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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Not sure why people are saying we shouldn't speculate - isn't this a discussion board??? Thought thats why people come on here. If they want facts, they might consider watching the news or reading a paper (although its debatable you'll get "facts" there either), but for discussion and sharing of ideas and thoughts, isn't that what an online forum is for?

    Dangerous to speculate? Dangerous for who???

    I'm going with unsettling tactics by factions opposing the current interim government. There, pure speculation!

  2. Well guys, all I can say is that I have enjoyed the ride. Its been fun.

    A might be a less than honest housewife-cum-hooker (please, no pun), Paul might be a confused novelist wanna-be helpful soul, the husband might be a long suffering bad/good bastard, and the son, an honourable non-communicating teenager going on 26, while the social worker is a lying truth teller in the middle of it all but that's what makes a good story.

    Look forward to the next episode...

  3. Kid can't be helped. Not his fault. Some farang husbands are bad. Save money for airfares and don't spend on bad businesses. A Social Service woman was mean and should have the book thrown at her. Thai women are vulnerable when left alone in the UK. We are all cynics. Timelines are hard to get right. Kids can't always communicate with their mothers (even when they are protecting them from lowlifes).

    Its should be all clear now.

    What do you think?

  4. I think you lot need to reed The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington to find out what a civilization is in the first place and how they developed and why. The keys to early development lie in food security and storage which then leads to development from hunter gatherer existance because people don't have to spend all day looking for food and can become soldiers or artisans for instance. Now you can protect your village, develop further technologically and invade and grow etc etc.

    Good book.

  5. I really think its time we looked at making this a movie. Thaivisa could raise money for the movie, and proceeds could go to the following:

    English lesson for mum

    Thai lessons for boy

    Rates mum owes from shop

    Mum's expenses at OP's place

    Lawyer fees to charge bad husband who threw her out and to get 50% of everything from marriage

    Money to support bad husband if he ends up destitute after bad divorce settlement

    Capital for new business for mum

    How to Run a Business For Dummies for mum (I am not impying she is a dummy!)

    New clothes for boy (he is sure to need some by now)

    More suggestions welcome...

  6. when things go wrong the consequences can be very terrible for any man or woman. they are usually far worse for a woman in a country thousands of miles from family and friends

    Unless she can claim benefits from the government. Unlike men who come to Thailand and get screwed over thousands of miles from family and friends and are left with little (sometimes not even a couple of thousand pounds like this woman!) :o

  7. Sorry Maestro, wrong.

    Dogblower - I am with you, sets me off too. But it's just in the written sense. When people speak they are actually saying 'have' but its been shortened into one word with use to 'could'ave' and sounds like could of, so that's what imbeciles write!

  8. I am glad we are reaching a general consensus here :o I couldn't care less if inflammable means the same thing as flammable but I could care less if anyone disagrees with me here!!!!!

    Seriously though, this has irked me for some time now and I am glad to get it off my chest. I feel good about it.

  9. Why do some people (think its an American thing) say "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"???

    The idea it so imply your care factor is so low, it can't go any lower so saying "could" doesn't make sense because you are actually saying your care factor is not at its lowest and you could, if you wanted to, care less, but in fact you don't. So you are actually caring!

    Whereas "couldn't" means you don't care so much you have reached the end of your care factor and you can't go any lower and is in fact the correct usage I believe.


    "I couldn't care less if my girlfriend leaves because I hate her". Your cae factor is at rock bottom already and can't go any lower here.

    "I could care less if my girlfriend leaves because I hate her". YOu in fact care to some degree because you say you could actually care less than you are right now so your care factor is not at its lowest here.

    Make sense people...? Can we have some agreement and stick to the correct usage please?

  10. Sigh....when will thai immigration or those in charge learn to take care of foreigners so they can take their money and not make them feel unwelcome with all the unfriendly visa's and visa runs every 2 or 3 motnhs when in developed countries one can just go to police station to apply for extention after extension wih out having to travel out of the country spend one's money in a different country.

    Embarrassing for thailand the visa system.

    What countries would those be? Please tell me what developed countries one can go to without a proper visa, work or not, stay a long time, and just go to the police station and continue extending it.

    Look forward to your reply.

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