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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. If you have to ask this question , it means you don't have enough experience with aluminum welding and should not attempt it..

    No disrespect intended just pointing out some facts.

    Aluminum welding is totally different that steel. In steel you melt a puddle and work a bead in the joint with the welding rod. In aluminum you dont form a puddle, you watch for it to start "sweating" and then you start moving the bead with your welding rod. It takes a lot of practice and in the fist few tries before you get it right, you will be blowing holes in the stock you are trying to weld.

    Something that I have found out from experience.

    I have not done any aluminum welding in many many years and I am sure if I tried it now I would probably destroy the first few attempts.

    Also keep in mind there are many many different aluminum alloys, so you need to identify the alloy you are working with also.

    I was in the aviation industry and at the time, only worked with 2024 , so long ago that we were barely out of the bronze eratongue.png now I think the best way for me to join two pieces of aluminum, for me, is Duct Tapelaugh.png

    Here we go with the know it alls. Everybody started from the beginning and worked towards being proficient in everything. He asked for help and your thread did nothing but tell him he doesnt know or cant do anything. Your tone is one of superiority. A couple stupid emoticons doesnt change your tone.

    OP learn the hard way, we all have.

  2. Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

    I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

    All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

    The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

    1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

    2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

    3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

    4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

    As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

    In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

    2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

    3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

    As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

    There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

    As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

    Come back down to earth plse thx.
    This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

    Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

    The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation
    Like you have any warfighting experience. Give us all a break with your complete utter BS about CCP military capabilities.

    The US military has advantage in every military area over the CCP military. You know nothing.

    Live in your dreams .....the reason why the USA has not won any of its recent military campaigns or achieved its stated objectives is exemplified in your comments

    Arrogance , underestimating your enemies and lack of foresight to plan ahead ....go read your military journals , the USA commanders talk frequently about not knowing the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian military because your intelligences has been compromised by your openness ;

    you can't even beat Vietnam ....forget about China....you truly know nothing mate wink.png

    Your superior weapons cannot be deployed without civilian casualty and this is not some Middle East campaign. If you drop even one bomb anywhere in mainland China , the consequences will be for USA to bear

    We won't come to you ....you have to start it and his is where Chinese patience outweighs any USA bravado which always call for quick actions and air bombings

    The SCS is not going to be a naval battle even though it's surrounded by sea smile.png

    Piss the CCP off and we will build the next universal studios there and bring in hordes of tourists while we dig below. We will even give Cebu airlines free rights to appease the Filipinos and we know they all love water parks.

    While we debate this ...this morning the dredgers are still at work ....digging and filling

    Mate coming from a CCP member now thats a far stretch.

    Your weapons ha! "Made in China" ha what a stretch to think your weapons could be near the superiority of US....
  3. All you poor loves who live in the tropics but find it hard to walk in the heat. Maybe you would be better dancing with polar bears.

    Big difference walking in the heat of a large city vs walking in an area like the beaches of Phuket.

  4. Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

    I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

    All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

    The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

    1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

    2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

    3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

    4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

    As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

    In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

    2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

    3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

    As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

    There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

    As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

    Come back down to earth plse thx.

    This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

    Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

    The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls :) watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

    Like you have any warfighting experience. Give us all a break with your complete utter BS about CCP military capabilities.

    The US military has advantage in every military area over the CCP military. You know nothing.

  5. Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

    I am working in a muslim "big problem" country. We have NO problems working and living together. I find your comments extremely bigoted and naive. Please spread your trolling hatred elsewhere.

  6. Because the USA is putting black people on their money. Being so PC with the money is a sign that it is time to get out of the US dollar, so the exodus to the door is causing the devaluation of the US dollar. I drive an economy size car so have some idea about the economy.

    Also the world's nations need fewer dollars to pay for oil so less need for the dollar affects the exchange rate.

    Are you serious with that statement. Could you be any more subtle with your racist remarks. What in the HE double L has the color of people got to do with this thread. Please take your ridiculous trolling remarks somewhere else.

  7. The dollar is doing just fine against the baht....lets take a look at the USD-THB exchange rate over the last 5 years with my hand drawn in long term trend line. All is well when looking at it from a recent history, longer term basis versus looking at it day by day, month by month. It's all a matter of time perspective.


    Please dont try and interject logic into this thread. Nobody will understand.

  8. In the meantime Beijing has closed Hong Kong port to the USA carrier today and denied them entry

    Guess the boys have to go down to Danang or Phuket for their R&R and buy their fresh supplies

    They will be pissed they are not getting drunk at Wan Chai tonight ...but heck the girls are equally pretty in Vietnam I Guess

    For a guy with a lot of opinions, you sure dont know much except to spout rhetoric of which you know nothing about.

    Phuket does not have a port for large US naval vessels.

    Im still waiting on you to tell me what land the US has stolen from sovereign nations.

    They use your tax money and charter tenders ....you do realise cruise ships bigger than a destroyer calls into Phuket and unloads 4000+ folks there weekly during the season ....if a cruise ink any can do it with a 150,000 ton vessel ...I'm sure the navy can manage that in Phuket or Halong Bay or Danang ...you don't travel much I gather .....sorry to be so curt but your answers are rather dumb ....

    Comrade P - now you are hilarious ...sailors being quiet and respectful in Phuket ....were you hanging out at Auntie Annie @ Jungceylon ?

    Everyone knows when a USN ships pulls into Phuket , and seems your USA intelligence extend to the bar managers first and they are informed , bus woman from Bangkok to Phuket to make a killing from horny sailors wanting to misfire on their tomahawks .....

    probably the well behaved and quiet guys just finished up and have no more cash from their monthly paycheck a ....they were probably ready to sit down and listen to a veteran in Thailand :P

    I Guess Beijing just did Thailand tourism a big boost.


    There is no large ship port in Phuket, none. As such the ships dont go there. I live there and know.

    As usual you are just talking slop you know nothing about. All for the sake of what....American bashing and trolling. About time to just keep quiet about things you know nothing about. This thread isnt about Phuket or Hong Hong, its about US military patrols in South China Sea. Get a life and quit trolling.

  9. In the meantime Beijing has closed Hong Kong port to the USA carrier today and denied them entry

    Guess the boys have to go down to Danang or Phuket for their R&R and buy their fresh supplies

    They will be pissed they are not getting drunk at Wan Chai tonight ...but heck the girls are equally pretty in Vietnam I Guess

    For a guy with a lot of opinions, you sure dont know much except to spout rhetoric of which you know nothing about.

    Phuket does not have a port for large US naval vessels.

    Im still waiting on you to tell me what land the US has stolen from sovereign nations.

  10. Funny how everybody is an expert the events that transpired by using a grainy CCTV video. Whoever, whatever started this incident does not rise to the level of "beating" the tourists experienced.

    Some people say the Brits started it, some Thai. I doubt the Brits started it even though it seems they look to have "thrown the first punch". The first punch does not make the instigator. I doubt a woman would slap a person without due cause.

    Bottom line, Thais are aggressive and with alcohol or even drugs its worse.

  11. Thailand is one of the most popular tourism destinations of the world and will continue to be so.

    Problem is people who get drunk and start fights (the British tourists in this case)

    It's popular because Thai women are cheap, it's not much good for anything else.

    Too dirty for a start. The roads are dirty, the countryside is dirty, the sea and beaches are dirty.

    I certainly wouldn't come here on a family holiday, I don't want my mum or my children to see the hookers out everywhere.

    I guess in a way, the apologists are right, this isn't a place for decent western foreigners to visit.

    Especially western women and children.

    You do realize you are calling every Farang that visits or lives in Thailand indecent correct?

    And you have singled out "western women and children" as particularly indecent. Maybe you should change your wording a little....

  12. he was talented and he was popular,

    but a genius....i don't think so.

    hendrix, lennon and mccartney, clapton....this is genius

    little red corvette was a pop song

    he was a pop star, that is all.

    i respect him for waht he was, but not as a genius

    rip roger.

    Ironic that both McCartney and Clapton had the highest praises for his talent

    Prince was selected by his peers to play a special tribute to George Harrison.

    Pink Floyd played a silent tribute to Prince recently.

    Imagine that his peers all thought so highly of him calling him a genius where you say he was nothing but a "pop star"

    Here we go again....

  13. What I don't like is when people (people like Publicus), who go and portray this image of China (and other countries) being dangerous and a threat to world peace. What I don't like is, is people (people like Publicus) trying to tell people that Beijing is dangerous and harmfull to planet earth, when Washington (the US government) has done far worse.

    Yes, the US military is controlled by Washington (the US government). I have no hatred towards the men who are in the US military. A lot of those men are actually victims of the 'system'. It's just that I don't like the politicians who order whatever war, and who are ordering the US military today.

    I suggest you scroll back and take a look at my post (about a dozen posts prior) which gives a nutshell overview of conflicts which have involved the US, and others which have involved China, over the prior decades.

    You'll notice that in none of the US incursions was there any territory grab by the Yanks. Sure, it can be debated for weeks on end whether those incursions were justified or not, or whether they were more harmful for the people they aimed to assist. But the key point I'm trying to make is THERE WERE NO TERRITORY GRABS.

    In contrast, over the same decades, nearly every incursion by Chinese forces involved additions of territory. Even Taiwan, though that's been a failure thus far.

    The US and China have different perspectives on world dynamics. China pretends it has no plans to interfere with other countries' affairs. Even when tragedies are taking place (Hutu and Tutsi slaughtering each other, for example), Chinese can comfortably sit back and watch. If there's territory to be gained (Tibet, for example) or resources (Africa or SCS, for example) then China takes action. It acts purely for its own interests, while pretending it adheres to non-interference.

    The US, on the other hand, has pie-in-the-sky ideas about instilling democracy in places like Iraq. Granted, the US has stumbled badly in many int'l theaters, but it largely is acting with altruistic interests, with other less commendable interests muddying the waters. That's why the US intervened in Kuwait, in Yugoslavia, in E.Timor, in Somalia. Intervention can often be very messy. The US invading Afghanistan was to kick out the Taliban (after 9-11) and try to enable the Afghans a semblance of democracy. It hasn't worked. The US has made mistakes, but for many decades, it hasn't tried coveting new territories for itself. The same can't be said for China.

    do you actually BELIEVE that altruistic nonsense?? lol

    Wars are complicated. tens of thousands of thick books have been written about them. If you've got a better spin, in a few paragraphs, let's hear it.

    it doesnt take a few paragraphs to reiterate that america has never done anything except for self interest. period!

    Prove your point please.

  14. Let's not kid ourselves all the conflicts mentioned above had one big reason : control of oil which in today's world at this pricing is not valuable anymore probably explains why the USA is backing away since they had no Long term solutions beyond the grand dreams of democracy

    The other main reason why there is no territorial grab is Americans are in general not able to adapt very well to a new environment ...you seriously think any president can persuade any US citizens to live in Afghanistan ?

    Try reading the Chiangmai sub forum ...there are some posters there arguing about how a 5 baht increase to their noodle bowls is the greatest sin ever committed by the governments and how living cost and supermarkets in Rimping is ripping them off :)

    Love to see them move to Iraq etc....they will be real popular there

    The Chinese on the other hand are more hardy ....

    Dude you are soooooo wrong and your arguments make no sense.

    The US doesnt "land grab" because it is not what we as a society do.

  15. Can't imagine why anyone would go to Phuket in May! Or any other month, actually. Might be lucky to find a clean beach and no "tides"I suppose. For the west coast I would go further south; though if it rains there will be jellyfish problems. I would have thought Lamai or Ko Chang were better solutions. Plenty of pleasant hotels with pools.


    He wants to go to Phuket and you suggest an island in the gulf on the other side of the country??

    He says beach and you say "pleasant hotel with pool"??

    Nice help bro

  16. So you don't want to read thoughts of world famous music icons regarding Prince, why is that....?

    Couple of you are slagging off an icon to many, yet Prince through his music is worth about $100,000,000 via folk BUYING his music.

    Now I read posters going down the "junky" route, what on earth has that got to do with his music.....? His life, he can do what he wants, in fact many of our musical icons have dabbled in stuff, so what..

    The bottom line is a few of you envy a guy that became an icon where you can only spit venom....Very sad indeed..

    Elton John's thoughts hold no interest for me, nor his strange lifestyle and court actions to keep his life out of the papers. Nobody has claimed prince was a Junkie, Junkies jack up, Prince was a user of pills and patches for decades. Envy, spiting venom? not a lot to envy, and asking for proof of claimed genius is hardly venomous surely?

    That's a bit ironic, but your condescending BS hold no interest for anyone!

    Oh yeah and the Thai- music stars are soooooo damn great...oh wait...didn't Sek Loso have a drug problem?

    Is he not Thai, not a musician?

    Man, people like you really pi$$ me off!

    Again my question: what are you doing here?

    You have no interest in Prince or his music, you clearly are not affected by his death, other than gloatingly mocking people who see his talent (and genius), so why don't you just #@$% off and have a nice afternoon, listen to some world- changing Look Tung?!

    You -for sure- will not be missed!


    Temper temper, do try to calm down and discuss things logically without the emotions rushing in. Nobody has gloated, no poster hates or has mocked the man, OK I had one little joke, so why claim this? I think there is a goldmine for an academic here when it comes to the way fans identify with, and are so defensive and offended at any who disagree with their hero worshiping views, I find it fascinating. When it comes to Thailand as I have said they have a far more healthy view of their stars and don't hero worship them and treat them like gods, and in return they don't end up like Jackson, Amy what's her name, Hendrix, Morrison, Elvis and all the others too many to mention or now Prince.

    Your attitude and comments are off the wall and totally disrespectful. And now on top of all that you are saying he died of a drug overdose. What in the hedoubleL is wrong with you?

    Its about time to report you as a complete troll. If you dont have anything nice to say, time to just keep quiet.

  17. what problem?

    I many time do it. taxi driver tell u price. You agree or NOT. if not have 3 way:

    1. say your price

    2.say on meter.

    3. GET OUT FROM tthe CAR!!!!

    if say YES/ agree with price and after do not want pay it CHEATING!!! ANY WHERE !!!

    I'd agree if

    a) her heavy suitcases weren't in the car

    b ) he hadn't started driving

    c) it would be easy to find a new cab - he'd started driving so he'd need to do a big loop to get back to arrivals and let them get out

    d) he quoted a reasonable price, say 400

    Clearly this isn't a reputable driver trying to negotiate, he was aggressive and violent, you can see him lunging violently at the women on camera.

    If you put your bags in the car, he sped off fast, then shouted at you ok it'll be five thousand baht, are you going to be weak and submissive in that situation?

    Don't you think in some situations it's morally better to cheat someone who is trying to cheat you?


    yes if starting drive come back to place where get.

    She ask him do it?..


    Just SHE get it SERVICE and after start complain about price she agree!!!


    Another not have any excuse.


    taxi driver aggressive.. I see. But it's happened after women try cheat . women provoked him.

    its same not excuse. But you sure you not be aggressive when some provoked you?

    Dude quit trolling, you comment cant be this stupid.

    900 baht for a 350 baht ride is extortion plain and simple.

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