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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. Not surprised at all.

    I've heard many times that Thais are disliked around the region and in general have created a bad name for themselves. Young single women are invariably traveling to their destinations to work as prostitutes, while the males are also going to some dodgy employment. Furthermore, around the region Thai males have a bad reputation for drunkenness, violent behavior and petty crime.

    As for the genuine Thai tourists, I've been told many times by locals in the tourism industry in Lao. & Cambodia how much they dislike the arrogant Thais, who consider themselves superior and never miss a chance to show it.

    Could you bash Thais anymore?

  2. Still don't understand the reluctance to call them what they are which is either male or female but you cant be a mix, sorry but biologically impossible. Even the term is incorrect. A lady would be a full grown adult woman whilst a boy would be more of a child.

    We need to cut the PC crap and tell it as it is i.e. they are weird (wasn't the first word that came to mind but I am being polite)

    I find your post weird also. To quote from your own post, "We need to cut the PC crap and tell it as it is i.e. they are weird (wasn't the first word that came to mind but I am being polite)".

  3. There is a show on CNN his week about Philippine cuisine. That doesn't happen unless a few people enjoy it.

    Exactly...there are more than 98 million people living in the Philippines who for the most part probably enjoy Filipino food.

    But judging from the number of Filipino restaurants I have seen outside the Philippines...errr...not very many others enjoy it.

    The reason is simple....its called marketing.
    The only place you have them are in the sections of cities with a high concentration of Filipinos ..... In California - Stockton - parts of Los Angeles - East Bay Area......Other than that they don't flourish/prosper ......The filipinos assimilate easily into society & vary their diets to include western/other foods which - for the most part they prefer......At big get togethers they'll have the standard dishes......Once they get out of the PI they gravitate away from their old daily diet.....

    I predict you won't be seeing Adobo Expresses (like Panda Express) any time soon......

    Good panda express sucks poop anyways. Would hate for good PI food to be turned into that crap.
  4. Ok I wake you up read this very carefully

    My Nephew obtained a inter national license in Thailand to drive in many countries in the world

    got this ? This country includes Australia OK? But he never ever driven a car anywhere but

    for the purpose of getting his license

    So in simple worlds he got an license which allows him to drive any where in the world without

    any driving experience Well here I go again he can't even change gears

    This isnt a Thai thing buddy. Many countries around the world have inexperienced drivers. An IDP is nothing more than a certification that a person has a legal valid license in their home country, nothing more.

    And changing gears come on you cant be that dense to see he has never driven a stick before. Help the guy out and quit yer complaining about it here.

    Deal with it in an adult like manner and help your family out.

  5. There is a show on CNN his week about Philippine cuisine. That doesn't happen unless a few people enjoy it.

    Exactly...there are more than 98 million people living in the Philippines who for the most part probably enjoy Filipino food.

    But judging from the number of Filipino restaurants I have seen outside the Philippines...errr...not very many others enjoy it.

    The reason is simple....its called marketing.

  6. Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.

    And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

    Because they are smarter than you.

  7. At times there have been commands who put it off limits due to trouble the Marines have caused there while on liberty but, there is no general policy prohibiting USMS personnel from going there. As usual, the actions of a few, effect the many.

  8. >>The one thing I found really bizarre in this thread is that anyone would even consider how they find the conduct on an internet forum as a factor in any way, shape or form in terms of trying to decide whether a country or district would be good to live in. Beyond belief really. <<

    Yes ,i agree .

    What would be their other choices? Google & they just get one person's write up at a time.....Or - they could try & find a book - again, one persons opinion......

    Travel & bump around in a unknown place that's dangerous enough that even the USMC will not let their corps visit even if they have family there?

    Here - there's an expat community that's interested and in close proximity + some with actual & factual experience with a common interest in asia (although PI are really pacific islanders & closer akin to islander vesus asian customs. culture, and features and identify as such).....

    Most here are straight forward (even if some are obviously bent) & will give an opinion.....If someone asks advice about CM nobody seems to find fault....

    In many ways TVF can be a valuable sounding board.....A short read through TVF quickly separates the quality answers/posts from the others.....

    After that it's up to them to glean what they can.....

    Your post is BS. The marines have been going to the PI forever and have not stopped. In fact, in the near future they will be basing them there on a fully rotational basis with some being stationed there permanently.

  9. It has been pointed out repeatedly, that statistics show no (even with the benefit of a doubt: very, very few) incidents, involving trans- people, molesting anyone!

    There are multiple posts on this thread which show evidence of men wearing women's clothes assaulting women and girls in women's toilets. This is a fact.

    But the promoters of this sociology experiment say, "Oh, they're not really transgender". rolleyes.gif

    Is that right?

    So, answer this simple question: What's the legal definition of a "transgender"?


    Prove it brother. Post up the police reports. Post up the facts.

    Dont try and put anymore strawman arguments up. Back up your opinion with facts relevant to the OP.

  10. There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

    I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

    There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

    And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

    You dont have to believe it. But, it shows how closed minded you are as evidenced by your bigoted, uneducated comments.

  11. So the shield was to prevent missile attacks from the middle east? Right. Well the only nuclear armed power there is Israel. Or are we supposed to believe Iran who doesn't have missiles wants to declare a suicidal war on NATO for some unknown reason?

    The missile shield as I've commented before is about giving the US first strike nuclear capability. Now if Russia had a missile shield wouldn't NATO be panicking for exactly the same reason, namely being able to nuke someone without fear of retaliation?

    That aside both Chinese and Russians have developed new missiles that will go straight through it any way, so another colossal waste of money. Still good way to help instill fear into the ignorant and ramp up the war machine profits.

    1. Missiles shot from the middle east would fly along the route the missile shield is protecting.

    2. These missiles are DEFENSIVE, not OFFENSIVE. They dont target any targets they defend from incoming offensive weapons.

    3. If you think these weapons cant defend and shoot down Chinese or Russian missiles, you know nothing of weapons.

    Actually from your post nothing is said but pure rhetoric and opinion. Not fact by any means.

  12. e thlish ey are g of Manila e allysa Philippino

    It makes me laugh that the only bad thing that people can come up with about the Philippines is how terrible the food is,I've lived in Phuket and all the seafood restaurants there in Patong BBQ their Tiger Prawns and Lobster well guess what,they can throw the same seafood on a BBQ for you in the Philippines also!And do you eat out for every single meal you have in Thailand,or do you cook at home for most of your main meals well guess what?You can also cook at home in the Phils and even buy some Thai red or green curry sauce,coconut milk and make your own Thai food.

    There is a chain of Thai restaurants called Krua Thai in Cebu there are branches at SM Mall near the port and I used to visit the one in Crossroads Mall,Banilad and it's excellent.My friend's Thai wife used to write down in Thai what she wanted the chef to cook for her and her did it no problem,the Tom Yam Koong was as good and authentic as any Thai restaurant in Thailand and the owner,cook and half of the waiting staff were genuine Thais.I used to pay 70 Philippine Pesos for a small bottle of ice-cold Singha beer,which is around 50 Thai Baht so it was actually cheaper than buying beer anywhere I know of in Thailand for Thai beer!

    If you're in Manila then the People's Palace in Makati is one of the best Thai restaurants you will ever visit,it's absolute nonsense to say the food in the Philippines is no good as it's just as good as food anywhere else in South-East Asia,it's just a one-size-fits-all excuse wheeled out by idiots and know-it-alls that have never been there but who cares,it's their loss not mine?


    A chain of Thai restaurants in the PI, how many Philippino restaurant are there any where else but the Philippines about 0 and the ones that open usually close in 6 months. The food is a issue. I have family who live south of Manila and they are great people but out of 20 or so only about 5 spoke english, so the myth that they all speak great english is just that. I have been to Philippines many times but would not want to live there

    Food is just fine. Just because you dont like it, doesnt make it fact. Kinda like you saying that the Phillipines doesnt speak English. They speak english and food is very tasty to people.

  13. After watching an ATM eat a customers card I decided to get my money by presenting my Debit card and Passport in a bank in PI.

    I place them on a young ladies desk and requested $200.

    She scream got up and ran away.

    I was more concerned by the two security guards Cocking their Pump Action Shot guns and turning them in my direction.

    Never felt threatened in my 15 years living in CM.


    Dont believe your BS for a second.

  14. Wow it's amazing how much USA fleet intelligence is available in TVF smile.png

    Should be asking the CCP secret intelligence service to start surfing here ...spying is tiring business but here the commentary is free smile.png

    Roasted goose is so delicious ...can't see anyone saying no to that.

    This poster is not an original source whereas you by your own statement are in personal contact and interaction with CCP high officials on the mainland. The Green Team over there.

    So you seem to complain and simultaneously ridicule the USA and the West for publicising their vital information while praising the clever CCP Boyz for hiding theirs. CCP's intentions and tactics are easily identified and countered however.

    Here and there (despite 24/7 censorship and interference).

    Hate to admit but we've been trolled. Best thing is to quit feeding LC, its a complete waste of time.

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