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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I made a few days ago. Why not have the PM, the Cabinet, the leaders of the Military, the appointed members of 'Independent' agencies, and the tree-stumps appointed to the NLA all give up their cars for a while? You know, lead by example?

    Maybe for a start, stop stopping vehicles for your commuting convenience. Vehicles stop and burn fuel and adds up to the pollution. That was suggested but never carried out like the plans to alleviate Bangkok chronic jam which is spouted every year. 

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  2. 16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Foreign loans for the Thai-Chinese, high-speed rail project will be minimal and not bound to China’s whims, officials said.

    Bold statement but loaded with caveats. The loan from China is definitely not off the table. Depends on the interest rate. The domestic portion of the loan will depend on the 12.5 year bond coupon rate which is 2.8% per year. I think the Chinese EXIM is willing to offer 2.3%. The junta has dug themselves deep in this flagship project with no wriggle room due to contracts already signed. It will be a burden to the next elected government.    

  3. I am sure all those policies were from a playbook titled "vows to crack the whip over pollution". I see the same policies surface each time we have a pollution problem. In fact if we look back in September, Prawit who was tasked with solving the chronic Bangkok traffic problem suggested the same car related policies. What happen next was everybody guess. Didn't happen and can was kicked. This time maybe they will pray for early raining season start with the ministers doing a rain dance.  

  4. 4 hours ago, Artisi said:

    Think you mean being elected using the pre-text of democracy, that's entirely different from believing in, promoting, and practising the principles of democracy. 

    Let's see. Principles of democracy "the source of the authority of government being the fundamental principle of democracy. The political equality of all citizens is an essential principle of democracy. In a democracy the just powers of the government are based upon the consent of the governed". 

    In short, election. 5 years of subscribing to junta propaganda must have numb your brain.  

  5. 4 hours ago, Longcut said:

    Not even that! When was the last time the Thai military was in actual combat? I am not talking about a skirmish with locals down south. I mean actual combat. 

    To be fair, the Thai army was involved in the Korean and Vietnam wars and fought alongside USA military. One notable battle in the Korean war was the Pork Chop Hill where Thai soldiers were awarded bravery medals by the US Army. In Vietnam, they were involved with fighting the Vietcong and suffered lots of casualties. That said, the Thai army in those years in the 50s and 60s were different from the current soft belly generals who more interested in fighting their own people and filling their bank accounts.  

  6. 3 hours ago, madmen said:

    "I Think it is safe to say that the vast majority of Thais, and nearly every ex-pat in Thailand despises the army, and Prayuth."


    Share with us how you came to this conclusion? I'm guessing the reply will be "the Thais I know"


    My view is the complete opposite. Not a single protest from the masses that's cold hard facts and trumps the Thais I know nonsense.


    As western nations stumble through political chaos, Thailand has had a dream run and the Thais of course know it. Thailand is it long last stable compared to the the chaos over the last 10 years


    Expect a complete land slide IMO


    You underestimated the youth of voting age coming out to vote. Past elections, the youth between 18-24 were disinterested in politics. A survey 2010, youth of that age group that were keen to vote only represented 37.9%. Recent survey revealed almost 90% will vote in the March election. After 5 years of military rule, these young voters are calling for change. Manifested in the rap song against dictator that garnered millions of likes and social media negative expression towards the junta. Youth between 18-35 make out over a quarter of the 50 million electorate. That is a significant number that could whitewash the junta political parties.  

  7. 54 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Sooner or later someone will move Thailand more towards the China, Russia camp where democracy, Human Rights, free speech etc have no relevance. All they need is the military fully on side and the lucrative dealings with the West to dry up. Then Thailand would follow just like Hun Sen is already doing in Cambodia.


    While there is money to be made, and a hell of a lot, out of the US and EU, Thailand will play the democracy game. If not, then watch the interest switch to the nations who don't give a toss about such things. 

    That's a very extreme view which I doubt the elites and their wealthy sponsors will subscribe. Thailand is a trading nation and depends on good relationship with all countries in particular with USA and the EU. Thailand has a long diplomatic relationship with USA since the 1833 and derived lots of military and economic benefits. Thailand relationship with PRC and Russia were relatively recent. The military treaties and economic pact like the GSP and the Treaty of Amity are strong incentives for Thailand not to pivot excessively towards the socialist countries. If Thailand was to clamp up like Cambodia which has a much different history; it will suffer immense economic downside; will be intolerable for the elites and their capitalist friends and an uneasy populace. Thailand do have a knack for staying neutral like in the 2 WW. That policy has worked and they will likely to continue. 

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