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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Baht recent decline could be a result of the perceived danger and outflow of funds by bank clients who are not certain of their investments. Clear directives on how the tax reforms will be implemented should be the order of the day.
  2. According to legal experts, the policy modification appears to have 3 specific targets. Residents trading in foreign stock markets through foreign brokerages, cryptocurrency trader and Thais who have been exploiting a loophole that allowed them to bring foreign earnings into the country tax-free after keeping it in an offshore account for more than a calendar year. The basic principle of tax is that you must pay tax on income you earn from abroad no matter how you earn it and regardless of the tax year in which money is earned. Seem the new government is simply tightening tax loopholes. The danger though is more regulations may alienate private bankers and financial institutions.
  3. Wrong, she will make a good Maga GOP lawmaker who doesn't need to abide by decency and moral principles just like her orange leader.
  4. Ever heard of bioplastic? Besides non oil, bioplastic requires less energy than conventional oil based plastic. Produce less carbon dioxide during production. Save the world mate.
  5. I will be brief as we are straying away from the topic. DHS and Pentagon need overhaul. Trump’s whim is a danger to America if he is re-elected. Can’t have leader that make decision based on whim, period.
  6. Let’s test your facts. He gutted the Pentagon, DHS and DOJ & left these institutions without any leaders. Obviously he gutted out of spite without any plan for replacements only acting heads. Anyway I am referring to more destruction of institutions if he is elected. The warning shots were clear that “ you go after me, I will go after you”. Trump has an affection with Kim and Putin and well documented. Nothing to dispute here.
  7. Ambitious plan ! Nay, tax for incoming funds have been around for ages. He just sets targets for tax reform.
  8. Institutions being organisations in government that create, enforce and apply laws which an orderly society obeys. An authoritarian like Trump if he become President can destroy institutions by intimidation, dismissal of non-conformists and replaced with conformists. He has divided society to a level whereby his supporters and even lawmakers made statement freely of a civil war. He count Putin and Kim as bosom friends. The intergrity of the President essentially complements the working of the institutions and in the case of Trump can destroy these institutions from within. He is more than a grumpy ex-President, he is a serious threat to America democracy and the world if elected.
  9. There were enough evidence that Trump sat at his dinning table and watched the attack on TV from videotaped testimonies by White House aides and security staff discussing the events of the day. He not only watched the attacks, he also replayed parts that he like especially when his name was chanted by the mob. There are also audio tapes of his senior staff, close advisers and family members begging him to do something. All these evidences were on full display at the 8th hearing by the Select Committee. Mark's testimony will be icing on the cake.
  10. Sure Americans should and could do better but the joy of Biden spanking Trump twice is just too good to be missed.
  11. Got to say, a very healthy working geriatric who get things done unlike the other geriatric who is on a cognitive decline as he keep repeating the same old lies.
  12. Other daughters may not be so privileged to have a rich father like you. Anyway, she a bright girl to foresee the poor quality tablet which has not been issued. I agree that teaching need improvement.
  13. We know enough about TRump without your platitudes. We also know that he is a one term President beatened by the man you try to vilify. Well unless you a election denier like him.
  14. Sure achieved a lot in spite of your alleged mental difficulties. * more people are working than any point in American history * Making more in America * Rebuild the infrastructure historic expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans * first meaningful gun violence reduction legislation in 30 years * rallied the world to support Ukraine * strengthening alliances and partnership to deliver for the american people * students debt relief and more and more.
  15. It is a target and is achievable. Number of conscripts has been declining while the number of volunteers is increasing. From about 80,000- 100,000 conscripts each year down to 58,330 last year, a drop of almost 30+% while volunteers is increasing from 22% in 2010 and jumped to 75% in 2022. The Defense Minister will need to improve the incentives like welfare benefits and career development to encourage more people to join miltary services voluntarily.
  16. A voluntary military service will not have conscription. He will gradually phased out conscription to voluntary military service. Challenging reform for abolishing conscription which was introduced since 1905.
  17. The deadline for transition to a voluntary military service system by April 2024 was indicated by the Defence Minister. My advise to K Arun is to ask the right man.
  18. You can always tell them to put less or no sugar. In thai "nam tan nik noi" (less sugar) or "nam tan mai aw" (no sugar).
  19. GOP can't even pass bills to fund the government but have time for this witch hunt without any evidence. The do nothing GOP just want to distract the public and try present this false equivalence of Biden and Trump's impeachment. Shameful Maga GOP.
  20. Dowry is not practiced in western countries. I can understand the out-pouring of outrage in this forum of mostly westerners. In many countries in Asia. dowry is common and is necessary. However the reason varied from country to country. In Thailand, parent want to be assured that the groom is financially able to support and care for their daughter and is expected in the Thai culture. If the man is sincere in his marriage intention, he should discuss with the parents to convince them that he has the financial ability and find an amicable amount. He has to understand the feelings of the parents and wife and not only on his own. To make the marriage work, it has to start with a harmonious relationship with the new family.
  21. "We will go where the evidence takes us," McCarthy said. In Thai, we call that "duu gone" translate as we will see if any evidence surface.
  22. It was Bt 4.70 per unit in June. This cut to Bt 4.10 is welcome news to households like mine.
  23. The battle to scrap conscription to volunteers and downsizing the military has been a long drawn out battle between government and the army. Past governments like the Chuan Leekpai government in the 1990s had confronted the army with the same pledges to cap the armed forces, reduced the generals and scrap the conscription. However the political will to make the change, the resistance of the military establishment and the short-lived civilian governments resulted in no meaningful changes. Will have to see whether Sutin has the strong political will and influence to challenge the military establishment and make these changes. Difference this time is that Prayut has said that he agree with the reforms.
  24. Quite a stretched to say that nobody can compete with Trump when he was soundly beatened in 2020, lost the senates and barely made the majority party in the mid-term election. To the Maga folks, he is the messiah and he think he is a demigod but to the majority he is vile corrupt narcissistic grifter, unfit to be a leader of even a school board lest a formal President. America has sank to new low with a candidate with such qualities.
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