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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. I love all the comments about "him" having a perceived unfair advantage because his biology is male with testosterone and then they fail to realize he didn't actually win anything.

    Wouldnt their argument be nullified based on facts? Wouldnt they acknowledge that men are not superior?

    What I see are a bunch of people without any compassion and respect in life. They just come on here pound their bigoted chests behind a keyboard and try and make themselves feel superior to others in any way they can. Typical of the crowd here lately. They just love to stir crap on transgender threads because if they did it on a gay thread it would be shut down immediately.

    Seems transgender threads have become the new "gay bashing" preferred method of current times.

    We are all different, what's so hard with respecting that fact?

  2. How difficult would it be to build airports with covered areas into which the planes can pull in so the baggage handlers aren't subject to lightening strikes?

    Sorry but the dangers of lightening dont work that way. Maintenance and airfield operation stops which includes everything going on at an airport outside. Its for the safety of all personnel. Bags can and should wait.

  3. Tubby as again you try these ridiculous straw man arguments. I said put specific facts about the French worker incident. And again did you say thanks to the Muslims that helped you with safe access into Thailand?


    In a pathetic attempt to save face, you are veering off topic again. And again I won't say thanks to the muslims who continue to destroy innocent lives. Your lack of specific knowledge about the French worker incident conveniently ignores the fact that the EgyptAir flight which recently crashed into the Mediterranean took off from that very same airport. You forgot the read the article, did you? To help you, here's a quote: "Vetting procedures at Charles de Gaulle, one of the world's largest aviation hubs, have come under renewed scrutiny since EgyptAir flight MS804 crashed into the Mediterranean on Thursday after setting off from the airport."

    This does not help you answer the OP's question at all. Stay on topic.

    Facts, my dear friend, facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks

    If you're too cowardly to discuss facts, then I really suggest you move away from your computer and visit a bookstore, read up on some knowledge and fill those barren shelves at your home.

    Ive answered the topic several times and challenged your bigoted supposition and "opinion" with actual facts of everyday SAFE AND SECURE involvement of Islam supporters in airport operations every single minute of everyday of every year and yet you keep trying with straw man crap.

    Take your ridiculous crap somewhere else and get a grip on how the real world operates. Even if you dont like it, it functions just fine with millions of Islamic individuals.

    Please dont bother to offer a response as Im not wasting any more of my time on your trolling waste of time posts. Done. Fullstop.

  4. On an unrelated note Myself and the spousal unit went to a national park close to Khao Lak....guess I was handsome today as they let me in under the Thai price.

    Now back to topic there is no rule or regulation that says a civilian cannot get access to a Thai military installation. I for 11 years working for the US military as a civilian contractor got regular access every year during COPE TIGER and COBRA GOLD exercises. If you have business there you get access. Military installations in Thailand or any other part of the world are not tourist areas and as such do not warrant civilian access anytime a Tom, Dick or Jane wants. 555

  5. Grow up people.

    Well, except for the ones who are blown out of the sky by the actions of Moslems, or those killed on the ground on 9/11 - they're never going to grow up any more.

    And if this were really such a non-issue, why would the powers at Charles De Gaulle airport (Paris) have recently withdrawn the airside passes of 60 Moslems if they weren't perceived to be a potential threat?

    Source: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/french-airport-staff-sanctioned-having-copies-quran-lockers-1740188965

    Really thats all you have? They withdrew them based upon a security threat NOT because they are followers of Islam.

    Utter nonsense again. They are a security threat precisely because they are followers of islam and as such behaved inappropriately.

    You're running out of excuses.

    Prove your point with facts ole boy. And since you quoted my post about the news article, start with that as the basis for your "fact" search.

    Dont worry when you cant find any facts to back up your "opinion" we both already know they arent there. And please dont try with another strawman argument.

    By the way did you thank the Muslims at the airport when you arrived in Thailand who made sure you arrived safely, without incident or harm to your bigoted poop hole? Again dont worry about responding as we both your attitude is too big for that.

    You keyboard warriors sure dont know how to live in the real world [emoji6]

  6. really?

    hundreds of mosques are destroyed by christians. Lots of Jewish and muslim killed in the hands of Christian and not to mention millions killed by slavery and colonization times in the hands of Christians.

    all religions are bloody so please do not just accuse only one but all!

    Oh, this tired argument again. There's clearly a difference: what men did in the name of Christianity was against the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament, so was clearly not an action of Christianity; what men are still doing in the name of Islam is 100% consistent with what is advocated by Mohammed in the name of Allah in the Koran and hadiths, and so equally clearly is a justified action of Islam.

    all was done in the name of jesus and church those times. no need to runaway from facts. it sounds funny when one says 'these was done against the teaching of jesus'!

    what jihadis follow now also against Islam too according to theologists and for majority of muslim around the world.

    this thread turn into a muslim bashing one as usual but we all need to remember the bloodiness of other religions like Christianity or judaism etc while bashing islam. other religions are not different from it.

    and lets say muslim people are banned working at airports. What about muslim bus drivers, bankers, stock brokers etc etc do we ban them too as they might create trouble by crashing buses or trying to make stock market or a bank crash?

    or maybe they better dont work at mcdonald's as they might not put your bacon into your burger?

    such paranoid sentiments go nowhere apart from creating divisions.

    maybe we place all muslim people in camps by following Nazis?

    You know that is a terrible argument. The western/Christian world had some significant events occurring between year 0 and today. I am referring to man's learning to smelt metal from rocks, the recognition of gravity, the advent of electricity, the roll out of a legal system, with police, courts and judges, the gradual reliance on applied logic deriving from science over the old style black magic and sorcery. What I am trying to say is the western world had major events between Jesus time and now. The muslim world still wants to take the Koran literally and still runs around beheading non-believers and throwing homosexuals from tall buildings. Can you not see the difference? What some Christians may have thought 2,000 years ago is irrelevant to our society today.

    This thread IS NOT about who's religious sect is better?

  7. Grow up people.

    Well, except for the ones who are blown out of the sky by the actions of Moslems, or those killed on the ground on 9/11 - they're never going to grow up any more.

    And if this were really such a non-issue, why would the powers at Charles De Gaulle airport (Paris) have recently withdrawn the airside passes of 60 Moslems if they weren't perceived to be a potential threat?

    Source: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/french-airport-staff-sanctioned-having-copies-quran-lockers-1740188965

    Really thats all you have? They withdrew them based upon a security threat NOT because they are followers of Islam.

  8. Chess rules are being followed everyday in Thailand. Hundreds of "followers of Islam" which is what the post is about are performing some kind of service of security or even aircraft maintenance ie airport work in Thailand and all the other countries in the world with complete SUCCESS. In fact, every TV member has relied upon an Islamic follower in all their own bigoted travels to the country of Thailand. Grow up people.

  9. Horrific how little value is placed on life in this supposedly Buddhist alleged land of smiles.

    Just as well it wouldn't happen outside of Thailand?

    Well, of course heinous crimes occur in every country perpetrated by every gender, race, religion, and culture - but, no other country presents itself like Thailand does, portraying itself as a uniquely peace-loving Buddhist Land of Smiles.

    Do you not see a disconnect between the Buddhist way of life and the Thai way of life? The disconnect between the way Thailand portrays itself in the tourism ads and the reality of holidaying or living here?

    Total BS.

  10. WHY the <deleted> do you think you have the right as a foreign national civilian to set foot upon another country's military installation or piece of equipment is beyond my imagination???

    And then to come here and try to bash Thailand is again soooooo typical of a group of posters here.

    Civilians have whatever right a military deems appropriate, NOT what a civilian wants.

  11. Thai visa, don't we just love it, never a dull day, members up early in order to comment on things hardly relevant.

    The outside world is heading for financial ruin, talk of nuclear war is everywhere, and NATO's mercenaries are

    murdering and raping their way across the Mid-East, and the subject that is getting peoples panties in a twist

    is ladyboys and their problems, let them form a daisy chain and fall off Bali hai pier for all I care, Seems like

    all hands are on deck for this enthralling subject.

    So what is your opinion on the topic we should discuss?

    It is your world and we are suppose to follow you opinion right?


  12. For now I would not buy a hybrid and the reason is the technology is still in its infancy. I would let it mature a few more years then think of buying one.

    20 years of retail hybrids and you think the technology is in its infancy? The first Model T rolled off the line in 1908 making the entire auto industry only 108 yrs old ... Electric cars were around before the Model T... Infancy my arse! You would have still been riding a horse in 1928 'cause the auto industry was 'still in its infancy'...

    Yes it is in its infancy. Sure it has been around quite a while but it has still got limited range and you have to rely on the fuel section to get you anywhere. when they overcome the range and the higher price they will be worth seriously looking at but until then they are still in development stage and that by any standard is the infancy stage

    In your opinion why is it in the infancy stage?

    the early stage in the development or growth of something.

    "opinion polls were in their infancy"

    synonyms: beginnings, early days, early stages; seeds, roots; start, commencement, rise, emergence, genesis, dawn, birth, inception

    "music video was in its infancy"

    Infancy would be at birth not 20 years later.

  13. He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

    Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

    No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

    Just because its your opinion doesnt make it fact.

  14. Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

    Exactly so.

    Couldn't agree more.

    If no laws are broken, then its no-one's business but the newlyweds.

    l knew a white couple in PNG, she was 65(looked younger)& he was a long haired git of 20.

    They seemed very happy & no-one forced either of them to stay together.

    l have had both younger & older girlfriends, much younger & much older.

    To all you, "not righters" & moralisers, Butt Out, lts got jack sh!t to do with you.

    Congratulations and I sincerely mean that.

    Back to topic using your relationship as an example: There is a lifetime of difference between a 31yo woman and 17yo juvenile child.

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