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Posts posted by Doza

  1. No I don't agree.

    IMO Thais are quite self obsessed, especially about their own beauty. They may also be concerned about their family and friends but they are significantly less concerned about others / those they don't know (especially if they are from a foreign country, and double especially if they are dark skinned). They are obsessed with jealousy as well.

    Your average farang is much more inclined to care less about how he/she looks, acts, appears to others than a Thai. Also is more aware of the plight of others the world over and more sympathetic too in my experience.

    Thais are way more self obsessed.

  2. It's interesting, isnt it? On this thread we openly discuss breaking laws to benefit ourselves (in order to get a few extra beers), yet on other threads we think it's reprehensible that poor disoriented and tired farang should have the (perfectly legal) choice of limo taxis thrust on them, as if it's the biggest scam in history.

    Is it because if us big white fellas do it, it's ok, but if those pesky little brown fellas with their funny talking do it, it's not?

    Very interesting.

    Don't think anyone really cares about whether the limo taxi thing is legal or not - people complain because its feakin annoying and gives a bad first impression of Thailand.

  3. I love hearing jealous idiots come on here and criticise people for what they spend per month. Even call them names. Hillarious!

    You might not spend 100k per month but one month you need some serious dental done, another you need medical, you buy two tickets home to farangland and spend a couple of weeks there and all of a sudden, 100k as an average is looking tight.

    And as someone said. Teachers don't earn 25k. People pretending to be teachers do. Real teachers earn from 80 - 150k ++ (at least). Are they jerks too???

  4. Obviously you know nothing. Japanese companies do not send women overseas.

    None? Not ever? Not one?

    Doubt it.

    Anyway, I don't care and it doesn't interest me. I'm out of here. But nice to see The Dan Sai Kid now concedes there are Japanese women here despite the fact this is Thailand and most of the women are Thai. Unreal.

  5. Why go through the expense of a wall when most guys stop whenever, wherever and whip it out?

    The thing is, there usually IS a wall of some description. It just doesn't block off all the urinals from most angles.

  6. The casual passerby can almost always see directly into a Thai men's bathroom. Usually the door is open and the urinals are in full view (no blocking walls as per most countries). You can stand there pissing and watch people walk by outside.


    This seems to be everywhere from gas stations to offices to medium quality shopping malls to restaurants.

    Please explain why they can't build a blocking wall.

  7. Contact your nearest US embassy and explain the situation to them. Say you need to be in the region for at leat 12 month travelling in and out constantly and visiting clients and attracting new business. Don't specifically say you will be working from Thailand as I think a work visa would be difficult to get unless you are setting up a Thai company. You should be able to get a 12 month non-imm B to udertake business in Thailand (though not actually work there) though you might need to show letters from clients inviting you, certainly details of your company and its business in thailand among other things.

  8. I suspect there are a few teachers working as heads of department in the international schools pulling in 100k plus.

    Easily closer to 150 - 200K with benefits. As for management, I have heard over 500K for the top administrators at the top schools (NIST / ISB / Patana).

    An experienced and well qualified EFL teacher at an international school must be getting close to 100K easily too with benefits if recruited from abroad.

  9. My partner is from Australia.

    After a few years in Thailand my gf tally ranks: Thai girls 2 - farang girls 3. None of them were particularly long relationships I must say.

    Much happier with a farang whom I have so much in common with. Loving it.

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