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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Seem you not in touch. Immigration is what the regular people talk about. Clear to see the reason when inflation has dropped to 3.4% in Dec after peaking at 9.1% in June '22. By the way, the bipartisan immigration bill is held up by Trump. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4422273-immigration-overtakes-inflation-top-voter-concern-poll/
  2. No just anti-fascism, pro-democracy and rule of law. Contrast sharply with your beliefs.
  3. Need not be too complicated. Vote Trump get dictator, fascism and lawlessness. Vote Biden get democracy and rule of law. It is that clear and simple.
  4. Have to say that Trump and his acolytes are good at repeating lies and misrepresenting facts to change poll voters perceptions. It will soon change when the Dems go on the offensive with truth and facts. Biden will beat Trump and MAGA as in 2018, 2020 and 2022.
  5. NYP? but still if true make him a very accomplished leader to manage the post covid economic revival and dozens of impactful bills into law which include lowering healthcare and drug costs, fighting climate change, passed legislation aimed to address the scourge of gunviolence, largest ever National Investment in Mental Health, cancelling of Student loans, Rescue Plan, Veteran Health and infrastructure. Can't thibk of Trump's achievements except logging 307 days playing golf.
  6. The polls were a result of current perception and agree that it doesn’t look good for Biden. Just a manifestation of how well the MAGA folks messaging of lies and misrepresentation of facts have worked in their favor. Meanwhile the Dems have been slow to counter the MAGA’s vile tactics. That will soon change as the election draw near and the Dems have the benefit of facts to make counter arguments that will sway public opinion. It will not help that Trump continue with hate speeches laden with lies up to Nov and fatigue will set in for the voters. Polls now have no meaning. It will soon change in Biden’s favor.
  7. He is better known as an American conservative political commentator than a journalist. If indeed he get the interview, it will just be parroting Russian state propaganda. Hope he is in Moscow to attend the Boishoi Threater performance as reported.
  8. Does this really matters whether stand alone bills or otherwise when House Speaker Mike has to report back to Trump for his decision.
  9. You do know system. Majority said he was a flawed man and booted him out of office after ONE term. He is lawless to reject a peaceful transfer of power. He ain’t getting more popular. Just a MAGA hallucination.
  10. Nobody in the right mind love a most flawed person who consistenly lie and misrepresent facts and lacking moral principle and being a racist, fascist and an insurrectionist.
  11. Word salad. She not a hero but a victim of Trump's sexual assault and found guilty by jury of peers. Victims suffered a torrid of abuses and threats from TRump's incessant posts. He tried to get Mike Pence hang who came out against Trump.
  12. As it stand now, Trump 91 criminal indictments and 2 impeachments against 0 for Biden. Now who is the corrupt one.
  13. Move on mate. Neil Kanock said it was an innocent mistake. He support Joe and said this about Biden and Trump now. Joe’s an honest guy,” the 78-year-old said by phone from his home in north London. “If Trump had done it, I would know that he was lying.”
  14. The difference in Biden and Trump speech in Wisconsin was painfully glaring. Biden spoke on policies for the people including rebuilding the old bridge while Trump had his usual grievances and victim hood speech. How you guys defend what was blatantly obvious and pathetic.
  15. Political expediency by courts in their verdict happened in all countries.
  16. After a decade of insipid and incompetent military government, the fiscal position has weakened badly. The junta government had record budget deficits in relation to GDP and continous account deficits. In 2021, Thailand had a blow-out budget deficit of 7.03%. They are spending more than the country revenues. The country coffers are empty. The present government will have little room to initiate stimulus policies and have to tread carefully not to worsen the debt situation.
  17. The rail link to Laos will have extensive reduction of cargo transport costs by 30-50% and increase the export and import border trade. The construction has been snail pace during Prayut's adminstration.
  18. Common people are not restricted from joining the civil services and uniformed groups. They served the country in their capacity and duly paid in salary and kinds.
  19. EU is Thailand's fourth largest trading partner and the bilateral trade was worth around USD$38 B last year. Re-routing costs, war risk insurance rates jump, supply disruption costs will be affect Thai economy. Somehow Red Sea crisis hasn't hit energy; yet.
  20. I will be surprise if the opposition think out loud that Sretha government has a good strategy. They not called the opposition for nothing.
  21. January 31 is the judgement date for Pita and the party not this case which he likely to be acquitted.
  22. Perhaps food for thought re oil pipeline; not the Chinese bit. At the moment Singapore banned VLCC and ULCC from entering its ports. A portion of the Malacca Straits (Phillip Channel) is quite shallow which limits the size of ships over 200 thousands dwt to pass through. The land bridge will not replace the Malaca straits but will offer an alternative route for the larger ships and for the IndoChina and West China hinterland.
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