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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. So you have no evidence but just shooting off your mouth. Get a hobby.
  2. You said politicians. Who else besides Thanthorn. We all know that case very well of a popular pro-democracy upstart party that ruffled the feathers of the elites/military and have to be silenced.
  3. Are you insinuating that MFP's fundings are from this richest family. Do you know how political parties are funded according the law? It is ok not to know.
  4. Old, fascist and criminal. False equivalence. Nothing wrong with having an old President. There are older Presidents in the world than Biden if he takes office next year. But fascists are pure evil and criminals should be behind bars not even a slight consideration for any office.
  5. MFP has include a zero-based budgeting approach in their policies. The traditional budgeting approach uses the previous year's budget as a base. The MFP zero-based budgeting approach startes from zero base and requires every government agency to justify all its expenses for the next fiscal year and prioritise their most urgent. Got to like the progressive approach shaking up the old ways which has little accountability and responsibility.
  6. Excellent news for the country. Parliament can now convene and the first order of the day is to elect the House speakers and the deputies within 15 days. Followed by another meeting to select the prime minister. The elected Prime Minister will form the cabinet and be royally endorsed. We should have a civilian government in early August. ????
  7. Thanks for the breaking news. The pressure by the people has paid off. This is a significant first step towards a civilian government after a decade of military junta faux democratic rule. With this batch of certified MPs, the pro democratic coalition parties will form the Parliament majority. All the rumour of PTP snitching out of the coalition and join the junta are baseless.
  8. I am not interested to make a comment if he is PTT NGO. Because he is the Foreign Minister and his action have bearings on the image of Thailand and foreign relationship with other countries. ASEAN leaders have boycotted the talks and as one of the founding member of ASEAN, he should take the que and respect the group's policy that they will not engaged in any meetings with Mynmar until they see significant changes as regards to their oppression of the civilian and human rights abuses. The internal affairs of Mynmar is not Thai military junta business because both are similar in suppressing people's will and freedom of choice. .
  9. Why give Mynmar a platform when their military government has make zero efforts to stop the violence and atrocities against their own people. Human right violations and repression are worsening 2 years since the coup. Giving them a stage is a succint endorsement of their actions. The caretaker government will have to take full responsibilty for the message they are sending to the world.
  10. He probably was referring to the building of a rail line in Sub-Saharan Africa with the goal of reaching the Indian Ocean. This was referenced to an official White House transcript from May 2023. You can fault him for poor construction of words but it ain't criminal.
  11. Amendments only need 3 readings and the pro democracy government with the majority will pass the amendments. Key anti democratic Amendments have been focus of the opposition in Parliament for last 2 years. Amendments don’t need public discussion. What else do you want me to educate you. By the way, MFP can’t write its own constitution. That’s a silly assumption. You are trolling or baiting or both.
  12. Contrary to your lack of knowledge of the subject, it is a relatively quick process to amend the constitution. The Referendum Bill passed in 2021 only require 50,000 signatures from the public to initiate the amendment process. What is a MFD centric constitution? You seem to be making some aimless assumption.
  13. True the 2007 referendum allow the coup government to rewrite the constitution. A free election as a carrot in the same year was dangled to get voters to turn out. Still a low turnout of 60%. When the elected Yingluck government came into power and try to amend the constitution, it was denied by the court. The junta aimed to hold on power and a political expedient court. Political power should not be held by those who have guns. Even that is not ever lasting in Thailand.
  14. MFP in their policies include making changes to create a new people centric constitution. They intend to rewrite or amend the constitution and the laws as regards to their roles and appointment of the Election Commissioners. That’s a positive step for democracy.
  15. You think having the junta appointed corrupt EC doing the investigation is a good regulation?
  16. You don’t get what I am trying to explain. EC roles should be for regulating elections, reviewing the constituency boundaries, carrying out voters registration and vetting the MP candidates. They should not be responsible for endorsing and certifying MPs. Any election disputes and complaint motion should be filed with the courts by legal counsels and adjudicated by the courts. This was the old procedure when the Interior Minister was responsible for election. The post coup junta created the additional layer of power for the EC for obvious reasons. Stripping of this power or reverting the management of election to the Interior Ministry can be a big step to achieve integrity to the election process.
  17. NACC has been mired with controversies to sidestep military corruption. Corruption has worsened which makes a mockery of coup against Taksin’s corruptions. Some of the corruptions like Prawit’s wealth was exposed in Facebook. Members of the junta have arranged for their relatives to receive high-paying government jobs, and the controversial project to build giant statues in a western province has apparently involved massive kickbacks to military officers. All this shows that the military government is doing more to entrench corruption than to fight it and the NACC can be considered as an enabler.
  18. Electoral endorsement shouldn’t take 60 days which is not usual for most democratic countries. Without the endorsement Parliament can’t convene. This overreach power of the EC is another monstrous creation of the military to interfere in the democratic process. Before the EC, it was the Interior Ministry that certified election but the post 2006 coup junta rewrite the constitution and created the EC in 2007. Since then, EC has been controversial as the EC members were appointed by the military junta. EC should be an independent entity. Their behavior is far from that premise.
  19. Mathematically the pro democracy coalition still maintain the majority and will form the government when the EC declared the endorsement for 321 MPs next week. The 71 new MPs under investigation will not effect this outcome. There are more junta and ally parties under investigation than the pro democracy coalition. So far, the junta party leaders for PPRP and UTN have not indicate any plans to form the government. May also indicate that Prawit and Prayut respectively are not attempting to stay in politics. Without these 2 incumbents, BJT and DTP are powerless to mount and challenge for the goverment. It is now down to whether Pita can lead the next government or would it be Sreetha who may have less legal hoops to clear and perhaps more acceptable to the senators. Even if Pita is unlikely take the top job position, he can still serve as a senior cabinet minister.
  20. Correct depiction of the politics here. Thailand should not abandon striving towards democracy and try to attain a parlimentary constitutional monarchy like Japan. The military has taken advantage of the fading years of the regime to become powerful and became a sort of quasi government. Majority of Thais hate but fear the military. The next civilian government must work hard to implement laws and confine the military to the rule of law and civilian control. There are new dynamics in play that may perhaps allow the impossible to be possible. I certainly hope so.
  21. The information that you provided could be accurate as it correspond to the official announcement by the EC on 14 June that they have confirmed 330 MPs-elect. The EC will not officially endorse them yet pending results of a probe into another 50 constituency MPs.
  22. What is happening now are a result of laws written by the military government. The election give a chance for a civilian government to re-write those laws. Still it is a political impasse currently though I am not sure who is winning. The dynamics now are very different from the last time both coups were staged.
  23. Strange comment when the just concluded election saw record turnout and a clear message that they want the elites/military government out. In yellow shirts Bangkok, all military and ally parties were voted out. Seem they got off their backsides and did a lot.
  24. There were 41 MPs of which 27 from the PPRP and rest from the coalition parties that owned media shares which the House opposition seek the Court to disqualify them in 2019. I think the court rejected the cases due to technicality. The Court see fit to interpret the law in their own idiosyncratic way. Problem is that it is a requirement for company registration to fill up a standard form with a wide scope of businesses and one of the listed businesses is media. Assuming you register a restaurant business, you likely to have media as one of your businesses.
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