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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. I belive that the current recommendation in Thailand is 4 months between boosters for Pfizer/Moderna.
  2. The dermatologist's name is Dr. Nicha Rungsimanond. I had seen her for skin checks several times before this visit. I described to her the symptoms and the location, and she asked permission to view the rash. Like you, I have also encountered a few female Thai doctors, who seem to not want to the "view" (farang??) penis; including the dermatologist at my local governemnt hospital. Balanitis is generally considered a dermatological issue, rather than a urological one. Good luck. I hope this helps.
  3. I had a similar problem last year. I went to my local government hospital, and the young doctor was good enough to recommend me to one of the hospital's dermatologists, who in turn prescribed a corticosteroid cream and said "come back in a month" No improvement over a month, back to the same doctor - "continue treatment, comback in a month". Still no improvement after another month. In dispair, I travelled to Bumrungrad Hospital's Skin Centre in Bangkok - having booked an appointment online (go to the Hospital's webpage) with a Thai and USA-trained dermatologist. She prescribed a Spanish-manufactured antifungal cream (which is not widely available in Thailand - local pharmacies and the Thai private hospitals I asked at do no have it) and a cream "powder". Symptoms started to clear after 10 days and all gone after about 20 days. The doctor also told me that using the corticosteroid cream for 2+ months was "dangerous". I have seen 3 different dermatologists at Bumrungrad Hospital over the past 9 years - all of them have been great. For me, it is has been wotth the extra financial cost, and 3 hour drive to Bangkok, to see these doctors. I have yet to find a competent dermatologist locally. Good luck, I hope you get better soon. And yes, it is a "heinous condition", as I know all to well, having had my first outbreak about 15 years ago back in Australia.
  4. I will upset most of the posters and readers here. I cannot but agree with ezzra. It is not so much COVID-19 which I fear - vaccinated thrice with Pfizer (next booster in 2 months), and I wear 2 masks when I go out - but, I worry about long COVID. Two friends (one each in Australa and the USA) and 3 of my former students (young healthy people on their 30s and 40s) have had long COVID, and 4 still have symptoms and cannot function as they did pre COVID-19 infection (6-18 months post infection). So, if you decide to ignore what you take to be "fake evidence", up to you; on the other hand, if you question the "evidence" and accept it is being essentially valid and take precautions, then wise you.
  5. As most of us arw aware, there are two types of COVID-19 tests available in Thailand - (i) Antigen Test Kit (ATK) or Rapid Antigen Test, and (ii) Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Although the Ministry of Public Health reports positive results on both tests, only RT-PCR positive results are counted, for memory.
  6. My banks in Australia send my renewed cards to my Thai address, no problems.
  7. Another of General Prayut's great successes.
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