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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. 4 hours ago, CMBob said:

    While it's clear the daily fine would start upon expiration of the retirement visa (or extension), what's more puzzling to me is the comment about extending a retirement visa/extension "two days late."  As far as I know, that simply can't be done and one would be on incurable overstay and would have to leave and re-enter the country to have any kind of legal status.  


    Which raises a side question (perhaps a bit off-topic),  can one avoid the fine and renew a retirement extension on a Monday if it expired on a weekend or, perhaps, the day after a formal holiday if the extension expired on that holiday? 


    As Ubonjoe said it's done all the time. I miscalculated my date once thought I was to report on the 16th of the month it was, in fact, the 6th. I asked UJ what I should do he replied just go and see if they will just fine you for the overstay. I went to CW they saw I was on overstay 8 days , fined me 4,000 baht and I paid 1900 for yearly extension of stay based on retirement as I had all the required documents. Girl smiled and said  "see you next year"

  2. 16 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:



    There's nothing you can do on NYE in BKK that you can't do the other 364 days of the year.


    If you want "fun" go to NYC, USA Times Square. 




    Be sure to wear Depends, because you can't leave for 8-10 hours and there's no public restrooms.  Also get shit faced before you arrive as there is no alcohol allowed.  Also no food either.


    But plenty of crazy people, unlike boring Bangkok where there is literally nothing to do besides your the Jim Thompson house, Medical Oddity museum (a farce) and the same same stuff you can do anywhere else in Thailand ( street food, walk streets, shopping, massage).


    C'mon.  No one goes to BKK to celebrate Western holidays.

    Think your post is sarcasm but I will reply that New Years celebrations are held all over the world in almost every country so it's not a western Celebration.


  3. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    I don't like pattaya as it is now.

    I don't like the slums of Naples.

    I don't like some areas of Chicago or New york. I used to like Damascus, I sure as sh-t wouldn't like it now. I don't like Cairo as I once did. These are not places I went on holiday, I spent time working there

    Places change and some like the changes, some don't. If you're happy with Pattaya then fine. If your work buddies want to retire there fine. Good for you and them.

    Just don't keep assuming you're the only person in the world that has what you've got and I'm happy for you that you have it.

    Try not to go around telling people that they should enjoy the same things and places as you and they are 'lesser' than you because they don't.


    My avatar represents the mental picture I get when my wife calls me from the office. ??.

    Excuse me but I never expouse my lifestyle , place to live as better  than someone else's or  I am superior. The quote is " different strokes for different folks" or " one man's meat is another man's poison" I have introduced  Thailand to over 20 persons in the almost 18 years I have been coming here but never said Thailand was the best just that I enjoyed it and that they might. Some don't like Asia/Asians , their choice but I take umbrage with you and other posters who have not been here in ages or never been here saying basically that anyone here is a sexpat or whoremonger living in a shithole. That seems like you taking a superior attitude that you live better than us here. As mentioned I live in various areas as her family has property in many areas and I like to visit different areas as well. I love visiting NYC and have many times as I used to live in Boston , MA 4 hrs away but never cared to live there. Would only be in Muslim countries for work as their beliefs  and treatment of women and others are not compatible with my sentiments.

  4. 14 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Can beat you on that one I've got 4 condos in BKK, just sold one in Hua Hin, 3 bedroom house in BKK that was given as a wedding present from the in-laws and a holiday home near Rayong that's on the market at the moment. 3  cars, 2 in my name and a wife going through the change of life.

    Next offer?

    But none of that has to do with your aversion to visiting Pattaya---I and friends  don't have investment property in Thailand because get much more in rental/sale of US properties

  5. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:
      1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

    Maybe because you may be scared of your own shadow and all things Thai perhaps?  You are not alone.... This forum seems to be full of expats with the same sad outlook on life

    Good grief, what an assumption. 

    I probably spent more time in pattaya 10 to 15 years ago than 20 of the ones who post similar to you put together. First visit was early 90's.

    It's what it has become that I don't like. 

    In the times I was there it was fine to sit on the beach and relax and the water was fine for a swim. Yes all the go-go bars were there and people enjoyed the various 'services' provided.

    Without a doubt there were a few fights around but not to the scale being reported nowadays.

    I can remember walking along beach road without the smell of drains every 50 metres. The sea being a blue colour ???. Bars where the staff at least appeared interested, if they weren't they hid it well.

    The girls weren't the Thai version of the UK's Rolly Poly dance group ( google it ) as they seem to be reported as being now.

    Pattaya always had cracks in it's walls and papering over them every year isn't the solution. The smells come through the paper.

    'You' enjoy pattaya as you do now and all the best to you for doing so. Don't assume that your view is the only real one.

    And don't think age makes you scared of your own shadow as you put it.

    Some of the older guys might just surprise you if you try putting it to their face ? not me though, I'm way passed that now.


    I agree with Tryasimight ,reason you don't go as your avatar is a pussycat afraid of his shadow. As you mentioned you used to go to Pattaya but that was 10--15 years ago(when you could defend yourself).Time marches on and 15 years later AGE has made you scared of your own shadow  (as you mentioned) I came to Thailand  17 years ago , have been all over but for last 4 live in Pattaya (3 bedroom home) and have condo in Bangkok and property in Rayong.  Pats is not like it used to be but what place that youv'e been to in Thailand or elsewhere is? Buy the way am married for 12 years don't drink or do drugs. Have at least 5 co-workers who will retire within 6 months to a year and will be moving to Thailand probably Pattaya.

  6. 4 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    You 2 share some similar paths....He's a little more advanced on the experience side....But is still trying to figure it out.....

    Be aware - once you get 2 women intimately involved together jealousy raises it's ugly head in the triangle game......


    I can vouch for that last statement. Was dating  2 girls  (in my late 20's)who were Bi and as long as it was just fun and games everything was great. After one decided we should get married she told the other girl that they could still mess around if she wanted but that I was off limits. Her GF said  "how you going to do me like that" swung back and hit her square in the face. It was on then , took it to the ground with some vicious punching, I finally broke them up.

  7. 6 hours ago, robertthebruce said:


    I spend 6 months in Bangkok and 6 Months in Central London...Londin is always busy with tourists everywhere you go..


    where as Bangkok , not like it used to be, quiet for sure, don’t see many Farang Tourists wandering the streets,,


     Chinese are definetly here in Bangkok....on Holiday.., but the Tourist Crowds are in London....

    Try areas outside of Nana/Sukumvit   such as Central Lad Prao , Central Chang Wattana where movies are shown in English only no subtitles  or Future Park Rangsit.

  8. 19 hours ago, JohnJay said:

    It was in Bangkok, I couldn't tell you where exactly. It would have been pretty obvious we were eating in and not taking away. I had to order everything at the counter.


    I admit that I ate at pizza company in Pattaya last year and it was pretty good. It was just a very weird experience.

    You were definitely at one of their smalll take out places as in  regular restaurant you simply are seated at a table and the waitress will take your order. If you go to the counter even in the regular restaurants that is to order take away which they will have you pay for in advance then sit at bench or sometimes table to wait for your order.  Did you pay for your order in advance?

  9. 20 minutes ago, JohnJay said:

    I ate at the pizza company last week. The pizza had no tomato sauce, just cheese and toppings. Very odd. I also ate inside their restaurant, however all our food was served out of cardboard pizza boxes! We took plates ourselves which, most of the plates were dripping wet from the dishwasher and some were dirty. I've vowed never to go back.

    And where was this? I ate at Pizza Company at Harbor Mall yesterday and the conditions you describe I have never had at any of their places in Bangkok, Rayong or Pattaya. Never get served Pizza in a box unless I tell them " take away" If sitting and eating in the restaurant the tables are already set up with dishes, silverware, napkins. Maybe you went to one of their small take away shops (I have not eaten there) that give you pizza in a box but have chairs and 1--2 tables that you can sit at if you wish.

    PS: Never seen any pizza without tomato sauce its the main ingredient 

  10. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    What does the OP mean by Misses? If he`s paying her a salary then she`s a rent a wife/girlfriend/female companion.  If this is a proper relationship then it should be 50/50 both pulling their weight and building a future together. Why shouldn`t she get a job?


    There has to be something fundamentally wrong with guys that have to pay women to be their girlfriends.


    Men get the women they deserve.

    If I was back in US and my wife made the same salary as me I would maybe agree with 50/50 split with finances but as the wages here are a fraction of what I or the OP make I say a portion of the expenses should be taken care of by GF . If she is his wife  I am kinda old school if she is bored get a job but how many women in US are just "housewifes" they only take care of the home/children they don't work outside the home. Hubby's job to bring home the bacon (money)

  11. On 11/25/2017 at 1:44 AM, lamyai3 said:

    Plenty of rooms around in out of the way locations for about 5000 baht a month. Maybe one was converted to a 1br. At that price location will not be close to any convenient mass transport links, on the upside should be lots of cheap local food. 

    Not even out of the way locations, TaoPoon Mansion in Bang Sue has studios for that price and also in Lad Prao and Rama 9 areas.

  12. I think it's pretty easy decision if you think about this. If boiling water the heat will kill pathogens/bacteria in the water , however it will do nothing to remove sediment, lead, rust (from old pipes) minerals. I hear people say" I drink tap all the time and feel fine" . You could drink tap with lead contamination for years before it killed you depending on the concentration. Let your tap water drip for a few days in a white basin. If you see a brown residue after awhile I think you have your answer whether you should be drinking or cooking with it.

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Pattaya manages to get going earlier- what is so special about Phuket?

    Pattaya as stated earlier is supposed to be an international tourist area. Even in laid-back Boston, Mass in US where I am from the clubs don't close until 2 AM.  Many locals would work till 5-6PM go home rest a bit shower go out to a movie dinner then hit the clubs .  When I first came to Pattaya in 2000 the clubs were open till 4 --5  AM  During the day my friends and I would visit temples , Koh Larn and other sites then go back to hotel  eat , shower  and change then go to Walking Street until probably 2AM   12 midnite is too early and I am 70 now still say it's too early. Thailandcan control problems by doing what they do in Boston , police  get paid details (paid by clubs)  to go to clubs check id's and provide extra security, not just the bouncers.

  14. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    I said that she's a publicity seeker. Reason? If someone is defaming me online, and I feel the need to go to the police, I would want that to be a private matter between me and the police. I wouldn't call the press to come along. Having lived in Thailand long enough - I'd give strict instructions to the police to be professional (don't laugh) and keep this 100% confidential. I'm here for one simple reason; to make a legitimate complaint. If I call the press or don't scold the police for doing so, and I dress up to the nines, I quite rightly lose credibility and people take me less seriously. Ergo; the comments being made. 


    As for her being a crack whore, etc, that's just bitter people passing judgement. 

    Think your thinking is wrong, if a person is well known she could make a complaint but also want to notify media so they could publicize and inform the public that the photos on sites were not authorized by her and were being used without her permission. Also  the sites saying she was a prostitute or available for extras were being  sued for defamation and police were taking action against them.

  15. 52 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    But it;s warmer. He'll most likely be dead by February.:saai:

    No, because even in Boston, MA, where I am from ( and you could easily freeze to death if outside in the winter) the police and some shelters, will go around and search for homeless and forcibly if necessary bring them in from outside areas if the temp gets dangerously low.

  16. 13 hours ago, Soneva said:

    Thank you very much for the advice.

    The only real other option on the table right now is getting a teaching job or such, and thereby a work permit and different visa status.

    Or there is the “Thailand Elite” option

    Is this a common experience among visa runners? If I continue doing as I have been, is there a serious risk of a problem? Bank statements are foreign and I have the the associated ATM cards.

    I use the fast track immigration at BKK, until now I thought that BKK would be subject to less scrutiny than land boarders. However, in other threads, there is a counter argument that there is safety in being able to “back away” from a land boarder crossing, as apposed to being trapped at an airport, where detention is possible.

    It’s disconcerting that I have apparently been flagged in the system. I’ll have to figure out how to proceed, as I cannot risk being denied entry.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You are aware you can extend your single entry tourist visa  or visa exempt entry by 30 days for payment of 1900 baht at immigration?

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    In terms of study at Chula or Mahidol not a good idea to join a program conducted in Thai language until your Thai conversation, reading and writing is close to native speaker level. Don't expect that the other students will translate all the time, that's not appropriate and not fair to all the other students in the class and you may well find the lecturer will not allow it because it causes so much regular disruption to the class.


    On the other hand many Thai universities have the exact same courses conducted in English (so called International Programs), often with visiting off-shore native English speaking professors, and this would bring you the qualifications you desire, well accepted by professional employers both Thai and multi-national. 


    In a different approach also work on quickly upgrading your Thai language skills.  It would be very rare to find employers who would employ locals  who can't speak, read, write very advanced Thai language.


    An example, I am a westerner, for many years I was a senior in an international management consultancy in the Bkk office (I was the only foreigner - regional director based in BKK because my Thai family were in Bkk) ). Several times I rejected Thai job applicants who had lived with relatives abroad basically all of their lives until graduation from one , perhaps two masters degrees, programs conducted in USA, England, Australia, Germany ... in English (often with excellent academic results), then returned home. I rejected them because their Thai language skills were under 'very advanced' level. Further, it would be very rare / unheard of that any Thai company will employ people with this profile and then send them to Thai language classes. The employed wants full engagement / full contribution from the staff member from day 1 of employment.  


    Why? Most of our clients were medium and large Thai companies and Thai government agencies, and we knew from past experience that clients would reject (often angrily reject) Thai people on the consulting team who can't read the project documents always written in Thai, no English translation, never will be, and cannot discuss in advanced Thai.  

    For your information Chula and Mahidol have courses/programs conducted in English 

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