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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. Metheimp, why is it you feel you have to insult people to get your point accross, as for saying you bet I'm a right laugh to have a drink with, gladly you will never find out, you are very opinionated and assume quite a lot about other people, just the type who thinks he can handle his piss, but falls apart and makes a prick of himself. I have yet to hear you write one intelligent or constructive thing.

    Guesthouse I'm also very dissapointed with your bluster as you seem to think it is only your opinion that is right. you're obviously unable to compromise with people even though I have tried to compromise with you. You haven't lived in the UK for along time and you do have a comfortable lifestyle, you don't have to live on a low wage, or work with no regulations. I make no bones that I come from the wrong side of the tracks and I've seen things that might make you think twice, but I don't expect you to see that.

    Thats my opinion.

    Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

    Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility, when all I am stating is I think the report is putting a lot of positive spin on some very negative figures, whats wrong with that?, why, do you think it is outside the realms of possibility? I'm happy that you're happy with your lives, but for 4.4 million Brits something is definately not right.

    You complain about bias in the BBC reporting yet your posts imply that all the 4.4 million people that left the UK did so because they were disillusioned by the country - this is simply not true. Yes I know there are a number of bitter folk out there - such as yourself - but to suggest they are typical is nonsense. People have emigrated from the UK ever since it has been possible - otherwise where have Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand's populations largely come from!

    And again you haven't put any substance to your argument apart from saying 4.4 million have left the country so something must be wrong - A lot of these people have family in other countries (look at the figures for south Asia), weather and money goes further in developing countries - etc etc there is a whole myriad of reasons

    But hey glad you haven't stooped to my low level to get your point across. Good to see you have claimed the moral high ground!

  2. :o;)

    fair enough guesthouse,

    i dont live in the U.K and can personally tell you ill never go there unless someone payed me a <deleted> load of money.

    ive lived with poms, travelled with them young and old and ive never had one scream at me that i have to go over there.

    you know that i am an aussie, we have got everything that the english want , australia is full of them and i mostly like them.

    they appreciate to be able to live in aussie or los as a matter of fact because the U.K is going down the gurgler real quick. thats what they all tell me anyway.

    for you to say they should all " keep up or get left behind " tells me exactly what your attitude is towards your own countrymen who dont happen to be as well off as you.

    its screams out loud, "IM ALRIGHT JACK AND FRIG THE REST OF YOU" . :D

    whilst your sitting on your arse in rome eating spaghetti your bretherin are struggling to survive in good old blighty and all you can say is


    truly pathetic peace of logic guest house and im glad your no mate of mine. as a matter of fact i will report to our immigration department as a life member of the jack brigade. :D

    if you get anywhere near aussie you will self destuct.

    you've disapointed me guesthouse as i was just starting to take to you but now im back to thinking your a right tosser.

    now dont take that as being offensive as its only my observation and i could be wrong. :D

    but guesthouse, i though i was wrong once but i was mistaken.

    lighten up guesthouse and have a bit of compassion for your pommy mates. :o

    your bestest buddy, terry

    Not coming to the UK! Oh that's a shame - and all of us here were so hoping you would make it over!

    Maybe your information about the UK is more of a reflection of the company you keep - but then again i would have presumed someone of your status, intellect and sensitivity would only socialise with the great and the good :bah:

    A shame you, yet again, had to resort to personal insults with your verbal jousting with Guesthouse as a) you always lose, :bah: you tend to look an idiot and c) you were doing so well without it!

    Hint: How about looking for a topic you know something about before commenting - although admittedly I haven't found the 'too many smileys by pig ignorant fireman' section yet! :D

  3. Looks like GuestHouse is the only one making any sense on this thread!

    Why do Brits go abroad? - Well if you actually examine the figures then you will see a lot those included are people from South Asia that presumably have dual nationality. People also go abroad because they are attracted by the adventure, the exoticness of foreign countries, the weather and most importantly - because the British economy makes it possible! Perhaps the relative openness of British society makes people more curious and open to foreign culture. Yes of course there are those bitter people citing the government and how the UK has changed and being ruined - but people like Robski have always existed and always will (they read and believe the Daily Mail!)- the grass is always greener! I have loved living abroad - but by living abroad I have also appreciated things that people tend to take for granted when back in the UK - such as a genuinely open and multicultural society (yes OK political correctness does sometimes go to far - but better that than the racism of the past and the racism found else where), a political system that despite all its faults is as open and non-corrupt as any found anywhere, a NHS which most people in the UK are very thankful for. The best TV in the world (no one believes this to be true until they have lived in Australia and the USA!).

    And if the Uk was so bad why is it so attractive for Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Eastern Europeans, South Asians etc etc?

    This coming from the guy who started the thread 'who are the hardest farangs?' Keep dreaming. :D:D:D

    Mate you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, this whole statement is a work of fantasy, and me a Daily Mail reader? don't insult my intelligence. I can see the irony clear enough bemoaning immigration, having worked abroad myself, but what about those that are in England, losing jobs or having to support an over stretched system?

    My point is again that the report in the OP has only one clear fact that 4.4m brits have left and the rest of the report is propaganda.

    As for the last bit well they've got Kylie but bugger all else and everyone knows they come to see London for the booze and the birds. :D

    Mate I think you've been away from the UK to long! As not only do your posts paint a picture of UK that doesn't exist you also have no ability to spot irony! Maybe the thread wasn't very funny but I think most could see it was a response to an increasing number of pathetic threads boasting about fighting!

    and Guesthouse is right - you have made a number of sweeping statements about why this report is biased but have made no attempt to back it up with any meaningful explanation or evidence! But then a lot of people enjoy moaning about how things have changed and how the UK has gone to the dogs since Jolly foreigner has arrived. Bet your a right laugh to have a beer with! :o

  4. Looks like GuestHouse is the only one making any sense on this thread!

    Why do Brits go abroad? - Well if you actually examine the figures then you will see a lot those included are people from South Asia that presumably have dual nationality. People also go abroad because they are attracted by the adventure, the exoticness of foreign countries, the weather and most importantly - because the British economy makes it possible! Perhaps the relative openness of British society makes people more curious and open to foreign culture. Yes of course there are those bitter people citing the government and how the UK has changed and being ruined - but people like Robski have always existed and always will (they read and believe the Daily Mail!)- the grass is always greener! I have loved living abroad - but by living abroad I have also appreciated things that people tend to take for granted when back in the UK - such as a genuinely open and multicultural society (yes OK political correctness does sometimes go to far - but better that than the racism of the past and the racism found else where), a political system that despite all its faults is as open and non-corrupt as any found anywhere, a NHS which most people in the UK are very thankful for. The best TV in the world (no one believes this to be true until they have lived in Australia and the USA!).

    And if the Uk was so bad why is it so attractive for Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Eastern Europeans, South Asians etc etc?

  5. Mittheimp,

    If you honestly think that Pattaya is "the seediest destination in the world" I would suggest you get out more. Pattaya has hookers, yes, there is no doubt about that, yes it also has criminals and parts of it could do with a good steam clean, yes I doubt anyone would disagree with that.

    But have you ever been to the cages in Bombay or Rio De Janerio, Port Moresby or even bluudy Wolverhampton on a Saturday night.

    At least in Pattaya (for the most part) the hookers are in the bars, not hanging on every street corner or accosting you everywhere you go. The Crime is mostly Thai on Thai and, though some, very few are armed and the authorities do try very hard to keep the place half clean.

    It is very easy to go out in Pattaya and not be accosted by hookers, robbed at gunpoint or ingest E coli from a cockroach sandwich........just avoid those few places where this could possibly happen, we all know where they are !

    "the seediest destination in the world".............maybe you should rethink that statement just a little bit !

    And since that statement was also based on a trip 3 years ago maybe a refresher would do you good. There are big changes with Pratumnak, Jomtiem, North and Central Pattaya all making slow but steady steps to move a bit up market.

    Have a nice day



    First time ive heard of Wolverhampton as being a holiday destination!

    Look im not doubting other attractions in Pattaya exist other than the nightlife. But if you took away the availability of cheap sex then the whole tourist industry in Pattaya would collapse. If you really disagree with that then you are deluding your selves!

  6. Thailand Has World's Lowest Unemployment Rate: Survey

    Thailand has the lowest unemployment rate in the world and South Africa the highest, Germany's Federal Statistics Office said Thursday, quoting data from the International Labour Organization (ILO).

    Unemployment in Thailand was pegged at 1.9 per cent in 2005, according to comparative data from 43 countries collated by the ILO, the German office said.

    The Thais were followed by South Korea and New Zealand, which both had a jobless rate of 3.7 per cent, according to the survey.

    Ireland and Switzerland had the lowest unemployment rate in Europe at 4.4 per cent each, while Poland had the highest at 17.7 per cent. Germany's unemployment rate of 9.1 per cent placed it in 32nd place among the countries surveyed.

    Bottom of the list was South Africa with an unemployment rate of 26.6 per cent.

    The ILO classes unemployed people as those of working age who do not have paid employment or who are self-employed even though they actively seek work.

    -- Agencies/DPA 2006-12-07

    :o Sounds likely!!

  7. Dont live in Ayutthaya any more but try the Moon cafe, Tony's place or sherwood house guest house (other wise known as MM) owned by an English guy called Steve -opposite the police station.

    Not many live in Ayutthaya though!

  8. Hotels/Restaurants/Shopping/Discos/Live Music/Cinema/Bowls/Beach - near by islands/diving/Go Karts/Gun Range/Croc Farm/ Buddha Hill/ Tiger Zoo/ Nang Nook/Elephant Trekking/Water Park

    - list is endless and we havent even broached the naughty nightlife. So Patters does quite well without Prostitution coming into play. :o

    But they are add ons! Take away the prostitution and how many of these would still exist? Take away the Karts/Gun Range/Croc Farm/ Buddha Hill/ Tiger Zoo/ Nang Nook/Elephant Trekking/Water Park and Pattaya would still be Pattaya!

  9. No i dont as they are not true!

    I will moderate the statemment -

    but isn't Pattaya's economy based largely on the sex industry? Attracting many western sex tourists! Why on earth would any one want to take their family to one of the seediest destinations on the planet?

    Please tell what part of that is inaccurate?

    Who says it is?

    Have you been there recently? :o

    Not that recently - 3 years ago. So you telling me my statement is untrue? I would like to see the evidence before you convince me (apart from a big tescos, a couple of golf courses and a tiger zoo!) - maybe its the beautiful beach that attracts the tourists?

  10. What a total ar5e of a statement !

    I expect you'd also agree that all muslims are terrorists, all blacks are crack heads and all germans have square heads

    Tw@t !

    No i dont as they are not true!

    I will moderate the statemment -

    but isn't Pattaya's economy based largely on the sex industry? Attracting many western sex tourists! Why on earth would any one want to take their family to one of the seediest destinations on the planet?

    Please tell what part of that is inaccurate?

  11. It is a shame , a real shame. But watch out for England in the world cup - we've almost mastered the one day game! :o

    No offence, but you guys suck pus at the one day game me ol' china :D

    You might be good at cricket but Aussies really are bewilderingly idiotically thick when it comes to spotting sarcasm!!

    I feel better now! :D

  12. Australia are a few classes above England at the moment - no question.

    But this Australian team is not as good as the one four,five years ago. How many of the current oZ team are no longer at their peak? Hayden, Langer, Martyn, Gilchrist, Lee, Warne and Mcgrath were all better players in the past (yes, i know they are still very good). But the point is England are in this position as they have played way below what they are capable off - Only Collingwood is playing above expectations - Pieterson and Bell about what is expected the rest below or in the case of Harmison way way way way below. Selections of incredibly stupid proportons havent helped - but i think ive covered that in other posts!!!

    It is a shame , a real shame. But watch out for England in the world cup - we've almost mastered the one day game! :o

  13. If Pitersen,Collingwood and Flintoff had knocked Warne all over the park as in the first innings then there wouldn't have been a problem -

    If you think that losing after a bad declaration that set the record for losing after the scoring largest score ever is not losing the match then you are obviously missing something.

    Lame excuses.

    In the first innings, both Warne and McGrath experienced their worst bowling figures ever, but like true champions, they turned it all around in the second innings...Warne in particular.

    You can blame the first innings failures on a lifeless pitch. The Aussies took advantage of the pitch in the second innings. This is where the Aussies demonstrated their superiority.

    They mesmerized the Poms with their bowling accuracy and fielding supremacy.

    There were failures in the Aussie team as well, and I think they'll be some line-up changes for the next test.

    It wasn't bad play from the Poms that lost them the match. They were unfortunate enough to play cricket against arguably the best cricket team in the history of cricket.

    When Australia is in this type of mood, nobody can beat them.

    You can believe that if you wish but your deluded! Warne was excellent but the other 6 wickets were down to poor decisions, very very poor shots to average balls and poor running between the wickets. England lost this match because of poor tactics!

  14. Fletcher has a lot to answer for!

    A pathetic England performance!

    Warne bowled well, but 6 wickets fell at the other end for 70 runs!

    Before the series started I stated my concerns for a team selected on the basis of favourites rather than form or ability. There is no rhyme or reason why Giles should be playing and not Panesar, and how Anderson waltzes into the team is another mystery. Why England forgot about scoring runs for three hours is also a mystery - Collingwood must take a lot of blame here. If you compare batting line-ups - Clarke at 6 is so much more accomplished than Flintoff - and yet what does England get out of playing flintoff as the allrounder? The ability to play three underused, undercooked bowlers (Anderson, Harmison and Giles) instead of two! Flintoff has been bowling more overs than anyone else so why the need for 5 bowlers?

    A pathetic performance. Flintoff should never have been made captain - maybe Fletcher felt he could manipulate him easier than Strauss!

    Could we see a repeat of 1981? Flintoff resigns captaincy and produces a heroic herculean performance in the last three test matches to provide the most famous series result in test cricket?


  15. England wobbling big time here! 89-5 at lunch

    Need to bat all the way through the middle session - still 61 overs left today!

    Flintoff looks overburdened by the captaincy (as predicted) - time for Jones and particularly Giles to prove their worth with the bat!

    It would be interesting to set Australia 220 from 35 overs - but without a spinner worthy of the name that scenario would provide only one winner!

    Hope my next post is not so pessimistic!

  16. spoke to soon!! :o:D

    Although microsft internet explorer seems to be working ok now - i downloaded firefox as people seem to think it is a safer browser and the same thing is happening here - instead of going to google it finds dodgy porn orientated search sites! So there still must be something still somewhere on the PC!

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