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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. Appreciate the help I'm getting on this.

    Login page:


    Status page:


    The status page shows the expanded menu on the left. Nothing useful at all (well, for my current needs).

    IMHO, have you tried logging in by going to your internet IP address? I have seen the login page you posted one time. When my internet IP address changed (before I could login locally).

    I was a little confused at first as my login details stopped working. I checked my internet IP, typed in the new address and got the login page shown here. Login details then worked straight away.

  2. I'm being too trusting/naive.

    Your question re discovering the gateway got me thinking. Downloaded angry IP scanner.

    It's been changed.

    I can now login locally.

    Still no options to change anything of use, Same menu as accessed via internet.

    After login the address bar shows

    Any suggestions for alternatives to 'webfig' that might get me somewhere useful?

    Or any suggestions at all?

  3. Got a small manual when they installed, fortunately all in English, which states that login can be achieved through a web browser at

    Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me.

    Tried windows XP and 7.

    Even went into the LAN settings and changed my laptop to with the gateway as

    Tried winbox as well - no joy.

    My networking knowledge is limited, but I have set up a system in the UK before, with minimal problems,

  4. IMHO, wonder if you could help me a little.

    I'm still unable to login using

    I can access the winet router via the internet using my IP address, but this only allows me to view information.

    With the exception of a couple of basic settings, I can't change anything.

    Are you connecting using the via your web browser?

    Have tried wifi and with LAN cable.

    Appreciate that you can't login, but all I'm getting is 'this webpage is not available'.

  5. I don't suppose the login (account number) can be found on the bill - or extrapolated from it?

    Not sure. I've not actually had a bill yet, but kept the account number from when I originally signed up.

    Mine is 4 numbers, 1 letter, 4 numbers e.g. 1111F1111

    • Like 1
  6. RichCor, thanks for the detailed reply.

    Faced my fears today and called ToT. Well, had a Thai friend phone for me. Only took 10 minutes of asking the same question over and over.

    The login is my ToT account number and the password is totwinet. My account number has an 'F' in it and the login IS case sensitive - I've tried.

    the 'totwinet' password is lower case.

    10 minutes was better than I expected.

    Now to see if I can get everything set up and working.

  7. Am trying to connect to my DVR over the Internet.

    Have a tplink router for wifi, watashi DVR and Internet access is via a winet router. The winet router seems to be the stumbling block.

    Can use my iPhone to view the cameras on LAN, no problem (idmss lite app)

    When I try to connect over the internet, I get the ToT winet router login page.

    The instructions with the winet router says login is admin and no password. This doesn't work. It also lists the ip as which comes up with nothing.

    I'm presuming that I have to set up port forwarding/dmz/virtual server on the winet router.

    How do I get in to it?

    I'm asking here first before the fun starts with ToT = language barrier/tech barrier/mai mee barrier/mai dai barrier

  8. He said that if he had complete power he would have imprisoned his critics or "put them before a firing squad," but insisted that he chose instead to work within the framework of the law.

    Ohh, come on people. Am I the only one that can see this as one of the general's little jokes?

    And he is working 'within the framework of the law'. He simply forgot to put 'martial' in front of 'law'.

    (Irony intended)

  9. You can live alone anywhere in the world. But everyone needs contact with other people, otherwise you go a bit crazy and start having really good arguments with yourself!! Which are good, coz you always win.

    When i visit my mum she always remarks about how i mumble to myself. I can't use the excuse that i am talking to the dog/cat/budgie coz she doesn't have one. My imaginary friends travel with me everywhere.

    Thanks Patsycat. Had a good chuckle reading this.

    Probably 'cos I see a bit of myself as well :)

  10. Have been using Promec-8000 for about a year. This also contains Ivermectin.

    Dog 1, 25kg, 1 tablet. Dog 2, 12kg, 1 tablet. Aunties dog 1, 6kg, 1/2 tablet. Aunties dog 2, 10kg, 1 tablet.

    The 10kg and 12kg dogs, I was tempted to use 1/2, but the little buggers are always in long grass, water and around lots of other untreated dogs.

    Not noticed any health issues caused by using this medication. Although 4 dogs is a very small sample.

    The link posted by AyG is an interesting read.

    Edit - Forgot to add. Give the tablets once a month.

    Edit 2 - Have a look at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/764269-Ticks%2C-my-solution

    Lots of knowledge shared.

    • Like 1
  11. well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

    next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here

    You have to wonder about safety for others in these gun ranges. What's to stop some nutter shooting bystanders before killing himself. I had thought there might be some sort of bullet proof screen booth, only allowing forward fire. But that's not the way it looks, just open ended.

    Do a google of "shooting gun range".

    You'll find plenty of reports of suicides or murders or sometimes both.

  12. A sad fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Suicide is your birth right. You were set on the earth not by choice , but you can end it.

    Suicide the solution you won't regret.

    Temporary problems have a knack to come back or get worse.

    My friend, I think you need to talk to someone, I think you yourself may need some help. Other than that, I have no words for the comment you just made. Please......Talk to someone, and settle down. Seriously.

    BuaBS does make an unusual post, but I'm sure there are many who've suffered from depression and/or suicidal thoughts, will understand/relate to what he has written.

    • Like 2
  13. One of the things to remember is that once the decision has been made to end their life, most suicide victims become much happier. They do see an end to their suffering and this means they may not exhibit some of the signs we associate with being suicidal.

    Scott, I'm interested in your knowledge connected with this incident and particularly interested in the quoted comment.

    How do you know this? Study, observation or something else?

    Btw, my inquiry carries no negativity or bias. I agree completely with your observations and, macabre though it may be, I have a fascination with suicide.

    As for the young man killing himself. At 21, a waste of a young life, but to be clear headed enough to go to a gun range, test the weapon and then turn it on himself, he clearly wanted out. It's also quite possible he came to Thailand specifically for this reason.

  14. Thanks for the quick reply.

    Had similar thoughts to you, wanted something official to confirm the truth of the situation and a search led me to this thread.

    I'm not surprised you received no response, but appreciate you making the effort.

    I have read elsewhere on the forum that the free letter can take a few days (or longer) to obtain, whereas the 'corrupt' express service is pretty much while you wait.

    Although it galls me to pay for something supposedly free, I equate it to the standard and express services available in the UK. The only difference is the person in front of you gets the money instead of the fat cats.

    Because TiT, it's same same but different.

  15. Now a little more time has passed, thought I'd do an update.

    All boys.

    Having probed a little deeper re the purchase, the guys selling the chicks made a specific point of saying the chicks were free, but when you got the chicks you HAD to buy self seal bag of medicine from them. The bags were very small and I've no idea what was inside. 10 chicks came with 50 baht of 'medicine'

    Only got 6 left. They're very tasty.

  16. "Each one can nominate no more than 10 institutions that, in their expert opinion, they believe to be performing the most strongly for teaching and research," said Phil Baty, editor of the rankings.

    Speaking to The Nation via email, Baty said Thai higher-learning institutes had not received enough nominations to sit among the world's most prestigious varsities.

    "There is no way of knowing why this is happening," Baty said.

    Absolutely the funniest thing I've read in weeks.

    I love irony/sarcasm and, whether intentional or not, this ranks really high.

  17. Simple..Do not work! This subject has been beaten to death!

    Would like to disagree with that statement and offer some anecdotal evidence.

    Had my curiosity piqued by the 'special' magnets that were being sold to aid fuel efficiency for gas boilers and cars and magnetic wrist bands to aid health.

    Purchased one for £30 and cut it open to find a standard bar magnet inside.

    Any magnet will do the job.

    Now the anecdotal stuff. Friend has 3 dogs. Two close to 10 years, one is 4 years old. The youngest develops an arthritic condition and is always lagging behind, struggling to keep up with owner and the 2 older dogs. Medication from the vets had no noticeable benefits.

    She put a small neodynium magnet on the dogs collar and within days the dog was walking better. About 2 weeks after the first use of the magnet, I received a thank you letter from her dog, signed with a paw print. Her youngest dog is now up front and not struggling at all. I don't believe the placebo effect is relevant with animals and therefore believe that magnet did something.

    Second personal experience is a gas boiler. My aunts ageing boiler made quite a loud noise every time the gas fired up. Medium sized neodynium magnet placed on the gas pipe very close to where it enters the boiler. It's supposed to save money. Don't know if it saved her any money, but the boiler stopped making the loud noise.

    Small neodynium magnet was about 8mm diameter and 3mm thick. Very cheap on eBay. It needs to be close to or touching the skin. For people and animals, bigger is not necessarily better. I tried a big neodynium (25mm diameter 10mm thick) and it gave me a headache within hours. Tried it on and off over a few days 'cos I didn't believe a magnet could do that to me, but it did, every time.

    Nothing to offer regarding copper.

    The dog learned to write and post a letter due to the power of magnets.

    I would hope that most members could take the small step necessary to understand the letter written by the dog.

    However, Benjie's humour made me realise that some members may not, and this forum having a multi-national membership, sometimes things get lost in translation.

    So, no, magnets don't endow intellect and human language skills into canines. The letter was written by the owner, but 'signed' by the dog with a paw print.

    (Although, because I didn't actually witness the letter writing, this is an assumption.)

  18. Have witnessed the same as the op and also feel it shows a lack of manners.

    Particularly amongst the females. With strangers, officials and not immediate family, it's always 'ja' or 'ka' at the end of every sentence.

    With immediate family, nothing.

    And my least favourite issan word 'bore' (no). Imo it carries no courtesy and sounds just plain rude.

    Add to this the basic courtesy of saying bye bye at the end of a telephone conversation. Or should I say, the lack of. Although they are learning.

    When I don't get a 'bye bye' I phone them back and ask if we got cut off. 'No we didn't get cut off'.

    Buy you didn't say 'bye bye'.

    I invariably get a bye bye at the end of telephone conversations now.

    OP, perhaps we're getting a bit sensitive in our old age.

  19. How can anyone believe in such BS

    The Topic should be closed I am shocked that it was allowed

    A non believer eh?

    If it can't be reconciled by physics, chemistry or biology it can't be true?

    Science doesn't have all the answers - yet. Have an open mind. I reject and accept, based on my experiences.

    Some things I have experienced can't be explained by science.

    My beliefs can't be forced on to you. Your choices and your belief system are uniquely yours. And I respect that your choice is to think some things are BS.

    But what I relate to others is not BS. Simply what I've witnessed.

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