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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. Looks like Yaris driver may have taken offence at being cut up by the white pick up (0:50).

    Although the Yaris driver was driving like a tool at this point and white pick up probably had no idea he was there, I'm assuming that's what set Yaris off his head.

    When the Yaris pulls in front of the pick up, the driver of the Yaris opens his door (1:08), presumably to have a nice chat. Then the stupidity really kicks in.

    Confiscating the car? Now that headline really caught my attention.

    And as mentioned in other posts, what about the poor sod on the motorbike?

  2. Well a thai paper did a survey a few years back, they asked 8 to 10 years old Isaan school girls what they wanted to do after they finished school

    99% said that they wanted to marry a "farang",as farangs would take better care of them that a thai husband would

    To add to this, something that seems to happen everywhere I build a rapport with Thai ladies is "can you find me a faring boyfriend?". Some of the local shops, a builders merchant in Udon, friends of the gf.

    Sometimes there's no rapport. I had minor surgery on my back, local anaesthetic, and the surgeons assistant started asking me a few personal questions and this led to "can you find me a faring boyfriend?".

    The ladies range in age from early 20's to early 50's.

    There's definitely an interest in getting a farang.

  3. Had a similar lack of success asking for caffeine tablets at pharmacies in Udon.

    Don't enjoy coffee, so my occasional caffeine intake comes from M-150 (or similar).

    Have ordered some tablets from the UK. Will update when/if they get here.

    Previous thread may be of some interest


    Arrived today.

    Hope it's ok to post the link


    Cost £7.75 inclusive of international shipping

    Bought 240 tabs. They're 200mg, which would have me bouncing off the walls and twitching like a lunatic. 25mg is enough, so some experimentation chopping them up is next.


    Picture is of one packet containing 120 tabs. And a 10 baht coin for size reference.

  4. This must terrify from powers that be, on both sides.

    If you are suggesting the rural folk are getting sophisticated and worldly, you overestimate the educational quality of their on-line activities.

    Have 'liked' this.

    Would prefer an 'absolutely, spot on' button.

    The rural folk are not suddenly going to develop a surge of self motivation and a desire to further their education, but I believe internet access can, and will, make a difference, mainly through social media.

  5. Who did the 2.5M number come from?

    How many square meters of house is that meant to build?

    Have any house plans been made yet?

    What else is included in the 2.5M other than the actual building costs?

    All of it was only ever at talk stage, so no details.

    But i have decided i am better off having nothing to do with it.

    Thanks maejo for the info regarding loans, thats really all im after as now im in the know i can use this info.

    If she wants to build a house, up to her, ill be long gone when repayments are due

    I am relieved to hear your case of temporary insanity has been cured :P

    And I'm gutted. Just found this thread and was ready to come in with a price of 2 million baht to build a modest house.

    Couple of builders local to me in Udon, would have happily built in Buriram and shared a percentage of the modest profit on the modest build :)

  6. Second phone call to the helpline was about domestic travel in Thailand with my 'expired' passport.

    Although the passport website states the passport is only good for ID purposes after you apply for renewal, lady I spoke to said no problems with domestic travel and there is a 90 day window from date of application for international travel. I didn't go into details re international travel and didn't take a name.

    Please don't take my word about the 90 day window, check and get a name, or email confirmation. Thought the info may be useful to people juggling renewal and travelling.

  7. Did my renewal application 2 weeks ago.

    You keep your passport and send colour photocopies of every page (including blank ones). But take the passport with you. They want to check it.

    No counter signatures required.

    I have nothing with my name and address in thailand, so phoned the help line and asked if I could use the blue house book as proof of my address. Slight delay while he checked, "yes you can use it".

    The interview isn't really an interview. They're just checking you match the pictures and go through the paperwork to make sure everything is in order.

    Everything was in order, apart from having no translation of the house book. Translation service on the ground floor cost 500 baht. Took about 20 minutes.

    Back upstairs, 'interviewer' was happy, gave me a receipt and job done.

    The most surprising part was the phone call and email yesterday.

    "Your passport's ready".

    2 weeks!!

  8. FIVE rice crops per year, based on which calendar!

    BTW rice crops do not demand water hence they are not the cause of water shortage.

    I thought 3 crops was the maximum they could squeeze into 1 year.

    And local to me they tend to have one rice crop each year and plant just before/as the rainy season starts. Perhaps because rice needs quite a bit of water?

    But maybe 5 crops and not much water is true. They could've made the 'super' rice available all over Thailand


  9. A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

    I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

    I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

    A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice
    But the cancer analogy is absolute <deleted> bull shit... so nobody as ever stopped gambling, stop being so <deleted> weak. Flame on...

    I stopped gambling after being addicted for about 7/8 years when I was teenager(in the 80's) and I am not a weak person as you make out. I was doing my A-levels back then. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to stop for people who are not as strong willed or maybe even challenged or simple minded? Must be a hell. People like you who put addictions down to being weak instead of an illness or perhaps an error in the DNA are also challenged in a way. You can't seem to understand that not everybody is as wonderful and strong as you

    Strong people take it on the chin, hold their hands up and say "I'm responsible for......"

    Weak people blame everything and everybody else.

    "It's not my fault, it's in my DNA" or "it's not my fault, it's an illness". Pathetic.

    And being "strong" is not superior intellect or physical prowess.

    Let's move on from the strong and weak debate and talk logic.

    What's logical about gambling all your money away? Not being able to pay bills or buy food. Cheating and lying to cover your illogical behaviour.

    With your A level education it took 7/8 years to realise that gambling (as an addiction) is a fools game?

  10. A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

    Some drugs are physically addictive and once addicted, the body gives the victim a hard time making a choice, alcoholism, gambling, obesity ARE a matter of choice.

    '"I've always had a problem with my weight"

    Yeah, but you've never had a problem with putting food in your mouth.

    Comparing cancer sufferers to weak willed people who make poor choices, is horse shit.

  11. Welcome to Pattaya ..... such a lovely place .... whistling.gif

    So why comment at all. 14 million people do enjoy it every year. Crime such as this occurs in every city in the world.

    14 million every year?

    I don't TAT would approve of that statistic. More like:

    12 million 2 years ago

    13 million last year.

    14 million this year.

    15 million next year.

    16 million, 17 million, 18 million, ad infinitum


  12. Some said their items have been mortgaged to pawnshops. So what is the Law here in that situation. Isnt it the pawnshops loss?

    I was wondering the same thing, is it against the law for pawn shops to deal with stolen

    merchandise or are they protected and will the owners of the stolen items have to pay to

    get them back and recover there losses from the people who stole them. TIT so I really

    do not know.

    In the UK, pawn shops and places like Cash Converters should (if they're being run legitimately) keep records of ID produced by the person selling anything to them. Taking photos is quite common place as well.

    If an item is stolen, they give all the appropriate details to the police and can make a request for the courts (if it gets that far) to make the thief pay compensation to the shop. There is usually no legal hassle for the shop in this circumstance, but they may have to write off the money they paid for the stolen items.

    If the shop doesn't have the seller's ID, they would be considered to be handling stolen goods. They run the risk of prosecution unless they have a very good reason for breaking the normal 'protocols' that allow these shops to operate.

  13. The forecasts here are never right. I'm using accuweather which seems to be some cruel play on words.

    Agree with you about accuweather and their crap forecasts. Your observation about a "cruel play on words" is spot on.

    And the heat is getting to me too, but I'd rather be here, than seeing the relentless grey of the UK skies.

  14. Well I like 285 and want to find that flavor here.

    So far I've tried..

    Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Chivas Regal, Johnny Walker and I still miss the 285 taste.

    Should I try 100 pipers next or what is the closest approximation that you can think off?

    I used to be a vodka drinker in the UK. Tried 285 when I couldn't get vodka at a local bar here and was pleasantly surprised.

    285 is now my usual tipple in Thailand. I drink most spirits neat with ice. Imo 100 Pipers isn't close.

    As for Lao kao, Jesus, that stuff is nasty. Smells nasty, tastes nasty and has got to be toxic.

  15. I cannot get over the fact he wasn't moved to an inactive post. Maybe, hopefully there is change in the air.

    I think the difference is simple.

    Screw over farmers, foreigners, working class people, that's ok.

    Enslave, ransom and kill minority groups and illegal immigrants, that's ok.

    Steal from the government and face a shit storm.

  16. If you want to upset the wife, divorce her and shack up with the 18 year old mistress. Or the other option.....

    The report suggests that the mistress shot the husband, before taking her own life. But in the nape of the neck? Seems a strange place to shoot someone.

    And I agree with the other posters about the picture, there's no logic to the gun between his legs. Especially if she fired the final shot.

    The whole situation is bizarre and sad.

  17. Was on my condo’s balcony with a Thai university graduate.

    There was a large thunderstorm.

    I said that you can roughly tell the distance of the lightning strike by counting the time between seeing the strike and hearing the thunder.

    Because light travels faster than sound. You see the lightning first, and then because sound travels slower, you hear the thunder. You can count between them to estimate the distance of where the lightning struck.

    No this was wrong, I was told.

    I proffered that it wasn’t, and that it really is a scientific fact.

    No, it isn’t, I was told. Light not travel faster than sound.

    Okay, I was a bit silent at this, and not really sure where to go in the conversation, when she happily took control of it.

    First you hear the plane, then see it.

    Erm... what?

    First you hear the plane in the sky.... then you look up and you see it.

    First you hear, then you see.

    Long silence.

    Thank you for teaching me.

    Welcome, ka.

    My favourite post of the week.

    My Thai gf is asking me why I'm laughing so much :)

    Thank you for sharing.

  18. "Yesterday, a group of "hermits" arrived at Lom's house and informed him that a child ghost has been haunting his family and setting the fires. Lom organized a ceremony to dispel evil spirits on 26 April, in which at least five monks known for their necromancy skills were invited, yet five more blazes were reported later that day.'

    Later channel 8 later exposed how non existent these skills were.

    Are you kidding? They missed out on a bit of great repeat business.

    The spirit entered the female's body to escape from their necromancy skills. They then get to charge another fee to exorcise the female arsonist and 'save' her from the evil spirit within.

    Make the exorcism particularly unpleasant so she'll have incentive to avoid reoffending.

    Seriously though, 'evil spirits' and 'chemical reactions'. What a crock of shit.

    As others have already commented, very lucky that things didn't get out of hand. Could easily have caused injury or death.

  19. Do anyone of the posters here above new why they use a nickname in Th. Can tell you it's NOT seen as a joke in Th.

    I remember reading in Dennis Segllars book - "Thai Ways " that nik names are given so if a spirit wants to make mischief it will attach itself to the nik name and not to the real idenity . A decoy so as to speak. There are probably other explanations as well.

    I am always amazed at the gullibility of Thai spirits. It's amazing they can find their way back to those ugly birdhouses they live in.

    My favourite post of the day :)

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