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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. You people should be music critics. All that knowledge and experience in a single package going upstream pushing a rope. You have no clue about Prince and what he gave to the music world. But please continue to live in your own SMALL worlds here on TV spouting your ASSumptions while the music professionals and fans around the world mourn the passing a a true musical genius. Wonder if any of you people will be missed by anybody when you pass? Did you make a difference to society or the world or just, your small pathetic 3-foot bubble you think is the world? TV should be renamed as the loser capital of Thailand.

  2. Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!
    In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

    Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

    And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

    The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

    In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

    Amnesty bills are introduced all over the world. Presidents and PMs pardon criminals also. Its normal business and NOT a "corrupt abuse of office"

    Not to mention the fact that Thailand currently has an active amnesty for a few coup mongers, One that did not have a single vote from someone with an electoral mandate.

    None of these criminals will ever go to jail.

    It always cracks me up when coup supporters talk about amnesty and justice.


    They have amnesty for who they want only. People who they feel they can control.

    Watana is not one of them therefore his daughter is looking for help..

  3. I don't think he was genius. In fact, I thought he was mostly mediocre and way too pretentious. Remember when he changed his name to some weird, unpronounceable symbol?

    IMO, he did one GREAT album (Purple Rain) and a bunch of other OK stuff. He died too young and does deserve to be celebrated for his one major contribution to modern music.


    FYI, Prince tried to get out of his contract with Warner Bros, because they wanted him to release fewer CDs and not flood 'their' market. He couldn't get out of his contract, but he could change his name. he basically just messed with them. Once the Warners contract expired, he went back to the Prince moniker.

    I don't care why he did it. He still came off as a pretentious twit. IMO, he was never in the A leagues after Purple Rain, but obviously - from reading this thread - a lot of people appreciated him anyway. Overall, I would put him in the good, but not great category. That is still pretty good though.

    People in the know, particularly his peers say completely the opposite. I tend to believe them over a pretentious, know it all TV poster.

  4. Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

    In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

    Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

    And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

    The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

    In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

    Amnesty bills are introduced all over the world. Presidents and PMs pardon criminals also. Its normal business and NOT a "corrupt abuse of office"

  5. Strange that a Thai person didn't check to see the meter turned on/reset? After my first few weeks here that was second nature to me. Also I guess they didn't get in the proper queue? Ah well.

    Seems clear she deliberately hatched a plan to refuse the fare once safely at the hotel lobby, standing behind security guards, on CCTV and holding a camera in her hand, and rightly suspected the video would go viral and get the driver fined.

    Oh so now we have a taxi defender....better do a background check on old boy before you stick up for him. Better yet why dont you READ the report first before you comment.

  6. Its not wrong happens all over the world.

    The usual Thai apologist "line". and no it does not happen all over the world. wise up

    Hey guy, what part of my post says the words "Thai apologist"? I cited many examples of it happening all over the world. Is that your simple-minded argument? Act like an adult get treated like one, act like a child get treated like one, your choice.

    Another choice you have is to not visit these places.

  7. @mgjackson69

    Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

    It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

    It takes no account of ability to pay.

    It takes no account of tax paying status.

    It takes no account of residency.

    It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

    Its not discrimination. Its giving locals discounts which as I and several other people have pointed out happens ALL over the world.

    Just because you say its discrimination does not make it fact.

    Far stretch to call it a weapon. What is it going to do poke an eye out or something LOL

    No, it's discrimination because it is based on nationality not whether you live locally or not.

    Where it is non discriminatory across the world, as has been pointed out by others (something you appear to value), is when it is based upon local residents living in country or in other cases the local area, nationality does not matter.

    Didnt you read one of my earlier posts where I sited an example of where I was given a locals discount in Phuket? Guess you didnt?

    MANY businesses in the US give discounts to US service members. If a civilian doesnt get a discount does that mean a business is racist?

    What about senior citizen discounts? Racist?

    What about special discounts to card holders at hotel chains around the world? Racist conspiracy?

    Your argument is extremely flawed. Quit whining, it isnt becoming of an adult.

  8. @mgjackson69

    Because discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

    It is a blunt weapon with no redeeming features.

    It takes no account of ability to pay.

    It takes no account of tax paying status.

    It takes no account of residency.

    It takes no account of contributions to the economy.

    Its not discrimination. Its giving locals discounts which as I and several other people have pointed out happens ALL over the world.

    Just because you say its discrimination does not make it fact.

    Far stretch to call it a weapon. What is it going to do poke an eye out or something LOL

  9. I'm just giving him a listen. Vacuous 80s schlock, nothing but electronic beat and Bee-Gee voice. Unlistenable to me. The man seems mainly a poseur. I guess you had to be there.

    Sorry to hear he's dead at that age, but the massive media hagiography is hardly merited.

    Serious question....Do you really think the outpouring of love and expression from his peers and the world would be happening if he was "a poseur"?

    Sure, they probably like him because he's a poseur. It's the entertainment business.

    You forgot to quote my entire post.

    The part where I said I liked your elegant words....

  10. I'm just giving him a listen. Vacuous 80s schlock, nothing but electronic beat and Bee-Gee voice. Unlistenable to me. The man seems mainly a poseur. I guess you had to be there.

    Sorry to hear he's dead at that age, but the massive media hagiography is hardly merited.

    Serious question....Do you really think the outpouring of love and expression from his peers and the world would be happening if he was "a poseur"?

    I like your elegant words, they impress me.

  11. No, he told them 900 baht at the airport. She agreed. Then when she got there, she changed her mind and said she will only pay 500 or call the police.

    Usually passengers must wait downstairs and cue for taxi. Those taxis are always on the meter.

    But some like to jump the cue and go upstairs to arrivals and negotiate with the taxi by themselves. The passenger enters a verbal agreement, or decline and get another taxi.

    She jumped the cue, and reneged on her agreement. As she admitted in the video. We as customers do not have to get in an unmetered taxi. We can get another. It's his taxi, he can negotiate what he wants. Negotiated taxis are all over the world. It's no different from negotiating a tuk tuk.

    She did not keep her agreement and should be arrested.

    He can't negotiate anything. He has a metered taxi and has to use the meter

    Negotiating fare is an age old tradition, not only in Thailand, but other Asian countries also.

    She chose to cut the cue, I imagine she was having trouble getting a taxi upstairs. She quickly negotiated a deal, then changed her mind. She is wrong on all counts. It's his car, if he and the passenger are agreeable to a negotiated fare, it's nobody else's business. That rotten witch made a mountain out of a mole hill.

    You are 100% WRONG. It is ILLEGAL to negotiate fares in a metered taxi. You are acting just like the taxi driver....are you him?

  12. Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

    In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

    Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

    And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

    The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

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