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Posts posted by Gerard052

  1. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    You are absolutely right, I worked all my life and put some money aside for retirement and it would be the day I would give those money suckers 1,000,000 Bahts for a Thai chick, they are not worth it, my girlfriend is the same way, she thinks that I am a bank. If I ever decide to marry her, the family will have a big surprised, oups, nothing in the cookie jar.

  2. 1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

    2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

    3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

    4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

    5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


    What a bunch of crap.

    • Like 2
  3. When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

    Oh dear. Don't like it? Go home.

    Want to live in their country? Abide by their rules.

    You mean by their stupidity, 50% of the time they don't know if they are coming or going.

  4. You are wrong if you stay more than a month you need a Thai drivers license,they will allow short term tourist to have international licenses your not a tourist. To bad he didn't have the balls to take your bike

    Mister you are full of s..t, get your facts straight before you write this garbage. From your stupid comments, you are clueless. I have been coming to Thailand with International license, got stop a few times, showed the my license, no problem. You should start reading up on what is allowed and what is not. Hats off to this guy who had the balls to stand up to this idiot who tried to get some tea money, it happens way too often.

  5. My Thai license cost me 155 baht and took 2 hours to obtain.


    You must have got your Thai license at a discount store because I got mine 3 years ago and the cost for all the paperwork was a lot more for everything and I didn't have to go through everything because I had International driver's license. So tell me which discount store you got them from so I can pass the information to my friends.

  6. thailand is no longer affordable to the average farang they are raising prices on everything.

    Guess you'll be leaving Thailand soon for your homeland where it's much cheaper to live than Thailand. Given that Thai taxi fares are some of the cheapest in the world, you must be extremely poor.

    I agree with you, too many Cheap Charlies bitching and complaining about everything. If it is too expensive for the poor farangs, all they have to do is go back home and cry in their corn flakes.

    • Like 1
  7. I have known my wife for 8 years and been married for 3 years, she has a 12 year old boy and a 16 year old daughter and I have no problem whatsoever with them. They are well behaved and they listen to me, maybe I am very lucky or maybe it is because I spend 6 months in Thailand and 6 months home and they both call me dad. I hope that everything works out for you, good luck.

  8. From a 7 year old article:

    If you die during a flight, you may get a free upgrade:

    It happens more than you think, and last week it happened again, when accounts emerged of the death of an elderly woman on a British Airways flight between Delhi and Heathrow. Cabin staff carried the deceased woman from economy, which was full, to first class, where the body was kept, propped on a seat with pillows, for the remaining five hours of the flight.

    Repatriation is not cheap either. Charges vary, but the FCO quotes £1,250 from France, approximately £1,700 from the US, £1,900-£2,500 from Australia and £2,200 from Thailand.

    On top of this are the local funeral directors' fees, mortuary fees, air-cargo charges and administrative costs, as well as the hotel bill and other costs incurred while arranging for the body to be brought back. Local British consulates will help with arrangements and assist those affected to contact friends and relatives in Britain, but they will not pay the bills.


    I am from Canada and a few years ago I took an insurance with the funeral home where I made the arrangements and they will repat my body from anywhere in the world. I didn't want my brothers or sisters to be stuck with the problem, they take care of everything.

  9. oh boy!

    Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

    Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

    Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

    I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

    Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

    I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

    In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

    So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

    Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

    It is like the chances of winning a lottery 1 in 10,000,000. Find a 34 year old virgin in Thailand, she must have been the only one, hard to believe. I guess the day you met her was your lucky day, you it the jackpot, good for you. Mine had been used and abused.

  10. Well, after I realized I had over 20 kg's of luggage last time and the fact that they were charging $25 US a kg for anything over that I got a ticket refund and flew on Emirates. Emirates was about $11 more but they allowed up 30 kg's and even let me slide by with 32.

    What I'm saying is that this is just one case where they lost out on a seat. I'm sure there have been more judging by what I see for luggage at the check in lines.

    What did you bring, everything but the kitchen sink??

  11. Congratulations!

    Gift-giving is an art. More important than the cost of the gift, is the thoughtfulness put into it. Pay attention, or if you don't have time, think back on all the little things that cause her frustrations and get a gift that relieves some of that. Think about the kinds of things that bring a smile to her face and plan along those lines. More than anything else, she wants to know that you are paying attention to her. The gift should demonstrate that you have been paying attention.

    Only you can know the right gift.

    Good luck, and don't believe her when she says "no gift necessary"


    I have been married for three years as well and all she wants is money, money and more money

    Looks like you shoulda paid attention *before* you got married!


    I did, oh well, such is life in the slow lane. I knew how she was before I got married, no change, I've got nobody to blame but myself, nobody is twisting my arm or put a gun to my head. We got to keep those chicks happy.

  12. Congratulations!

    Gift-giving is an art. More important than the cost of the gift, is the thoughtfulness put into it. Pay attention, or if you don't have time, think back on all the little things that cause her frustrations and get a gift that relieves some of that. Think about the kinds of things that bring a smile to her face and plan along those lines. More than anything else, she wants to know that you are paying attention to her. The gift should demonstrate that you have been paying attention.

    Only you can know the right gift.

    Good luck, and don't believe her when she says "no gift necessary"


    I have been married for three years as well and all she wants is money, money and more money

  13. Congratulations!

    Gift-giving is an art. More important than the cost of the gift, is the thoughtfulness put into it. Pay attention, or if you don't have time, think back on all the little things that cause her frustrations and get a gift that relieves some of that. Think about the kinds of things that bring a smile to her face and plan along those lines. More than anything else, she wants to know that you are paying attention to her. The gift should demonstrate that you have been paying attention.

    Only you can know the right gift.

    Good luck, and don't believe her when she says "no gift necessary"


    I have been married for three years as well and all she wants is money, money and more money

  14. I bought a Toyota Vios in 2009 and one day I went to the Toyota dealer in Nakhon Phanom to replace a tire. The mechanic told my wife that I should replace all four tires and I said na,na, na. Now 40,000km later, I still have the same three tires. Just like my home country, some garages are crooks and they try to take you for a ride.

  15. I drive in The UK which is without a doubt has the best drivers in the world (sorry USA but it's true). I have zero problem with Thai drivers. Traffic flows well, the drivers are alert, often courteous or at least cooperative. Parking is good. The only things I would fault are the use if mobile phones and lack of seat belts, but otherwise well done Thailand.

    I don't know what you smoke but it must be good stuff.

  16. Got me beat.

    What's an even day? What"s an odd day?

    Sunday is even or odd?


    Days of the month, not days of the week


    Odd = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.....

    Even = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12....

    You are right, I thought everybody knew that. I guess some farangs are dummer than 2 bags of nails.

  17. If the person behind me would use such a device I would smash his knee caps.

    I pay for a seat that can be reclined, so does the person behind you, so what gives him the right to restrict your comfort.

    Guys like you should travel in the cargo bay with the luggage, it is not because you paid for your seat that you have to think you own the plane. I had a guy in front of me one time who reclined his seat way back, I had absolutly no room left, I told the flight attendant but she didn't have the guts to do anything. If he wouldn't have been so big, he would have ended up with a sore back and a bloody nose. I too, paid for my seat and I respect the person behind me.

    • Like 1
  18. You can get a one year extension of stay based upon marriage. You would need 400k baht in a Thai bank or 40k baht income. You could get a re-entry permit for when you want to travel.

    You can get a multiple entry non-o visa that would give you 90 day entries for a year.

    Ubonjoe, you are the expert on Visa.  I am getting a non-immigrant O-A, multiple entries.  Is it true that if I leave the country, I'll need to get a re-entry permit otherwise my Visa will be void when I try to get back in?  It doesn't make sense to me, why pay for multiple entries?  I heard that the re-entry permit is 1900 Bahts for a single entry.  Can you please confirm?  Thanks for your advice.


    A similar issue is whether my tgf can learn to drive in my car. It's a catch 22, she can't drive until she gets a licence but can't get a licence unless she learns to drive. How do thais learn to drive? is there no provisional licence like we have in the UK.

    Send her to a driving school, readily available in Bkk and Pattaya.

    No such thing as a provisional license here.

    Lessons are cheap enough and the school will pretty well guarantee passing the test.

    After that, pay for more lessons so the person gets practice in real traffic, rush hour, Bangkok green route, etc.

    A few years ago, I put my gf through a driving school in Pattaya, it cost me 6,500 Bahts for 20 hours of driving. She got her license through the driving school, it cost me 5,000 Baht because if I didn't buy it she would have never made it. She can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I didn't want her to drive without a license, better safe than sorry. By the way, everybody knows that in Thailand with money you can buy anything, DL, police, judge ect.

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