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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 52 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    Vote here is a choice of crooks. None, zilch have previously done as much for the masses as themselves. You really think that will change?

    Politicians are all crooks by nature of their greed for money or power. There are better chances of change to a more accountable government if there is a process like an election. Grabbing and staying in power illegitimately deny the nation of that only chance. History have shown that countries with less or no coups will gradually have better government. South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia are some of the better examples. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    They are cheating through the elections full steam, amazing they try, iwho are they trying to fool. 

    They ain’t fooling the red shirts and Pheu Thai supporters. Read a great piece titled

    “ has the red shirts returned” by journalists on the ground gauging the sentiments of these groups. Conclusion was that they have returned and the crowds at PT campaigns were large and well attended. Lots of booing of the junta’s incompetence and draconian actions on people’s expression. The people have enough of junta’s shenanigans and eager to vote. Also the first time young voters have been very vocal with their frustration with the junta. I hope many will turn out to vote which will be good for the people and bad news for the junta. 

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  3. 55 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Selfishly...it doesn't worry me who wins. Our Mayor works hard so has developed the area more than any Mayor before him under the junta. In a place that is only 5km from the province's main city, we used to have no water. Now we have supply water, dams for farmers, solar panels to run farm pumps, market and meeting places built to sell on produce, roads built, kindergartens built and run by solar panels, my village not only has the exercise equipment but also free wi-fi as you do exercise. Juvenile prison and rice research lab have been approved, an the Immigration Office also has been approved by the Governor, just not Immigration yet. Cant complain. 

    I envy you but just out of curiosity, is your mayor elected or appointed. I think it has relevancy to the progress of your area. 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    There was a reason not previously allowed. It' was to prevent abuse of power.

    But now the current PM can constitutionally exercise his absolute power up to the point a new government is "installed."

    If an event is predicated on a farce, it remains a farce no matter the outcome.

    I am anticipating someone whether activists, academicians or politicians to challenge that highly controversial law. Officially the junta is now a caretaker government and the NLA seized legislating laws. All decisions by the government will be scrutinized with a fine tooth comb by the public and may result in law suits if deemed as malfeasance. The purchase of the Chinese tanks may be on hold. That will be good. 

  5. 4 hours ago, guest879 said:

    all it will take is another bomb going off at 4am down a side soi to delay the elections another 6 months. 

    Seem the bomb excuses did delayed election promises since 2015 with other notables like discovering arm caches and a funeral. That may be possible as no royal decree has been gazetted. Now that it's gazetted, any incident will be just a security issue and to be dwelt by the security agencies and will not interfere with the election. No precedent of a royal gazette rescinded by any government. The desperate junta may pull off the Suthep's stunt and interrupt polling stations rendering the election null and void. But what the heck, they already rigged the election to their favour. But will they win?

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  6. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Hmmm. Maybe you should research on disappeared and murdered people who seemingly annoyed your heroes before trying to present your opinion, which suits your agenda, as fact.

    Here we go again BB trying to justify human right abuses which were reported internationally. How did a farang from a democratic country swerved so extreme right. Is it the food or the women. 



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  7. 42 minutes ago, chainarong said:

    Quiet simply No , The unelected Prime Minister wouldn't dare go against a royal decree or any other instruction issued from the palace.

    Also the organic election law was totally endorsed on 4 Dec which was legal binding to have the election completed within 150 days which will mean by end May. Prayut wouldn’t dare go against 2 royal decrees. 


    The election law also laid out 60 days for election results to be made official. Working backwards from May,  March is most probable election month and results announced after the coronation. Prayut will have his day in the sun. He shouldn’t be too unhappy. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes Eric no proof required unless it goes against your opinion and then it needs to be proven in a court of law before you accept anything. 

    Not an opinion but wealth of knowledge of similar extra judiciary killings related to the institution which you strongly defend shamelessly. You got to be sniffing something to ask for prove in a Thai court of law. 

  9. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    A meaningful start to this would be appointing a ministerial-level, non-military agency to handle the peace process. The Army has amply demonstrated its inability to develop policy regarding minority populations. 

    There wouldn't be any meaningful, honest and amicable negotiation as long as the army is the government and there are no accountability to their policy in the south. The only constant in Thailand historical woes has been the deep state military institution. 

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