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Posts posted by Gerard052

  1. I'm surprised Mitsubishi Thailand can not help you.

    So far my experience has been that manuals are available in English, foc, but the dealers don't always know and obstruct the process of getting one sometimes. But I have received manuals for Isuzu 2x and Mazda 1x without problems. Nissan was more difficult because the dealer obstructed, but one phonecall to Nissan Bangkok solved that.

    There's no problem getting an English Driver's Manual, why a one month wait beats me though, and why should I have to pay for it, but no English copies of the Speednavi manual available, which is ludicrous.

    I bought a Toyota in 2009 never had to pay for the english manual but I had to wait for a month or so.

  2. This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

    Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



    Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

    Not their culture!

    You are exactly right. I don't buy my wife anything and she doesn't buy me anything. She tried it once on me but I told her that Christmas is not a Thai/Buddhist Holiday, so no more. Anyway, to me Christmas is just an ordinary day except when I was working I had some time off and it is also a big profit makers for the stores as they take full advantage of it. Just a proof, at home after the holiday season you get sometimes 50% off or more.

    • Like 1
  3. For those of you making flip remarks suggesting that it's an OK plan to advise your relatives to refuse to pay your final hospital bill, I can assure you that the hospitals will apply a great deal of pressure to your Embassy to have the final bill paid and their staff will spend time contacting your relatives and friends, putting pressure on them to make final arrangements for you.

    That being said there are unclaimed bodies of foreigners kept for quite some time in the morgues here. Eventually some charity steps in and arranges a pauper's cremation.

    Is that what you really want to have happen? To be a burden to the Thai people and a Thai charity at the end of your days? Is the way you want to be remembered by the people seeing your mortal remains out of Thailand?

    I have taken an insurance about 5 years ago and they will repat my body from anywhere in the world. I thought that some of my family members had to do the dirty work but they have specialists that take care of it.

    • Like 1
  4. The body can always be repatriated if that is what is wanted by the decieced, oh and if it can be paid for as it isnt cheap. That's once the body has been released after medical examination.

    I have taken an insurance about 5 years ago and they will repat my body from anywhere in the world and they have specialists to do so.

  5. @Gerard052...

    Somebody told me I shouldnt get feed back to mentalist farang like you.

    I will go to school if you go to mental hospital.

    If you cannot keep it up, shut your big yap forever, ever and ever and go away. I am way too smart for you, which is not a great feat, cannot even answer some of my easy questions, probably too embarrassed to tell the truth. I would too if I was in your shoes. Before you try to look smart and use words that do not exist(mentalist) why don't you use simple words so that your little pea brain can understand. And yes I have to be retarded to keep talking to a brain child and a complete waste of ration like you.

    ive got to say it,,,

    your that smart your arguing with some one on a computer and getting angree and tretening the person, man or woman,,,lol

    thats very smart..eh eh eh

    As I can see English writing seems to be your strong point. Congratulation, you made the grade. And there is a kiss for you. lol

  6. You can stay over long as you can and max.fine is just 20,000 baht. Even you over stay for a year. And you can come back anytimes.

    Good luck.


    What a sick advice.
    Just sick then...

    Oh...what about your suggestions for some farang who will or want to overstaying in Thailand?


    Excuse me. Where did you see me anywhere on this post, suggesting any farang who wants to stay, it is ok, but it seems to be ok with you. There are absolutely no reasons for overstaying, unless somebody gets involve in an accident or something and has to go to the hospital. Right now farangs are taking advantage of the maximum 20,000 Bahts fine, they are breaking the law. In my opinion, anybody overstaying should be paying a heavy fine, spend some time in the IDC and be deported and refused entrance back to Thailand for a minimum of 1 year depending on the length of the overstay, that would prevent farangs to keep doing it. Don't you agree? I always read Ubonjoe's advices as he is the expert on that matter and everything that has to do with Visas.

  7. @Gerard052...

    Somebody told me I shouldnt get feed back to mentalist farang like you.

    I will go to school if you go to mental hospital.


    If you cannot keep it up, shut your big yap forever, ever and ever and go away. I am way too smart for you, which is not a great feat, cannot even answer some of my easy questions, probably too embarrassed to tell the truth. I would too if I was in your shoes. Before you try to look smart and use words that do not exist(mentalist) why don't you use simple words so that your little pea brain can understand. And yes I have to be retarded to keep talking to a brain child and a complete waste of ration like you.

    Lol...people whos start getting old always got the brain like a child. You proved it. No worried, i dont mind because i understand your golden age. If you shut your mouth first i will follow you.


    You keep repeating yourself, are you finally running out of stupid comments? Again, you never answered my questions from previous posts. Are you too embarrassed to tell the truth? I would if I were you. I looked at your dumb answer from your last post, you keep proving again and again how brain dead you are, one thing I know for a fact is that you are empty from the neck up and there is not much below either. As far as brain is concern, it is not difficult to have more than you have, which is none. So good bye, go away, good bye, go away, good bye, go away, good bye, go away. See what you did, after talking to an idiot like you so many times, I start to reapeat myself, just like you. I guess it is a disease I caught from you. Are there any remediies/cure for it?

  8. @Gerard052...

    Somebody told me I shouldnt get feed back to mentalist farang like you.

    I will go to school if you go to mental hospital.


    If you cannot keep it up, shut your big yap forever, ever and ever and go away. I am way too smart for you, which is not a great feat, cannot even answer some of my easy questions, probably too embarrassed to tell the truth. I would too if I was in your shoes. Before you try to look smart and use words that do not exist(mentalist) why don't you use simple words so that your little pea brain can understand. And yes I have to be retarded to keep talking to a brain child and a complete waste of ration like you.

  9. But the "old" guy hasn't been dumped as he, "young" you has...............coffee1.gif

    But i am glad to meet better people and better life than usal. I feel like i should have been dumped long time ago.


    What do you mean by better people? You mean people with low I.Q. and no class like you, so you think they are better because you are on the same page. What a wonderful world.

    Lol...still alive Gerard? I thought you should go to church or temple? It will make old guy like you keep calm and turn you down...oops! Maybe you always downnnnn. In this golden age i shouldnt get angry with....hehehe.

    Spend your less live with wife and kids before your last day coming. Dont worry about me na. I got the long road to walk. Okay na.


    I guess one of my post got removed yesterday. I was asking if you still wet your bed at night. One thing I forgot to ask you if are your breasts as big as your mouth, if they are, they must be pretty big. You should learn to zip it up as you are giving the remainder of the Thai ladies a bad reputation. And no I don't go to churches or temples as I am not a hypocrite like you and pretend to have faith in Buddha, anyway the Big Guy has more important things to do than look after a retarded person like you. And my last days are not even near, probably a lot further than yours if you keep it up. Also in the last few days, I have noticed that your English writing ability has deteriorated, so instead of wasting your time writing stupid comments, you should go to school and work on your writing skills. Ok darling. Good night.

    I feel sorry with farang reputation that you made for them. Honestly, you are 55s but want to argue with young thai girl and racist with english language. Things you have said its just concerned to yourself. So embarrassed?

    Hope all farang is not just like you.


    PS. They deleted your post because its so rude and unacceptable.


    Listen <deleted>, you did not even answer my questions, are you too embarrassed to tell the truth? If you are, just do like many of them and lie to save the face. I don't give farang a bad reputation as I am the cream of the crop and most try to emulate me. No I am not racist, I just want you to go back to school and work on your writing skills instead of wasting your time writing stupid comments. In closing, if I ever have the misfortune to meet you anywhere on this planet, I would shove you know what down your throat until you choke and say "R.I.P. and good riddance. Eh,eh, eh.

  10. But the "old" guy hasn't been dumped as he, "young" you has...............coffee1.gif

    But i am glad to meet better people and better life than usal. I feel like i should have been dumped long time ago.


    What do you mean by better people? You mean people with low I.Q. and no class like you, so you think they are better because you are on the same page. What a wonderful world.

    Lol...still alive Gerard? I thought you should go to church or temple? It will make old guy like you keep calm and turn you down...oops! Maybe you always downnnnn. In this golden age i shouldnt get angry with....hehehe.

    Spend your less live with wife and kids before your last day coming. Dont worry about me na. I got the long road to walk. Okay na.


    I guess one of my post got removed yesterday. I was asking if you still wet your bed at night. One thing I forgot to ask you if are your breasts as big as your mouth, if they are, they must be pretty big. You should learn to zip it up as you are giving the remainder of the Thai ladies a bad reputation. And no I don't go to churches or temples as I am not a hypocrite like you and pretend to have faith in Buddha, anyway the Big Guy has more important things to do than look after a retarded person like you. And my last days are not even near, probably a lot further than yours if you keep it up. Also in the last few days, I have noticed that your English writing ability has deteriorated, so instead of wasting your time writing stupid comments, you should go to school and work on your writing skills. Ok darling. Good night.

  11. But the "old" guy hasn't been dumped as he, "young" you has...............coffee1.gif

    But i am glad to meet better people and better life than usal. I feel like i should have been dumped long time ago.


    What do you mean by better people? You mean people with low I.Q. and no class like you, so you think they are better because you are on the same page. What a wonderful world.

  12. But the "old" guy hasn't been dumped as he, "young" you has...............coffee1.gif

    But i am glad to meet better people and better life than usal. I feel like i should have been dumped long time ago.


    Perhaps you will get dumped again........Who knows eh..........whistling.gif

    How many times i get dumped? Thats never bothered me anyway. As long as family dont dumped me. Lol...

    Anything elses?


    Once they find out how dumb you are and that does not take much time, they flush you down the toilet but you are like a plague and keep coming back. Your family probably will never dump you as they feel sorry for you.

  13. @Gerard052 I feel sorry for your Thai wife. Hehehe. Which bar did you find her? From your quality shouldnt have any more kids. Hahaha I got vaccine you cant bite me anyway.

    PS. You should have wear a lady's dress really. Or stay under your wife skirt you will be safe in Thailand.


    You don't have to feel sorry for my Thai wife, she is probably 100 times better than you are, which is not saying much and I don't want to bite you, I would be afraid to catch some S.T.D. if you know what that means and my wife is not a bar girl, so get you facts straight. Earlier you mentionned that I must be old, yes I am. I am 105 years old but I am super handsome, super sexy, filthy rich, irresistible and hung like a horse. When I go out at night, Thai chicks drool all over me, so I have to fend them off and say sorry I am already taken. So, if you want some of me, you will have to do like the rest of them, get in line, ok darling.

    Again after what you had explainen when you go out at night. I feel sorry for your Thai wife and kids even more.

    How can married guy thought like this?. So disgusting story i ever heard. This is what you called family man with educated? If you are 105 years old you should go to rest in peace. Are you a pimp? What about your wife work for you? My hot chocolate getting cold i cant drink. Feel sick with what you just said.

    RIP Gerard.

    After bashing my wife a few times, I realized that you are weak and mindless. I lied when I said that I was 105 years old, I just wanted to get your attention and I did. I am 55 years old and my wife 47, she has a career and is financially independent and so am I, she never worked in a bar or consumed alcohol. Career wise, it is probably something that you don't have, you are probably one of those chicks who sit around the house all day watching Tv and have a farang to provide for everything. From what I have seen from your response over the last few days, I must admit that I had more intelligent answers from the buffalos from my wife's village, which is not saying much for you. After spending a few years in Thailand, I found out the meaning of L.O.S, it stands for Land of Stupidity and you must be the President, if not, you have all the right parts to be. Anyway, I have already wasted too much time and oxygen, try to make sense out of you, but you are a lost cause, like they say in my country, you are a waste of ration. Anyway, it is time to say goodbye, you can screw off (being polite) into the sunset and keep going. Bye, bye.

  14. @Gerard052 I feel sorry for your Thai wife. Hehehe. Which bar did you find her? From your quality shouldnt have any more kids. Hahaha I got vaccine you cant bite me anyway.

    PS. You should have wear a lady's dress really. Or stay under your wife skirt you will be safe in Thailand.


    You don't have to feel sorry for my Thai wife, she is probably 100 times better than you are, which is not saying much and I don't want to bite you, I would be afraid to catch some S.T.D. if you know what that means and my wife is not a bar girl, so get you facts straight. Earlier you mentionned that I must be old, yes I am. I am 105 years old but I am super handsome, super sexy, filthy rich, irresistible and hung like a horse. When I go out at night, Thai chicks drool all over me, so I have to fend them off and say sorry I am already taken. So, if you want some of me, you will have to do like the rest of them, get in line, ok darling.

  15. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    Nobody thought money grows on the tree. How can thai guys get married then?

    Most of my Thai friends married Thai guys got minimum 1million baht sin-sod excluded gold and etc.

    I dont understand why some farang agaisnt to pay SinSod if they want to marry thai woman and this is a thai culture.


    No, it´s not. Sin sot traces back to Chinese culture.
    Most of Thais from South of China. How's different? We had and we did follow this for over thousand years.

    If you do not called "cuture" what did you called?



    I think that "B_llsh_it"....for yourself? People can give any comments or opinions if not agree try another reasons or debate not just swear words. That will show you have no education or if you had an education then it still doesnt help your manner. Ok na


    I think that I have a lot better education than you have, but chicks like you thinks that their shit don't stink. I trive on chicks like you who think they are better then the rest of the world. I have been coming here for 12 years and I found that the best qualities that Thai ladies have are they are hypocrits and liars, so you need a good spanking not sin sod.

    Then you sound pretty old. I dont think you married and have any kids. From what you said no one want to lean on you. Lot better education? Went to Oxford, cambridge or harvard? If non of this stay away from me.

    My husband went to one of uni i mention but he surrendered. I am not intetested to know you. Dont follow me.

    I didnt force you to pay sin sod. Came here long time must got rip off from many girls that's why got insane when talk about sin sod. Hehehe

    I am married to a Thai lady and have 2 kids, probably 2 more than you have and the village his leaning on me. But from what I see, chicks like you seems to be high maintenance, instead of opening your big yap, you should get down on your knees and beg.

  16. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    Nobody thought money grows on the tree. How can thai guys get married then?

    Most of my Thai friends married Thai guys got minimum 1million baht sin-sod excluded gold and etc.

    I dont understand why some farang agaisnt to pay SinSod if they want to marry thai woman and this is a thai culture.


    No, it´s not. Sin sot traces back to Chinese culture.
    Most of Thais from South of China. How's different? We had and we did follow this for over thousand years.

    If you do not called "cuture" what did you called?



    I think that "B_llsh_it"....for yourself? People can give any comments or opinions if not agree try another reasons or debate not just swear words. That will show you have no education or if you had an education then it still doesnt help your manner. Ok na


    I think that I have a lot better education than you have, but chicks like you thinks that their shit don't stink. I trive on chicks like you who think they are better then the rest of the world. I have been coming here for 12 years and I found that the best qualities that Thai ladies have are they are hypocrits and liars, so you need a good spanking not sin sod.

  17. You guys known I am a woman. Why would you reveal again? Not very good idea and even everyone agreed I am a man. So what? You will never find out anyway. 555


    I have been perusing your posts for quite some time, otocheater. You are certainly high-maintenance and, on occasion, annoying. Sorry.

    Mostly annoying.

  18. I thought OC had been outed as a 65 year old white American male?

    Why is anyone still feeding this obvious troll?

    Haha think you are right. One of his posts had the turn of phrase

    " zip your mouth", which no Thai girl in history of Thailand would

    use. Always fun to look for these little giveaways. :-)

    I used this phrase"Zip your mouth" from Thai TV but i made in english version. I dont want to say "shut the F up"

    I just talked like men sometimes.


    And look like one.

  19. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    Nobody thought money grows on the tree. How can thai guys get married then?

    Most of my Thai friends married Thai guys got minimum 1million baht sin-sod excluded gold and etc.

    I dont understand why some farang agaisnt to pay SinSod if they want to marry thai woman and this is a thai culture.


    No, it´s not. Sin sot traces back to Chinese culture.
    Most of Thais from South of China. How's different? We had and we did follow this for over thousand years.

    If you do not called "cuture" what did you called?



  20. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    It is not out of date. It may be strange for you, but you can't expect that Thais adapt to your style. Who are you?


    To the contrary,he probably is the one with the money,therefore he has the power.Thats thai tradition.When farangs actually start acting like thais in money matters the better off they will be.

    What a bunch of crap. What should anybody would like to act like Thais in money matters? They don't know how to save money, they live from day to day.

  21. 1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

    2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

    3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

    4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

    5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


    Yes, and it is a ridiculously large chunk of change that you hand over to the woman's parents to purchase their daughter... slavery used to be part of a lot of cultures as well (and apparently still is on some of Thailand's fishing boats), but that doesn't make the argument wash.

    About half of the friends I have who paid it have seen the daddy of the family squander it within weeks on booze to impress their mates, gambling, whores, etc. The other half had it given back after the in-laws had gained a bit of face -which is okay, if it is sooo important that everyone think someone's dick is bigger than it actually is. But once again, Thailand's males leech off the country's females.

    It is high time Thailand grew up and made the big leap out of the middle ages. Quit high-wai-ing the rich dicks who enslave you in the hopes they will toss you some table scraps like some low-ranking soi dog, stop equating love and money - they really aren't the same thing, drop this ridiculous schoolyard "face" nonsense... it really is childish, and it forces you and everyone you know into spending more than you can afford to keep up with the neighbours. So you have a nation of people who are pretending together, creating an illusion that is a struggle for everyone to maintain.

    You are absolutely right, it is time to stop this nonsense.

    • Like 1
  22. You can sue her under Thai law for cheating. Its a morality law. And you also can sue the guy who bang your wife too.

    Yes, I know all that. 'Water under the bridge' as they say. Many years ago now.

    But you didn't answer my question, did you?

    My answer is... If i were cheating on my husband I will pay husband double of SinSod for divorce because the guy who can made me cheat on my husband will have to be 10times better than him.

    PS. I will go with my new husband and give him cash infront of everyone. And say"Tip 4millions baht for you"


    From what I see, you are not worth much.

    • Like 2
  23. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

    Tradition my freaking ass, anything to suck money from farangs, they can suck you know what.

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