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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. 13 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    Mate, your life, your choice. No need to get upset

    I just provided a link to one highly-esteemed source on this subject

    You provided a link to a bloody Kenny Rogers song.


    Says it all, I think

    But if you read the article it says that Viagra lowers blood pressure in men by widening the arteries. Not a problem for healthy men OR for those like me who have had an heart attack but are not taking nitrates or  nitroglycerin for  heart problems. When nitrates and Viagra are taken in combo they lower the blood pressure too much which is the problem.

  2. On 1/4/2018 at 8:30 PM, beachproperty said:


    And you believe everything you see on TV????:shock1:

    You need to read post 21 his info is correct. I knew a young guy working a low paid job in US who quit and went over to spend time with his Thai GF. When he came back to US  and started working at a better job I helped him get they would not approve his K-1 visa as they said he had not been working long enough and his yearly salary was not enough. You have to sign an affidavit of support to show you can support a Thai wife and not go on Gov assistance. Since he could not fulfill that requirement his older sister who had a good job for a long time agreed to sponsor his fiancee'

  3. 19 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Unfortunately not everyone can be as sharp and clever as you.


    Without his original passport no bank here would open an account for him, or even close an existing account, regardless of whether he was an existing customer.


    Even with the, very doubtful, intervention of the Embassy (they are  not there to do what you suggest they would do), how, exactly, would his pension be 'sent to him' without a bank account?


    He is saying she stole his pension meaning the money he is being sent every month to an account that she now has the ATM card and pin number for so he can't get his money. You say he can't close the account here without documents but he can stop the payments going to that account by calling his retirement board or possibly online.  I can go online  and stop the transfer of my pension to Bangkok Bank without any documentation. If he called to stop his pension going into the bank she has ATM for then she couldn't get any more funds.

  4. 7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    'Boston officials briefly thought they would need to a evacuate a shelter near the flooded areas, Walsh said.'


    Among others, it must be particularly tough on the homeless who can't get to warm shelters.

    It's not tough for homeless to get to shelters in Boston. After the temp drops to  sub freezing  the police will not alow them to stay out under bridges ,parks . doorways ect .  If they won't come in voluntarily they will take them in under protective custudy. Lived there my whole life till I moved over here in 2013.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Maybe he's not too stupid to know that he cannot open a new bank account with no documentation?


    14 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Maybe he's not too stupid to know that he cannot open a new bank account with no documentation?

    Well then too stupid to prepare for that possibility.  I have 2 different banks in USA and Bangkok Bank here. I need no documentation to order my retirement pension sent in whole or partially to any of the 3 banks. In worse case they might have me call a toll free number to verify security questions already given them before I came over. If a bank here he would go into the branch he opened his account and they would have his photo and signature and passport info on file . He then could close that account and have pension deposited in a new one. You can only be ripped off taken advantage of if you don't have safeguards in place and give the person the ability to screw you over.

    PS: He could have gone to Brit Embassy and they could have contacted Postoffice Retirement Board (another GOV agency , informed  them of the problem and they have his records , photo ID ect on file and could make arrangements to have pension sent to him.

  6. 1 hour ago, Andrew65 said:

    Many times I've seen farang (Aussie, Brit whatever) give their card & PIN number to a bar girl to go and get money from the ATM. I bet some of these guys never change their PIN either. Isn't there an old saying that men were given a dick & a brain, but only enough blood to run one at a time!


    We don't know all the facts on this story, & I'd have to say good luck to a compatriot, even if he has been stupid!

    It's a BS story. I have lost my ATM card before and had it canceled and replaced quickly Don't need any documents simply call 800 number or go online and have it canceled and reissued. I can also go to my retirement office online change bank info or banks and tell them to deposit in a different bank. If he's too stupid to know how to do that then shouldn't be living here.

  7. 2 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    My point was that the gentleman in the story was reported to have little funds but was able to bring his GF into America. My friend's experience differed. So I am surprised. Sorry I didn't spell it out.

    If you read all the replies to the post ( I know can be a boring waste of time) you will see that one of his friends sponsored the girl = promised to support the girl be responsible for her. I knew a young kid in US working low paid job and quit to come over and marry his GF . I told him "you idiot" now you don't have a job to show you have means to support her. He came back to US got a job and his sister sponsored his wife.

  8. 48 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    That affidavit that she won't apply for govt assistance isn't worth the paper its printed on, she applies, she will get it - my ex-wife moved to California after divorce, we settled amicably, no alimony for her - she received all kinds of State Aid, Welfare, Abandoned Foreign born spouce (Yes, they called it 'abandoned) was given a HUD house in a small town, paid for education  -  wound up making more money than me (I was in the Army at the time).

    How long after you married did you divorce?  The affidavit only requires that you or sponsor take care of her for 18 months  or 2 years. After that, she can apply. Also if you say she filed as Abandoned Foreign Born Spouse then she was saying you left/abandoned her so then she was allowed to stay and receive benefits.


  9. 5 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    My American friend was living in Pattaya and he and his gf had a baby. He later lost his money in the stock market. So he decided to go back to the States to make money. He married his gf so the American government would give her a visa. Because he had little money, the American government felt he couldn't support his wife in the States so they refused a visa for his wife.

    And your point is? I think Great Britain also has a minimum income requirement before they will allow a settlement visa. Both Governments don't want someone who is on welfare going to Thailand marrying some girl and then come back expecting the Gov to support them. Once your friend has worked for awhile and has the funds he can re-apply or he can get a sponsor for the girl.

  10. 1 hour ago, caulfield2 said:

    She has to stay for at least 2 years with him in the United States in order to qualify for citizenship/green card.


    I can guarantee that he's not going to be teaching English.  Actually, his best friend had a "second business" set up related to Thailand "Love" Adventures and this David guy was running it, but it probably was more of a "hobby" than a real legitimate money-making enterprise with economy of scale.

    Actually, she doesn't need to stay with him for the 2 years. I personally know 2 guys (US friends) who married Pinays who after arriving in US claimed spousal abuse and filed for divorce.  If they had just tried to file for regular divorce they would have been granted it but would have had to leave. By filing under abuse the gov protects them and doesn't penalize them for getting involved with an unscrupulous guy, allegedly

  11. You have to realise that a lot of TV posters have been burned by Thai girls  so will quickly say "Yeh dump her leave her " sort of like revenge on a Thai girl that left them.  You can stay with her for awhile no need to make snap judgements and see where things go BUT do not have kids with her that's a whole nother ball game. That would tie you to her as if your a responsible person you would have to provide for your child whether with her or not. And as far as the excuse he's just an old guy I know. I am an old guy and have no problem banging young Thai girls. How do you think they met? At a bar where if he was banging her before then he still is now.

  12. 14 hours ago, AaronC76 said:

    Looking at her I'd say she has an eating disorder. Eating disorders go hand in hand with mental health issues no? Poor girl is sick so get her head checked

    I agree , all the jokes about the situation aside I think she has mental problems and needs to be taken in and evaluated . If can identify her (try posting a closeup/face ) maybe someone family friends can arrange for her to be sent home or helped. Maybe test her for drugs but if keeps on this  way she probably will end up dying. Don't think she's looking for fame or a stunt because she doesn't identify herself . She' just not playing with a full deck. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


    Wouldn't that nice? Disappointing none reported, eh. However, lack of any evidence whatsoever by no means deters our posters from imagining it there and having the same discussion w/ the usual expert opinions. Hee hee!

    The opinions may be valid from long expiriance in Pattaya. I first visited Thailand in April 2000  and not long after that saw a sign posted in a hotel in German and English. "To our German compatriots, please stop over imbibing beer along with Viagra and (Their post) 17 yo Thai girls." We are losing about 2  persons a week>"


    For all the posters on here talking about "well I trust my wife!" I'm sure the Norwegian guy and all the other posters who have come on TV and cried about being ripped off said the same thing. Also those that say I put everything cars/MC ect in her name because it's just more convenient your just lazy and get what you deserve. If back in USA if I bought a car it would be in my name. If I bought one for my wife yes then it would be in hers or she might have bought 1 for herself. Makes No sense putting everything in Thai spouse's name. If things stay fine then when you pass she gets everything with a will and proper paperwork set up in advance. IF things do go bad then the Farang cannot be screwed totally by a revengeful wife. Just common sense which seems to go out the window over here.

  15. 19 hours ago, ukrules said:

    A lawyer could be instructed to dispose of the land on your behalf, tying it up for the remainder of the 30 year period.


    Guess you haven't had to deal with lawyers over here especially if he is outside of Thailand. As I said before Google or search this site for  Brit "Ian Rance" or Irish "Colin Vard". Lawyers, courts, media, police nothing has worked to get them back one baht of the multi millions each lost due to nefarious wives. A case of well-off businessmen thinking they were the smart ones and could not be duped by some poor dumb Isan farm or bar girl. They might not be smart enough to pull off a complicated scam but those that can will search them out. 

  16. 1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    The Term "Buyer Beware" was not invented in Thailand. It actually comes from Latin. It applies anywhere in the World, and also not just in Thailand.


    I am not sure where you comes from but I am sure that in my own country, and if you offer a big enough Pot of Gold, I could bride a Public Servant there to. I never tried it, but you would have to be pretty naive to think otherwise.


    Having said that, as long as you have the Law on your side, I feel you will always stand a chance of winning.Perhaps finding a good honest lawyer here is the first important step. He doesn't need to be in Thailand to claim half of the property he owns with his wife.


    If he can get this to court he has a fare chance of winning. But if he doesn't know this, or thinks he has no chance and gives up, then he will lose by default. If you don't show up for the game you still lose it.    

    Think your a little nieve look up (Google) Brit Ian Rance or  (Irish) Colin Vard and see how they fared with the law in Thailand. Been years and nothing has happened after their wives screwed them over. Can check info on this site as well.

  17. 5 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    My wife bought land - apart from the recent increase in value highlighted by the sale of plots nearby, the land means our children have a place to build a home in the future. In my opinion thoughtful and sound judgement.

    And I am sure that the Norwegian guy's son will inherit the land and home and cars his dad bought, but the Norwegian guy won't be using them or even enjoy the warm climate of Thailand as he got banned.

  18. 9 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Usufruct on the land registered at the land office could have prevented this.


    If I ever buy any land this is how I will do it. I'm not married though and I believe this might make a difference.

    Nothing could have prevented this, even with a usufruct she had him banned from Thailand as a threat to Thai society so he can't even get back into the country even to buy a condo or rent somewhere else.

  19. On 11/14/2017 at 3:55 PM, Fat Prophet said:

    I think that Mattd is correct. Customs "might" try to claim that you couldn't bring B60,000 into Thailand legally if you hadn't taken it out of the country illegally. But as long as you have 2 or more exit stamps from Thailand, you can claim that it is a total amount from 2 or more earlier trips, and you should be fine. You could also claim that part of the Baht that you are bringing back Baht into Thailand is to help a friend who had more than B10,000 from an earlier trip. Either way, you have very little if anything to be concerned about bringing B60,000 into Thailand. 

    He would not have to explain why he took out 60,000 baht from Thailand from previous trip as there is no limit on amount of Thai baht brought "into" the country. He could have bought Thai baht in US  from a bank to satisfy the 20,000 baht or equivalent in US dollars when entering on visa exempt or a TV.

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