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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Change old lightbulbs to compact flourescent ones and save up to 70% energy - plus they last longer

    Insulate your house to save on heating and cooling

    Is your fridge too cold? It may be. Turn it up a degree or two

    Inflate your tyres properly so your vehicle is more efficient

    Take more public transport or walk

    Offset your remaining emissions with a non profit or charity

  2. Its shown on Australia Network and many pubs have it. The main Aussie places are:

    Tenderloins - Sukhumvit soi 33

    Office - Sukhumvit soi 33

    Down Under - Sukhumvit soi 23

    Bus Stop - Sukhumvit soi 4

    There are many more but that should have you sorted. Or you can get the dish yourself! Note only two or three games a week are shown - Office has the online schedule.

  3. Can't understand why expats live in tourist areas?

    Well if you call Sukhumvit (upper) a tourist area did you consider it might be because:

    They found their first choice aprtment there

    They work in the area

    They socialise in the area

    There are plenty of bars / restaurants / shopping malls in the area

    The sky train is there

    Their friends live in the area

    .....ummmm why would you live anywhere else???

  4. As posted, the BMA is onto climate change and energy policies now. Also there is this interesting article Kingdom one of 10 countries most at risk from natural disasters, says study

    Whatever you choose to believe, there is enough evidence to suggest that man made CO2 (principally) emissions are leading and acclerating climate change - a phenomenon that could have devastating impacts in human civilsation over the next 100 and more years.

    There may be flaws in the science. But we would be mad to do nothing - reducing fossil fuel consumption, reducing GHG emissons, protecting forests, planting more trees, etc etc CAN ONLY BE GOOD in the end anyway!

    I personally have seen enough links between the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and temperatures so I believe that it has a significant impact - and I know for sure that since the industrial age man has increased CO2 levels by 100PPM or so. I see the link and I am pleased once-sceptical governments and companies (USA/Aus/Exxon etc) have seen the link now too and are taking action.

    But I accept sceptics and extremism on either side is stupid. I just think we would be dumb to ignore evidence and do nothing about global warming!

  5. The point about how much of your donation actually goes to 'the cause' or whatever is a valid one, HOWEVER, many charities, non-profits and foundations struggle hard and go under because they cant get donations to cover their overheads (unrestricted funds).

    In the end, for well trained and qualified people to put the right project together and deliver the best results, any organisation must incur significant costs for offices, salaris, transport, equipment etc. This enables them continue becming more efficient and delivering great projects which benefit the needy.

    So don't be too adverse to making a donation for the charity simply so it can survive and continue operating and fundraising for 'specific purposes' (restricted funds).

  6. Well the question is often posed - is Thailand less welcoming now for foreigners and foreign companies. Now here it is in the main stream media.

    The sun sets on a golden era for foreign workers

    By William Barnes

    Published: March 22 2007 04:22 | Last updated: March 22 2007 04:22

    Mark Greenwood, the first foreign stockbroker in Thailand, says he still wants to die in the country. But he is not sure right now whether he can live there.

    “I think people like me feel as if they are having the door slammed in their face,” says Mr Greenwood, now a businessman. “Foreigners have made enormous contributions to Thailand, but the messages we are getting now are that Thais don’t need us or want us.”

    FULL ARTICLE - Financial Times March 22 2007

  7. Happened Sun morning about 4am in soi 11. Normal taxi driving along with 2 guys and 2 girls, all farang, and came to a few cops manning the street who looked in, saw we were farang and asked us to step out.

    They then did a pocket search, tho we didn't let them put their hands in, checked wallets and sent us on our way.

    Anyone else???

  8. So I have a non-B multiple entry visa as I am conducting business in Thailand etc in and out over the next 12 months.

    Date of Issue: 30 Jan 07

    Enter Before: 28 Jan 08

    When I entered I got 3 months stay. Presume this happens on each entry?

    Does this mean I can come in and out as many times as I like until the 28 Jan 08?

    Or is there a limited no. of entries?


  9. Why do the Brits get it wrong all the time?

    e.g: I was sat on the bus waiting for it to leave and it exploded. Wrong. I am no teacher but isn't that past perfect or something and should be "I was sitting on the bus..."???

    Annoys me every time i hear it.

  10. The answer is, as I found out too late, P.K. Mansion in Ao Nang. Stayed there last night and they have Australia Network on the TVs in the rooms.

    So next time, that's exactly where I'll be staying, and at 1,100 bahr, its not a bad deal for an ac room with sat TV right by the beach.

  11. If you are a qualified experienced teacher (not efl etc) at a decent international school you should be earning minimum 80K without benefits and upwards of 100k without benefits if you are recruited from overseas or a job fair. If you are a year coordinator or dept head, expect more.

    Remember, for quality employers who want quality employees, they need to pay similar or more than you would earn in your home country. Otherwise ambitious career minded people wouldnt relocate. Not everyone is here because they like the lifestyle and will take a reduced salary. Many people still have real money expenses back home such as mortgages, retirement contributions, childrens education etc etc which require a real salary.

  12. If you are teaching Thai people English in Thailand, you would be teaching them English as a FOREIGN language, not as a SECOND language. Therefore you would be an EFL teacher, not an ESL teacher. If you were teaching them English in England then it would be their second language, not a foreign language (because its the local language) so it would be ESL there.

    Am I right?

    If so, why do so many people get it wrong?

  13. Where am I going to watch the Super 14 this weekend in Krabi?

    Will be in Railay and Ao Nang and maybe Phi Phi. Not in Krabi town.

    Place needs Australia Network or SA Supersport. Any Aussies, Kiwis, Saffas got bars down there?

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