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Posts posted by Wuvu2

  1. 3 hours ago, RamenRaven said:

    Thanks! This makes sense now.


    In fact, I like the calm dispositions that I see at Thai funerals.

    I see that they have a cyclical view of life, rather than a linear one.


    And, Klingons howl towards the sky to warn the heavens that another Klingon warrior approaches. I guess it all just depends on how you believe the universe works ???? 

  2. 11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    1. Low maintenance. 

    2. She will never contradict you. 

    3. She never ages. 

    4. You do not have to keep her entertained, nor do you have to spend any money on her. 


    Once you get past those immediate advantages however, some of us would argue there is nothing that beats a good woman. The companionship, the humor, the TLC (if one is very fortunate), and the ability to socialize with her, amongst friends and family. 


    I won't go into the mindset of a guy who chooses to live with a doll, but this is one of those occasions I agree with the government. 

    Companionship, humor, fits in well with the friends.... sounds like Mr. Kim and his latex bride need a golden retriever ???? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:

    I was amongst the first four posters to take BMT up on his offer and good to his word, BMT posted the sample, as promised.

    Well done BMT for keeping your word, glad to see that you are a man of action and that you can back up your words.


    I received them on Sunday afternoon.

    As I wanted to have clear head before testing each strain, I am only trying one strain a day.

    So far, I have been able to test two of the strains, so the reviews of the other stains will follow.


    Before I review, I will state that I am a daily smoker and have been for about the last 20 years but I am no connoisseur, I prefer weed that neither stink my man-cave out and doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg.

    As long as I get a relaxing chill off my smoke, I’m as happy as.

    I have bought a few top shelf strains from one of the bigger Bangkok stores when weed was first decriminalized but I was not too impressed.

    They were overpriced, over pungent and made me too lethargic.

    The Green Crack that is being sold cheaply online is enough to give me a lovely buzz.


    All of the tests were carried out on my ‘current’ favourite bong, with a precooler, both filled with Listerine straight from the freezer.

    My reviews are based on the samples that I have tried and are obviously my opinion only, what works for me does not work for everyone.



    OK, on to the review of the first 2 strains:


    Tropical Punch:

    The first one that I opted for was the Tropical Punch.

    I picked this first as it was Sunday and I wasn’t working that day, so trying the strongest strain on my day off made sense:

    The buds smelled fairly strong/dank and sure enough, it did stink out the man-cave.

    However, it wasn’t as stinky as some of the exotics I have tried and the man cave was after an airing, fresh again by the next day.

    I can’t really review the taste, as the Listerine in my bong masks the taste.

    After smoking a full bowl, the product started to deliver.

    It wasn’t the strongest smoke that I have ever smoked but it was powerful enough to give me a lazy, chilled Sunday afternoon.

    BMT states that this in his view is the strongest of the samples but after testing the first two, I would personally disagree with him.



    This was my Monday evening test.

    Again, this had the dank pungent smell that the top shelf has but like yesterday’s sample, this was also easy to air out.

    Within 2 minutes of hitting the bowl with this one, I was climbing to a great buzz.

    The buzz lasted a couple of hours, so after refilling the bowl, I was chilled again.

    Rinse, lather, repeat.

    IMHO, this strain is stronger than Tropical Punch.

    If I bought this from a shop, I would buy again, dependent on the price.

    In fact, if any of the other reviewers are not up to the task of reviewing their sample of CheeseLicious, feel free to forward it to me and I will review it for you. ????


    Overall, I’ve had 2 days of being stoned for free and both strains put a smile on my dial.

    I still have 2 more tests to conduct. ????


    Listerine as bong water???  Why would you want to inhale atomized chemicals, alcohol and glycol? OMG my lungs hurt just thinking about it ????

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. On 1/27/2023 at 11:47 AM, BritManToo said:

    I've She's got another 300gms to harvest and dry this month.

    So far I've  she's only vacuum packed 1 bag with 15gm.

    Add to that the 200gm in jars from last year, the 100gm in jars from this year, and the other 20 plants all flowering at the moment and storage becomes a significant problem.

    It seems a shame to throw it all away.


    Can't understand the current high prices, everyone growing must be producing far more than they can consume, 250bht+/gm is madness.

    Don't throw it away. I like outdoor buds - send me a pm if you want to sell some .

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