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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Thailand will be fine, there is no problems - only Farang worry too mutt

    Like your comment. Thailand have reasons not to worry too much. Strong reserves, full employment, strategically located around emerging economies, relatively young population, large domestic market etc. These reasons enough for many countries to die for. What is missing though is political stability and countless coup. Look no further than Philippines and Indonesia which have been in the past notorious for coups but now enjoyed prosperity and development when given the chance for democracy to continue and allow people to mandate. If this coup is a good coup as everyone tends to think, then I hope it will do all the necessary reforms and let this be the last coup. Then we will have the political stability that we craved for.

  2. Expect the NACC to throw out the case as DSI did went after the rice corruption. In fact a special investigative unit was set up and DSI personnel went to the provinces for investigation. The Dem is getting very desperate.

    Yes, and after checking all the government warehouses in only 10 days, they found nothing out of the ordinary. The 'special investigative unit' was a sham to cover the government's corruption until the 3.2 trillion Baht, off-the-books-with-no-Parliamentary-oversight Infrastructure Scheme loan could cover all the losses. Recent history has proved this 'unit' was a sham as was their 'investigation' as was Yingluck's 'war on corruption'. Now you want to continue with the PTP lies when they have been proven to be lies? Either you are monumentally gullible, incredibly ignorant of current events, or a Thaksin Troll. I've already formed my judgment of you and I bet you can guess which one I think you are. Don't bother to reply as I have just read your last lie on this forum.

    The subject is about the Dem MP seeking the hands of NACC to indict Tarit for not doing anything and I posted extracts to show he did, period. The rest of your opinion about DSI which is obviously for self indulgence is off the topic. You have an opinion of me and I do for you. Ya, don't other to reply too.

  3. Expect the NACC to throw out the case as DSI did went after the rice corruption. In fact a special investigative unit was set up and DSI personnel went to the provinces for investigation. The Dem is getting very desperate.

    If DSI and Tarit did investigate the Rice Scam then it must have been him that told Yingluck that everything was OK and no missing rice or money. An incompetent investigation by an even more incompetent person. And so he should also be charge with negligence as well..
    You speculate too much. DSI found local irregularities way before the coup. Don't just relay on postings of TVF members which tends to hyperbole and made prejudgment of everything connected with the Shin. See below link in 2012.


    Mr Eric Loh, when 'hyperbole' would be an Olympic sport, you would be gold medallist! Maybe quite some 'speculate' a lot here, many of them sympathising with the Shins and/or UDD, but for sure you are a champion (too) in denial, in twist and turn, in partial quote, etc. Did you study Law? Abroad or in Singapore? Do you work for a Shins owned company? (I'm just trying to find some reason for your 'ill faith')

    ill faith legal jargon fraudulent deception. What I presented is facts not deception. If I get a gold medal for championing facts and not distorted hyperbole, I am delighted.

  4. Expect the NACC to throw out the case as DSI did went after the rice corruption. In fact a special investigative unit was set up and DSI personnel went to the provinces for investigation. The Dem is getting very desperate.

    If DSI and Tarit did investigate the Rice Scam then it must have been him that told Yingluck that everything was OK and no missing rice or money. An incompetent investigation by an even more incompetent person. And so he should also be charge with negligence as well..

    You speculate too much. DSI found local irregularities way before the coup. Don't just relay on postings of TVF members which tends to hyperbole and made prejudgment of everything connected with the Shin. See below link in 2012.


  5. And that is just the tip of the iceberg, Wait till you find out out what her brother and the BOT did to the baht, and you might not be surprised that China will be in the mix on that too. I been doing some digging and can't find a good reason for the value of the baht rate what do they export to bring in investments to increase baht's value? surely it isn't rice, rubber, or gold. Oh wait it is the pirated DVD's and other goods? Nah they get that from China. Think about it It might be wise to shy away from holding baht maybe home currency stashed in a safe might be prudent in light of up coming events. You wouldn't want to be caught with your pants down.

    Please do tell how to manipulate the currency. Many free floating currency countries like Japan will benefit from your wisdom.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    BANGKOK: -- Only 10 per cent of rice stockpiles has spoiled and only some sacks were missing, while 80 per cent was in still good condition, the rice inspection committee reported to the Rice Policy Committee meeting yesterday.

    I imagine that this is related to yesterdays article, in which the author speculated that prosecuting Yingluck for fraud may cause unrest among her fans. So, we get "only some rice is missing", It is completely in line with the actions of every government Thailand has ever had, don't step on the toes of the rich.

    You never know maybe, just maybe, what the rice inspection committee reported was the truth and there was not wholesale pilfering by Yingluck as reported widely by members on this forum, and that maybe, just maybe, any "corruption" there was, was committed at a local level, not some great conspiracy of theft cooked up by the Shinawatra family.

    I agree with you fab4. While the rice pledging scheme was no doubt a populist idea to win support of the farmers, and was probably just as poorly conceived as the school tablet program, that is a far cry from being a scheme to defraud. So far the reports do not indicate there was a massive conspiracy to commit fraud on part of Yingluck and her government. The percentage of spoilage is just that and while unfortunate there naturally would be losses stemming from such occurrence. I tend to agree with you that most of the loss probably stems from corruption at the local level. Surely if Yingluck was the recipient of funds from this scheme on such a massive scale as some on TV suspect then she did a good job of hiding the money. To date there is no evidence that she conspired to defraud in anyway. At most they have seemed to be trying to get her for negligence. That is far different from the conspiracy theories postulated by many here on TV.

    Even the loss estimated to be at 500B Baht may dropped considerably when the junta released the stock for sale. Soft commodity especially rice is enjoying a mini boom with rice the strongest performer gaining 5.9% in response to tightening of world supplies ahead of next harvest.

  7. Not at all suprised. The establishment has been trying to eliminate any challenges since 2006 to pave an easy way for the Dem Party to form the government. In less than 10 years, the TRT and their successive parties and politicians have been dissolved and banned. Meanwhile, all charges and indictments relating to the Dem Party have been thrown out of court or quietly delayed even though they have been charged for election fraud and illegal donations. Que sera sera.

    The problem with your conspiracy theory is that reality disagrees with it, for example:

    The Election Commission voted Tuesday to disqualify MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra as the winner of the Bangkok governor election a year ago.

    What has this case got to do with party dissolution and banning of politicians? This peripheral case will not rock the government or party stability and not what the establishment are after.

  8. Not at all suprised. The establishment has been trying to eliminate any challenges since 2006 to pave an easy way for the Dem Party to form the government. In less than 10 years, the TRT and their successive parties and politicians have been dissolved and banned. Meanwhile, all charges and indictments relating to the Dem Party have been thrown out of court or quietly delayed even though they have been charged for election fraud and illegal donations. Que sera sera.

    • Like 1
  9. I saw pics of another warehouse where there was a facade.  So I've seen at least 2.  And of course that one warehouse where there were 100,000 bags missing.  That's a bunch.
    The big problem for Yingluck and her cronies will be the fake G to G deals.  If they find evidence of that, they'll all be in big trouble.  Fraud, pure and simple.
    Another great article from a year ago.  I love this comment:

    Pressed to name a single independent economist who thought Thailands rice plan would work, Dawe paused for a moment to think, then answered, Not that I know of. One of the more optimistic forecasts, from Sam Mohanty at the International Rice Research Institute (yes, it exists), predicted that Thailand could at best drive up prices for one growing season. Still, he advised against it. Could the policy-makers have been so fixated on votes that they missed the near unanimous warnings coming from market experts?

    I think we all know the answer to the last question.

    I think you are referring to the G to G China deal. Thats the only one that I can think off. If you are, it's not fake. 10% of the million was delivered before the PDRC immobilized the ministry operation. The junta is now trying to negotiate with China for the rest 900, 000 tons to be deliver. Do try to catch up with the latest news.

    I don't see any reference to support this.  I can only find articles like this, saying it was cancelled and delivery was delayed:.

    Look at Bangkok Post today edition under "Commerce, exporters join in rice sales", scrowl down to last para. I can't provide link as it is against TVF rule. But I qoute below:-
    "A Thai delegation will visit Beijing Wednesday and Thursday to follow up on import under a 1 million ton contract. Only 10% exported and Thailand wants to fulfill the other 900,000 tons".
    • Like 1
  10. I saw pics of another warehouse where there was a facade.  So I've seen at least 2.  And of course that one warehouse where there were 100,000 bags missing.  That's a bunch.
    The big problem for Yingluck and her cronies will be the fake G to G deals.  If they find evidence of that, they'll all be in big trouble.  Fraud, pure and simple.
    Another great article from a year ago.  I love this comment:

    Pressed to name a single independent economist who thought Thailands rice plan would work, Dawe paused for a moment to think, then answered, Not that I know of. One of the more optimistic forecasts, from Sam Mohanty at the International Rice Research Institute (yes, it exists), predicted that Thailand could at best drive up prices for one growing season. Still, he advised against it. Could the policy-makers have been so fixated on votes that they missed the near unanimous warnings coming from market experts?

    I think we all know the answer to the last question. 

    I think you are referring to the G to G China deal. Thats the only one that I can think off. If you are, it's not fake. 10% of the million was delivered before the PDRC immobilized the ministry operation. The junta is now trying to negotiate with China for the rest 900, 000 tons to be deliver. Do try to catch up with the latest news.
  11. Better to see the party list in the correct perspective. The party list system was a creation of tne1997 constitution which was triggered by the Black May violence. Chuan government relented under pressure to initiate a committee which culminated in the people 1997 Constitution.

    Taksin ran with this new system and won handsomely. Some here seem to think the Taksin created the party list system to gain benefits.

    The reasoning behind the party list besides attracting capable politicians was to avoid additional time and cost to hold another election when MPs are appointed as ministers. By law, ministers must relinquish their MP status when they become ministers. Simply a reason of pragmatism.

    Whether it attract criminal elements is not the fault of the system. There are sufficient laws to prevent politicians that are convicted and have them removed.

    The best system for check and balance is still the electorate during election time.

  12. In the big scheme of things, it does not look to me like there was the massive corruption that posters here on TV have been harping about for years.  There is corruption every contract the government lets, there is corruption and payoffs in the police and army.  That's the way Thai people live.  What's the big deal here?  Just one more example of the unstoppable corruption.

    Like you, still waiting for the big corruption charges which is favourite subject here. Nothing in article to indicate. Also the big favourite here is about the 500B Baht loss. Then I see there is still 18M tons in stock awaiting clearance by the Junta to sell. That will equates to about 300B baht if you use the average weighted global white rice price. Will see after audit is done if indeed it was such a big deal that cost a government.
  13. Get Thawil to head to Bentong immediately. Since he resumed his position as head NSC and caused a PM to be dismissed, he has not been heard or seen to be making any efforts and policies. At least the previous NSC Head Paradorn initiated the dialogue with some of the key insurgent groups. Thawil has to work harder and visit the south more.

  14. And what good will impeaching her do? Another stupid move and waste of time by the Democrats.

    I do love the way you post without thinking, you need to remove the "mango" part of your name and just stick with the latter part, much more accurate for your posting history . . . "bob".

    What good will impeachment do? Simple . . . it lets people know that crime and corruption is not acceptable in Thai society and it forces her to accept the responsibility (and hopefully consequences) for the mess this rice scam, amnesty bill, etc etc created.

    I know, I know, it's all biased and politically motivated (in your eyes) . . . but to everyone else, it was blatant, arrogant, way over the top, "<deleted> you" thievery and corruption on all counts hidden under the guise of "democracy" (a word which needs to be explained in great depth to those that attempt to use it to excuse their misdeeds).

    I agree with Mango Bob and think his comments are ripe and sweet. I hope the NCPO will continue with this omission in the provisional constitution. To me impeaching anyone in the Yingluck administration for trying to amend the constitution by parties who ignored, violated and then discarded that very constitution is the epitome of hypocrisy.

    Could be deliberate as a way for Prayuth to right some wrong by the Constitution Court. Surely he see that the separation of power has been blurred by the court. We can see all that very clearly.

  15. There also needs to be a reworking of the party list MP system in Thailand. No ministerial positions should be given to party list members, yet Charlerm who had not won an election in years keeps popping up as a minister in government with no accountability to anyone but the party leader.

    Quite agree. There are definitely some honest politicians, probably around the same percentage as the population at large. However they have to kow-tow to the elite financier at the head of most parties here.
    PTP, BJP, CTP etc are all run by dictatorial & corrupt power-crazy a-holes who are running their parties as a business - to make money.
    If the new charter can mandate against that and allow the founding of real political parties with a genuine ideology and an internal democratic format - it might well attract more Thais with a less-corrupt (totally honest is asking too much) style of working for the country's benefit.
    One can only be hopeful.

    The kow towing also extend to the Dem Party where the Thaugsuban family finance 1/3 of the party. Manifested in the business aspect related to the palm oil scandal and the Phuket land scam beside others corruption cases.
  16. There also needs to be a reworking of the party list MP system in Thailand. No ministerial positions should be given to party list members, yet Charlerm who had not won an election in years keeps popping up as a minister in government with no accountability to anyone but the party leader.

    Don't conveniently forget that Ahbisit was a party list MP and he was a party leader with no accountability to anyone but himself. He was also instrumental in increasing the portion of party list which he think will benefit his party in an election.
  17. Totally agree with the provision. Now all is left to do is made sure that the judiciary and the corruption agencies who will be meting out the sentences be non partisan, fair and just. That will mean a totally overhaul of the judiciary and corruption agencies and ban those who are corrupted. With such strict provision, why the need for appointed senators. All should be elected as the provision will ferret out those who are corrupted and cheaters.
  18. May I be the first to congratulate yingluck on this ruling. Well done.

I will not throw sh#t at the courts, burn effigies of the judges or burn coffins out the front of the court house. I will not intimidate the judges or give their addresses out. I am not a fanatical monkey. I am educated and understand that in a democracy the rule of law must be respected. I don't agree with the ruling and in fact strenuously disagree with it, but democracy must prevail. Respect must be given to the courts and judges. Maybe they had more evidence that we got from the Thai media. Maybe they mulled through the 100's of pages of statements and facts that we are not privy too. Maybe just maybe they made the decision based on these facts and not an agenda.

I for one cannot help but think the courts are non partisan after all the ruling that have gone in favor of the red shirts and the PTP of late and in fact in the past as well, but that is just silly to suggest that so I won't as not to embarrass myself. It is scape goating and an easy out for defenders of criminals to use as a last ditch effort to defend the criminal elements in society.

One must remember not to applaud the courts when decisions go for you and denounce them when they go against you. Again I do not agree with the decision, but I applaud the courts for making it based on all the facts and evidence presented. I am glad that I was wrong in this case and that she is not guilty.

    If this attitude was adopted by all sides it would go along way to making Thailand a more peaceful democratic country.

    Very original post!



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