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Posts posted by Morden

  1. Ask your question to a good broker, so you will get independent advice with several options.

    A very good point. There's no extra cost.

    It must be a broker, though, not a tied agent or bank employee.

    Be very careful. Insurance cos give brokers bonus trips/gift if they send business their way.

    Do you have any examples of that?

    A broker will present you with all the alternatives he can offer and help you decide which one best suits your needs.

  2. to the cowards who advocate poisoning, i hope you die in agony

    you want to kill something, do it like a man

    Unfortunately the dogs are too chicken to face a man with a baseball bat intent on bashing their skulls open and run away with their tails between their legs only to try to attack again next time, or attack a more unmanly victim.

    I see, so you saying the brave pick up baseball bats? and the ones who run away from the weapon are too chicken?

    So if i point a gun to your head you will argue with me?

    I suggest you read the post I was responding to which suggests that someone who poisons these viciouos beasts is a coward and should stand up to them "like a man"

    On the occassions when I have stood up to one to take it on, the mutt has been the coward and run away, only to return to attack as soon as your back is turned.

    Now if the mutt was prepared to "stand up like a dog" and have a face to face confrontation then I have no qualms about it coming off worse.

    Are you really under the illusion that these mutts are lovable pets? If so you have never had to face one.

    As to your gun, well you are probably as cowardly as these mutts you defend and would shit yourself too.

    What a load of twaddle.

    Confronting a dog that's probably diseased and demented is neither sensible nor necessary. They don't deserve a dog to man fight. cheesy.gif The only answer is to exterminate those that show aggression. There's no point in either attempting to reason with them or playing at John Wayne with them.

  3. To Morden:

    I don't live in Thailand, and I'm quite sure that I can't buy pepper spray where I live. So where could I find a "good police equipment store" in Pattaya or Bangkok?

    To all "dog lovers".... Just a couple of days ago, a 4-year old boy was killed by a pack of street dogs in my native country (mercifully I don't live there anymore)... As far as I'm concerned, the presence/absence of street dogs makes the difference between the civilized world and the third world.

    I don't know where they are in those two places. However, if in North Pattaya you go the mall that includes Big C, there's a shop that sells all kinds of self defence equipment up to BB guns. Perhaps they also sell pepper spray or can tell you where you can buy it.

    I agree with you regarding street dogs. A scourge in any neighbourhood that should either be confined to the owners' land or killed off.

  4. Where do I find a police equipment shop......???

    OP good to hear you are almost OK.

    Next time have a can of pepper spray ready and give them a good dose.

    I also have a road I ride through almost everyday and one mean dog sometimes attack but not often so you don't know when it happens but I know the bastard by sight and are ready to give full throttle.

    Where do you buy pepper spray in Pattaya?

    Markets as suggested but also try a police equipment shop for the really powerful stuff.

    Where do you live?

  5. It could have been worse, it could have been Jaggy nettles, or maybe even stingy nettles. They were a nightmare. To be fair though Nettle soup was quite nice. I had an old farmer friend that used to make it. he offered it to me and I said no way, he said it's lovely, I said, no, your just trying to trick me.

    He put on this real offended and hurt look and I caved. I had this idea of a nettle attack on my throat, maybe getting an allergic reaction to it, possibly choking and dying. I was wondering what my Mum would say when she found out. Probably he deserved it, what kind of idiot falls for the old nettle soup story...... I don't think she liked me.

    Anyway, it was quite nice. Then I went to England and someone offered me a Dandelion and Burdock soft drink. <deleted> everyone knows that Dandelions taste crap, I'd tried them when I was three out in the back garden. It was either that or eat my Mums cooking. Even in those days I knew I'd picked the wrong Mum. She used to torture us with uncooked fish and leather like steaks. Anyway I tried the Dandelion and Burdock and it was fine, I think the Burdock makes all the difference. I don't actually know what Burdock is, I'll need to go Google it.

    To be fair though I was a bit thick as a kid, I used to wonder how the radio stations managed to get so many bands in to one small wee place at a time. I pictured the New Seekers rushing out the door and the Beatles rushing in. What if one of them tripped up? Talking about the New Seekers I was quite keen on them. I liked that song about the world singing, " I Like To Teach The World To Sing In Perfect Harmony", oh no, that's an ear worm just started.

    You used to get the Coke advert then it would be the Flake advert, she was lovely, all flowing robes and hanging about in a sea of Dandelions I think, " Only The Crumbliest, Flakiest Chocolate, Tastes Like Chocolate You've never Tasted Before". That was a lie though, I'd tasted it already. I liked Flakes and Wagon Wheels. I remember they were massive, I liked them because my Mum didn't cook them......Irn Bru was great as well, but I knew someone was kidding, it wasn't real iron, it was this orange fizzy stuff........Must think we're stupid calling it Irn.

    Some people eh? crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    ps Sorry to hear about your bike thing.

    This soup seems too far off topic even for my own tastes.

    And to the bike rider OP.

    You would do best next time to carry a heavy load of meat.

    If you feed these dogs well when you pass by, just a few times, with some scraps you can find at the restaurant after your breakfast or lunch each day, then you will have three friends in a jiffy.

    This is much better for all concerned if you often pass these mutts.

    Even if you manage to hit one of these dogs, they could attack again, and with more gusto.

    But if you fee them with scraps from lunch at your table, and the tables next to yours, just a few times,

    Then everyone will be happy.

    I believe in non-violent intervention in human and dog affairs, not to mention Foreign Affairs, every time.

    (Yes, I do love dogs. But that is not the reason this is always good advice to try first.)

    Do you really mean that are are you being sarcastic?

    Feeding the damned creatures when their owners don't just keeps them alive and active. The only way to cure a dog of attacking people and killing other animals is to kill it. You will notice that the owners who deny responsibility for the mutts will suddenly change their minds when someone gives them what they deserve.

  6. OP good to hear you are almost OK.

    Next time have a can of pepper spray ready and give them a good dose.

    I also have a road I ride through almost everyday and one mean dog sometimes attack but not often so you don't know when it happens but I know the bastard by sight and are ready to give full throttle.

    Where do you buy pepper spray in Pattaya?

    Markets as suggested but also try a police equipment shop for the really powerful stuff.

  7. The UK government warning is to do with a couple of small border areas with Cambodia and the problem region in the south. That's a standard warning.

    It now also refers to possible anti-British feeling in Thailand to do with the UK government's suggestion that it join the US in bombing Syria. Well, that's out of date now that the Commons has voted against the idea but I doubt whether many people in Thailand give a damn about Syria and what's happening there.


  8. Lemoncake says: a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

    However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

    Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

    So, how do you catch a soi dog without risking a bite and disease and where in Thailand is there a vet who will put down an animal?

    How would you feel if, like us, you had lost around 50 chickens and turkeys in a two year period to the sodding dogs? Which life for which life?

    There's nothing either pathetic or cowardly in either poisoning or shooting one of the damned things.

    You do not !

    How would i feel? i would feel like an idiot for failing to put up a fence

    You seem to be making a wrong assumption about our walls and fences.

    Suppose someone doesn't have walls and fences. Why should he spend money to keep out rabid killer dogs simply because their owners can't be bothered to do the same?

  9. to the cowards who advocate poisoning, i hope you die in agony

    you want to kill something, do it like a man

    And how else does a man kill a rabid and aggressive semi-wild dog?

    Try to post as a person with an education. You write like a grade 8 English student. You jump from a close call with dogs in bitch season to poisoning, then to children getting maimed, and to the dogs being rabid. You do not back your statements with facts. In other words you a a trouble maker. Go post your inflammatory crap on a high school chat room.

    Troll alert! He has nothing to contribute other than an insult.

  10. Lemoncake says: a life is a life, sorry but i do not place life of one being above others.

    However if the dog is out of control and does need to be put down, i believe it should be done humanly.

    Advocating poisoning is not only inhuman but most pathetic and cowardly.

    So, how do you catch a soi dog without risking a bite and disease and where in Thailand is there a vet who will put down an animal?

    How would you feel if, like us, you had lost around 50 chickens and turkeys in a two year period to the sodding dogs? Which life for which life?

    There's nothing either pathetic or cowardly in either poisoning or shooting one of the damned things.

    • Like 1
  11. It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

    The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

    Rutting season? i thought this topic was about dogs not deer!!

    Haven't you heard the damned thing howling in the middle of the night?

    Responsible owners would have the things neutered. That would put an end to most of the problems. Then again, I have met very few responsible owners.

    I wonder why not many want to meet you

    Not many exist. That's the root of the problems with dogs.

  12. It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

    The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

    Rutting season? i thought this topic was about dogs not deer!!

    Haven't you heard the damned thing howling in the middle of the night?

    Responsible owners would have the things neutered. That would put an end to most of the problems. Then again, I have met very few responsible owners.

  13. It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

    The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

    And here we go again, why not poison yourself to stop wasting oxygen

    So it's preferable to let wild animals who attack humans roam freely? How would you feel if those same dogs ripped the face off of a child? I love dogs as much as the next man but a freely roaming vicious dog is a dangerous animal, a threat and should be dealt with.

    And poisoning is your solution?

    When dogs have invaded our property, they find the next day a chicken dinner awaiting them inside our boundary. If the owners let them do what they want and take no responsibility they can expect no less.

  14. It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

    The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

    And here we go again, why not poison yourself to stop wasting oxygen

    So it's preferable to let wild animals who attack humans roam freely? How would you feel if those same dogs ripped the face off of a child? I love dogs as much as the next man but a freely roaming vicious dog is a dangerous animal, a threat and should be dealt with.

    Absolutely right.

  15. Thailand should introduce a dog licence and use the income to round up and put down strays, I would volunteer in our areas. Strays are a health risk, especially to kids as they crap all over. In packs they are a danger as well, then there is the rabies risk not to mention the noise they make. The only good thing about thai dogs is that they are not that large or aggressive. Imagine what it will be like when aggressive pit bulls and staffs get mixed into the gene pool. Sounds unlikely? round us we have a few as well as a st Bernard and huskies. Now the fashion is for tiny handbag dogs, the next one might be for large nasty types. The dog problem needs sorting but as with so many other problems here, driving tests are another, nobody can be bothered to make improvements.

    I empathise with your view but:

    1. Few would buy a licence.

    2. They don't put down animals in Thailand.

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