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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. If this was the biggest, most serious problem in this world... it's not ideal of course, but girls could do much worse in this country and they do all the time. Maybe the alternatives weren't to shiny either? Forget your western morals. They don't fit here. This is Thailand, and he probably has money to take care of her. Don't judge the husband based on his age, judge him based on how he treats his wife.

    A "real" man would be protecting his granddaughter from predators who do this type of thing. "Real" parents would be teaching their juvenile daughters about this danger also.

    Maybe legally its correct but morally, its far from correct.

  2. FACT: Around the world everyday, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers of Islam working in some type of security successfully protecting all religions and races of people. Id say that fact alone, answers the question posed in the OP.

    And some are not: FACT. Question not answered.


    And it's not just 1 or 2 people, it's around 100, and that's just at a single airport in a moderate Moslem country.

    You post a single incident while at the same time thousands of successful flights are flown all over the world everyday secured by followers of the Islam faith.

  3. What you still fail to comprehend is that the hateful teachings of a violent prophet are very relevant to the concept of airport security.

    What I comprehend very well is that there are MANY AND I SAY IT AGAIN MANY, followers of Islam providing security without incident all over the world. I also comprehend all the racially and culturally divisive TV members making obnoxious and ridiculous statements and posts on this TROLL THREAD.

    So there is your answer. The "teachings" in your mind, are just that a false opinion and utter nonsense. Just like this thread

    Of the people who shoot up airports and blow up planes, there are MANY, AND I SAY IT AGAIN MANY, followers of Islam.

    Better safe than sorry.

    Airport security is of much higher importance than the precious sensitivities of a thuggish, homophobic and misogynist religion.
    The real world says otherwise. Please go back and crawl under your rock and live.

    Childish name-calling and avoiding my argument won't help you win any debates. Try harder.

    Welcome to the real world.

    Telling you to go back under your rock....I dont see anywhere I called you a name.

    FACT: Around the world everyday, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers of Islam working in some type of security successfully protecting all religions and races of people. Id say that fact alone, answers the question posed in the OP.

    Not much more to say is that day to day this trolling topic happens.
  4. I dont think "breed relentlessly" a respectable term in used with context of humans. People arent rabbits.

    But then, producing children beyond your ability adequately to support them is also not "respectable", and such behaviour definitely fits the dictionary definition of "relentless", viz. "continuing in a severe or extreme way".

    I was aware that some might object to "breed relentlessly" and I considered my words very carefully. I did consider "breed like Queen Victoria", but rejected it.

    And as for "people aren't rabbits", that's true. People have a higher intellect and can choose whether or not to use contraception. Rabbits can't. Moslems don't.

    Prove you ridiculous assumptions with facts. Not some obscure wikipedia quote.

    You were aware your words would offend and yet you used them anyways?? Says a lot about your character and attitude towards people.

    Sorry but what has this got to do with the OP about security in airports?

  5. What you still fail to comprehend is that the hateful teachings of a violent prophet are very relevant to the concept of airport security.

    What I comprehend very well is that there are MANY AND I SAY IT AGAIN MANY, followers of Islam providing security without incident all over the world. I also comprehend all the racially and culturally divisive TV members making obnoxious and ridiculous statements and posts on this TROLL THREAD.

    So there is your answer. The "teachings" in your mind, are just that a false opinion and utter nonsense. Just like this thread

    Of the people who shoot up airports and blow up planes, there are MANY, AND I SAY IT AGAIN MANY, followers of Islam.

    Better safe than sorry.

    Airport security is of much higher importance than the precious sensitivities of a thuggish, homophobic and misogynist religion.

    The real world says otherwise. Please go back and crawl under your rock and live.

  6. I think the police are in a difficult position here. One one side, there is pressure to

    preserve the positive image of Thailand, and on the other hand, they have to deal

    with idiots like these Brits. From what I have read so far, it seems the Brit deserved

    what he got.

    I don't care how much the cocktails where ... he could have ordered a bottle of water.

    The restaurant has the right to set it's prices as they see fit. And customers can either

    order and pay for the items or move on ...

    This Brit was obviously a retard and got what he deserved ...

    The manager should have kept his cool as well ... but I don't see abusive behavior

    from the Manager, just a reaction to an action ....

    I hope this type of "tourists" stay home - we don't need more of these shit heads ...

    Id like to read in any managers handout or any training curriculum anywhere in the world where it is ok and condoned to conduct violence i.e. "Anusive behavior" against any human being at any time. Please enlighten us all with your information.

  7. Never is it addressed that the very cause of the exodus of Islamic people who are deemed by propogandist discrimination and suspicion are actually the victims of political aggression rather than actual religious iddentity..

    Surely, the cause is Malthusian in essence. Moslems typically eschew contraception, meaning that populations grow exponentially such that they outstrip the available local resources. War, famine and disease can help to keep their numbers down, but ultimately these aren't sufficiently effective, so the peoples choose to migrate to areas with greater resources.

    Unfortunately, in their new areas they will continue to breed relentlessly and outstrip the new area's resources, and so will need to move on and the cycle repeats itself. Of course, in the past peoples would only move relatively short distances. Nowadays people can easily cross continents.

    So, the political aggression is not a cause, but a symptom.

    Also, note that when resources are short, people will typically turn to their religion with a renewed vehemence in the hope that their "god" will look favourably upon them. Hence the rise of Islamism in many of the more impoverished parts of the world.

    I dont think "breed relentlessly" a respectable term in used with context of humans. People arent rabbits.

  8. Maybe these "obnoxious" & "ridiculous" statements as you put it are because the majority of us can see, even if you & PCI governments can't,what these muslim's true agenda is.

    And just maybe we don't like them for the actions that they do.

    Furthermore just maybe we are sick & tired of muslims demanding special treatment.

    And even of brainless muslim apologists like yourself championing their cause continually.

    Perhaps we realise that we have & had enough problems without adding another one to the mix.

    Most of us just want muslims to return to their own countries where they can carry on acting like they do in ours & can demand & receive as much special treatment as they like.

    Most of us find them extremely offensive & we don't, in their countries act like they do in ours.

    Doubt that l'm getting through to you.

    Brainless appreciate that attack. Im not apologizing for them.

    I am simply pointing out that racist people such as yourself are as much of the problem in the world as anybody you cluelessly perceive as being the root cause of all evil.

    You think you dont act like they do in ours? Wrong, just listen to the crap you are spewing out of your mouth.

    The topic at hand is Islamic followers working in airport security. As I pointed out earlier, 10s of thousands do everyday without security issues.

    I guess that trumps your own racist views and proves just how wrong you are.

    You are not in the majority.

  9. I guess comprehension isnt your strongest trait.

    And punctuation isn't yours.

    Sure isnt but if I had a choice between comprehension and punctuation, Ill stick the important one

    What you still fail to comprehend is that the hateful teachings of a violent prophet are very relevant to the concept of airport security.

    What I comprehend very well is that there are MANY AND I SAY IT AGAIN MANY, followers of Islam providing security without incident all over the world. I also comprehend all the racially and culturally divisive TV members making obnoxious and ridiculous statements and posts on this TROLL THREAD.

    So there is your answer. The "teachings" in your mind, are just that a false opinion and utter nonsense. Just like this thread

  10. 12 recommendations for a partnership and love with Thai GF or BF in Thailand

    (a bitter summary after 3 decades with Thais in Thailand and abroad)

    1) Lent / borrowed money you will never get back with rare exceptions among high educated people

    2) Be prepared that even after years of "good" partnership (married or not) you get surprised and wake up by several shocks on the day when the partner left, the car disappeared, the bank accounts are empty, the house is sold (or occupied by another farang during a visit in your home country), the golden necklace is gone etc. etc.

    3) Love without money issues does not exists even if it's a harmonic long term relationship (an adult Thai told me)

    4) Be very careful to open a shop or restaurant for a Thai as they regularly change their mind, are bored and having a new "better" idea, are not organized, cannot pay back loans, business goes bad and collapse (also due to jealous competitors who open a similar shop next), entertain customers and friends, start to drink etc etc

    5) Never ever act as guarantor for sb

    6) Set a budget for your own living and a financial limit for his / her lifestyle, which includes cosmetics, lottery, temple donations, family support etc. Do it early but not when daily life already became chaotic.

    7) Take out a health insurance for your partner which covers illness and accidents. It’s for your own safety.

    8) Enjoy the present with your partner as long as it works and is satisfying but do not trust their charming nature, their smile or their promises (at the moment they may believe it themselves or it is pure calculation, however promises are soap bubbles and nobody cares about).

    9) Thais act as “adult” children, to lie is a sin in the temple but common in daily life. “Traditionally” here is a very low threshold to lie and few feelings of guilt to do even it’s the fourth of the five Buddhist precepts.

    10) If Thai people feel the end of the relation is coming (because love shifted to someone else or sex is not so important anymore or they got enough from what they expected or because you shorten the money because of growing expenses that kills you) ... then they find enough reasons (with a dramatic scenario for instance or with a true or invented family story) to leave and left you shocked, angry, disappointed, fleeced and even feeling guilty.

    11) Never underestimate the influence of their family in the background. The family wins over your partnership and love even your partner had some problems with his/her family in the past. Family usually is a holy myth and a farang is is a farang.

    12) Ask yourself to which degree you are corrupted by the Thai sweetness, their body and their "easy" life style because of a lack in your present or past life in your home country and in your biography.

    After reading your 30-year rules its obvious you still dont have a clue about life and people.

  11. It appears your speaking for all Christians, the same way radical muslims speak on behalf of all muslims ?

    Lets look at some proven facts to support Christians are "nonviolent", this is not a fully incluesive list as the violence committed in the name of christ is that extensive starting in 315 right through to the 20th century

    315 to 6th century - thousands of pagans killed

    782 - 4500 Saxons killed

    1234 - 11000 men women an children killed for not paying church tax

    1099 - 60000 killed in jerusalum

    Battle of Askalon 200,000 "heathens" killed by followers of Christ

    Estimates from all the crusades put the number of deaths at christian hands at 20 million, jews, muslims and anyone else who wasnt a follower of christ

    And lets not get into the carnage the christians caused among the native peoples in many countries and continents

    Yes those followers of Christ are so non violent and peace loving and turn the othet cheek !

    Lol. Such a student of history. Selective history, that is. Here are the numbers and "facts" you conveniently left out. And by the way, the Muslim conquests (starting very much with Muhammad himself!) preceded and were the direct cause of the Crusades. And Muhammad himself was no slouch in the war-making department. So OK, there's simply no denying religious killing on all sides. However, Christ himself, unlike the so-called "Prophet", never led any armies or fought in any battles, never butchered or made sex slave out of any captives, and never took any slaves period. Nor is he known to have been any kind of an advocate or apologist for any of those things. Clearly all in stark contrast to Muhammad.

    Getting down to what's actually relevant today, Christians are not trying to blow up any airplanes, busses, or coffee shops, terrorize civilian populations, or behead any "non-believers", or carry out any of countless other atrocities in the name of their religion. It's really not about Christians or the Crusades as the empty-heads keep trying to make it out to be. And even if it were, the Crusades are only part of the story. You like to throw around the word "facts"; well, as you can see you left out quite a few facts, just as do the screaming imams & clerics and monsters in the mosques and madrasas. Despicable.

    This thread isnt about religious wars. Its about airport security and followers of Islam.

    Islam is all about following the teaching of Mohammed and he was a very violent man bringing war and death to as much of the region as he could. Now his followers are continuing his legacy. That is very relevant to airport security and this thread.

    I guess comprehension isnt your strongest trait.

  12. Wrong! Christianity no where mandates violence

    Yes yes...those peace loving christians have no references to inciting violence in their little book called the Bible

    The Bible is filled with refernces to insite violence, kill/maim people and commit genocide, your just as blind as the the muslim extremist

    You clearly have no understanding of Christianity. Christianity is defined by the New Testament - not the Old. All the verses you quoted are from the Old Testament.

    Jesus taught a doctrine of complete non-violence. For example, "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also" (Matthew 5:39).

    There is not a single verse in the New Testament that incites violence, maiming, murder or genocide.

    Until you have even a modicum of understanding about Christianity I humbly suggest you refrain from commenting on it from a position of ignorance and bigotry.

    It appears your speaking for all Christians, the same way radical muslims speak on behalf of all muslims ?

    Lets look at some proven facts to support Christians are "nonviolent", this is not a fully incluesive list as the violence committed in the name of christ is that extensive starting in 315 right through to the 20th century

    315 to 6th century - thousands of pagans killed

    782 - 4500 Saxons killed

    1234 - 11000 men women an children killed for not paying church tax

    1099 - 60000 killed in jerusalum

    Battle of Askalon 200,000 "heathens" killed by followers of Christ

    Estimates from all the crusades put the number of deaths at christian hands at 20 million, jews, muslims and anyone else who wasnt a follower of christ

    And lets not get into the carnage the christians caused among the native peoples in many countries and continents

    Yes those followers of Christ are so non violent and peace loving and turn the othet cheek !

    Lol. Such a student of history. Selective history, that is. Here are the numbers and "facts" you conveniently left out. And by the way, the Muslim conquests (starting very much with Muhammad himself!) preceded and were the direct cause of the Crusades. And Muhammad himself was no slouch in the war-making department. So OK, there's simply no denying religious killing on all sides. However, Christ himself, unlike the so-called "Prophet", never led any armies or fought in any battles, never butchered or made sex slave out of any captives, and never took any slaves period. Nor is he known to have been any kind of an advocate or apologist for any of those things. Clearly all in stark contrast to Muhammad.

    Getting down to what's actually relevant today, Christians are not trying to blow up any airplanes, busses, or coffee shops, terrorize civilian populations, or behead any "non-believers", or carry out any of countless other atrocities in the name of their religion. It's really not about Christians or the Crusades as the empty-heads keep trying to make it out to be. And even if it were, the Crusades are only part of the story. You like to throw around the word "facts"; well, as you can see you left out quite a few facts, just as do the screaming imams & clerics and monsters in the mosques and madrasas. Despicable.

    This thread isnt about religious wars. Its about airport security and followers of Islam.

  13. in thai language, borrow means the same as give me as present. in 30 years in thailand i have not seen once, that a thai has returned borrowed money. if she actually returns the money to you, the sole purpose is, to ask for more in 6 months, and that she will definitly not return.

    thai girls never can be trusted, there are 2 books about australian private detectives in thailand, investigating hundreds of wifes and girlfriends, suspected of having other lovers, without any exception ALL were unfaithful.

    PS -i have been married 10 years to a thai girl, and she NEVER had asked me to borrow money. a good girl simply does not do that.

    I must admit your post is funny....not in a good way. What a total load of BS and rhetoric.

  14. This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

    Why do you call it a troll post?

    People are expressing their views.

    Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

    l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

    Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

    lts God not god.

    You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

    Who knows what they can do.

    I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

    <deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

    I too have lived for 4 years in a muslim country (the UAE) and have several muslim friends.

    Unfortunately, they are very different from other people in their views towards non-muslims (very anti-Jewish, for example), apostates, atheists, women, and homosexuals. A lot of them are intolerant, yet love to portray themselves as victims and look the other way when one of their ilk blows up yet more civilians.

    It's time they abandoned the hateful teachings of their deluded prophet and join the rest of civilized mankind in condemning violence and promoting peaceful coexistence and tolerance.

    Your descriptions sound no different than any other group of people who are intolerant of others.

    They are not different than other people.

    The problem is generalization. We group bad and good people and culturally creat this huge muslim bias. Wrong in so many ways.

    And its done in a persons 3-ft bubble who has never had any interactions with a Muslim person.

    Exactly like TV posters especially on this thread.

  15. This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

    Why do you call it a troll post?

    People are expressing their views.

    Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

    l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

    Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

    lts God not god.

    You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

    Who knows what they can do.

    I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

    &lt;deleted&gt; with your comments directed towards me.

  16. Never lend what you can't afford to lose. But that applies to everyone.

    If your bank account can take the hit, and your instincts are that she's honest, I say ignore the cynics on here and go for it. Not every Thai is out to rip farangs off.

    EXACTLY! Trust your instinct but, be prepared to lose the money. Never lend money to family or friends without being prepared to lose it. Dont listen to the cynics here either.

  17. As usual....why cant you guys just get along and post experiences without calling people or countries childish names? Its interesting to read experiences, cant we just keep it at that without all the juvenile bashing?

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