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Posts posted by Gerard052

  1. An employment contract is mentioned on the Savannakhet website. http://www.thaisavannakhet.com/savannakhet/th/consulate-service/inspect/

    Hello ubonjoe, I know this is off the OP topic but I need your expertise on this one. Over the pass months I read some conflicting stories about re-entry permit and extensions. Right now I have a Non-Immigrant O-A multiple entry Visa. The date of issue was 27 Oct 2014 and it says enter before 26 Oct 2015. I went out of the country in April 2015 and came back on the 21 August 2015 and that's the date they stamped in my passport. I am leaving again on the 23 September 2015 and coming back on the 5 Nov 2015. My question is, if I apply for a re-entry permit (single entry) will it be good for my permission of stay or do I have to come back in the country before the 26 Oct 2015 (the date that my Visa ends) to make my permission of stay valid. I heard that if I come back after the 26 Oct 2015, I will only get a 30 day stamp. Is this correct? I checked at the Immigration office in Jomtien and the 2 young ladies at the information desk gave me 2 different answers, one said, yes and the other one, no. Could you please clarified this subject. Thanks a million for you help.

  2. ll she needed was the " dont get run over by a train as your'e obsessed with your phone" app and all would have been ok.

    Probably worldwide but I get sick of folks everywhere heads buried in phones and its 99% drivel ost of the time, out at a restaurant "head in phone" whole families, not a word spoken between them

    I don't know your age, but I think we are to old for this world now.

    Kannot give your head a shake, from your comments you must be one of those freaking idiots that text while driving. I don't give a rat's ass if somebody gets injured while texting, they deserve it, but don't let innocent people get hurt because of some boneheads are not paying attention.

  3. Crossy

    think you misunderstand the problem. Irrelevant WHAT the BTS do, <deleted> with heads in phones will not see them anyway!!!

    It's you that doesn't understand, regardless of whether those using their phones see the barriers or not, those barriers will prevent them from falling on to the track

    They deserve their faith, freaking idiots.

  4. If he passed you on the right your responsible, cause you shouldn't turn right before the road is clear.

    In my country or any civilised country, motorbikes are like cars, they don't bunch up they stay in line like cars. Here in Thailand, they think they own the roads and they can do whatever they want. I have seen many accidents involving motorbikes and most of the time they are the cause, so I don't feel sorry for them at all. Good boys.

  5. Yes these connectors are popular in North America but not approved in the

    European union standard. (They are called nut wire connectors).



    They are ok, they do the job, but most electricians in Thailand don't bother using them,

    they just strip the wires and twist them together and wrap insulation tape around them

    instead. This method is the most popular here.

    No, they are called marr connector and they are a lot better than electrical tape. Widely used in North America.

  6. As a Canadian, I am allowed to take $20,000 into Thailand without declaration. I assume similar for an American.

    I think you are perfectly safe to carry $15,000 in a money belt.

    I just spent 4 weeks in the south of Thailand and didn't even think about theft.

    And by the way, my fiancés daughter just got married on Christmas Day. When the groom's family asked how much she wanted for her daughter, she said "my daughter is not for sale, if you have money to give, give it to the newlyweds". I was very proud of that answer. They gave the couple $8,000.

    I am also a Canadian and the maximum allowed without declaration is $ 10,000.00, I don't know where you got your information from but I hope that if you carry more than the amount allowed you don't get caught or you could be in for an unpleasant surprise. I always carry more but I fill out the form that I download from the Internet and at the airport I go to the office and give it to a Border Agent, simple and without hassle.

  7. So many holes in your post, I don't know where to start!

    1. If you have some money, you pay for a lavish wedding - Oh really! Why does a wedding have to be lavish? Satisfy everyone else maybe? It certainly doesn't guarantee happiness. But you are a stupid idiot who would spend money on a big splash rather than putting it to better use , the more spent = happiness, 5555 It's a girly thing you fuuuwit!

    2. 20k USD for a wedding in US of A, but that's a choice and bearing in mind Thailand is about (GDP figures) 80% cheaper than The US of A, your'e getting f----d by paying anything more than maybe 50k for a wedding. GET REAL.

    I can't reply any more to your stupid, banal, naive post, so lastly.

    Lastly, the best wedding I ever had was in the reception room of a hotel. I paid for meals, a few bottles of wine and the first two drinks. It was one of the best and enjoyable nights I, and all my guests have had. No-body was looking for 'freebies', just genuine happiness. Do you get it finally?

    Well done, I agree with you 500%. Unless you are filthy rich, there are many more and smart ways to spend your hard earned money and if you don't like UDONJIM comments go take a freakin hike.

  8. You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

    When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

    Right on.

    • Like 1
  9. That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

    You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

    I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

    Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

    I actually believe him and have believed in him from the start

    Those that question his integrity sincerity and his motivation need to take a long hard look at themselves

    The task he faces is not easy as there are so many people that will lose their rich corrupt incomes or at least not find it so easy going forward to do the same - Thailand has been in need of a stiff unforgiving environment for those that have found it easy to pillage and corrupt the people for so many years, they are the only voices that will be heard opposing such changes - I believe Prayuth Chan O Cha will prevail

    He is a freaking joke. Wake up.

    • Like 2
  10. I feel really sorry for these women that fall victims to unscrupulous scammers.

    The dream of getting a farang husband and having a better life is still at large in Thailand.

    Hope that these scams get better coverage on Thai media to warn future victims.

    Till then.....we will be hearing again and again of similar cases.

    Why feel sorry for stupid?

    First she was stupid to call someone she does not even know a boyfriend

    Second she was stupid to believe someone she does not know to be a boyfriend

    Third she was stupid to think someone would give her 1.1 million dollars

    Lastly she was stupid to think someone who gave her 1.1 million dollars would not pay $10000 postage .

    She then was even more stupid to think postage can cost $10000.

    Did she think her bf was sending her a house?

    What a rather lame list of excuses...you sir, are a vile apologist....

    He might be but I totally agree with him.

  11. This man is amazing.

    He is concerned about everything that has to do with Thais well being.

    And that is why the majority of Thais love him.

    Carry on the good work General and don't listen to the farangs that will be quoting my post.......I will not.

    How can he say that the acceidents dropped by 40% from last year. I think that he needs a new calculator or go back to school. I read the stats from this year's "7 terriblr days" and from those stats, it is not even close to a 40% drop, I am puzzled by those figures.

  12. Same same, only different.

    I find my Garmin GPS to be more accurate than Google maps, although sometimes it chooses very strange routes to get from point A to point B.

    I also have a Garmin GPS and if I follow this one direction it gives me I would be dead. I explain: Going around Khon Kaen to Kalasin, to get on the main road, I have to exit left of course and follow the road and back on the main road, but if I follow my GPS"s direction, it tells me to turn right, if I do so, I would be going over the guard rail onto the road below. I don't think so. They are good but sometimes you have to use a map or your good judgement.

  13. In the Thai mind, to have your back to the traffic is to make it the responsibility of the traffic not to hit you. To face the traffic, it is up to your responsibility not to get hit - and if you do, then it will be your own fault, because you were on the wrong side.

    Whether your vehicle is a bus, car, bike or feet - so the rule applies.

    I do not agree either, just stating for others to understand this is the Thai "logic" smile.png

    My wife tried to make me do the same, walk with the traffic, I just ignore her and keep walking facing traffic as I do back home.

  14. How does one tie string around their hands behind their back?

    You tie your hands round your front and then step through them - after 12 hours of drinking it's simple.

    Lol, really. I would love to see someone tie their hands together WITHOUT any drinks. Everyone thinks it's easy so someone please do a reenactment and make a video to show how simple it is and post it on here. If you can do it, please have a few beer and try it again. If you can do it still, have a few more beer and try it again.

    Then we can compare the knots to the one around this guy's hands. Keep in mind he was drinking for 12 hours.

    Until then I call bullshit

    I agree 100%.

    • Like 1
  15. OMG So many knockers in Thailand yet you choose to live there. Almost every item on Thaivisa gets so many knockers.

    There are 196 countries in the whole world. Coming 10th is not a bad score at all.

    Over the years I have ben to many places worldwide and nowhere else have I been so readily accepted by the majority of people.

    Thailand deserves the nickname "The Land of Smiles" for just everywhere you do smiling Thais are around.

    The closest I came to that in Asia was Cagayan D'Oro in the Philippines but nowhere else in my travels

    If you do not like the hospitality and the people you have chosen to live amongst then for god's sake leave!!!

    I only leave here 6 months a year as I married a Thai lady and 6 months back home to keep my sanity.

  16. I agree, Thailand is a great country to retire, providing that is, everything continues to run smoothly.

    Get problems and then living in Thailand becomes another story because there is literally no support for retirees here whatsoever. As ex-pat retirees we are entitled to nothing including virtually having no statutory rights. I don`t agree about the cheap health care. Medical is cheap for the treatment of minor illnesses and injuries, but if we succumb to serious health issues, maybe require surgery or suffer a serious accident or long term illnesses, than medical could cost a large fortune. Also once over 60 years old, insurance coverage would not be viable for those on budgets plus many insurers won`t even entertain those who they consider as the elderly.

    Moving and retiring to Thailand is not all wine and roses as many are lead to believe. Staying here is on a fine balance, because in Thailand, fall down and there is no one to pull you back up, because we are actually not here as retirees but as 50 year old and over glorified tourists, where the goal posts can be moved at any time and can be told to get out on a moments notice.

    I totally agree with you on medical and health care. A friend of mine went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for a virus he had contacted, 6 days and $ 12,000.00 later, ain't cheap and try to get anything if you are over 65, no hoping hell. I had a hernia operation done in 2009 at Queen Sirikit Hospital just outside Pattaya, it cost me 14,500 Baht for 3 days, 2 nights at the hospital which included a private room with tv, a balcony and 6 meals a day as my girlfriend stayed with me the whole time. In Bangkok Pattaya hospital, it was 100,000 Bahts for 2 days and one night. Yes, if you have minor problem, it is cheap to go to some clinics, ect. You nailed it right on the head Beetlejuice.

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