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Posts posted by Wuvu2

  1. 2 hours ago, Hummin said:

    For some more than others there is great benefits, but for most there is no benefits at all except a break from the daily life.


    For others it can be harmful who is vulnerable and looking for something that can fix their problems, and it doesn't. 


    It is not really fixing anything, it just temporary mask up the problems a person have.


    So far I know, no proof yet it cures anything

     I'm plenty old enough to make my own informed decisions. I really don't enjoy the anti-weed evangelists dropping by to get attention they can't get at home. Another great use for the ignore user button ????

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  2. Contact a local orphanage, children's home, or a local NGO serving youths. They will know all of the government and charity foundation resources available in your area. They will also have some insight into evaluating the boys true situation.


    It's nice that you care. 

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  3. Many of the hang-out style cannabis shop - especially the ones that also serve alcohol -  still have people smoking weed openly inside. Some have a separate space nearby. Poke your nose in and ask the bud tender what's up if you smell smoke. While technically illegal, customers are not likely to have a big problem in those venues.


    That said, if you're smoking that HiSo 900-1200 baht/gram super weed - please send me a PM - you are welcome at my place ???? 

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, stoner said:

    getting ripped for weed....not cool man ????


    Funny, I made exactly that point to the dude  - and I explained how ripping me off was going to bruise the Karma and merit of his entire family.  When my spiritual advice failed I offered as many idle threats as I could think of, all to no avail. I'm thinking I might not be the first farang he scammed. 


    I met one really terrific connection for HiSo bud through the forum. I'm just waiting for his new crop to cure ???? 

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  5. 16 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    After doing your first online report on the new site the only thing you to complete is your passport number and select your nationality the click for autofill.

    You will get a email to confirming you application with a small TM47 form as a PDF.

    The after your report is approved you get another email with a receipt for the report attached.

    I used the online system in the past, but it has not worked for me since the last time I entered the country in 2018. At Jomtien immigration they first said online only works after one has done the first 90 day in person. The next time they issued a new arrival card number but that didn't work either. I have asked about it a few times, and tried it on each "new" version of their online system then gave up. Any suggestion?

  6. First, stay away from the super paranoia inducing strains. I'm noticing some of that may have snuck into your stash already.


    Next thing to do is hide in the hotel bathroom, with the fan on and a wet towel under door. Now turn on the shower until it makes a lot of steam, and stand on the toilet trying to blow as much of the smoke as possible directly into the fan. Always pack a travel size Ozium in your toiletries. Sneak out of the bathroom door as quickly as possible moving the wet towel to the room side of the door.


    Most hotel AC remotes have a fan setting for "High" which is exactly what you want. Don't freak out when you hear a knock at the door. You probably forgot that you ordered munchies in advance ????  

    • Haha 2
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