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Posts posted by Gerard052

  1. When you set to 23 is the compressor staying on? If you can not check is the air still cool coming out of unit?

    It is currently the hot season and if sun on unit or roof even more of an issue if unit is small size for the area needing cooling.

    The aircon is 12,000 BTU, and the room isn't huge, probably 5 X 6 metres. The aircon does switch off when around 29-30 degrees is reaches, but only if I set the remote to around 27, not if I set it for 23. the aircon itself doesn't get sun, but the side windows of the bedroom get a fair bit.

    I just bought an aircon 2 weeks ago and they told me that a 12,000 BTU is good for 4 x 4 metres and yours is 5 x 6 metres which is much bigger, also did they check the freon gas? After all it is a 7 year old unit and the freon gas should be checked every 1-2 years. Maybe that's where the problem lies coupled with your big space. Let us know how you make out. Cheers.

  2. I would say the parking lot bash is much closer to real Thainess than what the government is trying to invent.

    This is living the dream for many Thais. Loud low quality music, alchohol and a sex charged atmosphere. Basically frat house standards, but embraced by people decades past college age. I am not making a judgement here, they get to choose their sanook.

    but I don't think the government is going raise the countries level of sophistication, by imaging that there is a real Thailand just out of grasp, based on some Victorian ideal. You want the country to behave less like children, put some real effort into education and stop making it seem like Thailand has all the answers.

    The most succinct and accurate description ever. wai2.gif

    The most deluded and ill-informed response ever to to a deluded and ill-informed post.

    Give your head a shake. Canuckamuck'statement is dead on. Maybe if guys like you would take their head out of the sand or ass, they would be able to see what really is going on in this country. By the way are you a Brit???????? You must be.

  3. I wonder why there were no tools in the car, pretty stupid if you ask me. I thought thay every car come with a jack and basic tools to replace a flat tire. Am I missing something here?

    No you are not missing anything - they were, a jack and a wheel brace.

    Yes every car is supplied from new with a jack and a brace - but sometimes they get lost for one reason or another.

    I don't think you can rightly accuse these tourists of stupidity...

    Most likely this would have been a hire car, or otherwise borrowed - do you always check under the mat to see if the spare and tools are all there and in good order? Or perhaps you pack such items in your suitcase before you go on holiday just in case you're supplied with a car not fully equipped?

    Back home everything is in order in my car and I never rented a car with anything missing. I don't know which country you are from but if you rent a car with the basic tools missing, you should move to a more civilized country or change rental company. When I come to Thailand for my 6 month holiday, I have a car at my disposal that I bought for my Thai wife and I thought her how to replace a flat tire in case she had too and I bought an air compressor to use if she had to, pretty smart hey, so I don't feel bad at all for anybody who leaves without emergency equipment. I have been driving for over 50 years and 1,000,000 +kms and never needed any help from nobody (touch wood) for anything. Maybe she just wanted to feel this guy, you know what, by the look at the picture. So there you go, any more smart comments, bring them on, I have a few more answers

  4. must have been brain failure

    "Brain" in Thailand????

    Apart from the obvious racism here, what on earth is that supposed to mean? Do you have a Thai girlfriend, is she brainless?

    I have a Thai wife of 28 years, half Thai kids and many Thai relatives and friends - are you calling all them brainless? If so a rather ignorant remark.

    No they are not all brainless, my wife is college educated, but referring to Thai drivers, yes, it may be a figure of speech, but

    there is a big lack of mentality amongst the biggest majority of Thai drivers.

    It is not an ignorant remark it is the truth, the amount of fatalities on Thai roads tells you that, so there will be no apologies for my "ignorant" remark.

    Well done, I wouldn't apologize either. I don't think it is an ignorant remarks, it is the absolute truth. I married a Thai lady and I guaranty you she is no rocket scientist.

  5. must have been brain failure

    "Brain" in Thailand????

    Apart from the obvious racism here, what on earth is that supposed to mean? Do you have a Thai girlfriend, is she brainless?

    I have a Thai wife of 28 years, half Thai kids and many Thai relatives and friends - are you calling all them brainless? If so a rather ignorant remark.

    Woo hoo, the poor little guy is upset because somebody call Thai people brainless. He is absolutely right, if you don't like it, tough banana, go take a valium and a glass of wiskey straight. So you are the lucky one, out of 65-67 million people in this country you found the only one with brain. You should go buy a lottery ticket ASAP before your luck runs out.

  6. Who the hell are you trying to kid?

    Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

    It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

    Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

    And why pick on old guys?

    Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

    I am from Florida, so I didn't come here for the warm weather or good food and I would not go anywhere for the temples, synagogues, mosques, meeting halls or churches.

    I come here for the abundance of crime, scams, corruption, immigration hassles, tales of woe, CIA bar chat, expensive alcohol, available delicacies; and for the considerable lack of security, safe driving, legal recognition, common sense, senior services, and farang women.

    Excellent. I feel the same way.

  7. Agree with almost all......I once heard a man my own age saying that if he was at home now he would be sitting by the fire waiting to die.....instead he is having the 'Life of Riley" living here in Thailand.

    The article referred to people (old) as been spoken of as coming to Thailand for the "cheap thrills". I have news for people who think that.....I met and married a Thai lady and she's anything but cheap (she's costing me a fortune) 55555

    I agree about costing a fortune, I am in the same boat. Welcome abord.

  8. So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

    That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

    Let's face it, the western guys taking Thai women back home are usually too old, too ugly, too poor, or too socially inept to bag a western woman. And so 'sexpats'.

    You are absolutely right. When I see an 80+ year old man walking around with a 25 year old Thai lady trying to tell me/us that he is here for the weather or something, what a bunch of crap. It is because he couldn't get lucky in his own country and her he fells like a stud.

  9. I like the absolute sense of freedom in Thailand. No nanny state watching every step you take.

    From OP "I dislike all drivers!" Do you actually drive here?

    I love driving here and feel perfectly safe.

    You must be one of the very few, they drive like idiots, they think they own the road, if they decide to overtake, regardless if you are coming they do so. I don't know how many times I had to move on the shoulders to avoid head on collision, but they don't care. Sometimes I wish I was driving a Sherman tank, so I could crush a few of those reckless drivers.


    Another lame excuse. Jail time would be the most appropriate reward for guys like you.

    Who is this comment directed at ?

    Why do you want someone jailed ?


    I'm guessing he is referring to the OP's excuse that he could not regularise his visa for 22 months because somebody got sick. Must admit I find it hard to believe that over a period of 22 months, some 600+ days, he was unable to find a spare day or two to sort out his visa.....

    As to whether jail time is appropriate - I doubt it, why should Thailand bear the cost of supporting him in jail? Much better just to refuse re-entry for a very long time.

    Ok, I got excited. I totally agree with your statement. He should be refused re-entry for a very long time. There are to many giving the rest of law abiders a bad name. The 20 March will not come soon enough and I hope that they stick to their guns for once. And yes I am an OS HATER, big time, as there are absolutly no reasons for it. Many abused the system because they knew that they would get away with a 20,000 Bahts fine, so some of them overstayed 3-4 years and even more and saved a lot of money, hopefully, it won't be the case anymore. We'll see how it pan out.

  11. Why somebody over 50 would pay 500,000 Bahts for an Elite Visa? I can get an OA Visa M entries for around 6300 Bahts for one year and get a one year extension as I only spend 6 months a year in Thailand, that would be around 31,500 Bahts for 10 years. If someone has that much money to throw away in the garbage can, they can send it to me, I will make good use of it.

    Some do not like lost time for get visa.

    TE is near one hour( online trasfer+ on arrive wait when have stiker in passport)

    How many time you spell for get Visa every year?wink.png

    TE just easy way and I guess it no big cost for many guys.

    And Time its not garbage.

    And do not forget on OA Visa mist hold on 800k if cant show income.

    Different 300k .in some place its can 10-12% per year. It 30k smile.png

    But ofcouse have another option.

    Thats why I say. Thailand it very easy entry and stay in country with many way , with developed imfrastructur and low cost simple life.


    Sorry about my English


    For me time is not a problem, I am retired and have all the time in the world. As far as requirements, I have both, 800,000 Thai Bahts or my pension cheque is enough to cover the requirement. To me it would be a waste of money to get an Elite Visa and for 500,000 Bahts for 5 years, I think that's was over price but if you have money to throw away, go for it.

  12. Why somebody over 50 would pay 500,000 Bahts for an Elite Visa? I can get an OA Visa M entries for around 6300 Bahts for one year and get a one year extension as I only spend 6 months a year in Thailand, that would be around 31,500 Bahts for 10 years. If someone has that much money to throw away in the garbage can, they can send it to me, I will make good use of it.

  13. When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

    wearing ski jackets = have you scaled Everest? 555555

    The real question is, "Have you even been stuck in the North Pole for 11 days, 49 hours, and 43 minutes without socks???"

    Why do I ask? I saw a guy putting ice in his beer....


    I have been stuck at the North Pole for 2 weeks, so what is your point?

    Do they do dancing there as well as scaling fish?

    Of course they do.

  14. When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

    wearing ski jackets = have you scaled Everest? 555555

    The real question is, "Have you even been stuck in the North Pole for 11 days, 49 hours, and 43 minutes without socks???"

    Why do I ask? I saw a guy putting ice in his beer....


    I have been stuck at the North Pole for 2 weeks, so what is your point?

  15. Straight from Mexico and tired, rent a vehicle in the middle of the night, drive on the other side of the road (Mexicans drive on the right side)..in the dark. That was a disaster waiting to happen. RIP to the occupants. I think I'd take my chances with a Thai driver in these circumstances. There's no way I'd do such a thing if I went to Mexico/US.

    VERY, VERY, VERY true.

    I did it. Almost had a head on collision in the middle of the night.

    I'm from Florida. Had my car at a buddy's house in the country. I had been driving in Thailand 18 months or better, and grabbed my Florida ride at about midnight, jet-lagged out the wazoo with a 12 hour time change.

    I drove about 3 or 4 miles down the wrong side of the road with no traffic, sober as a judge, came to an S-curve that I knew like the back of my hand, and had no idea why the guy was in my lane, headed straight for me.

    He hit the ditch (drove off to his right - he was OK), I yanked it to the right and I was still on the pavement, and that's when it hit me. I was driving on the WRONG side of the road.

    I felt lower than whale-shit over that one, and I am SOOOOO happy the guy I ran off the road didn't get hurt!

    That was the problem, you are from USA.

  16. Been together 4 years and you didn't know she had kids?

    I find this very hard to believe. Is she ever on the phone talking to them or talking to their grand parents about their welfare?

    Does she not tell you that she needs to go to an ATM to send money home for her children? How can she hide such a thing from you for 4 years?

    What is the condition of her body? Surely after 2 kids her breasts are out of shape and she has some stretch marks on her stomach, hips and legs.

    Im not buying this story at all.

    Hi Mister, I don't know which planet you are from but my wife is 47 years old and had 2 kids, her breats are not that big and they look as she never had any kids and she has no strech marks on her body whatsoever and she is not hte only one like that. Maybe you should get out a little more and find out that not everybody is the same. Just a thought.

    only a thought that maybe you've been married too long and you don't remember what a body looks like and feels like before kids, I can tell just by touching a woman body if she's had kids

    So you must be a doctor or something like that.

  17. Been together 4 years and you didn't know she had kids?

    I find this very hard to believe. Is she ever on the phone talking to them or talking to their grand parents about their welfare?

    Does she not tell you that she needs to go to an ATM to send money home for her children? How can she hide such a thing from you for 4 years?

    What is the condition of her body? Surely after 2 kids her breasts are out of shape and she has some stretch marks on her stomach, hips and legs.

    Im not buying this story at all.

    Hi Mister, I don't know which planet you are from but my wife is 47 years old and had 2 kids, her breats are not that big and they look as she never had any kids and she has no strech marks on her body whatsoever and she is not hte only one like that. Maybe you should get out a little more and find out that not everybody is the same. Just a thought.

    only a thought that maybe you've been married too long and you don't remember what a body looks like and feels like before kids, I can tell just by touching a woman body if she's had kids

    Possible, I have been married for only 4 years to a Thai lady and I have been coming to Thailand for the last 14 years and of course all the ladies I have been with over them years had one or two kids, seems to be the norm in this country and I think that most of them without kids are under age, which I don't touch. I prefer a lady in her late 30s or early 40s, they have more experience and that's Thai ladies that I am talking about not from my country.

  18. Been together 4 years and you didn't know she had kids?

    I find this very hard to believe. Is she ever on the phone talking to them or talking to their grand parents about their welfare?

    Does she not tell you that she needs to go to an ATM to send money home for her children? How can she hide such a thing from you for 4 years?

    What is the condition of her body? Surely after 2 kids her breasts are out of shape and she has some stretch marks on her stomach, hips and legs.

    Im not buying this story at all.

    Hi Mister, I don't know which planet you are from but my wife is 47 years old and had 2 kids, her breats are not that big and they look as she never had any kids and she has no strech marks on her body whatsoever and she is not hte only one like that. Maybe you should get out a little more and find out that not everybody is the same. Just a thought.

  19. The trucks on the "fast lane" (is there such a thing in Thailand?) drive there because the other lane is broken. But I never bother about them, just drive around them. It is really easy most of the time.

    On the other hand, sometimes there are 3-4 buses in row which are driving around 110km/h and it is really hard to overtake them because they think they own the road.

    Flashing lights to press the other driver out of the way is bad behavior and most drivers who do this also tailgaiting. I only do this at night to show to the left lane drivers that I am coming wink.png.

    Overall, I think it is really nice and easy to drive in Thailand.

    I have driven in many countries and to me they are among the worst drivers in the world. Their accident record per capita is a proof, they are second to last just before Lybia. I have driven thousands of kilometers in Thailand and I've never known what those idiots were going to do, they are cluless and dangerous, specially the motorcycle drivers, they think that they own the road. If they took all those drivers without proper papers off the road, it wouldn't be half as bad.

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