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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. On 4/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

    As I understand it, the OP doesn't want to live in either, Thailand, or another Asian country.


    And as for 'contributions of foreigners to Thai society' you mentioned, they don't want that! Contrary to other countries in the region, you as a foreigner, cannot even majority-own a company here. In Thailand you will always be just a tourist, even if you live here for decades, pay taxes, speak fluent Thai, do charity work, etc. The only foreigners who managed to be 'accepted' as equals in Thailand were Chinese 100 odd years ago.

    You are misinformed, according to the Amity treaty between Thailand and the USA a US citizen can own the majority of a company. If you work here long enough , learn to speak and write Thai you can aply and become a Thai citizen get a Thai passport. Look up the name William Heinecke ,  he is the owner of The Pizza Company who was born in the USA. His father became an ambassador but when he returned to the US  William stayed (was only 17) worked and later became a Thai citizen. So not only were the Chinese accepted so have others.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Media1 said:

    much better service no ATM FEES

    As I said  he needs to contact Citi Bank in USA and here in Bangkok. Those that had a Citi Bank account from Singapore or England, ect did not have foreign transaction fees ( about 3% ) those (like me ) from USA did get charged but had no ATM fee.  Citi Bank at Central World near Siam BTS would not even open an account for me but the branch at Asok would with the deposit of 100,000 baht ( a little over $3,000 USD now)  You can then link your US accounts and transfer free.

  3. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/our-region/edinburgh/south-queensferry/tug-of-love-edinburgh-dad-jailed-in-thailand-is-freed-1-4720614


    Had the nerve to tell his mom don't have a go at her when she gets back, that stuff is in the past they need to get along for the kid.    Really ? I'd tell the wife anything and as soon as she stepped foot back in GB would have the police arrest her for absconding with the kid as he was also given temp full custody. See how she likes sitting in jail for awhile.

  4. Don't know the people you guys are hanging with but my wife might have OCD as everything needs to be in it's place , can't wear shoes in condo or house, uses separate sponge for dishes/pans. I tell her "leave my computer desk alone" as she will come by straighten everything on it or file it away and then I can't find it. When I get up have to fold blanket make bed has our nieces doing the same when they visit and basically it's the same at her sister's or aunts house. She taught one of our nieces to help dust and clean floor since she was 3.

    • Like 1
  5. On one hand the OP sounds like an immature child who's going to take his toys away because he didn't  get his way. On the other he sounds like a too over the hill fogey who waited too long to have a child and doesn't know how to raise one. Guess he also never heard that when you give someone something as a gift it is no longer yours and they can do what they want with it. Destroyng  "her" car is not the way to go. If a minor you could probably restict her driving it by taking keys or disabling distributor cap ect but if you destroy her car I have no doubt you will regret it.

    My daughter in early teens got testy and later we sat down and talked , told her the only reason I stayed with her mom was for her but if she didn't apreciate me I was gone. Later when she was about to enter college her mom decided to say we were done and she was moving away. My daughter told her " have a nice trip I'm staying with dad." We have been close ever since and she hardly talks to her mom now.

  6. 10 hours ago, Pearce85 said:


    Yes it does list his mom's name and his 2 kids name.  The son is from the US and the daughter is in Thailand.  If you'll go back and reread my comment,  it said he only had 1 son in the US.  I never said he didn't have a daughter in Thailand.  And as far as what the news quotes,  they're not always right.  And YES I did/do know him very well!  


    Ok there was some confusion as you wrote : Wherever you're getting your facts from about him leaving a wife and 2 kids behind in the US are completely wrong!!! He only had 1 son here and never married in the states.  ---if we knew you were writing from USA   we would have known  "here" was US not Thailand. So he had a son by a girl in the US but as you state never married her. He then came to Thailand married a Thai girl and had a daughter by her  Correct so far ?

           Then If you read posts 580 on page 39 then 588,594,595 and 617 you will see that he also allegedly had a Thai GF on the side who talks with a Thai coworker of his on FB about she was at his house but left because his Thai wife said he could stay at the home but not with her. News  also reports him sending his wife a message on Line app stating he was going to burn down the house. You may have known him well before he came over to Thailand but the country can change you. Would also like to know his alcohol level or drugs in his system that could have contributed to his decision. Was tragic anyway ,RIP











  7. 2 hours ago, Pearce85 said:


    Wherever you're getting your facts from about him leaving a wife and 2 kids behind in the US are completely wrong!!! He only had 1 son here and never married in the states.  


    Seems like you don't really know this guy. He wrote on the wall and has been quoted in 1st news post he has a 6 yo daughter here not  a son as you said . Also go to post #304 page 21  says from another Thai News center he was married in USA and had a son and daughter there. He left a message to his mom and them.  So you really did not know him well did you? Here is video of news that lists his mom and children's names back in USA



    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Pearce85 said:

    This man was a very good friend of mine.  He is from the US.  Some of these comments are uncalled for. Matt was a great guy,  and a great dad!  He will be missed by many people!  I strongly believe there is more to the story than anyone knows because this is out of character for him...  

    He may have been a good friend and party buddy but doesn't mean he was a good husband unless you consider leaving a wife in USA with 2 kids, having a wife and 6 year old here and also a gik=Thai GF on the side a good person. Among the pages of this post is a Thai friend who mentions a girl who had been with your friend earlier in the day to say she left the house because his Thai wife said he could remain in the house but not with her. Gives her name and her remarks about what a fun guy he was is on her FB page. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Bank account opening for non-resident foreigners is definitely under scrutiny and any branch that couldn't be bothered before... and that's a lot of them, now have a better excuse to say 'cannot' now that the WP is broadly touted as the minimum standard.


    It's been reported that even long-stay foreigners (retirement or marriage extension) are being denied a new account even though they have an existing account of long standing with the same bank.


    FWIW, here's the 'word' from the Bangkok Bank website. The provenance is much higher.


    For Thai Nationals
    • Thai Citizen ID card or another photo ID card issued by the government

    For Foreigners

    1. Foreigner with a Work Permit

    • Passport
    • Work Permit

    2. Foreigner with Long-stay or Tourist Visa

    • Passport
    • A Letter of Reference issued by: (One of the following)
      • Embassy or international organization
      • Customer’s home bank to Bangkok Bank via the SWIFT messaging network
      • Person acceptable to Bangkok Bank e.g. branch officer, customer, government officer or company executive
      • Educational institution located in Thailand and acceptable to the bank
      • Company that is acceptable to the bank, confirming the customer is in the process of getting a work permit

    In addition, other document that shows the name of the customer can be used as a supported document besides the documents mentioned above i.e. a document showing the ownership of real estate in Thailand such as a unit in a condominium.

    3. Foreigner with Permanent Residence in Thailand

    • Passport or Certificate of Residence or Alien Certificate
    • House Registration


    • Original documents with valid expiry date are required.
    • Contact addresses for both Thailand and overseas shall be provided (Hotel and P.O. Box addresses are not acceptable).

    You will notice in your #2 example "For a foreigner with long term stay or " Tourist" visa "  not visa exempt. Banks that opened an account for me or other friends I recommended a few years ago would not open one for a friend recently without a letter from US Embassy to verify passport info and address.

  10. Since they have been calling him and he has refused to answer he knows he is wrong, it also shows they know who he is. They can definitely file a police report for theft and they will notify immigration to stop him and he willthen favce more than being stopeed at airport they will arrest him and he will remain in jail untill a court decides his punishment. probably paying back the 20,000 baht plus a fine plus possible ban. Had a father and son from Austrailia skip out on a restaurant bill for last night at their hotel.  Was not able to stop at airport because they left before it was reported but upon their return 2 years later they were promptly arrested at the airport, fined and deported.  The exchange company has had plenty of time to report him so he could definitely get arrested at the airport.. It's the same as withdrawing money from ATM in your own country and instead of getting $100 it spits out $1,000 . If you don't return it they have you on camera and have your ATM info so you will be going to jail for theft if you don't return it.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

    Why on earth would not speaking English be arrogance? Does anyone say Thais are arrogant because they don't speak English? As far as I am concerned English has become The international language, so just tough for those who chose not learn it. But mind you, the pink anglo-saxons have been dispossessed, as the largest group of English speakers is now composed of brown skinned Indians. Possibly in the near future we might all have to work on our Indian accent.

    English is now the International language to communicate with people who don't speak a country's native language. All airline pilots and traffic control operators speak English as you could not have say a  Russian plane landing in China or Thai plane in US and they spoke different languages. They all speak in English. Have also heard that there are more Chinese who speak English than the entire population of the US.

    Same goes for international business/companies, easier if they can all speak English than to have a bunch of translators for each country. 

  12. 14 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    What type of online business ! Work Permit ! The fella looks as if he is either on drugs or heavily intoxicated yet another reason why I would never go to Pattaya 

    So you don't go to Pattaya because people drink, there so you stay at home and don't visit London, NYC,  Amsterdam , Russia because I think they drink there as well. And for those that say he sounds drunk/ incoherent or on drugs do you ever watch MMA or boxing . They call it "punch drunk" after you have taken several shots to the head you don't think/speak clearly for awhile especially if you had to speak in English which obviously is not his native tongue.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, smotherb said:

    It seems many foreigners like Thai food, how else do so many Thai restaurants abroad survive? The fact that the Thai food is not as good or does not contain the same ingredients as the food in Thailand is simply a great big, DUH? Many so called Thai restaurants are simply chasing the name, the owners and/or staff are not Thai and most likely have never had good Thai food. Long-time friends, a Thai-American couple in Florida, run a very nice Thai restaurant; the staff is mostly Thai, they dress in traditional Thai clothes, they even offer traditional Thai music and dance and a good selection of Thai handicraft. The food has Thai names and is very well presented, but they set chopsticks along-side the silverware and do not provide prik nam pla. The food is also very mild with very little spice; why? Because the customers prefer it that way; they are cooking to their customers' tastes and not for the Thai palate.  When my wife and I go there, they prepare our food the way the staff eats it, but they know we know Thai food.

    When I go to Thai restaurants in Massachusetts I usually speak some Thai to the owner or staff  which usually ends up with half the people coming out to talk to me asking where in Thailand I have traveled . Even met a girl whose uncle owned a restaurant in Ayuthya I had been to several times. The staff usually ask's me  " do you want the dish Thai style or farang"  meaning do I want it mild or pet.

  14. 9 hours ago, andy said:

    Most are run by ethnic Chinese or Vietnamese and consequently the food just tastes a bit off.  Add that to important ingredients that are very limited in availability in the US (krapow leaf, etc), and the result is usually disappointing.


    Having said that, I have had good Thai food in Los Angeles.

    I am fom Boston MA USA we had a few real Thai restaurants and a number of Chinese owned /operated  ones that served some Thai (style) food. People usually like the difference between Thai and American Chinese food.  I dated a Thai girl who was going to school in US and owned a restaurant. She said I try hard to make as in Thailand but sometimes it's hard to get fresh spices/ingrediants here, said it was easier on West Coast.   There are at least 2 Thai rest in boston whose food is pretty close to what you get here but of course, costs more.

  15. 8 minutes ago, murraynz said:

    why do some people consider shorts, nice shirt and jandals disrespectful ?????   i can not understand this at all?? pattaya is a holiday resort- its 30degrees plus, most of the time...

    wearing singlet or no footwear --yes that would be disrespectful...

    i fail to understand why so many people in this country think that those wearing long trousers are superior ???

    i am reasonably well educated, have substantial income and assets--have travelled to many countries, yet i only wear long trousers two or three times per year {even in my home country where winter is colder}..

    can somebody explain why those wearing trousers could be superior/more respectful than me in my shorts..???

    It also amuses me why the  "suit sellers" in thailand ,hong kong etc, "target"  older "whities"  to buy their suits..im sure they think we are "rich-so must wear a suit"---thats hillarious....

    at 66yrs old, i have  NEVER  worn a suit-- dont ever intend to....

    to some people--- Image is everything.....


    at 66yrs old, i have  NEVER  worn a suit-- dont ever intend to...........  That statement tells us a lot about you.   Are you married ?   Did you wear a suit ? Been to friends weddings , funerals,, high-end clubs , restaurants ?   I have been denied entrance to some clubs in Bangkok for not wearing trousers and in US because did not have a tie.. It's called dressing apropriately . Even though Thailand may be tropical and say Pattaya a beach area you are not a tourist  and if going to a Government office asking for service should be dressed for the meeting. Do you see Gov workers at offices wearing shorts , wifebeaters? Check out Sky train --do you see many Thai wearing shorts (not talking about somtam sellers or construction workers) But if you ae blue collar don't want to dress then can enjoy life but will never be at high end clubs just beer bars .

    • Haha 1
  16. On 3/30/2018 at 3:11 PM, moana said:

    Percentages aside. I've never been turned away from any immigration office because of the way I dress (shorts, t-shirt, flipflops), not even in Chaengwattana, and I certainly wasn't the only one dressed that way. I was treated just as well as anybody. If the OP prefers to go in uncomfortable clothing because of a non-existent code, so be it.

    It's not a non existant dress code , there is a sign that states what is proper apparel. My wife suggests (makes me ) wear long pants and no t-shirt. I have seen a Russian girl come in with shorts and halter top and did not even make it to queue. Official said  " you! , go home and put some clothes on, then come back" 

  17.  RIP but sorry stupid thing to do. Must have had mental issues and total lack of self esteem . "Oh I'll show her I'll kill my self"  She probably doesn't care as insurance will cover loss and his daughter (if she is American) will get Social Security payments till she is 21.I have had relationships that hurt from a breakup to having a soulmate die at the young age of 29. Hurt like hell and yes was sad even depressed but I sucked it up and moved on. He was only 40 so had say at least 20---25 years to work and build up his finances even if he had lost everything. Plenty of time to find someone else and enjoy life.

    • Sad 1
  18. On 9/15/2017 at 2:13 PM, lust said:

    How do people think this is fun? 

    Didn't look like fun to you? They didn't seem happy ? You must have lived a very boring life. I have never done drugs but used to hang out with friends who got a little high on MJ or drinks and had no problem dancing to good music with pretty girls and vasically just letting lose and forgetting the care of the world for a time. looks like and seemed like fun at the time.

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