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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. Took a cabbie today (Toyota Altis, probably about 10 years old) that just got his papers done at DLT before picking me up at their compound... noticed he had no headrests installed, and when trying to use seatbelt at the back seat, I realised that while seatbelt was there, you could not plug it anywhere... driver confirmed that I can't use it... Wonder who pays the fine if cops stop you after 5 Sep...? Passenger or driver? Also how could a car like that pass inspection??
  2. Took MRT and BTS today. All Thais masked up. One farang just came from airport, trying to cover face with his jacket - gave him a mask and he seemed happy to wear it. There were however a bunch of westerners walking into train with no masks on. You could see disgust from Thais who started to move away from them, and looking away, trying to "breathe the other way". They must have been noticed as BTS played message that although mask mandate ended, BTS recommends wearing mask within 30 seconds of maskless foreigners coming in the train. Those of course completely ignored everything, some even coughing or showing difficulties breathing, which showed others moving away from them. When in Rome, do as Romans do, right? Except for the ultra überrasse farang visiting Thailand...
  3. You'll need to bring some kind of ID for yourself, passport or Pink ID card, original. Then give your address and name, along with phone number, as well as receiver's name and address + phone number. They'll measure the box and tell you how much it costs. If you ship it in the morning it's same day in Bangkok and next day country-wide, but if you ship it in the afternoon, it's next day BKK and 1-2 days nationwide. You can buy insurance but need to show receipt for the item showing the price of item. They would only insure if you have original invoice. That's about it. FlashExpress has a website where you can punch in the data on size and weight, etc. and they'll issue tracking number, then come and pick it up from your home. Kerry apparently has the same but I've never used it, and prefer to send from Kerry owned shop, not just a drop point... You can just search for nearest proper shop. They are actually very good. And if you don't have a box and packaging material, they sell boxes and wrap it for you at the shop in bubble wrap. Overall a very good service.
  4. I tried tower antenna from 25km away from Baiyoke Sky (that's where Bangkok transmitter is), mounted indoors, and it was perfectly fine. Never tried fishbone from such a distance. The image is from Samart, which makes these, as well as DTV boxes for TV sets that don't support digital signal. It's actually on the last Lazada link for a Samart fishbone.
  5. No, TV set does not have a built-in antenna. But you can buy one from PowerBuy/PowerMall/Shopee/Lazada/,,, for peanuts. What you need will depend on where you are located. If you are near a transmitter, then a small plate or stick type antenna will suffice, else you might need a tower antenna or a fishbone antenna. Some examples from Lazada: Plate type: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hd-50-1080p-hdtv-37-amplified-hd-digital-tv-antenna-i930396204.html Stick type: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/digital-tv-antenna-dvb-t2-i2719500685.html Tower type: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/d1a-indoor-antenna-i950924994.html, https://www.lazada.co.th/products/samart-d1a-digital-indoor-antenna-hd-268-i132933339-s144071611.html And then outdoor fishbone type (the higher the number, the more gain it has (gain is amplification of signal, and the number on it states how many db it raises the signal). https://www.lazada.co.th/products/thaisat-antenna-wing-14e-ninety9watch-i108536715.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/family-antenna-digital-tv-sg-607-v2-i142531650.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/beta-digital-tv-antenna-hd-37e-hd-37e-i116005372.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/samart-5e-10-m-dvb-t2-antenna-outdoor-i120770965.html These are the types of antennas you could use depending on the distance from transmitter. And these are the channels you should be able to receive: I hope this helps.
  6. Not. I can only guess: very few, if any. But I don't know for a fact.
  7. Nice attempt at a redirect... That's exactly what the mindset of majority of voters around the World is... It's OK that our guys are crooks, because the other side are crooks as well. Doesn't anyone demand any accountancy from anyone anymore?
  8. A wanted fugitive criminal for 15 years talking about damaging judiciary... amazing.
  9. Yes, AI CCTV cameras in all entertainment zones, live streamed on the internet is a great idea. Doubt many members here would agree...
  10. There are sellers that offer 89 or 99 baht stolen keys, which probably work fine. There are also 500-1200 baht offers of genuine packs, where DVDs are obviously cheaper than those with USB stick inside. Some examples: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/windows-10-pro-64bit-oei-dvd-i1092924211.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/windows-10-pro-3264bit-fpp-full-box-i1474640349.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/windows-10-pro-fpp-hav-00060-10-i2605084559.html You can see the reviews, but 5star review by many doesn't mean that keys will work in the future. Generally, those keys, even 89 baht ones, don't expire after 6 months.
  11. Last night I couldn't sleep at all... Why's that? I was thinking all night who I could borrow 100,000 baht from... Why did you not call me?! Oh, you have it?? I could give you sleeping pills....
  12. Oh, look at that. Phuket indeed is back to same old, same old.
  13. How about letting the operator who coughed up the money to build the tracks dictate what using of the trains costs instead of controlling the price like a communist country? If the price is too high, people can't afford it, they stop using it. BTSC re-evaluates and puts up promotions or lowers the ticket costs. Or stops the service. It's up to them, it's their track and their trains.
  14. He was known to flush confidential documents down the White House toilet, several times blocking it.
  15. Certainly I am not. Link 1: By Gerrard Kaonga On 6/1/22 at 4:53 AM EDT Link 2: Liam James Tuesday 31 May 2022 19:52 Got anything more current?
  16. I just went up and down RT, and there's 0 mentioning of anything OP says. With my broken Russian I can't find it on any of the other Russian media sites either. Where's the link to original reporting? Hopefully not theonion.com...
  17. Hope he now comes to court in person to celebrate...
  18. I am buying from UnderArmor for most casual clothes and sizes are exact same as in Macy's in the US. Maybe try their online shop in Lazada, at least for polos, so you don't run around naked ????
  19. And that's just a couple of days after that u-turn bridge collapsed in Samut Sakhorn, killing a few. It really makes it clear why Thais just do not enter into any building under renovation or such - they can just see disaster looming. But... for some reason they have no such fear on the roads or when in long abandoned building that could collapse at any moment... Strange people.
  20. If you load this in Chrome and translate to English, you'll see what China is actually doing in the military exercise - and it is to choke Taiwan. https://news.haiwainet.cn/n/2022/0803/c3541083-32465935.html Marked areas are those that exercises are at. All around TW. In article you have explanation why each of them matter and how they cripple Taiwan.
  21. Agree. If you have a mix of uric acid + calcium stones, Uralyt is a better choice (happens if you have high uric acid but drink mineral water full of calcium... they get coated, and they are very hard to melt off), but possibly more convenient to carry around, are Pocitrin Tab pills. But note that Pocitrin will give you stomach cramps much worse than Uralyt. On the other hand Uralyt is mixed with water so you need to get used to the taste of it. Although compared to 20 years ago, it tastes much less disgusting now. Not quite pleasant, but no longer gross.
  22. Gout is caused by accumulation of uric acid. Sometimes change of diet helps, many times it doesn't. Sometimes it causes kidney stones only, sometimes gout, sometimes both. There is a medicine to treat gout but you need to be very careful with it and clear it with your urologist as it could have severe side effects. Other than foul smelling urine and very fine sand flushing out. It is Benzbromarone ***, in Thailand sold under Benarone brand. It intercepts purine from food so it doesn't turn into uric acid, and gives your body a chance to clear it out. From point of how to treat gout attack, NSADs like Nurofen Zavance (spiced up Ibuprofen) could be very effective, but do not take it if you are controlling blood pressure with Valsartan. It can lead to renal failure (kidney failure). [EDIT: Removing diet part as post above from Andre covered all and more] *** note, Benzbromarone is banned in EU due to side effects. I am not advertizing it, just saying it worked very well for me. Got mine from hospital first, but later from Diamond pharmacy opposite Siriraj hospital entrance. It is actually quite cheap (unless bought from hospital pharmacy).
  23. the foreigners he's referring to... is that tang chart or tang dao?
  24. Maybe to add, even if address is something @emirates.com, that could still be fake. While not normally visible, there is actually an email header which some mail programs can show - the headers show the entire path of where email was sent from and how it routed to your server. Usually there's IP address for the computer sending email. You can check where IP originates from, so if it claims to be from Emirates office in Bangkok but you find out it's sent from another country, you should worry. Sometimes there could also be spellings in the name, like [email protected]... now that I is not I but a small L. Or sender could make name Emirates HR <[email protected]> instead of just Emirates HR. In this case your email software could show this address but in reality it could be some garbage that it only shows when you hover over it. Lots of scams online, so it pays to be vigilant. But as many say before - scams are designed to relieve victim of money or gather financial data or something that allow them to get that later, or maybe get personal data to enable identity theft. Easiest to see is - did she apply? If she did, did they address her with her full name as in application? Or did the message say Dear [email protected] or Dear Applicant? Did they request any payments for anything up-front, or to provide any documentation which was already submitted? Did the terms just change? We need to inform you of slight change. Please resend information to another email address? If they booked her flight, was it on Emirates? I know, stupid question, and I can't imagine anyone could be stupid enough to try to scam someone with Emirates job offer then book them flight on another airline... But you never know, some scammers are dumb. Did the contact details (usually when informed you've been approved, you need to accept offer, right?) change from official ones? I know this goes too far and it's most likely all good for her, but given how many times we read of scams succeeding, I thought it just may give a few additional bits that were seen very recently, and were stopped at last moment or even succeeded. Ah, last one - if you see a combined email with inconsistent fonts (like contents being combined from different threads, different paragraphs in different fonts or sizes), that's also usually a clear give-away. Saw that a lot. Admin - if this is inappropriate, please wipe it.
  25. I believe 3BB (Jasmine) is about to be taken over by AIS. Regardless, AIS Fiber, 3BB Fiber, and True Gigatex are all stable with very few interruptions, mostly announced. I used both and don't really have preference.
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