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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Do it. Would be good; Musk defeated in under a minute, if Putin has one arm tied behind his back.
  2. Have you tried their Thai website? Google "Sharp Thailand"; go to their English language page (unless you read Thai); see if they have a spare parts section. If worked for me with Toshiba a few years back; shipped to Hua Hin from Bangkok in less that 3 days.
  3. Quality Chinese tourists?
  4. The humans failed to pay the toll on the elephants' road.
  5. Emperor Xi sending a warning to Trump or Putin sending in more support for Trump?
  6. A big surge, a little surge, or a negative surge?
  7. All this under a female Prime Minister? The best way to address this "problem" is to start educating the masses, in the education system (from primary schools up to the tertiary level) and in the media (the Thai media is full of violence against women). If a government can ban cigarette advertisements, then it can ban violence any media that shows violence against women.
  8. Correct. I was working in Canberra in the 1980s. A friend from uni was working as a researcher in the policy section of social security ( I cannot remember the department's name). She was handed a research-policy paper from the Parliamentary Library or the Australian National University (I cannot remember which), and asked to check the data and analysis. Bottom line - the paper provided a 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50-year projection of Australia's population size and age distribution and its potential impact on social security payments (in then current dollars). The financial costs to social security at 50 years ahead were astronomical. The paper recommended that all workers be forced to join a super fund, and so by year 20XX the old age pension could be abolished. Etc., etc. Of course, there is the issue of the elderly who never worked in Australia, and I cannot remember how that was dealt with. Thus, the current compulsory employee superannuation idea can into being in the early 1990s.
  9. Agree with simple1. So many Russian trolls here.
  10. Villa Market also, for memory.
  11. Law enforcement, what law enforcement? Parental concern, what parental concern? Thailand advancing - no time soon.
  12. Who is sharing these videos? Thai ultra-nationalists?
  13. No!!! Musk should be on the next SpaceX rocket launch - preferably one going into deep space.
  14. No wonder so many of Trump's businesses have failed, he has almost zero comprehension of economics and no comprehension of international economics. America's (former) enemies must be celebrating Trump's actions which are rapidly killing the USA.
  15. Low IQ or evil geniuses.
  16. As long as China control Thailand, yes.
  17. Agreed. Time for Europe to look after itself again; Trump and Vance are more intent of <deleted> themselves.
  18. Polluted water if you are lucky, urine most likely.
  19. The West needs Musk, like the West needs Putin and Xi. Can you imagine anyone worse than Adolf Hitler and Pol? The answer is yes, and they are in power in the USA now.
  20. Is Thailand a Chinese province or a Chinese colony?
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