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Posts posted by Gerard052

  1. 10 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Wasn't referring to your particular situation. However, it appears you need to improve on your selection criteria for women.

    It's too late now, I am already married, it was my first time and it will be my last.  I'll never make that mistake again, today I realize how good I had it as a free bird but I guess I have a price to pay for my mistake. 

  2. On 2/3/2017 at 11:20 AM, smotherb said:

    Maybe you need to wake up; I never suggested any baht amount. I simply inferred you need to give as much as you can; after all, it's your child.  There is a significant difference in child support costs if you raise your children in the typical middle- to low-class Thai style than if you send them to international schools; provide health insurance for them; take them back to your home country for vacations; give them imported toys, cellphones, cars, scooters and clothes, etc.  Of course, it depends upon the father's ability to pay--some simply cannot pay as much. It's the low-life farang who has the funds, but tries to get away with as little as possible in support of his own child that I am against.  By the way, congrats to you; taking good care of step-children is a good thing--I know I had two step-fathers and I loved them both.

    My wife is from a small village near Nakhon Phanom and I am not sure about international school in the area but my stepdaughter got married at 16,  in Dec '14(very stupid if you ask me) and I keep paying as she was never married.  She is in her first year at the University and I have been paying for everything.  She lives at home while her husband is supposedly working in Bangkok, I told my wife that anywhere in the world it's the husband's responsibility to take care of his wife, I didn't think that Thailand was different.  The boy is 14 year old and goes to school in Nakhon Phanom, apparently it is better but I wouldn't know.  I took my wife home 2 years in a row during the summer for a 9 and 8 week period.  I keep telling my wife that if I had more, I would give her more but they don't seem to be ever satisfied, my wife anyway.  When I first met her, she lived in a straw house, no windows, no running water and a mattress on the floor.  Now she has a 3 bedroom house, 2 land, a car, motorbike, internet, big TV, ect but it never seems to be enough.  I am retired with a meager pension and I give her everything I have, thankfully I have some savings but eventually the well will be running dry.  That is my story for the day, I hope you enjoy reading it and have a better understanding of my situation.

  3. On 2/3/2017 at 11:52 AM, jollyhangmon said:

    ... makes 2 of us already - at least! It's just like the 1% unemployment jest ... 


    Have to add tough the rate of 'practically illiterate' (for lack of better vocabulary) younger folks back home seems to get quite staggering too ... 

    You are right about the 1% unemployment jest, although in lots of cases they use 10 people to do one person's work or look at the security people, they are a big joke.

  4. 4 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    Domestic only for now, thank heavens as I have zero desire to travel domestically.


    These airlines think marketing will help ? The Thais will be back on the buses, trains and vans faster than this insane tax was introduced. 

    I use Air Asia to go to my wife's place, Nakhon Phanom, I know the price has been going up lately but it beats that 14-15 hour bus ride by a long shot.

  5. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    When polls show 90%+ like the government, where is the opposition???

    They like it because 90% of the population is illiterate, all they do is watch Ch 7, which is about for the mentality  of a 10 year old, I have never seen anybody reading a good book and very few reading the newspapers. So how would they know about the government?  

  6. 12 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Well, it's apparent you missed the point too. So you are in favor of giving your child as little as possible because its mother may spend it on a new boyfriend.   That does provide you a low-life rationalization for giving your child little or nothing, doesn't it?

    I have 2 children that my wife had from a previous idiot Thai man, he left with another woman years ago, I ended up marrying her 6 years ago and they are well taken care of and it doesn't cost me 25k a month to take good care of them.  This is not America, this is Thailand, freakin wake up and smell the roses.

  7. 3 hours ago, smotherb said:

    The B25k was for two kids, I believe. Besides, I am talking about a Western man's obligation to his child--I've heard low-life farangs bragging how little child support they pay; as if it were some honor to short-change your own child. Additionally, what makes you think the mother would not take good care of the child. Not every Thai woman is a money grubbing hooker you know; perhaps you don't know that.

    That's way too much, and most Thai woman are money grabbing.  Like someone said, her new lover must enjoy life.

  8. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Just a thought here, what would it cost the bike renter to have a cop go to the hospital to obtain the address of the bike renter and then perhaps pay him a visit, like I said, just a thought, I know that the "friend" had an accident, and the person who rented the bike to the "friend" is probably trying to extort money, more than the damage is worth, so why not say, something on the lines of, look, I will give you 24 hours to think about it, half of whatever the quote is, paid into your account and the matter is final, if he says no after 24 hours then suggest you engage a lawyer, just my thoughts, after all, the bike was damaged, your paying above what it would cost to repair, but its putting it to rest, if it can be, because I know Thai's don't like to lose face, so I am told 555

    Good thinking, that's a nice thought.  Thank you.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Basil Fawlty said:

    Excuse me if I am being cynical,  I am sorry, but why can someone who is old enough and supposedly responsible enough to come to Thailand and rent a motorcycle, not sort out their own problems, rather than having a 'friend' post for them?


    I don't mean to be antagonistic, but so often one reads about 'a friend's problems' - does anyone else agree, or is it just because I am a "grumpy old Git'?

    Because you are a grumpy old Git.  You asked for it.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    Don't take these renters for mugs when it comes to your friend running away. They will find your friend, in fact they probably already know where he is but won't want to be seen to visiting him. Do you think they are amateurs when it comes to foreigners renting there bikes?
    Take or leave my advice when I tell you that if he continues to blank them or fails to pay within there tolerance levels then it will not end well for him.

    Bla bla bla, what a bunch of BS, his friend is doing the right thing.  Like any Thais they try to fill their pockets with farang money.  I hope that is friend has enough balls to stick up to his guns.

    • Like 2
  11. 14 hours ago, bitterbatter said:

    Can anyone recommend a link of this subject written inThai?  I need to show this to many people.

    Likewise. My wife is the same, she buy useless cream and I keep telling her but it's like talking to a brick wall.  She has brown skin and I keep telling her that no matter what she buys, it's not going to change but she is so gullible, she believes anything her Thai friends says, but me as a farang don't know anything.  Oh well, she is not going to change.

  12. 16 hours ago, wakeupplease said:


    Now I can say I am proud of my Thai wife's driving and shocked just how good she is and I am telling the truth

    Even in the UK on the smaller carriage ways and motorways she is more than able to to handle it


    just wish she would shut her mouth when I drive and not be so lazy and drive more offten


    See Thais can Drive safely


    Some are good drivers.  When I drive my wife sees everything, but when she drives, she doesn't see anything.  I saved her a few accidents, she has a 10 minutes reaction time, not very good for driving a car, specially in this country where you always have to be on the look out for other stupid drivers who think they own the road.

  13. In 2009, I sent my wife to a driving school in Pattaya, it cost me 6,500 Bahts for 20 hours, she went for the written test, failed, but through the driving school and 10,000 Bahts later she got her car and motorcycle licenses.  8 years later she still can't chew gum and walk at the same time.  If she had to do the practical test, mainly the parking part of it, she would fail big time.  I let her drive when the traffic is not too heavy, like in her village, one car every ten minutes, so I feel safe and it gives her some experience, but never in heavy traffic like Pattaya 

  14. 22 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I sometimes jump the queue .

    At 7/11s at 11.58 PM

    I just say "Sorry, this is an emergency"

    And go straight to the front of the queue

    Some day that emergency might take you to the hospital, better be careful out there.

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