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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Quote

    accurately understand democracy


    This is troubling coming from a man who ceased power.

    You are probably new to Thailand. It was necessary to seize power in order to start Thailand on the road of democracy. It had been a Government of one family for 11 of the last 14 years. Even the three years it was out it carried enough power to affectively block the in government from making many changes. It also created an army of terrorists and launched them on to Thailand. They also set up a school to teach democracy and when you passed it you could join the terrorists practicing it's brand of Democracy.

    Maybe before you post you should look up the facts. Not only what Thailand has had in the past but what the man is trying to do for Thailand.

    If you were one of those who have lost a lot of money as a result of the cutting back on corruption and their are many who are. Also they are vocal about the fact that there is a non elected government in power supported by the majority of the people fighting corruption rather than encouraging it. I offer you my condolences.

    I am not making a personal accusation it is just a general one. I have no idea if you fall into that category or not.

    I am sure I heard this before. Now I remember. Heard the same speech from Sutherp on his PDRC stage.

    • Like 1
  2. Why shouldn't the economists be confident when all the economic policies were known and from the previous government. Even the better than previous year FDI was all done during the previous government and the government just need to stamp for approval. The only few bright spots that you credit the present government is that they approved the 2015 budget ( routine) and paid the farmers (obligation). Then there are still the downers like struggling tourist and poor agriculture prices. That they have to deal with before they deserve some accolade. Ok, I give them accolades for cleaning up the beaches and straighten up the motor taxi mafias.

  3. NLA grant itself........ So true as the saying goes "absolute power corrupts".

    Well, this does mean that if one of the NLA members, or even the PM and his cabinet misbehaves the NLA will have the power to impeach.

    Of course, if you think that's a bad idea ... ...

    Don't think it's a bad idea but just an idea not worth thinking. Even before the ink has dried and within the same day, the NACC is cashing in on their compatriot absolute power by announcing move to impeach Yingluck and her ministers. Right on cue and all moving in tandem with the grand plan.

    • Like 1
  4. Your right of course the Dems should be disbanded for whistleblowing on the rice scheme, heck their revelations could even end up getting Yingluck jailed.

    They should have shut up and let the corruption continue.

    The pack of lies is being used against him, but you wont be able to see that and of course it is designed to cause the festering resentment you allude to.

    Thaksin desperately needs resentment and hate and he needs it now, cant wait till an election campaign, for to come out with these things at that time could lead to problems as per the recent BKK governor case.

    Abhisit has been told to shut up just like the other side ?

    I didn't know that Thaksin had ordered the Dems to shut up as well as PTP and the reds, perhaps you could provide a link as I have already posted Thaksins orders to the "Other side"

    Do you realize it is the "other side" as you call them that has brought this action ? It is the "Other side who has not shut up as ordered by their big boss.

    If it is Thaksin who "needs resentment and hate" why did the Dems base their entire 2011 election campaign around it? Who could ever forget the endearing moment when dear Phra Suthep wept on the campaign stage.

    The hate was used against the Dems in the election of 2011 as per Abhisit and Suthep are murderers.

    It was that hate and the 'now failed' policies that won PTP the election.

    Yes Thaksin needs resentment and hate as he now has little else to offer as his policies have now been proved flawed to the stage of complete failure so all he can rely on now is hate filled publicity, this action is part of that.

    You are bit wet behind your ears understanding election campaigning. Both sides have their share of venom and is normal as in every elections here and abroad. The Dem campaigned that a Pheu Thai victory would result in 'mob rule' in which social division and violence would spread. Ahbisit referred to Taksin as a poison that had to be detoxified and repeatedly accused Taksin and PT of disloyalty and disrespectful. That's a lot of hate filled campaigning, both sides.

    And Abhisit was right wasn't he ?

    Absolutely. Only that the mob rule and violence was instigated by his own party proxy PDRC and his mentor Sutherp.

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  5. Your right of course the Dems should be disbanded for whistleblowing on the rice scheme, heck their revelations could even end up getting Yingluck jailed.

    They should have shut up and let the corruption continue.

    The pack of lies is being used against him, but you wont be able to see that and of course it is designed to cause the festering resentment you allude to.

    Thaksin desperately needs resentment and hate and he needs it now, cant wait till an election campaign, for to come out with these things at that time could lead to problems as per the recent BKK governor case.

    Abhisit has been told to shut up just like the other side ?

    I didn't know that Thaksin had ordered the Dems to shut up as well as PTP and the reds, perhaps you could provide a link as I have already posted Thaksins orders to the "Other side"

    Do you realize it is the "other side" as you call them that has brought this action ? It is the "Other side who has not shut up as ordered by their big boss.

    If it is Thaksin who "needs resentment and hate" why did the Dems base their entire 2011 election campaign around it? Who could ever forget the endearing moment when dear Phra Suthep wept on the campaign stage.

    The hate was used against the Dems in the election of 2011 as per Abhisit and Suthep are murderers.

    It was that hate and the 'now failed' policies that won PTP the election.

    Yes Thaksin needs resentment and hate as he now has little else to offer as his policies have now been proved flawed to the stage of complete failure so all he can rely on now is hate filled publicity, this action is part of that.

    You are bit wet behind your ears understanding election campaigning. Both sides have their share of venom and is normal as in every elections here and abroad. The Dem campaigned that a Pheu Thai victory would result in 'mob rule' in which social division and violence would spread. Ahbisit referred to Taksin as a poison that had to be detoxified and repeatedly accused Taksin and PT of disloyalty and disrespectful. That's a lot of hate filled campaigning, both sides.

  6. come on guys, dont come in here and tell the truth. We all know that the ptp/red apologists will never accept it as they know that their people thrive on lies and innuendo to survive and keep getting elected. If they had to tell the truth they would all be in jail. Eric wouldnt know the truth if it bit him on the ar*e, like all the ptp people he is totally brain washed to the red way of thinking, "we are right and everything we do and say is what happened". The fact that this is all bullsh*t doesnt come into it, instead of arguing with these cretins we should all just feel sorry for them, it must be hard going through life living in a fantasy world run by their god & hero thaksin, poor buggers, almost makes me want to cry for themwhistling.gif

    Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn coffee1.gif naivety at it's finest well done seajae

    Leave Seajae alone talking to himself and admiring himself in front of the mirror.

  7. What proof when double standard was involved. The best proof was the loud and overwhelming election result in 2007 when a reincarnation of the TRT party won. Voters are not naive and they can see judiciary interference in politics while you don't.

    If there was no proof, then no double standards were involved. Why is that so hard to understand?

    Probably the same logic when linking the MIB to UDD or linking Yingluck with rice corruption when there are no proof. That my friend is not hard to understand.

  8. Ah, thanks. Note though that while PTT "raises its head", and both articles are about accusations against them, Abhisit is riding high on (Bangkok based) poll results and pontificating about politics in general. Hmmmm - biased somewhat?

    Well, Abhisit and the Democrat party are the same thing. He is their leader, and there iss ample evidence of him blowing whistles and hugging Suthep to make any reasonable person believe that he is leading his party in support of the PDRC. To try to claim otherwise is sheer desperation, and nonsense.

    They should dissolve the Dems, just like they disbanded Thaksin's lot. If they want real reconciliation, that is.

    So you didn't actually answer the question. How is having a poll giving Abhisit a forum?

    Abhisit and the party are not the same thing. And Abhisit is not the spokesperson being quoted denying party level support.ld

    They disbanded "Thaksin's lot" for electoral fraud ... ie being caught red handed, handing over a brief case of money.

    Do you have a valid reason to disband the Democrats ... you know, like evidence of breaking a law?

    Maybe you think they should give amnesty to everyone for reconciliation. That seems to work a treat.

    Didn't the Dem Party was charged for the same electoral fraud in 2006 like the TRT? Difference was that the dissolution of the Dem Party was denied while the TRT was convicted. What's so good about evidence when the court failed to apply the same standard in all Dem dissolution cases and will be no different this same.

    Could that possibly be because TRT were guilty and the Dems were not ?

    Please provide proof that the court failed to apply the same standards to both cases.

    What proof when double standard was involved. The best proof was the loud and overwhelming election result in 2007 when a reincarnation of the TRT party won. Voters are not naive and they can see judiciary interference in politics while you don't.

    • Like 2
  9. Ah, thanks. Note though that while PTT "raises its head", and both articles are about accusations against them, Abhisit is riding high on (Bangkok based) poll results and pontificating about politics in general. Hmmmm - biased somewhat?

    Well, Abhisit and the Democrat party are the same thing. He is their leader, and there iss ample evidence of him blowing whistles and hugging Suthep to make any reasonable person believe that he is leading his party in support of the PDRC. To try to claim otherwise is sheer desperation, and nonsense.

    They should dissolve the Dems, just like they disbanded Thaksin's lot. If they want real reconciliation, that is.

    So you didn't actually answer the question. How is having a poll giving Abhisit a forum?

    Abhisit and the party are not the same thing. And Abhisit is not the spokesperson being quoted denying party level support.ld

    They disbanded "Thaksin's lot" for electoral fraud ... ie being caught red handed, handing over a brief case of money.

    Do you have a valid reason to disband the Democrats ... you know, like evidence of breaking a law?

    Maybe you think they should give amnesty to everyone for reconciliation. That seems to work a treat.

    Didn't the Dem Party was charged for the same electoral fraud in 2006 like the TRT? Difference was that the dissolution of the Dem Party was denied while the TRT was convicted. What's so good about evidence when the court failed to apply the same standard in all Dem dissolution cases and will be no different this same.

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  10. What matters most is people perception as it influence their vote. Perception to most are that the Dem Party is in cahoot with the PDRC. Doesn't matter how much they deny.

    That's right Eric just another lie like the murder lie.

    Anything to blacken the name of your opposition when you have nothing positive to offer, and of course to cover up your own misdeeds.

    This whole thing looks very much like another Amsterdam dirty tricks ploy, doesn't matter if they are guilty or not as long as they get enough publicity to generate some more hate.

    Well here is another negative that you may chose to ignore. The Constitutional Court has always failed to apply the same standards in their adjudication of cases involving the dissolution of the Dem Party. The reasons for the acquittals in '06 & '10 werelaughable at say the least like poor timing of submission. This case will no doubt goes the same way for another ridiculous reason.

  11. The north will not elect him for what he has done in 2010. The south is split because he has brought no prosperity during his term. Only some Bangkokians will elect him as they are hard core Dem followers or pro establishment. Those in the middle who see him negatively for boycotting the election thrice and will probably decide later. Either the Dem change their leader or they stand a snow ball in hell to be the next government, period.

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  12. You mean to say that the 7 months shutdown and the coup were really not necessary to ensure that the Dem Party win in an election? Someone overshot the target.

    In a democracy anyone winning a seat in parliament in an election wins.

    Anyway, rumour has it that the coup was staged since even having the political parties and protest groups around the table with Gen. Prayuth looking over their shoulder, they could only agree on the 'fact' that the others were to be blamed.

    Yes it's amazing that after 7 months of dispute and an abandoned election, 4 or 5 hours of talks "brokered" by the army wasn't long enough for them to solve all the problems. whistling.gif What's it like in your fantasy world?

    In the first place, Gen Prayuth should not and should never be the broker for talks. Like Al Capone holding a base ball bat and circling the participants. The conclusion was never in doubt and the short 4-5 hours evident that what followed the breakdown of the talk was crafted. The previous government has gone beyond its limit by dissolving Parliment. Rest was staged as Rubi rumored.

  13. During the first nine months this year, a total of 313 foreign firms with combined investment of some Bt58 billion were allowed to set up businesses in the kingdom, up 11 per cent in terms of numbers and Bt44 billion in investment compared to the corresponding period of 2013. (MCOT online news)

    Nooooo. Must be propaganda. Nobody supports the junta and their dictator. rolleyes.gif

    Before we all break out into harmony and sing kumbaya for the junta, these investment were applied way back before the coup and awaiting approval. It stalled during the the PDRC time and only now approved for investments.

  14. Another UDD fairy tale - a complete work of fiction.

    So they need a petition to ask for a fair probe from a Army controlled Police force that for the first time in years is actually catching criminals and not being told to look the other way by TS & PTP

    Quite right, certainly a work of fiction and imagination by you. Even Somyos deny the police is linking the MIB to UDD and the death of Romklao.

    The evidence (and confessions) points to them carrying out an attack against the soldiers on that night, that there's no evidence linking them directly to the death of Romklao doesn't invalidate that. Here's what Somyos said regarding that point:

    All the suspects were involved in a firearm and grenade attack against troops dispatched to a protest rally in a small alley near the Democracy Monument on the night of April 10, 2010, Pol General Somyot Pumpunmuang, deputy National Police chief, said yesterday.


    Somyot said that under questioning, the suspects confessed that they participated in the attack. Investigators would next attempt to link the suspects to their accomplices and mastermind.

    If you actually believe these people were not connected to the UDD I have a bridge to sell you.

    Try catching up with the latest news like today. Your news like the bridge are well past it's validity.

  15. Another UDD fairy tale - a complete work of fiction.

    So they need a petition to ask for a fair probe from a Army controlled Police force that for the first time in years is actually catching criminals and not being told to look the other way by TS & PTP

    Quite right, certainly a work of fiction and imagination by you. Even Somyos deny the police is linking the MIB to UDD and the death of Romklao.

  16. What all the excitement. News just stating the obvious. All government borrow and spread it over few years to pay. No difference from anyone who borrow from the bank to buy their car and pay over 7-10 years period. The infrastructure project likewise will be from bank borrowing and pay over a period of time. Normal practice of any government large spending. As long as the debt to GDP ratio is kept at reasonable level, it has no effect on financial discipline.

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