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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 55 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    The crooked Thaksin bought a football team, then was forced to sell it as the English FA ruled him unfit to own a club and be a Chairman. 


    They must have loved him to bits too then!

    He sold the club because he couldn’t bring in sufficient funds as his finance was seized by court. He still make 20 m pound selling the the sheik. 

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  2. 16 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    If this fake news has any grounds for concern to national security then the current government and leader should and I presume will inevitably stay in control.


    Lets hope so ....  ????

    If the national security is due to the current government, shouldn't they stay out rather stay and allow the insecurity to fester. You are tripping all over with your poor assessment. 

  3. 8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    And my wife replied, no, she would support Prayut. And when I asked why, her response was, she's happy with the "peace and stability" that the current regime has provided.

    The peace and stability came with many caveats. Thailand is still under martial law, banned political gatherings, arrest and detention extra-judicial, imposed internet censorship and media control. The interim constitution grant sweeping power and section 44. Prayut will have to relinquish all these powers after the election and he will be the reason for no peace and instability. Have you try reason with your wife?

    • Like 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, GarryP said:


    Prayuth's clique (Eastern Tigers) no longer has the power. The power now rests with the Wong Thewan clique headed by Apirat Koongsompong.  Prayuth could still stay on as PM if it serves their needs, but as a puppet. Diddums Prayuth. 

    If he can sway the military power clique, he too can sway the appointed senators allegiance. After all he has to sign off the appointments in the royal gazette  Rather conspicuous that he don’t see eye to eye with P & his sponsors especially those in the Privy Council. Without the senators support, the curtain will close on Prayut, 

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    It is very interesting to read the various viewpoints here about what has happened. I have my own theory (expressed in earlier posts on this thread) - but others have indicated a plausible scenario in which Thaksin effectively wanted the outcome that resulted, as it reveals the hands of the players. That could well be the case - although on balance, I doubt it. I tend to think Thaksin genuinely believed he could get his candidate through and thus break the military deadlock. But things did not go the way he had wished. Thaksin had miscalculated. The de facto consequence is - yes - that people's hands have been revealed in a stark and dramatic way (but I don't think that was calculated into the initial move and choice by Thaksin - but I could be wrong, of course).


    Whatever lies behind this great mess, the outlook is not promising. I think popular rancour and conflict is much more likely now than before (although still in limited numbers).


    Fully agreed with your assumptions. I see this as a lost opportunity for a chance at colors conciliation and possibly reunification. I also see this as a lost chance of taming the military and stopping coup at least in the next 8 years. I see a lost chance in for better economy and better life for the people. Now we back to the nasty bleak future. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Official is the key word. The Royal title is bestowed. She did seek to regain that total title but was denied. She also agreed to participate  as a candidate on her own consent. Yes it was a foolish decision making by Thai Raksa but illegal constitutionally is a stretch too far. The ball is on the junta’s court and dissolving the party may not be the right decision for the election. 

    Got to add that she is not protected by LM and 112 because she officially not a royal. She can be criticized unlike Prayut. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    I agree with you. As she was officially a commoner, what was unconstitutional about her appointment. No reason to dissolve the party. But the party seriously screwed itself by only appointing one candidate. 


    Interesting times ahead. 

    Official is the key word. The Royal title is bestowed. She did seek to regain that total title but was denied. She also agreed to participate  as a candidate on her own consent. Yes it was a foolish decision making by Thai Raksa but illegal constitutionally is a stretch too far. The ball is on the junta’s court and dissolving the party may not be the right decision for the election. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, robblok said:

    That is your opinion, they brought royalty into politics a big no no. (anyone thinking that she would not be treated as royalty is crazy). Anyway I don't get it people on the red side hate it that Prayut can't be attacked (and rightly so) and now they wan't a PM who is as untouchable because of her lineal and they applaud it. Guess its good when its in your favor but bad when it goes against you. Seems bias to me. 


    They thought they could win, but unfortunately for them the other side is still more powerful and smarter. Epic fail of Thaksin not a mythic strategist as many think he is. Still a shocking play keeps things interesting. Maybe something good will come out of this.



    Stick to what I posted and spare me your discursive personal opinion. You just good at diverting any topic and ramble on. Not falling to that and bowing to your eccentricity.

  9. 7 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Maybe that was the whole point, and if Thai Raksa Chart goes down, we'll it will have done the job it was created for... 

    Really couldn't see what election law was broken that constitute an illegal act for dissolving the party. The nomination was controversial but was it unconstitutional. Lots of talks about the act being against the spirit of the constitution but without clear definition, it's really open for interpretation. If the party was to be dissolved, it should show that the EC is not independent and the junta is pulling strings to influence the decision. 

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