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Posts posted by Wuvu2

  1. On 9/18/2022 at 11:49 AM, LuckyG said:

    Any one notice how these beautiful strains that claim High THC barely even get you high? 


    a good bong hit of 20% THC should STONE a person for at least an hour right???        5 bongs of this stuff is barely noticeable...  I have purchased from many shops in C Mai and yet to get stoned from one purchase.


    Sounds like you need a bigger bong ????

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  2. 17 minutes ago, expatocean said:

    The different colours are different grades  Gold is the best quality hardly any sticks an seeds sticky smells great and a very good high as the poster above mentioned it also depends at what time if year that you buy it but the gold sells out fast before it was  legal,I would not buy the other colour blocks unless there was no choice .There is also the red thread that I have bought a few times over the years usually comes in a lot looser blocks very good quality with red cotton interwoven better buds not just wrapped around the outside like I have seen recently on Facebook etc .Best place to sort Thai blocks is in Thai Facebook groups many different options available 

    You may be right, but I question the color grading. Have you really found that to be true? It would take a lot of cooperation between independent criminals to pull it off, and I  doubt lessor quality producers would be keen to participate.  

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  3. In my experience the best brick weed is available in December and January. That's just after the fall harvest and before the heat turns it brown and stinky.


    I've noticed two strains  - one sweet and the other spicy - I like both. There is a lot of variation even within the same batch of bricks so I use my nose to find the best smell with as few of seeds as possible. Even in the freezer it cures a little and smokes the best by mid year.


    To answer your question about the foil wrapper - no I don't think there is any secret code.  The best bricks I've seen in the last few years were branded with a sticker that says "Made in Lao". They seem like skilled growers. 


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  4. 40 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    First off, they'd probably search your place and make off with any valuables. Then call the cops so they can get rid of the body before it stinks the place up too bad.
    Body goes to hospital for autopsy, then to the morgue. Hospital issues death certificate. Police notify Embassy. Embassy can't find any next of kin. Body sent to local temple for "paupers" cremation. Temple staff (not monks) dump your ashes somewhere. Probably the landlord/property owner dispose of whatever personal possessions are left behind. Any money in the bank sits idle for 7 years and then the account is closed and the money transferred to a gov't account (or filched by someone along the way).

    Eventually someone notices the old scooter that's been sitting in the parking lot for a decade and "sells" it to a local shop/scrapyard and that's the end of you in Thailand !

    Hmmm, Maybe I should post my ATM pin code posted on the refrigerator. Better to let the staff have it than make the government wait 7 years.


    Or maybe one of the ladyboys at my last party strikes it rich. Thanks for the heads up ????

  5. 4 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

    It's always been like this, in the TV/AN forums. The folks that deal with Visa problems are excellent, as are several other leaders of the various sub forums, but a lot of the members are way too opinionated, and self righteous. For some reason Thailand, and knowledge of it, seems to brings out the worst in them. The modern keyboard warrior mode of many is also sadly, a contributing factor. I've found a good "rule of thumb", is to check how many posts a person has made. If it's a huge amount, (mods excepted obviously), then usually that person seems to exist purely to cause chaos on here.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the replies to this, as I can guarantee I won't be able to read most of them, as they will already be on my ignore list. lol
    Seriously, why spend your days being as obnoxious as you can to others, in the forums on here, or trying to wind others up? 

    A word count limiter would be great na ????

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