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Posts posted by Doza

  1. I personally am a fan of O'Brians on Sukhumvit between sois 3 and 5. Its set up like an Amercian style diner and very reasonably price wise. Plus its 24 hours so always good for a steak and eggs while wandering home from a night out!

  2. For Pro Bike, head down Lang Suan from Ploenchit road, and turn right, its about 100 metres or so on your right. Not far from Brown Sugar etc.

    Pretty good mountain bikes are about 350/day and you can pick them up the night before.

    Ph 02 2541077 or email them (search for website). They are very helpful.

    Have fun...

  3. you somehow have missed my point.....pressed, minced beef refers to ALL burgers.....whereever they are "made"....it is .....repeat..... a way of selling fat, skin, gristle,emulsified bone,and offal.

    ie...unloading the rubbish onto the public....why throw it away when you can sell it?

    If you are happy eating stuff like that.....good luck to you.....you poor misguided waste disposal unit!

    Wrong. Some burgers are made of pressed, minced, ACTUAL beef, sometimes lean. That is the difference between a processed patty and a pressed minced beef burger. You can hardly call fat, skin, gristle, bone and offal, 'beef' can you. Some will try but that's marketing. The customer knows. And you will too if you try both.

    This is where people like you are mistaken - thinking that a burger is a burger is a burger.

    Pressed, minced beef DOES NOT refer to all burgers. Get it right.

  4. I can recommend spending the best part of a day having a cycle around Phra Phradaeng. This is the green area over the river from the port at Klong Toey. You may have seen it from Vertigo / Sirocco and can see it well on Google Earth.

    It is a large (2000HA) swampy / marshy / jungle area with communities scattered in there connected by a few roads and a lot of elevated pathways that run through the jungle. Its a great little insight into what is a different world so close to Bangkok.

    THere are tours that go there (spice roads etc) but you can do it yourself. Hire a mountain bike from Pro Bike in soi Lang Suan and head down Rama 4 to Klong Toey (Pro Bike will give you directions) and get a little shuttle boat over the river and off you go. There are scattered shops around so you can get water etc, but might be best to take a picnic lunch.

    I have been here a while but did this recently and thoroughly enjoyed it. Set off aorund 10 and was back by 3 and had a geat day.

  5. So after all reading Greenwanderer's fascinating insights and penetrating facts we can learn that:

    EPL exploits Thailand because they force Thai people to support their competition and love their players

    Thailand are a good football team worthy of the World Cup

    But they would be better if they weren't exploited (by the EPL)

    FIFA has something against Asians

    Greenie doesn't like Euro people

    If you say Thailand are not such a good football team, you are from Europe

    ...and you don't know what you are talking about because they are actually good (they beat UAE or something).

    The Vietnam war was good because it allowed Greenie to be born


  6. Thailand did have a shot at being in World Cup 2006, but unfortunately failed to qualify through the preliminary stages. They came third in their qualifying group, behind North Korea and the United Arab Emirates, winning 2 (against UAE, 3-0 and Yemen, 3-0), drawing 1 (1-1 against Yemen, at home), and losing 3 ( 4-1, home and away against North Korea, and 1-0 against UAE away).

    Yeah, Thailand are real shit hot.

    ...not because Europe has better talent or whatever bizarre unbacked argument that some members have posted

    Ha ha...you're right Greenie, Asia has better talent than Europe - what was I thinking all this time???

    So if you got a response, talk with stats
    Like you did? Read StateSix's response bozo. (you wouldn't need to if you had a clue, but you're American, so you're excused - but one wonders why you persist???)
  7. England have the base for a good team but continually seem to fall down in their attack. Especially the backs. I dunno but I think the backs coaching staff need an overhaul. Every time I watch them lately they seem very unadventurousand lacking in imagination. Perhaps Mike Friday Is the best option?

    A controlled style of game worked well when England had dominant players like Johnson, Dallaglio, Back and Wilkinson but I think they need to open it up now. The likes of Tindle and Cohen have got to go.

    Also I think their ball recycling is too slow at the breakdown.

    Even though I am not English, I hope they start improving (as long as I don't hear 'we are still world champions' in the process) :o

  8. I definately get my work shirts tailored. I much prefer a fitted shirt and hate the huge mass of material gethering around my waist you get with off the rack shirts. Plus I can choose my cuff/collar combo as I want it as well as what and where folds are in the back among other things.

    I have had good quality Egyptian Cotton shirts made at Rajas in soi 4 for 1000baht and up (depending on what else I'm getting). I have also had reasonable shirts in a variety of fabrics (some good, some not)done at Louis between soi 8 and 10 for 500 baht with a few other orders.

  9. ZZzzzzzz - you got me Wanderer. You're right. And a very astute judge of football. Thailand ARE a very good team who can compete on the world stage. You're a genuis. It would be better to have them in the WC than a team far better than them from Europe. Good idea. Fans would love it. Very equal.

    not by the size of its football clubs' bank account
    IT's by their talent you imbecile, not their bank account. Not much point having equal places for Asia and Europe when half of the best teams in the world come from Europe and almost none from Asia. Good one Einstein.
    How else can you explain 14 / 32 spots being from Europe ???
    Because that's where the majority of good teams come from *yawn*.

    But I did not expect you to understand this because not only is it fairly simpe logic which eludes you continuously, its about football which you don't seem to know much about. So goodness knows why you are flogging a dead horse...but we have come to expect desperate attempts to forge ahead with points of little standing on this forum dominated by your personal insecurity. But good luck to you mate, stick to your [empty] guns.

  10. A friend of mine has just had his work permit cancelled after finishing his contract with old employer. He met the legal rep at the One Stop Visa on Ratchada and it was duly cancelled as expected. No prob. He just had to sign some forms.

    BUT...it turns out he had never ever been down to Immigration to register every 90 days over the course of a year of having his work permit. His lawyer actually told him in response to an email, it wasn't neccessary!? Anyway, it seems noone blinked when the cancellation was done.

    His WP was issued through a BOI company. Maybe there is a difference?

    He will soon be applying for a new WP with a new company. Can you see any probs (yes his address has since changed)???

  11. Exactly Tarragona

    If the tables were turned and Europe only was granted 4.5 seats, would that mean teams that didn't make the cut were crap? ?
    No it wouldn't. That's not the point I was making.
    You have no logic or facts to back up when you say Thailand is a shitty team...compared to who?
    Ha ha ha...compared to a helluva lot of teams in the world you deluded tool! Logic? Please. Thailand can hardly compete on the world stage whether they are in the WC or not. Let's set up a game tomorrow against, hmmm, let's say any team in Western and Eastern Europe. Who are Thailand going to beat, seriously. Maybe Liechtenstein? What about the Americas, all of them? Maybe Canada? Or El Salvador. Possibly, but we are getting thin on the ground here. What about Africa? Possibly one or two obscure teams like Djibuti but not many.

    They come in at 108 in the world rankings mate. Sorry. That means shitty to me.

    but if you insist on telling us that world audiences personally chose and made requests to know and admire icons such as David Beckham and Kobe Bryant,
    They didn't become icons because people DIDN'T want to see them did they?!


  12. This is interesting - the scam is advertised in the LP, on its website, on some posters around, say Khao San road, and I guess maybe on embassy websites but there must be a better way of informing people.

    How does your average tourist, maybe first time out of their country, who just goes down to the local flight centre and books a 2 week package to Thailand, really find out about these things? There should be a 'scam' guide given to all people who book a flight here!

    I hate hearing about people getting scammed. You have got to admit though, to fall for this really is pretty stupid, but I still feel for the person - esp when its to the tune of $5000!

    The guys who start the scam off, I see every day lurking around the corner of Suk 18 and 20. Well-dressed Thai guys who wait for tourists to come by and strike up conversations with them. They have tried it on me a few times and I get pretty aggressive with them but most people stop and chat, the map then comes out, and therin the scam starts...

  13. Greenwanderer >> mate, trying to debate with you is impossible because you get lost in your own arguments as all simpletons do.

    The best part is where you blame branding for the reason Thailand are not in the WC and Angola et al are, and then claim Thailand's team is not crap (by world standards - as that is what we are comparing here) THEN you go on to say people should have the right to watch Argentinian basketball instead of the NBA ha ha ha!!! Classic! People watch NBA because its the best basketball to be seen you clown!

    You talk about 'fair coverage' of sports - tell me...what country shows equal coverage of all national sports codes from around the world??? "ok folks, today we have won't show you the Lakers v Bulls game in the NBA, we are instead bringing you the BBA from Bolivia and today's game features XXX v ZZZ. Awesome!!! That's what everyone wants right??? Broadcasters show what the poeple want - pleas don't expect Thai people to watch something they don't want to! Jeez, you are weird man.

    Then you talk about rugby. How about, instead of showing the Super 14, Heinekin Cup and soon the Tri-Nations, we should have some of those games replaced with club rugby from Chile? Yeah, can't wait. I'll see you at the Londoner to watch every game. Not.

  14. And also...

    And how does this affect the big picture? Ultimately, it's one of the driving factors why the Thai national team hasn't had a shot at even participating in a world cup (please correct me if I'm mistaken)

    Sorry, but once again greenwanderer, you are mistaken. It is not the EPL's fault Thailand has a crpa football team, nor is it the fans'. Lack of fan support is not a 'driving' factor behind Thailand having a shot at the World Cup. You can't be serious.

  15. Does the game Monopoly ring any bells? How many young Thais have a fair selection of football heroes to choose from...or even Thai footballers for that matter? If you asked them, how many of them might tell you David Beckham, Michael Owens, or some other EPL player? And is this because they made the independent choice to like David Beckham as opposed to some other 'Thai' player???

    Its because they are BETTER and more EXCITING players to watch, rocketscientist.

  16. My vote went to EPL because I think the 'branding' itself (that others have stated clearly is mostly initiated by Thais themselves for fincancial purposes) takes away from national team spirit and sports character. Take any group of 20 teenagers from around Thailand and ask them to name 5 players of the Thai national team. Will atleast half of them be able to do it?? I doubt it. Then, ask those same kids to name 10 players from the English national team...Chances are they will not only be able to name 10 players from the English squad, but also tell you their EPL teams.

    This doesn't really make sense, as far as 'blaming' the EPL. Sure it would be great if the National team was more successful but ultimately, Thai football supporters created this situation themselves, and NOT the EPL. EPL marketing to Asia was a RESULT of fan support and interest in EPL teams. It did not create this interest (although it has increased its advertising etc now to satisfy the demand). And who is exploiting who anyway, when Thais illegally sell copied trademark merchandise? If Thai football supporters prefer watching better teams play and those teams enjoy and capitalise on this support, well who is really to blame Greenwanderer???

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