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Posts posted by thesetat2013

  1. Dear Thailand,

    Remember last week you questioned why the US put Thailand alongside countries experiencing the most significant human rights setback?

    This is why.

    Oh please!!!

    Those kids went there with full knowledge they would be breaking the current laws. Whether they agree with them or not they earned whatever punishment is meeted out to them. They could have found another way to show their displeasure with the junta without breaking any laws. And NO! I am not a junta lover or hater.

    ...you completely missed the point.

    It's not whether the students knowingly broke the law by protesting and upset the Junta and "earned whatever punishment is meeted(sic) out to them"...

    It's that there is a law to stop students peacefully protesting.


    Please try to keep up.

    I do enjoy it when people who miss the point accuse others of missing the point.

    The Junta are in power because Mr T decided he would MURDER peaceful protestors to cling on to power - not arrest them. The country was heading for civil war.

    Prayuth is trying to prevent those same people inciting others to resume violent actions and keep the split the population as wide as they can. They are having a hard time doing it because they can't rely on the police to protect them any more and so they are trying to use children to do it. Spontaneous protests by the general public don't happen with red-shirts like they did after the amnesty bill : they only do it if they get free transport and parties.

    These students are obviously being pushed forward by those same people. If you don't realise that, you must be new to Thailand. They don't want any reforms because they might have to play fair.

    The Junta will be gone soon and then after the most free and fair elections Thailand has managed to hold (where non-red shirts do not get assassinated while campaigning), these students will be free to peacefully protest against the democratically elected government as much as they please.

    Do you get it yet ?.

    What we get from your post are your assumptions and bias, nothing more. Meanwhile, the poster you responded to actually does 'get it' - this is about human rights, where your shared, elitist suckling fantasy doesn't hold up. Your post is about as intelligent as the previous sap who wrote "Get your own house in order first" - a mindlessness you both seem to share.

    Actually squeegee you dont get and the evidence had been shown for his claims. Non reds were pushed forcebly out of the north and some killed for supporting a different political party. The gov is already searching for the people who set this scenario up using those students. The police and other gov officials have to br very careful and can not do anything illegal now that could be easily tracked back to them. This isnt about human rights anymore. It could not be if these students did this for another party

  2. Dear Thailand,

    Remember last week you questioned why the US put Thailand alongside countries experiencing the most significant human rights setback?

    This is why.

    Oh please!!!

    Those kids went there with full knowledge they would be breaking the current laws. Whether they agree with them or not they earned whatever punishment is meeted out to them. They could have found another way to show their displeasure with the junta without breaking any laws. And NO! I am not a junta lover or hater.

  3. It is interesting that the kwai a re now attaching red flags to street furniture between Chiang Mai and San Pa Tong. They are on the move again no doubt funded/encouraged by the dictator in waiting.

    And there we have it! So the people of northern Thailand who don't support the current Junta, and have the temerity to want their democratic rights returned to them, and would vote for the inconveniently 'wrong side' in any election, (as without doubt would the majority of eligible voters), are all 'Buffalos'. Got it!

    Just out of interest when did you come to the conclusion that Fascism was for you?

    I dont believe i saw yout description in ianf's post so i will have to assume that your name calling is actually based on your own misguided opinions.

    If the northerners are putting up red flags in protest then it is more than likely to be pushed by thaksins groups. Thay doesnt mean they ars buffalo as you described them

    Simply they are easily bought out

  4. Don't they vet people before accepting them as novice monks? Here we got a drug addict. Wonder where he had got his joints while in a temple.

    Here we got a drug addict? On the evidence of smoking marijuana once? Must have been top quality Thai Buddha.

    I see you know absolutely nothing about ganja. It is a non-addictive drug.

    Perhaps this kid was forced to join monkhood by his family and he simply did what so many thai do by using destructive means to solve his problem

  5. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    wow, you've got a freedom-loving perspective, eh?
    Come on! You tv member are only viewing this one-sided.

    You have a group of students who were arrested for violating a law. They knew in advance it was a violation. Then, they decided to repeat that violation by going together to the police to demand to make report against the police who arrested them in the first place. By assembling together they violated yet another law.

    2 wrongs do not make it right.

    Even if they were justified to make a report they had other options about how to do that without going as a group and violating that law again. They chose to do it this way for a reason. Just as they chose to refuse to disperse the first time they gathered together which led to their arrest.

    Now i dont believe in coincidences so i have to think this is all being done to make a show.

    The point is that even if they are justified to make a report against the police, they went about it the wrong way and violated a law in doing so.

    I do not have to like or agree with a law in thailand but i have to adhere to them. So do these students. So i stand by what i said.

    There should never have been a standoff. They should have been arrested again

    Laws legislated by the minority through the deprivation of the majority's sovereignty and constitutional rights cannot be deemed legal and enforceable. Civil disobediance is a justifiable exercise of democratic rights.

    Nobody asked you to instill your countries ideals about freedoms amd rights. Thai must follow their own laws as so you must as well. Right now the current gov has made enforcable laws. Its up to all in thailand to adhere to them and if they do not then arrest and prosecution should be made.

    This is not justified as you say.

    If Thai laws from any government (and they have had a few) violate the human rights of citizens, is it not justifiable that Thai citizens resist?

    Your answer in a question. If someone wants to resist then why cant they do it with legal means instead of violating laws to do it? Those kids had other options other than going as a group and making a standoff.

  6. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    wow, you've got a freedom-loving perspective, eh?
    Come on! You tv member are only viewing this one-sided.

    You have a group of students who were arrested for violating a law. They knew in advance it was a violation. Then, they decided to repeat that violation by going together to the police to demand to make report against the police who arrested them in the first place. By assembling together they violated yet another law.

    2 wrongs do not make it right.

    Even if they were justified to make a report they had other options about how to do that without going as a group and violating that law again. They chose to do it this way for a reason. Just as they chose to refuse to disperse the first time they gathered together which led to their arrest.

    Now i dont believe in coincidences so i have to think this is all being done to make a show.

    The point is that even if they are justified to make a report against the police, they went about it the wrong way and violated a law in doing so.

    I do not have to like or agree with a law in thailand but i have to adhere to them. So do these students. So i stand by what i said.

    There should never have been a standoff. They should have been arrested again

    Laws legislated by the minority through the deprivation of the majority's sovereignty and constitutional rights cannot be deemed legal and enforceable. Civil disobediance is a justifiable exercise of democratic rights.

    Nobody asked you to instill your countries ideals about freedoms amd rights. Thai must follow their own laws as so you must as well. Right now the current gov has made enforcable laws. Its up to all in thailand to adhere to them and if they do not then arrest and prosecution should be made.

    This is not justified as you say.

  7. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    wow, you've got a freedom-loving perspective, eh?
    Come on! You tv member are only viewing this one-sided.

    You have a group of students who were arrested for violating a law. They knew in advance it was a violation. Then, they decided to repeat that violation by going together to the police to demand to make report against the police who arrested them in the first place. By assembling together they violated yet another law.

    2 wrongs do not make it right.

    Even if they were justified to make a report they had other options about how to do that without going as a group and violating that law again. They chose to do it this way for a reason. Just as they chose to refuse to disperse the first time they gathered together which led to their arrest.

    Now i dont believe in coincidences so i have to think this is all being done to make a show.

    The point is that even if they are justified to make a report against the police, they went about it the wrong way and violated a law in doing so.

    I do not have to like or agree with a law in thailand but i have to adhere to them. So do these students. So i stand by what i said.

    There should never have been a standoff. They should have been arrested again

    Can't dispute your comments about breaking the law. Would just like to ask whether you agree with the law on assembly? The law is unjust, and, I believe, should be ignored. The more that ignore it the better. As much as I despise the man, Jatuporn was right in this instance. For the most part it is only the young that will have the balls to stand up, and in the long term they are going to be the most affected by the way this country is heading. The older generation are either too scared or too indoctrinated in the "Thai way" of doing things (not doing anything), to address the real issues this country is facing.

    I dont agree with that law but i have to adhere to it right now the same as every thai.

    Also, i can not side with Jatuporn as he has shown he is self serving and has no clue what democracy is. The fact that he jumped on this bandwagon leads me to believe maybe some person or group instigated those students to act without thought of the consequences.

    One more note. Just because some dont like or dont agree with a law or anything does not give them the right to do as they please. Laws must be followed and their are proceedures to challenge them to follow as well.

  8. It would seem those 2 supporters already know this law will pass since they have already obtained and are developing properties in tourist destinations. I am certain they would not be investing to do this if they did not feel sure the bill would pass. The gov should investigate all of them to see if something is amiss

  9. Funny ebay doesnt realise the difficultied of importing products through customs here. I have been told waiting times are about a month and if the product is a name brand ot if it is health or beauty products then the customs and tax fees are too much to be worth the effort.

    I cant say i know about the difficulties with exports. Maybe another tv member can enlighten us

  10. When will Mr. P realise that moving people to inactive posts is not doing anything to solve the problems.

    Arresting the little guys while failing to take legal actions against the people who controlled the illegal actions of others a making reports without follow up and action is the same as doing nothong in regards to improvements.

  11. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    wow, you've got a freedom-loving perspective, eh?
    Come on! You tv member are only viewing this one-sided.

    You have a group of students who were arrested for violating a law. They knew in advance it was a violation. Then, they decided to repeat that violation by going together to the police to demand to make report against the police who arrested them in the first place. By assembling together they violated yet another law.

    2 wrongs do not make it right.

    Even if they were justified to make a report they had other options about how to do that without going as a group and violating that law again. They chose to do it this way for a reason. Just as they chose to refuse to disperse the first time they gathered together which led to their arrest.

    Now i dont believe in coincidences so i have to think this is all being done to make a show.

    The point is that even if they are justified to make a report against the police, they went about it the wrong way and violated a law in doing so.

    I do not have to like or agree with a law in thailand but i have to adhere to them. So do these students. So i stand by what i said.

    There should never have been a standoff. They should have been arrested again

  12. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    Jaunta lover, are we?

    Don't believe in things such as Freedom of Speech and Civil Rights? Sure sounds like it from your comments.

    Putting words in my mouth does not make it true. .
  13. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

  14. Here's a twist. There's a branch of a well known mainstream convenience store right next to the border fence of my university. It's less than 1 minute walk from one of the large entrance gates.

    Maybe 2 years back quite suddenly the fridges were stocked with various beers.

    Very quickly several student groups protested outside this store demanding that they stop selling alcohol. A couple of their well organized protests garnered several hundred students.

    In reality 90 - 95% of the many customers at this C store are uni students. Amid their demands for alcohol to be removed from sale they were threatening to totally black ban this store.

    The store quickly withdrew the alcohol.

    Perhaps you misinterpreted their motives for trying to ban the sales from that store. More than likely their families own a store a little down the street that had the market for alcohol sales to uni students cornered and didn't want competition.
  15. Never fear, the Junta is here.

    The Royal Artificial Rain-making and Agricultural Aviation Department has the drought covered!

    It had been advised to monitor the weather conditions. According to deputy government spokesman Maj General Sansern Kaewkamnerd,

    "It will then be ready to launch a rain making operation to increase the water levels in the dams whenever needed."

    since March 1 [2015], more than 2,728 flights had been flown to try to enhance artificial rain (also known as cloud seeding) and over 92 per cent of flights were said to have caused rain.”

    With leadership like this, Thailand has nothing to fear but fear itself. wai2.gif

    A machine? I thought they were going to rain dance to Buddha to get it to rain more?
  16. Well done Yingluck & Co !!

    700 billion wasted and now the stockpiles can't even be used for animal food.....................

    Last year I tried to explain the rice-pledging-scheme to my sister. Her reply: "Nobody can be that stupid"

    As we all know.....................coffee1.gif

    "Last year I tried to explain the rice-pledging-scheme to my sister. Her reply: "Nobody can be that stupid"

    Your explanation obviously missed key points of Agricultural subsidy programs exercised by many Govts., in order to meet economic and political objectives. Same as Rubber subsidy programs previously...Even to the extent of outlawing Rubber plantations outside the South.....A policy Thaksin quickly jettisoned.

    The point being, Ag-subsidy programs come in many shapes and sizes and for many purposes...The above mentioned rubber subsidy program had political purposes for the Govt. of the day...Imagine such blasphemy.

    These programs open the door for the self-serving Opposition to both demonize the program and the Govt......It is what they do...... But that doesn't make their mantra gospel.......Yingluck defended this program before Parliament. Many would suggest that was gospel....

    Voters in subsequent elections would cast their opinion about this......Both the Opposition's version and the Yingluck one. .Obviously this Opposition wasn't too sure of itself, and avoided that kind of electoral scrutiny..............

    Interestingly, in the run-up to the 2014 coup, anti-democrats worked with some farmers' leaders, especially those in the central region, to organize self-serving demonstrations against the Yingluck Shinawatra government. The claim was that the rice price guarantee was not being paid. Indeed, in some cases it wasn't, not least because the anti-democrats themselves prevented rice sales and payments, and then cried foul, blaming a Govt. they wanted to coup out of existence instead of electorally, for their own obstruction.....Trying to have it both ways.....

    I think I have seen this drama before, in another setting....For example, creating much political fuss and furor emanating out of Lumpini Park, and then suggesting the entire Thai political space was in turmoil. Creating situations and then blaming others. There is a term for that - duplicitous-ness.

    The electorate however has the knack of seeing through duplicitous-ness, and is why an election was quickly cancelled and prevented going forward.

    Wow have you got a real talent for twisting the facts and making up fantasy stories based on limited fact. You should be a writer instead of trying to put your version of what happened during YLs reign with the rice scheme. Kudos to you for this nice fantasy. No go out there and try marketing your talent in the real world.
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