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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 2 hours ago, HalfLight said:

    Why do you think that the insurgents have not taken their anger and resentment to Bangkok?



    IMO the insurgents are not united as 1 big force but small units lacking resources, manpower and finance which limit their activities. Moreover they don’t have much sympathizers in Bangkok to coordinate large scale attacks. It will be hard to move out of their provinces with so many military check points and most of the insurgents will likely to be identified and in the black list. 

  2. 3 hours ago, HalfLight said:


    Worth a try but I don't thin it would work. The fiction of 72 virgins for martyrs of Islam will prove a powerul lock on the minds of post-pubescent males. The second lock is the feeling of belonging.The Imams know about both but they either have positions to uphold  or are as stupid as he choir they preach to.




    The Malay muslim are different from the Arab muslim in their struggles. I think the Southern malay muslim or the Pattani malay struggle for the recognition in their culture and linguistic identities and to have some autonomy. They also want to share prosperity with Bangkok and sufficient efforts to develop and provide jobs. There are many graduates who have no opportunities for work and have to move to Bangkok seeking employment. Economic disparities are undeniable causes of young malay muslims to abet in violence.    



  3. 1 hour ago, JAG said:

    I have to say, Eric, that I don't share your optimism there! Those at the top of the food chain could well be manoeuvring to put in place a "second generation Junta government" which will be less (relatively) tolerant and restrained than the present bunch.

    You could be right just that the last decade was generous for the Queens Guard generals with patronage from the queen bee and that impotent one. The only person who could have change the fortune was incapacitated. Now matters are different with the changing of the order who view the rising power of the military as a threat. But who knows what install for Thailand future with so many greedy hands waiting to be feasted. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

    I would really love to think you're right but...


    Hasn't someone just put another general on the PC? And didn't someone just make Apirak Army Chief?


    You might be right, (and I really do hope you are) but events suggest you aren't.




     Appointing the Army chief from the King's guard is a break from tradition of the past decade. Spent time for some re-education can instill anyone who's the boss. Even the haircut must conformed. Moving the 1st army units will help ease traffic along Chaeng Wattana and Phahonyotin if that was the reason. Now it's further to stage coup. Just thinking on my idle time. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, robblok said:

    What we are doing at this forum is always conjecture. we have condemned watch man (without us having seen the evidence) and now I am doing the same here. Nothing new just an opinion based on the facts available at the time. That is what this forum is about.

    You do have a lot of conjectures to speak about and selective condemnation at the same time so early in the morning and it's not even lunch time. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, fruitman said:

    I'll never forget what i saw in indonesia..they had just burned hundreds of houses where the chinese had their business...they got tired of it...

    I believed that was in May 1998. Not the first time but Indonesia Chinese has been attacked since the Dutch East India period. The '98 riots were during the time of massive unemployment and food shortages. The Chinese were easy target for the frustrated Indonesians and when the government was at its weakest which led to the downfall of Suharto. 

  7. 1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Nothing is going to happen. The only people who care about election are Thai Visa posters. 


    Thais either don't care or are scared to have an opinion. I am almost certain most don't care. Even the skies are clearing up and the pollution is down today. Mai pen rai, nothing worry.

    The average people turnout for election at of 65.99% say that you are wrong. This is a very healthy world average. You just kissing up to the junta's shenanigans.

    • Like 2
  8. 17 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Getting back to the point, what is it that you feel was a "great feat" in buying the majority share through "negotiating" with the other shareholder who had already seen their offers rejected and for the exact same reason Kashing gave for selling their share? 


    What will be a "great feat" is if Yinluck can keep the port profitable once the new, larger and better located, Shantou Guangao port is finished, something Kashing believed they could not.

    The rate JV fails is 40% up to 70%. JV is a marathon and there are so much planning involved. Relationship cultivation, deal terms, culture assimilation, regulation understanding and cost projection. This is not a JV of a neighborhood bar but a multi million deal in a foreign country with laws and regulations that may be challenges if you don’t plan well. It is not only consideration for Hutchinson Port to sell but also a risk undertaking for Yingluck to buy & confident of continued profitability, Multi milllion JV is never easy. 

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