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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Is he the one who recently endorsed Harris and dump Trump? https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4933532-geraldo-rivera-kamala-harris-donald-trump-2024-election/
  2. Baier is not a fair and balance anchor. He is as right wing as Hannity. He was given a schooling by Harris and too stunned by her articulation to inject and disrupt with his Maga projection. He tried few gotcha questions and fell flat and didn't land.
  3. Too many which bamboozled Baier into submission to a mere "Yes Maám". You missed a masterful display of well articulated response to a hard question that would have crumble Trump. Very Presidential too.
  4. Whatever is one’s opinion of the interview, the risk to enter the lion’s den paid off. She had succeeded to reach a new audience and demography. To Fox’s conservative audience, the well articulated and tough rebuttals dispelled Trump’s saying that she is dumb and can’t string a sentence. Her performance will allow voters to question Trump’s judgement of her intelligence.
  5. In the context of the question, it’s strategically smart.
  6. Trump wouldn’t be happy with Baier’ s performance. Harris was in command and schooled him most of the times. She ran out Baier’s clock on every questions and had him look meek and apologising “ yes ma’am for every interruption. He tried the gotta questions and didn’t land. She was articulate which will be well received by Fox’s audience. Meanwhile whenever Trump speak, he lose voters. His advisers are keeping him away from interviews. Expecting a lashing from Trump in his post soon on Baeir.
  7. He is very old and he is not revealing his medical. The country ought to be concern.
  8. Kremlin confirmed. Try reading and not stuck in your Fox echo chamber.
  9. Trump sure has the interest of the country when he sent Russia covid-test machines when the country suffering from shortage. That is some twisted sense of patriotism only Maga can understand.
  10. I think she did reasonable well in a hostile enviroment but her detractors will always deny that. I think her strategy to do interviews with conservative outlets and campaigning with Repubicans is brillant. With the election in just 3 weeks, most voters have locked in their decision but there are still small slivers of undecided voters who have supported Republicans in the past but uneasy with Trump and Republicans like the older voters who are disgusted with Trump's unhinged behavior and don't think he is fit for office. Her Fox's interview target those groups of voters and her interviews with podcaster like Joe Rogan will reached out to the male voters. Trump voters base has hit a ceiling and he is not broadening his voters base and he has lost the momentum. His rallies are boring and interviews are insane and he crumbles when tense.
  11. Can't stop laughing that you think Fox is a news outlet and have journalists. Good one mate. 😃
  12. Trump mismanaged the crisis that resulted in US economy being three times worse than other countries.
  13. Meanwhile Maganites trust those media that were found guilty of fraud. Even Murdoch conceded that Fox endorsed lies. Can't make that up just how gullible Maganites are.
  14. Economy strongest among the G7, strong labor market, cooling inflation under Biden. He has built a stable foundation for economic growth. All these growth from the ashes of the disastrous Trump's covid handling that laid of 25.5 million workers and a nation in shambles.
  15. Not only interviews, Fox and Newsmax edited his low energy speech too. Maga folks simply pot and keetle. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-loses-attention-conservative-tv-networks-1942047
  16. Typical Maga's disgusting vile language just like Trump.
  17. The new voters are leaning heavily towards Harris and will have an impact on the election outcome. The Havard Youth Poll showed Harris leading Trump 64 percent to 32 percent among likely young new voters. According to the Harvard Kennedy School, there is a widening gap in enthusiasm, with 74% young Democrats saying they will definetely vote in Nov compared with 60% of young Republicans.
  18. Before some of you Maga folks gets euphoric over the surge of Republican voter registration, it will not meant that the election is skewing towards Trump. The independent non partisan voters always have the final say. They are a big bloc of 26-30% share of the electorates and have voted for the Dems in 2018 mid-term and 2020. Republicans just can't close the deal with independent voters especially with Trump. There is also a big chunk of new young voters that are less Republocans and hateful of Trump. Just tone down your euphoria Maga.
  19. Kim rattle his sabres occasionally and play the threat card for his domestic agenda and to divert the people's attention away from their economic woes. North Korea suffered from climate change that has caused extensive flooding and above average temperatures that has devasted their agricultural production. Their refusal to accept any outside help further compound the suffering of his people. The regime has to justify spending almost third of their GDP for defense while the suffering of its citizens continue. Their propaganda filled 90% of airtime and consistently alleged threats to brainwash the people to get them behind the regime.
  20. What is not true is there was no 100,000. Will give Trump the benefit of full capacity in the venue and it's still 15,000 and not 100,000. He lied again bigly.
  21. He said 100,000 while the venue capacity is 15,000 and report states possibly about 5,000. That’s serious lying by any measures. How can such flawed person can possibly be a presidential candidate is beyond belief.
  22. The venue capacity can only hold 15k. You again fell for another Trump’s lies. So sad.
  23. If you ignore countless lies, don’t accept fact and no critical thinking, it’s a cult.
  24. Supporter were bused in and left stranded after the rally by Trump. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fans-stranded-desert-rally/
  25. Most will accept that the election result and move on. Can the same be said of the AN Maga folks. Their cult leader has repeatedly said he will accept the election result only if he win. Bet they will continue to whine of stolen results just like their dear leader.
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