress fracture of the back coming any time soon with that action - besides he's all over the place!

  4. 52 hours to go - time for people to give us there real predictions - forget the bravardo!

    OK i predict 0:5 :o:D:D

    In all seriousness England are up against it - for England to compete they need both Flintoff and Harmison bowling well - this at the moment looks unlikely - but fingers crossed! My concern is that Panasar is going to play with too much pressure as Fletcher is well keen on Giles being in the team - Monty needs time to find his feet in the series and then he will bowl well (he is by far and away Englands best spinner). I also don't like the inclusion of Jones over Read - Fletcher has his favourites and that is no way to pick an international cricket team.

    Less concerned with the batting - i think both strouse and bell will have a good series.

    Aussie batting will again depend on Ponting perhaps too much but Martyn will probably do alright as he can't have the same run of bad luck that he did last time. Mcgrath is past it so its only Lee and Warne that we have to worry about! Just checked the ages of the Aussie team, going to be injuries and lots of them for a team this old! (No youngsters coming through then?)

    Final prediction -

    England all the way (honest!)

  5. my parents are at my house in phucket. i am playing a video game with my thai girl friend who is uni educated and works in an office. i scored a goal against her in a football game so she threw the controller across the room.

    i suppose this was a "thai" moment for her.

    how can i explain to my parents that her doing this does not make her a complete idiot, and that things like this are common among thai people for some reason unknown to farang.

    Oh for goodness sake - is this the extent of your worries!

    How would you react if she actually did something really embarrasing!

  6. Urban Thai girls may claim to be virgins - even to their best friends - this though is not always the truth!!! My wife (then GF) told me that she thought all her friends were still virgins - even the ones living with their boyfriends - she also believed that all her friends still thought she was a virgin (despite living with a farang for 4 months!).

    I think one big difference is that many Thai females never discuss sex with their mates in the same way western women do!

  7. Begging all pardon - anyone out there got a copy of "The Crying Game" (Movie, not song)?.

    I've been explaining it to Ms C and she's interested.

    If you have can you let me know and a deal can be done.

    My Thanks,


    If you have explained the ending then it sort of ruins it for her!

    Overrated film anyway!

  8. Why the OP asked for submitting questions but not answers?

    There could be some very good answers from thinkers like for example: D***

    Your spelling is as bad as Donz - thats the worst attempt at spelling i've ever seen!

    Mittheimp, before you posted that statement, did you stop to think that maybe English is not AlexLahs first language.

    totster :o

    Thank you Totster!

    mittheimp: why are you not going to contribute positively to this thread, as it seams you claim to have a superior knowledge of the English language?

    And why do you not tell me how I should have responded to that question so I can learn from you?

    Why did Totster edit my post to make it look like I was criticising Alexlarhs English ability? (when i wasnt - I was making a joke a bout Donz!)

  9. I think the poms should even turn up.

    They should just come up with some excuse so they dont have to get emabarrased.

    My old high school team would probaly give the poms a run

    mmm, the only embarrassing thing here is the literacy level of your post!

  10. sad news indeed

    my condolences.

    Andy is unusual in that he has a friend that was able to pass on the news of his death. For 90% of us i doubt this will happen as we use this quite anonymously.

    Thats the beauty and the problem of forums like this!

  11. One thing that no one has asked so far and which might be relevant is about her background before you married her. Where did you meet her and what type of job was she doing (if any)?

    If you had read the original post then you would see that the kind of 'girl and background' you are alluring to is not the case here! Not that i really see the relevance either!

    "She had never had any kind of boyfriend before me, comes from a middle class Thai family and has a very good education. We have lived in the UK since marrying – and she has got on very well, has a professional job"

  12. I backed West Indies before the comp started at good odds so i have a good reason to want them to win. Windies have always been my second team anyway - so it would be great to see them become a force again!

    Sorry about your money Mittheimp.

    The Windies need to get a bit of backbone down the order before they become a real force again. :o

    i was counting my money after 6 overs - but i should never feel confident with the windies until the game is over!

  13. bad luck mate, it sounds very tough.

    She probably has strong feelings for you but not the kind of love you both need. make strong decisions, don't let her manipulate you - but you perhaps can also remain quite close - so you dont lose her completely! She may well be a genuinely decent person that made a mistake by not being honest with herself and you sooner! I wouldn't worry about the Swiss thing, she will get over that in time as you will with her.

    Good luck to you both!

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