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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Democrat Party said the same thing about not supporting Pita. Pita can't relent and disappoint his supporters. He may come up with a statement to leave LM reform as not his immediate priority but will not placate the oppositions as they unlikely to trust him. I think that opens up a possibility of nominating Sreetha as the PM. His stance on LM is more moderate and maybe more palatable to the senators. Pita will get a senior cabinet post like defence or foreign minister as well as deputy PM. If Sreetha gets the nod, pressure on the BJT and DM to make their pro democracy stand in line with the voters sentiment. I think PTP is in a better position to bring few senators on board.
  2. Worthy reading. The Constitution Transitional Provision (2019) for senate is a good read for interested people. Spelt out the senate term and which body responsible for their appointment. https://www.senate.go.th/assets/portals/1/fileups/419/files/senate Eng.pdf
  3. You cordone the brutalising of youth and student protesters and unwarranted arrests and charges? The youth had their day and didn't fade away in the 2023 election; didn't they. They ignited the dissent for the military government and voted them out.
  4. Apparently you not here in 2020-2021 student and youth demonstrations when numbers were 20,000-100,000 and water cannons were used. The Gen Z demonstrations were confronted by the police, stood the grounds and fought street battles. Didn't melt away as you alleged.
  5. Perhaps the right time to abolish the Senate as a constitutional reform. THailand had unicameral system before.
  6. Because the senate is under the transitory provision of the Constitution and the term expiry are clearly determined. Also the Constitution provision state that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will select and install the senate. NCPO has been dissolved. There is no provision provided for another body to select and install the senate. Technically, there no provision to rid any senators.
  7. Should MFP coalition be the government, I think they will wait till the senates term expire next year before seeking an amendment. That will negate the possible impasse from the senates.
  8. More like partisan checks and imbalances to disrupt the smooth transition of power.
  9. Those senators do not represent the any segment of the citizens as the citizens play no part in their appointment. Seem they represent the elites/military and there to protect their interests not the citizens.
  10. A new dawn for many reasons. The big win by MFP, record voters turn-out, significant political shift, upsetting Pheu Thai, the dissatisfaction of the military dominance, voters desire for change, youths coming out in numbers against a backdrop of ultra conservatives that still hold power. Would this be a Widodo moment when he emerged from Indonesia dominated by military elites to become inspirational President. I certainly hope so after 2 decades of lost economic opportunities and rising inequalities.
  11. Senators were elected in the past and never participated in the choice of PM. Prayut shredded the constitution when he staged the coup and put in place amendments for appointments and joint house voting for PM. He is the reason why Thailand's politics are now being held hostage by the senators.
  12. Pita has indicated quite recently that he does not object cooperating with BJT. If Pheu Thai was the leading party, I don't think they will allow BJT to be in the coalition due to the Newin's betrayal of Thaksin. MFP decision to invite BJT if they so desire will make the decision easier. The lure of ministerial positions will be tempting for Anutin. He gets nothing to be in the opposition. BJT did well in the election coming in third and they should have a role to represent their supporters.
  13. Florida joined the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan in censoring the Disney movie. DeSantis will be proud of this fact.
  14. IMO unlikely that the military coalition can be formed as they simply don’t have the numbers even if they employed the old trick to pay MPs to switch side. Prayut and Anutin have indicted leaving politics and Prawit will soon follow with a privy council role. To pacify the ultra conservative senates, Pita may have to step aside for a more acceptable Sreetha. The new regime will ensure no chaos and unrest in his early reign. All the premonition of unrest and blood unnecessary.
  15. They were all so anxious for criminal convictions but got nothing. Major disappointment for the Maga Republicans hanging on for 4 years to try exonerate Trump.
  16. Thailand had unicameral parlimentary system numerous times since 1932. The bicameral system favoured by the establishment/military strengthened their power. The upper house encapsulates all that is wrong with Thailand political system and their disregards for the basic democratic principle of representation and majority voices. A unicameral system is the solution for Thailand. The financial costs of having the Senators alone is astronomical high of over 1 billion Baht per year which can be better spent for education.
  17. Not from the senators but from BJT as a coalition party for the sake of political expediency.
  18. Move Forward Party will benefit from the experience of Pheu Thai who has been in the government numerous times while Pheu Thai gain benefit from the wide-spread support that Move Forward Party is enjoying. With a clear House majority, it is a win-win opportunity for both to work together.
  19. Technically you not wrong that the 6 parties coalition of 309 MPs will not be enough IF the senators pledged their loyalty to the Generals IF they run. Prayut has been quite cryptic in his post election statement to respect democracy. Prawit is more moderate and has been countering doubts of his political ambition. If both don't particpate, there is a good chance that the senate obstacle will be overcome. Both Ps know that without a House majority, the government can't survive. I think better heads prevail with some prodding from the new boss.
  20. Ahbisit resigned after poor election showing as a result of his decision to work with the military and now Jurin suffered the same fate. The party image has been battered beyond salvation. Pity as they are the oldest party and had some golden years.
  21. Perhaps he been told to respect the election results. Even the army chief decide (told?) to visit US until end of month.
  22. He said that because he was given the green light for the coup and he had direct command over the military as army chief. Not now.
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