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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Ah, the yellows always get a free pass....history has few exceptions to this. There are a few, but they are far between.

    The yellow shirt leader is in jail for 20 years while the red shirt leaders are walking free. Even with the reality of the situation so vividly clear some still fly against the face of it.

    Here are the exceptions you mention just for January this year.

    12th of January - The Election Commissioner (EC) on Wednesday decided to throw out several complaints made against alleged election misconducts by former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra during the most recent general election in February, 2014.

    13th of January - The Administrative Court on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed by 28 Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom residents against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra in which they demanded compensation for damages from alleged mismanagement of floodwaters by her government in 2011.

    21st of January - Former Pheu Thai MP Karoon Hosakul was granted bail after he was found guilty of defaming former Democrat MP Taenkhun Chit-isara

    22nd of January - The Criminal Court on Thursday acquitted two former ministers and a member of the Pheu Thai party of defamation charges lodged against them by former finance minister Korn Chatikavanich


    27th of January - Jatuporn bailed after receiving a two year jail sentence for defaming a former premier in comments made in 2009.


    The Appeals Court upheld the lower courts 20-year jail sentence on yellow shirt leader Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of the Manager Media Group for falsifying loan documents and fraud.

    Ahh, the reds always get a free pass. January has few exceptions to this.

    When one side commits most of the crimes logic dictates that that side will be arrested and jailed more often. It is the supporters of that side that scream injustice akin to folk in jail in the west that all feel hard done by and felt they lacked "true" justice.

    "When one side commits most of the crimes logic dictates that that side will be arrested and jailed more often. It is the supporters of that side that scream injustice akin to folk in jail in the west that all feel hard done by and felt they lacked "true" justice."

    It's pretty clear that Suthep and his minions committed the majority of the crimes in using violence and intimidation to disrupt the Feb 2014 elections. How many of them have been arrested and jailed?

    It's pretty clear that the majority of crimes around the 2013/2014 protests lay in the nightly gunfire and grenade attacks on anti-government protesters. Begin of April 2014 the BangkokPost mentioned 100 grenades having been lobbed.

    So, back to 2010 with terrorists mingling with peaceful protesters and nightly attacks, grenades lobbed at non-red-shirts, police standing aside,etc., etc. UDD leaders still unwilling to acknowledge any knowledge about 'unknowns', Pheu Thai partylist MP and UDD co-leader Korkaew even voting for his own amnesty as if he needed it.

    Rubi, you are wearing your yellow glasses and passing judgement on who may be lobbing the grenades. And in 2010, there are snipers and they took out a prominent protestor, international journalists and nurse. And even the court said that army bullets killed the Italian journalist. Yes the same court declned to hear cases by relatives of those killed in the temple and dismissed murder charges of Ahbisit and Sutherp.

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  2. Handed to on a silver platter from Yingluck cabinet for the junta to claim credit. Dawei, infrastructure projects and the high speed train and perhaps more. I don't see the naysayers and critics now that were so vocal when all these projects were announced by Yingluck.

    Can't you comprehend the difference between a high speed passenger service and (relatively) high speed freight?

    Do you think Thaksin is still going to get his grubby paws into Dawei, with government assistance and access to cabinet meetings?

    It's your comprehension that is the problem between a high speed passenger train and a high speed passenger and freight train which mades a lot of economic sense. I can't comment on Thaksin as I can't read future and I don't speculate like you do.

    BTW, didn't the constitution court in ruling against the landmark 2 T infrastructure case said that high speed train is not really necessary for Thailand. Would they say this to the PM?

  3. A disproportionate use of force using live rounds and snipers against protestors resulting in a bloodbath 5 years ago gets less attention from the NACC than a very recent rice subsidy case. The NACC seem to work at 2 speed - fast for the reds and no speed for the yellows. With this kind of procrastination and double standard in full view, forget about reconciliation and expect the reds to galvanize their disgust for the establishment and manifest in the next election with or without Thaksin.

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  4. I think some people missed this part of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe statement.

    "Prime Minister Prayut is making his best effort to recover democracy in Thailand," Abe told a joint press conference.

    In other words he knew that their was no Democracy in Thailand prior to Prayut's take over of the Shinawatra dictatorship. It also indicates that he knows Prayut is making an effort to bring Democracy back to Thailand. He knows full well that after the elections Thailand will be run by an elected official not some criminal running from the law and living in a foreign country.thumbsup.gif

    So there's no chance he was pointing out there no democracy here at present since the country is under martial law imposed by a military junta that took power through a coup ?

    Very democratic i don't think but don't get confused, i was no fan of the previous regime either.

    You got it he knows there is no democracy here and that Prayut is working towards one. He also knows there was no Democracy here under Thaksin and that what Prayut is working for is to bring one back to Thailand.

    I thought I made that pretty clear in my post.

    Are you one of those who thought Thailand was a Democracy with Thaksin running it and therefore willing to let the country slide down hill and corruption increase. You will notice that Thailand has improved on the anti corruption scale taken by Amnesty International for 2014.

    John, I really need your help to explain the connection between democracy and corruption. In another words, what has corruption got to do with democracy.

  5. There was already a news report in Channelnewsasia before the Japan trip that the junta may hold election end of this year or early next year. Good to hear that the General PM confirming that piece of news inTokyo in front of the international media. Will be a foreign relationship disaster if he don't keep to his statement. Leader of a country may be easy to usurp by power but running it is a lot harder if you don't have legitimacy and certainly much harder without the people's mandate.

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  6. What we do (seemingly) know:

    • The rice pledging scheme was misguided and poorly managed
    • There was corruption associated with the scheme that led to significant financial losses
    What we do NOT know:
    • Whether YL was aware of the corruptions and did nothing to prevent/stop it
    • Whether she personally befitted from the corruption
    A lot of people here seem to be missing this distinction and assuming she is guilty of the latter two points without clear evidence.

    Also note that almost every national government in western nations sees corruption scandals--bureaucracies are complex and there are huge sums of money at stake--but the national leader is generally not held responsible unless it can be shown that he/she had knowledge or involvement. It should be no different in YL's case.

    The clear evidence comes at the trial. Wait for it.

    "....the national leader is generally not held responsible unless it can be shown that he/she had knowledge or involvement."

    The policy was tried, tested and found corrupt in its first inception. Then it was re-installed without any improvements to reduce corruption or to increase its performance in directing funds to the claimed recipients. If you know something is crap and say "Let's do it again!" how can you claim lack of knowledge or involvement.

    BTW allowing Thaksin access to cabinet meetings is corruption. Allowing Thaksin to systematically bribe MPs is treason.

    Just wondering Khun Holloween, if what is said about Thaksin at cabinet meetings and bribing MPs are corruption and treason, why didn't any of the corruption agencies, Dem or the 40 senators plus a cast of thousands who hate Thaksin pick it up. That will put him away for a long long time. Or as usual just your usual frothing at the mouth hyperboling.

  7. Someone needs to remind YLs lawyer that this country is still in martial law and that gives them the right to allow or prevent anyone from doing anything and everything. Including preventing her from going to Hong Kong or China or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe this is another lawyer who needs to have a little "attitude readjustment" session with the Junta. Hehee

    Thank you for reminding that a coup have taken place and democracy been crushed and all freedom, rights and liberties have been taken away.

    Lets not forgot most of the freedom, rights and liberties were taken away during the rule of "I'm G.W. Bush best friend" Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra. Also all the internet censorship was established in his time.

    Obviously you can back all your innuedos with data or your post is just for laugh.

  8. Someone needs to remind YLs lawyer that this country is still in martial law and that gives them the right to allow or prevent anyone from doing anything and everything. Including preventing her from going to Hong Kong or China or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe this is another lawyer who needs to have a little "attitude readjustment" session with the Junta. Hehee

    Thank you for reminding that a coup have taken place and democracy been crushed and all freedom, rights and liberties have been taken away.

  9. Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

    Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

    Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

    Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

    Has Thaksin and his red shirts always demonstrated clarity of thought and logic in their actions and statements?

    Do they have a track record of getting people saying different things, lying, seeking sympathy outside of Thailand, and orchestrating bombs, attacks, intimidation?

    It was be in Thaksin's great interest to destabilize the country as much as possible, including weakening the economy, causing unrest, all whilst pretending to cooperate.

    He isn't interested in any kind of reconciliation. He wants total control. Reforms will be designed to prevent or at least make that harder for him. He can't wait for the statute of limitations to expire on all his outstanding court cases and needs that conviction and jail sentence squashing.

    He will have a plan and it will comprise of lots of different elements as always,

    An early election, even if PT win, and have an overall majority, which isn't guaranteed won't give him the amnesty he craves judging by public reaction last time. So he'll want much more turmoil and unrest, failing economy, tourist numbers way down - then he can orchestrate his return and the savior, the man who paid off the IMF "with his own money:.

    So Thaksin never demonstrated clarity in thoughts and logic but he has a plan. Ok. Got it.

  10. Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

    Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

    Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

    Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

    • Like 1
  11. So what we got here. An arrest warrant with no names. Police got the nickname but can't link to actual names!!! Surveillance picked up 2 men walking around but no footage to show they planted the bombs. Taxi man picked up 2 good looking guys and the police concluded it is linked to the bombing. In short, they have zilch evidence and yet they can linked these non evidence to a political party and political motives. Perhaps Jatuporn was right after all.

  12. A fight is certainly on the way and it's not only Jatuporn. The rubber farmers, taxi drivers, truckers, energy activists are waiting in line for a showdown with the government. Just when you thought peace have been restored and reconcilation on the way, we are all back in square one. It seem a repeat of the '06 coup and wasted years before democracy is restored.

    As I have oft asked Eric: How can you 'restore democracy' when there was none here in the first place? If you are one of those who believe that democracy starts and finishes at the ballot box, then I am afraid you need to learn about the world and it's puppet masters.

    It's weird when you try to teach me about democracy when you one of those who believe in coup will help restore democracy. You really have to learn from the world that military takeover of a civilian government is unconstitutional and democracy denied. And here is a little something about all political parties; all have puppet masters.

  13. Who's better to clarify the impeachment by an appointed corruption agency and NLA than Khun Ruangkrai. He himself was a former appointed senator and a close friend of the Dem Party. He knows how these establishment work especially with retro active laws and interpreting laws to suit their agenda.


    BTW, on 2012-07-10 we had

    "Former senator Ruangkrai Leekitwattana yesterday requested the Constitution Court dissolve six political parties and probe the work of two independent organisations related to the constitution amendment case.

    The parties are Pheu Thai, the Democrats, Chart Thai Pattana, Bhum Jai Thai, Chart Pattana and Phalang Chon - and the two agencies are the Ombudsman and the Election Commission, because of their involvement in the charter amendment case."


    Yes, who's better. He has been fair and balance in his past criticism and went after Thaksin in many instances. This man saw something legally wrong in the impeachment case and he has the credibility plus knowledge to explain to the US government. I must say he has the guts too.

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