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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. There are UN International Convention on the Protection and humane rights for migrants. Of course, Trump has no regards for UN convention in his border policies.
  2. Haven't happened yet and no indication of coordination with Harris campaign. It is dumb act by Labour Party.
  3. Lefties are too decent to be involved in vote buying alleged criminal act. Elon must have felt that Trump's election bid is failing to cook up this stunt.
  4. Lots of grey in Newin's statement. Anutin is the leader of BJT and he backs the entertainment complexes with the casinos. Rejecting gambling has been BJT's stance so it is not suprising for the party founder to be seen to back that up. However the party is also not against policies that benefit the nation economy. Ultimately it will be Anutin as the Deputy PM and interior minister to agree with the decision for the complex and casino that counts.
  5. Mate you are a misguided person. Non Christian should be afraid of Trump as he continuously advocate Christian nationalism. He also said that he will signed into law to made US a Christian nation. Trump a Zionist? He embrace holocaust deniers for goodness sake. He is neither a Zionist nor a Christian. His religion is me-ism and dollar-ism.
  6. Word salad served just like Trump. Can't Maga speak coherently?
  7. He should be in church on Sunday like Harris and not in his temple of fast food. What a faux christian he is.
  8. Trump didn't fix the border too but fooled you thinking that it's Harris's fault. Get on board the bipartisan border bill and fixed the immigration system. What say you?
  9. Loose lips sabotaging his own campaign again with his craziness. Trump cognitive decline is worrisome as he is losing his thinking abilities. His advisers has no control over Trump's idiosyncrasies which will cost him the election.
  10. Timely replacement for Ronald McDonald.
  11. More Fox audiences were interested to listen to Harris than listen to Trump’s Fox Town Hall in Cumming held earlier. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ratings-harris-fox-news-interview-134209870.html
  12. Baier conceded that she got what she wanted in her answers. Baier said. “She came to Fox News and she wanted to have a ‘go after Donald Trump’ viral moment that plays on other channels, and on social media. And I think she may have gotten that.”
  13. Anyone who believe this ever happened, I got a bridge to sell.
  14. So much for your opinion regarding white female voter, By the way, Trump base has not broadened as he alienated many independents. In fact his legacy is pure poison for independents. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/08/white-women-voters-harris-trump
  15. The fact that she drew 7.8 million Fox viewers was already a win for her. Fox audiences were interested to know more about her and listen to her. That is a good sign for her with just 20 days from the election and not so good for Trump. .
  16. My earlier post on what he said. Link provided. "She got the better of me" and "she got what she wanted. That’s Baier own assertions of the interview.
  17. Morality is not you strong suit when you roll with Trump, the faux Christian.
  18. You really condone such foul language at a Catholic Church Event with the. Cardinal seating next to him? Seriously you too have lost your morality compass. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-spews-profanity-and-bizarre-insults-at-catholic-al-smith-charity-dinner/
  19. She got the better of me and she got what she wanted. That’s Baier own assertions of the interview. Being on Team MAGA has made you lose sight of reality. https://www.yahoo.com/news/even-fox-news-bret-baier-134325219.html
  20. Trump is chronically late for interviews, press conferences and his own rallies. She masterfully adapted Trump’s penchant for lateness. She handled the interview well in spite of consistent interruptions and attempts to talk over her. Brilliant that she point out Trump’s deficiencies to the Fox audiences.
  21. That is what fascist does. Silençe news outlets and social media platforms that dont speak well of him.
  22. All smile for Trump with Elon's generous donation which will help pay for his legal bills. According to the Federal Election Commission's report. the PAC has now spent $59.5 miilion on legal fees since the start of 2023 with more new legal debts coming.
  23. He has been on a cancellation tear, pulling out of several interviews in recent days. Better for him as has been rambling non-answers and topic change. Every time he open his mouth, he loses voters. Keep him in the basement.
  24. Can’t wait for the unedited interview to 60 minutes that showed a very agitated Trump parrying with interviewer Lesley Stahl with his lies about his greatest economy in the history of the country (lol) and encouraging attendees for his Rose Garden event to wear masks (many attendees came down with Covid) and was told point blank by Lesley Stahl that he lie. Yes I can wait for the stupidity and lies that he spewed in the interview.
  25. You not slow but just drunk too much Trump's kool-aid.
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