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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. It’s puzzling considering that the reason for the failed coalition was due to the senates and not PTP. A lot more will happen till the next PM vote.
  2. I remembered the last time Pheu Thai was the government and a majority in the House but still couldn’t get Taksin back. What change mate that they can do that this time with a weaker majority.
  3. PTP to form the government, re-write the constitution and hold an early election will pacify the angry mob. Expect Pita to make a statement to clarify the reasons for the break up as a junta's evil plot.
  4. Ben is right. Ad hominem is reflection of your lack of forum decorum and has no facts to defend.
  5. I don't call gaining the second most parlimentary seats and taking the lead in forming the government as "they lost". The original MFP+PTP coalition supported Pita all the way until the impasse was deemed impossible to breach. The senates stood in the way and they backstab the people and caused the hand of the coalition parties to break off amicably. Your facts are distorted.
  6. The people got rid of the junta puppet government that manipulated the previous election. That’s a win for the people. The new government has to be formed to manage the economy and people’s livelihoods. Any government without the military parties is progress and door slightly ajar for democracy.
  7. Nepotism, the practice among those with power or influence of favouring family or friends or associates especially giving them jobs. Sound familiar? Senates come to mind. Not corrupt?
  8. Political family is a problem? I can name you quite a few.
  9. K Somsak represent the real people when he spoke his mind. Not parroting narratives of the establishment like some do here.
  10. By a skewed court and acting on political expediency?
  11. There wouldn't be a senate after May. Will not be a complete constitution rewrite as it will need a time-consuming referendum. Amendment on Section 256 of the charter is the most seriously flawed and will be first on the list to be targeted. Most parties even the junta partner except the military parties have called for a rewrite of the charter to ensure full restoration of democracy. No military parties will be in the coalition. Pledge promised and will be delivered by PTP.
  12. PTP leader Cholan Srikaew announced this afternoon that a new coalition without MFP will be formed. He promised to amend the charter and then call for new election. Also will support the beneficial policies of MFP. Whether that will be enough to placate MFP MPs to vote for Sretha will be left to be seen. However Cholan does seem confident to pull this off on Friday. The new coalition parties will be announced tomorrow.
  13. Have human rights abuses vanished after Thaksin? There are already human rights violations before Thaksin. Selective memory?
  14. With due respect, I don’t think the once-in-Thai history and highly unpopular junta appointed senates will be dare to resurface by PTP. It’s a suicide pact for PTP if they dare attempt. In their policy, they intend to change the voting of prime minister to only elected MPs. IMO BJT will not be a big player in the coalition as they command a much smaller seats. The PTP coalition will relent on some tough measures on cannabis and give them few B listed ministerial positions. BJT will be happy to still be in the government rather than cast away with nothing.
  15. The MOU without 112 went further to state that the mission of the coalition must not affect the democratic system with the King as head of state and the revered status of the King cant be violated. Pita is singular targeted like Thaksin as the entrenched elites fear the democracy movement gaining grounds and fear progressive policies will disadvantage their power and wealth
  16. That statement was spoken before MFP abandon the lead role to form the government. Now that PTP will lead the government and has made it clear that the 112 will not be amended or abolished and set aside, BJT has reason to deviate from their earlier statement. Newin is also stepping out of his political hiatus and seem to take a stronger role in his party's direction. He advocate the 8 +1 coalition. Prawit and Prayut are not the solutions to Thaksin's return. Another P has been instrumental in obstructing Thaksin as PM and courts decisions. Now deceased.
  17. Quite right in your opinion. Lot of risks securing the senators votes when the 2 military parties not in the government. No benefits of any form for them. However I think MFP will be the tie breaker even if they are excluded. Really a better than nothing deal as long as they keep the junta parties out of the government. PTP as lead government will drive their policies to rewrite the charter to make sure that only elected MPs can vote for a prime minister which is also MFP's policies. Besides policies on decentralization, full transparency on budget, governor election and drug control are similiar for both parties. Still I don't think this is the pathway that the 8 coalition parties are likely to proceed. Mostly likely that the current 8 parties coalition bring in BJT and that will gurantee the votes for PM even if all the senators vote against. MFP has given the lead role to form the government to PTP and with Newin and Thaksin influencing the outcome, most likely scenario of a 8 + 1 coalition.
  18. Talk to the doctor who issue the work permit medical report. There are times that they understand your medical situation and approved the medical report. Blood test on lingering syphilis detection can still show on subsequent tests as positive. The medical doctor can determine whether it is now a false positive. Friend of mine had similar problem and able to talk to the doctor for approval.
  19. Just goggle counties that have no coups since independence or have not experience any more coups for a long period of time like South Korea.
  20. He was banned in 2007 for 5 years. Didn’t stopped him from engineering the takeover of the government by the Dem Party. He said he quit politics to concentrate on business but we all know that he is the defacto leader and founder of BJT. Anutin is just the puppet leader. Newin has been trying to mend the fence with Thaksin since the infamous betrayal.
  21. The clue probably in the news referring to defacto leader of BJT Newin Chidchob joining the coalition and not Anutin who make that statement about MFP need to be out as the condition. The other clue is the number 310 reported as the current coalition including MFP. The original number was 293 (MFP + PTP) plus 20 MPs from the other smaller parties. This total 313 and with the resignation of 2 MFP MPs on drink driving and criminality causes and Sudarat resignation of her party list MP, the coalition is now at 310. Does look like the current coalition including MFP is intact with BJT being the 9th coalition party. Things are still fluid and will stand corrected till the new government is formed.
  22. Don't see much MFP's uproar to indicate that they were stitched up. Talks among the coalition allies are still on-going to discuss their stance ahead of the PM vote on Friday. If MFP decide to break away and become the opposition because of BJT and CT joining the coalition, they will still vote for PTP's candidate. PTP will live up to their pledge not to have military parties in the coalition.
  23. And also the military coup leaders past and present who should be marching in steps to the jail
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